def test_list_type_filter(self): tfile = r.TFile.Open( os.path.join(self.test_data_dir, 'multiple_trees_plus_others.root')) elements = list(list_obj(tfile, 'TTree', '1')) self.assertEqual(['tree1'], elements)
def costh_ratios(gfile): """Make the costh ratio plots""" graphs = [ gfile.Get(n) for n in list_obj(gfile, 'TGraph', 'chic_CMS_pol_ptM') ] cans = [] for graph in graphs: ptm_s = graph.GetName().split('_')[-1] ptm = float(ptm_s.replace('p', '.')) leg = setup_legend(0.55, 0.7, 0.88, 0.78) can = mkplot(graph, drawOpt='PE', attr=DATA_ATTR, leg=leg, legEntries=['CMS @ p_{{T}} / M = {:.2f}'.format(ptm)], xRange=[0, 1], xLabel=CTH_LABEL, yRange=[0.2, 0.6], yLabel='#chi_{c2} / #chi_{c1}') model = gfile.Get('chic_pol_ptM_{}'.format(ptm_s)) mkplot(model, can=can, drawOpt='Lsame', leg=leg, legEntries=['model'], legOpt='L') cans.append((ptm_s, can)) return cans
def test_list_type(self): # NOTE: Only checking one file here tfile = r.TFile.Open( os.path.join(self.test_data_dir, 'one_tree_plus_others.root')) elements = list(list_obj(tfile, 'TTree')) self.assertEqual(elements, ['tree1'])
def make_state_prob_plot(rfile, state, var): """ Make a plot comparing (the normalized) state probability distributions in all the bins """ hist_base = r'^{}_JpsiPt_0_{}_([0-9]+)_state_prob$'.format(state, var) hists = [rfile.Get(n) for n in list_obj(rfile, 'TH1D', hist_base)] [h.Scale(1.0 / h.Integral()) for h in hists] can = mkplot(hists, drawOpt='hist', xRange=[0, 1.25], xLabel=get_xlab(state), legPos=[0.83, 0.2, 0.94, 0.2 + 0.04 * len(hists)], legOpt='l', legEntries=['bin {}'.format(i) for i in xrange(len(hists))], yLabel='normalized distributions', logy=True, yRange=[0.0003, None]) mkplot(r.TLine(1, 0, 1, get_y_max(hists) * 1.1), can=can, drawOpt='same', attr=[{ 'color': 12, 'line': 7, 'width': 2 }]) return can
def make_rej_evs_w_state_prob_plot(rfile, state, var): """ Make a plot showing the state probability of the rejected events in all the bins """ hist_base = r'{}_JpsiPt_0_{}_([0-9]+)_state_prob_rej_ev'.format(state, var) hists = [rfile.Get(n) for n in list_obj(rfile, 'TH1D', hist_base)] can = mkplot(hists, drawOpt='PEX0', xRange=[0, 1.25], xLabel=get_xlab(state), legPos=[0.83, 0.2, 0.94, 0.2 + 0.04 * len(hists)], legEntries=['bin {}'.format(i) for i in xrange(len(hists))], yLabel='rejected events', logy=True, yRange=[0.1, None]) mkplot(r.TLine(1, 0, 1, get_y_max(hists) * 1.1), can=can, drawOpt='same', attr=[{ 'color': 12, 'line': 7, 'width': 2 }]) return can
def test_list_filter(self): tfile = r.TFile.Open( os.path.join(self.test_data_dir, 'multiple_trees_plus_others.root')) elements = list(list_obj(tfile, filter_str='1')) for elem in ['tree1', 'hist1']: self.assertTrue(elem in elements) self.assertEqual(len(elements), 2)
def test_list_all(self): # NOTE: Only checking one file here tfile = r.TFile.Open( os.path.join(self.test_data_dir, 'multiple_trees_plus_others.root')) elements = list(list_obj(tfile)) for elem in ['tree1', 'tree2', 'hist1', 'hist2']: self.assertTrue(elem in elements)
def main(args): """Main""" numfile = r.TFile.Open(args.numfile) denomfile = r.TFile.Open(args.denomfile) # use sets so that it is easier to find the histograms with the same names num_hists = set(list_obj(numfile, 'TH1', args.filter)) denom_hists = set(list_obj(denomfile, 'TH1', args.filter)) ratio_hists = num_hists.intersection(denom_hists) outfile = r.TFile(args.outfile, 'update' if args.update else 'recreate') for ratio_n in ratio_hists: logging.debug('Creating: {}'.format(ratio_n)) ratio = divide(numfile.Get(ratio_n), denomfile.Get(ratio_n)) ratio.Write() outfile.Write('', r.TObject.kWriteDelete) outfile.Close()
def get_graphs(gfile): """Get the graphs and the variable for which the graphs are plotted""" graphnames = list_obj(gfile, 'TGraphAsymmErrors', r'v_pt_(n_sig|cl)_') graphs = OrderedDict() for name in graphnames: n_sig = name.split('_')[-1] graphs[n_sig] = gfile.Get(name) var = graphs.values()[0].GetName().split('_')[0] return var, graphs
def determine_bin_variable(rfile): """ Determine whether the ratio has been obtained as a function of costh or phi from the names of the histograms in the file NOTE: very brittle, but works for now """ all_hists = list_obj(rfile, 'TH1D') if all('costh_HX_fold' in h for h in all_hists): return 'costh_HX_fold' if all('phi_HX_fold' in h for h in all_hists): return 'phi_HX_fold'
def main(args): """Main""" if args.verbose: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) else: r.gROOT.ProcessLine('gErrorIgnoreLevel = 1001') histfile = r.TFile.Open(args.inputfile) cond_mkdir(args.outdir) formats = args.extensions.split(',') for hist in list_obj(histfile, 'TH1', args.filter): store_hist(histfile.Get(hist), args.outdir, formats, args.draw_opt, xrange=args.xrange, yrange=args.yrange, zrange=args.zrange, hist_cmd=args.hist_cmd)