コード例 #1
def achieved_wgan_generated_data(input_file,

    X, Y = load_data_from_files_tmp(input_file, sample_ratio, preprocess=True)
    # print('X.shape:', X.shape, ' Y.shape:', np.asarray(Y).shape)
    print('X[0]:', X[0])
    X = normalize_data(X, axis=0, low=-1, high=1, eps=1e-5)
    print('Normalized X[0]:', X[0])
    print('X.shape:', X.shape, ' Y.shape:', np.asarray(Y).shape)
    print('label:', Counter(Y))

    features_selected = [str(i) for i in range(X.shape[1])
                         ]  # re-define new features name, E.g. '0', '1', ...

    show_flg = True
    save_flg = True
    in_size = X.shape[1]
    h_size = 12
    out_size = 1
    dtype = torch.float
    percent = training_set_percent

    mini_batch_size = 50
    epochs = 0  # invalid for my function, can't be str

    root_dir = './original_data_wgan_data_' + '%.2f' % percent + 'percent_' + time.strftime(
        "%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
    if not os.path.exists(root_dir):

    training_set, testing_set = split_data(X, Y, percent)
    print('training percent', percent, ':training_set (Benigin and Attack)',
          training_set[0].shape, ', testing_set (Benigin and Attack)',

    if save_flg:
        test_percent = '%.2f' % (1 - percent)
                             str(percent) + '_training_set.csv'))
                             str(test_percent) + '_testing_set.csv'))

        training_file_lst = [
                         str(percent) + '_origin_training_set.arff'),
                         str(percent) + '_training_set.csv')
                    feature_lst=features_selected)  # add_arff_header
        testing_file_lst = [
                         str(test_percent) + '_origin_testing_set.arff'),
                         str(test_percent) + '_testing_set.csv')
                    feature_lst=features_selected)  # add_arff_header

    nn_size_lst = [in_size, h_size, out_size]

    for i in range(2):
        if i == 0:
            data_flg = 'benign_data'
            data_flg = 'attack_data'
        wgan = WGAN((training_set[0], training_set[1]), nn_size_lst,
                    mini_batch_size, epochs, show_flg, data_flg, critic,

        # wgan.train()

        input = torch.randn((1000, in_size // 10))
        gen_data = wgan.G(input)

        output_file = os.path.join(root_dir,
                                   str(percent) + '_gen_' + data_flg + '.csv')
        # print('data_flg ',data_flg)
        if data_flg == 'benign_data':
            data_type = '1'
            save_data(gen_data, data_type, output_file)
            data_type = '0'
            save_data(gen_data, data_type, output_file)

        ## merge files
    all_file_lst = [
                     str(percent) +
                     '_all_in_one_file.csv.arff'),  # all_in_one_arff_file
                     str(percent) +
                     '_training_set.csv'),  # original_training_set_file
                     str(percent) +
                     '_gen_benign_data.csv'),  # gen_benign_data_file
                     str(percent) + '_gen_attack_data.csv')
    ]  # gen_attack_data_file

    return all_file_lst
コード例 #2
def achieve_reduced_features_data(input_file, epochs=1):

    start_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime())
    st = time.time()
    print('It starts at ', start_time)
    # ----be careful with the ' ' in items
    # all_features= "Flow ID, Source IP, Source Port, Destination IP, Destination Port, Protocol, Timestamp, Flow Duration," \
    #                " Total Fwd Packets, Total Backward Packets,Total Length of Fwd Packets, Total Length of Bwd Packets," \
    #                " Fwd Packet Length Max, Fwd Packet Length Min, Fwd Packet Length Mean, Fwd Packet Length Std," \
    #                "Bwd Packet Length Max, Bwd Packet Length Min, Bwd Packet Length Mean, Bwd Packet Length Std,Flow Bytes/s," \
    #                " Flow Packets/s, Flow IAT Mean, Flow IAT Std, Flow IAT Max, Flow IAT Min,Fwd IAT Total, Fwd IAT Mean," \
    #                " Fwd IAT Std, Fwd IAT Max, Fwd IAT Min,Bwd IAT Total, Bwd IAT Mean, Bwd IAT Std, Bwd IAT Max, Bwd IAT Min," \
    #                "Fwd PSH Flags, Bwd PSH Flags, Fwd URG Flags, Bwd URG Flags, Fwd Header Length, Bwd Header Length," \
    #                "Fwd Packets/s, Bwd Packets/s, Min Packet Length, Max Packet Length, Packet Length Mean, Packet Length Std," \
    #                " Packet Length Variance,FIN Flag Count, SYN Flag Count, RST Flag Count, PSH Flag Count, ACK Flag Count," \
    #                " URG Flag Count, CWE Flag Count, ECE Flag Count, Down/Up Ratio, Average Packet Size, Avg Fwd Segment Size," \
    #                " Avg Bwd Segment Size, Fwd Header Length,Fwd Avg Bytes/Bulk, Fwd Avg Packets/Bulk, Fwd Avg Bulk Rate," \
    #                " Bwd Avg Bytes/Bulk, Bwd Avg Packets/Bulk,Bwd Avg Bulk Rate,Subflow Fwd Packets, Subflow Fwd Bytes," \
    #                " Subflow Bwd Packets, Subflow Bwd Bytes,Init_Win_bytes_forward, Init_Win_bytes_backward, act_data_pkt_fwd," \
    #                " min_seg_size_forward,Active Mean, Active Std, Active Max, Active Min,Idle Mean, Idle Std, Idle Max, Idle Min," \
    #                " Label"
    selected_features = " Source Port, Destination Port, Protocol, Flow Duration," \
                        " Total Fwd Packets, Total Backward Packets,Total Length of Fwd Packets, Total Length of Bwd Packets," \
                        " Fwd Packet Length Max, Fwd Packet Length Min, Fwd Packet Length Mean, Fwd Packet Length Std," \
                        "Bwd Packet Length Max, Bwd Packet Length Min, Bwd Packet Length Mean, Bwd Packet Length Std,Flow Bytes/s," \
                        " Flow Packets/s, Flow IAT Mean, Flow IAT Std, Flow IAT Max, Flow IAT Min,Fwd IAT Total, Fwd IAT Mean," \
                        " Fwd IAT Std, Fwd IAT Max, Fwd IAT Min,Bwd IAT Total, Bwd IAT Mean, Bwd IAT Std, Bwd IAT Max, Bwd IAT Min," \
                        "Fwd PSH Flags, Bwd PSH Flags, Fwd URG Flags, Bwd URG Flags, Fwd Header Length, Bwd Header Length," \
                        "Fwd Packets/s, Bwd Packets/s, Min Packet Length, Max Packet Length, Packet Length Mean, Packet Length Std," \
                        " Packet Length Variance,FIN Flag Count, SYN Flag Count, RST Flag Count, PSH Flag Count, ACK Flag Count," \
                        " URG Flag Count, CWE Flag Count, ECE Flag Count, Down/Up Ratio, Average Packet Size, Avg Fwd Segment Size," \
                        " Avg Bwd Segment Size, Fwd Header Length,Fwd Avg Bytes/Bulk, Fwd Avg Packets/Bulk, Fwd Avg Bulk Rate," \
                        " Bwd Avg Bytes/Bulk, Bwd Avg Packets/Bulk,Bwd Avg Bulk Rate,Subflow Fwd Packets, Subflow Fwd Bytes," \
                        " Subflow Bwd Packets, Subflow Bwd Bytes,Init_Win_bytes_forward, Init_Win_bytes_backward, act_data_pkt_fwd," \
                        " min_seg_size_forward,Active Mean, Active Std, Active Max, Active Min,Idle Mean, Idle Std, Idle Max, Idle Min"

    # input_file = '../original_data_no_sample/Wednesday-workingHours.pcap_ISCX_demo.csv'
    output_file = '../original_data_no_sample/features_selected_Wednesday-workingHours.pcap_ISCX.csv'
    invalid_file = '../original_data_no_sample/invalid_data_Wednesday-workingHours.pcap_ISCX.csv'
    selected_features_list = selected_features.split(',')
    _, _, output_file = select_features_from_file(input_file,
                                                  output_file, invalid_file)
    X, Y = load_data_from_file(output_file)
    new_X = normalize_data(X, axis=0, low=-1, high=1, eps=1e-5)
    new_Y = change_labels(Y, labels=[1, 0])  # 'BENIGN=1, others=0'
    output_file = '../original_data_no_sample/features_selected_Normalized_Wednesday-workingHours.pcap_ISCX.csv'
    save_data_in_autoencoder(new_X, new_Y, output_file)

    model = AutoEncoder(new_X, new_Y, epochs)
    # 1. train model
    # torch.save(model.state_dict(), './sim_autoencoder.pth')

    # 2. encoding data and save the encoding data
    reduced_output_file = '../original_data_no_sample/features_selected_Normalized_Reduced_data_Wednesday-workingHours.pcap_ISCX.csv'
    reduced_features_data = model.encoder(torch.Tensor(new_X))
    reduced_features_data = normalize_data(reduced_features_data.tolist(),
    save_data_in_autoencoder(reduced_features_data, new_Y, reduced_output_file)

    end_time = time.strftime('%Y-%h-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime())
    print('It ends at ', end_time)
    print('All takes %.4f s', time.time() - st)

    return reduced_output_file
コード例 #3
        'Bwd IAT Total', ' Bwd IAT Mean', ' Bwd IAT Std', ' Bwd IAT Min',
        'Fwd PSH Flags', ' Bwd PSH Flags', ' Fwd URG Flags',
        ' Fwd Header Length', ' Bwd Packets/s', ' Packet Length Mean',
        ' ACK Flag Count', ' Down/Up Ratio', ' Avg Fwd Segment Size',
        ' Fwd Header Length.1', 'Fwd Avg Bytes/Bulk', ' Fwd Avg Packets/Bulk',
        ' Bwd Avg Bytes/Bulk', 'Bwd Avg Bulk Rate', 'Subflow Fwd Packets',
        ' Subflow Fwd Bytes', 'Init_Win_bytes_forward', ' act_data_pkt_fwd',
        ' Active Std', ' Active Min', ' Idle Max'
    X, Y = load_data(input_file, features_selected, output_file)
    # output_file = '../original_data_no_sample/Wednesday-workingHours.pcap_ISCX_feature_selected.csv'
    # X, Y= load_data_from_files(output_file, sample_ratio=0.05, preprocess=True)
    # print('X.shape:', X.shape, ' Y.shape:', np.asarray(Y).shape)
    print('X[0]:', X[0])
    X = normalize_data(X, axis=0, low=-1, high=1, eps=1e-5)
    print('Normalized X[0]:', X[0])
    print('X.shape:', X.shape, ' Y.shape:', np.asarray(Y).shape)
    print('label:', Counter(Y))

    show_flg = True
    save_flg = True
    in_size = 41
    h_size = 64
    out_size = 1
    dtype = torch.float
    percent = 0.05
    root_dir = './sample_wgan_data_' + str(
        percent) + 'percent_' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S",
    if not os.path.exists(root_dir):