コード例 #1
    def test_visible_properties(self):
        EC_width, EC_height = 16, 32
        width, height, num_frames = 48, 64, 128
        num_EC = (width * height) / (EC_width * EC_height)
        template = templates.PacketTemplate(EC_width, EC_height, width, height,
        self.assertEqual(EC_width, template.EC_width)
        self.assertEqual(EC_height, template.EC_height)
        self.assertEqual(width, template.frame_width)
        self.assertEqual(height, template.frame_height)
        self.assertEqual(int(width / EC_width), template.num_cols)
        self.assertEqual(int(height / EC_height), template.num_rows)
        self.assertEqual(num_EC, template.num_EC)
        self.assertEqual(num_frames, template.num_frames)
        self.assertEqual((num_frames, height, width), template.packet_shape)

        # test creating a template from incosistent properties
        ## first: negative values
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, templates.PacketTemplate, -1, EC_height,
                          width, height, num_frames)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, templates.PacketTemplate, EC_width, -1,
                          width, height, num_frames)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, templates.PacketTemplate, EC_width,
                          EC_height, -1, height, num_frames)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, templates.PacketTemplate, EC_width,
                          EC_height, width, -1, num_frames)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, templates.PacketTemplate, EC_width,
                          EC_height, width, height, -1)

        # second: width and height that are not evenly divisible by EC_width or EC_height respectively
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, templates.PacketTemplate, EC_height + 1,
                          EC_width, width, height, num_frames)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, templates.PacketTemplate, EC_height,
                          EC_width + 1, width, height, num_frames)
コード例 #2
 def test_equality_check(self):
     EC_width, EC_height = 16, 32
     width, height, num_frames = 48, 64, 128
     template = templates.PacketTemplate(EC_width, EC_height, width, height,
     template2 = templates.PacketTemplate(EC_width, EC_height, width,
                                          height, num_frames)
     self.assertEqual(template, template2)
     template2 = templates.PacketTemplate(EC_width, EC_height,
                                          width + EC_width, height,
     self.assertNotEqual(template, template2)
     template2 = templates.PacketTemplate(EC_width, EC_height, width,
                                          height + EC_height, num_frames)
     self.assertNotEqual(template, template2)
     template2 = templates.PacketTemplate(EC_width, EC_height, width,
                                          height, num_frames + 1)
     self.assertNotEqual(template, template2)
コード例 #3
    def test_property_checking(self):
        gtu, w, h, ec_w, ec_h = 128, 64, 48, 32, 16
        template = templates.PacketTemplate(ec_w, ec_h, w, h, gtu)
        start_x, start_y, start_gtu = (3, 5), (1, 10), (2, 4)
        duration, shower_max = (2, 10), (7, 15)
        shower_template = templates.SimulatedShowerTemplate(
            template, duration, shower_max)

        # start_x lower bound is less than 0, upper bound is less than lower bound or upper bound is larger than frame width
        self._assert_set_prop_raises(shower_template, 'start_x',
                                     (-start_x[0], start_x[1]), ValueError)
        self._assert_set_prop_raises(shower_template, 'start_x',
                                     (start_x[1], start_x[0]), ValueError)
        self._assert_set_prop_raises(shower_template, 'start_x',
                                     (start_x[0], w + 1), ValueError)
        self._assert_set_prop_not_raises(shower_template, 'start_x', start_x)
        # start_y lower bound is less than 0, upper bound is less than lower bound or upper bound is larger than frame height
        self._assert_set_prop_raises(shower_template, 'start_y',
                                     (-start_y[0], start_y[1]), ValueError)
        self._assert_set_prop_raises(shower_template, 'start_y',
                                     (start_y[1], start_y[0]), ValueError)
        self._assert_set_prop_raises(shower_template, 'start_y',
                                     (start_y[0], h + 1), ValueError)
        self._assert_set_prop_not_raises(shower_template, 'start_y', start_y)
        # start_gtu lower bound is less than 0, upper bound is less than lower bound or upper bound is larger than number of frames
        self._assert_set_prop_raises(shower_template, 'start_gtu',
                                     (-start_gtu[0], start_gtu[1]), ValueError)
        self._assert_set_prop_raises(shower_template, 'start_gtu',
                                     (start_gtu[1], start_gtu[0]), ValueError)
        self._assert_set_prop_raises(shower_template, 'start_gtu',
                                     (start_gtu[0], gtu + 1), ValueError)
        self._assert_set_prop_not_raises(shower_template, 'start_gtu',
        # duration lower bound is less than 1, upper bound is less than lower bound or upper bound is larger than the number of frames
        self._assert_set_prop_raises(shower_template, 'shower_duration',
                                     (0, duration[1]), ValueError)
        self._assert_set_prop_raises(shower_template, 'shower_duration',
                                     (duration[1], duration[0]), ValueError)
        self._assert_set_prop_raises(shower_template, 'shower_duration',
                                     (duration[0], gtu + 1), ValueError)
        self._assert_set_prop_not_raises(shower_template, 'duration', duration)
        # bg_diff lower bound is less than 1 or upper bound is less than lower bound
        self._assert_set_prop_raises(shower_template, 'shower_max',
                                     (0, shower_max[1]), ValueError)
        self._assert_set_prop_raises(shower_template, 'shower_max',
                                     (shower_max[1], shower_max[0]),
        self._assert_set_prop_not_raises(shower_template, 'shower_max',
コード例 #4
    def test_equality_check(self):
        gtu, w, h, ec_w, ec_h = 128, 64, 48, 32, 16
        t = templates.PacketTemplate(ec_w, ec_h, w, h, gtu)

        lam, bec = (0.1, 0.6), (1, 2)
        bg_temp = templates.SyntheticBackgroundTemplate(t,
        bg_temp2 = templates.SyntheticBackgroundTemplate(t,
        self.assertEqual(bg_temp, bg_temp2)
        bg_temp2.bg_lambda_range = (0.2, 0.6)
        self.assertNotEqual(bg_temp, bg_temp2)
        bg_temp2.bg_lambda_range = lam
        bg_temp2.bad_ECs_range = (3, 4)
        self.assertNotEqual(bg_temp, bg_temp2)
コード例 #5
    def test_simu_shower(self):
        EC_width, EC_height = 16, 32
        width, height, num_frames = 48, 64, 20
        template = templates.PacketTemplate(EC_width, EC_height, width, height, num_frames)
        generator = gen.FlatValsGenerator(20, 10)

        angles         = [45, 135, 225, 315, 45, 135, 225, 315]
        start_xs       = [0, width-1, width-1, 0, width-3, 3, 3, width-3]
        start_ys       = [0, 0, height-1, height-1, height-3, height-3, 3, 3]
        start_gtus     = [3, 6, 2, 0, 10, 2, 1, 6]
        durations      = [10, 7, 12, 12, 5, 6, 16, 11]
        num_iterations = [10, 7, 12, 12, 5, 5, 5, 5]
        maximums       = [20, 10, 30, 15, 7, 10, 2, 16]
        num_data       = len(start_xs)

        for data_idx in range(num_data):
            packet = np.ones((num_frames, height, width))
            reference_packet = np.ones((num_frames, height, width))
            start_x, start_y, start_gtu = start_xs[data_idx], start_ys[data_idx], start_gtus[data_idx]
            start = (start_gtu, start_y, start_x)
            angle, duration, shower_max = angles[data_idx], durations[data_idx], maximums[data_idx]
            iterations = num_iterations[data_idx]

            generator.reset(shower_max, duration)
            GTU, Y, X, vals = sdutils.create_simu_shower_line(angle, start, template, generator)
            packet[GTU, Y, X] += vals

            # create reference data to compare the method call results to
            ang_rad = math.radians(angle)
            delta_x, delta_y = math.cos(ang_rad), math.sin(ang_rad)
            gtu_idx = start_gtu
            ref_X, ref_Y, ref_GTU = [], [], []
            ref_vals = tuple([shower_max,] * iterations)
            for idx in range(iterations):
                y, x = int(start_y+delta_y*idx), int(start_x+delta_x*idx)
                reference_packet[gtu_idx, y, x] += shower_max
                ref_X.append(x); ref_Y.append(y)
                gtu_idx += 1
            self.assertTupleEqual(tuple(ref_X), X)
            self.assertTupleEqual(tuple(ref_Y), Y)
            self.assertTupleEqual(tuple(ref_GTU), GTU)
            self.assertTupleEqual(tuple(ref_vals), vals)
            self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(packet, reference_packet),
                            msg="Packets at iteration {} are not equal".format(data_idx))
コード例 #6
 def setUpClass(cls):
     # mock filenames
     cls.srcfile, cls.triggerfile = "srcfile", None
     # packet template for the functions
     ec_width, ec_height = 16, 32
     width, height, num_frames = 48, 64, 20
     cls.template = templates.PacketTemplate(ec_width, ec_height, width,
                                             height, num_frames)
     # the packets as used in the functions
     n_packets = 2
     cls.packets = np.ones((n_packets * num_frames, height, width),
     cls.packets[0, 0, 0] = 10
     cls.packets[num_frames, 0, 0] = 2
     cls.expected_packets_shape = (n_packets, num_frames, height, width)
     cls.expected_packets = cls.packets.reshape(cls.expected_packets_shape)
     # the extractor object
     cls.extractor = io_utils.PacketExtractor(packet_template=cls.template)
コード例 #7
 def test_unit_conversions(self):
     EC_width, EC_height = 16, 32
     width, height, num_frames = 48, 64, 128
     template = templates.PacketTemplate(EC_width, EC_height, width, height,
     xs = [0, 10, 21, 30, 21, 40, 0]
     ys = [10, 0, 1, 42, 10, 50, 0]
     ec_ids = [0, 0, 1, 4, 1, 5, 0]
     ec_xys = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [1, 0], [2, 1], [0, 0]]
     for idx in range(len(xs)):
         x, y, ec_x, ec_y, ec_idx = xs[idx], ys[idx], ec_xys[idx][
             0], ec_xys[idx][1], ec_ids[idx]
         self.assertEqual(template.x_to_ec_x(x), ec_x)
         self.assertEqual(template.y_to_ec_y(y), ec_y)
         self.assertEqual(template.ec_idx_to_ec_xy(ec_idx), (ec_x, ec_y))
         self.assertEqual(template.xy_to_ec_idx(x, y), ec_idx)
         self.assertEqual(template.ec_xy_to_ec_idx(ec_x, ec_y), ec_idx)
                           (slice(16, 32), slice(0, 32)))
コード例 #8
    def test_EC_error(self):
        EC_width, EC_height = 16, 32
        width, height, num_frames = 48, 64, 20
        num_EC = int((width * height) / (EC_width * EC_height))
        shower_ec_indexes = [2, 5]
        template = templates.PacketTemplate(EC_width, EC_height, width, height, num_frames)
        packet = np.ones((num_frames, height, width))

        # case 1: method should terminate without selecting any ECs at all
        X, Y, ECs = sdutils.select_random_ECs(template, 0, excluded_ECs=shower_ec_indexes)
        self._fill_EC_with_zeros(packet, X, Y)
                packet, np.ones((num_frames, height, width))
        X, Y, ECs = sdutils.select_random_ECs(template, 0, excluded_ECs=[])
        self._fill_EC_with_zeros(packet, X, Y)
                packet, np.ones((num_frames, height, width))

        # case 2: method should select all ECs except the rightmost 2 EC cells
        X, Y, ECs = sdutils.select_random_ECs(template, num_EC - len(shower_ec_indexes), excluded_ECs=shower_ec_indexes)
        self._fill_EC_with_zeros(packet, X, Y)
        for frame in packet:
            self.assertEqual(np.count_nonzero(frame), EC_width*EC_height*(len(shower_ec_indexes)))
                    frame[0:2*EC_height, 0:2*EC_width], np.zeros((height, width - EC_width))

        # case 3: if more malfunctioned ECs are requested than possible without selecting ECs in excluded_ECs, then settle for num_EC - len(excluded_ECs)
        packet = np.ones((num_frames, width, height))
        ## only one possible EC can malfunction
        shower_ec_indexes = range(1, num_EC)
        X, Y, ECs = sdutils.select_random_ECs(template, num_EC, excluded_ECs=shower_ec_indexes)
        self._fill_EC_with_zeros(packet, X, Y)
        for frame in packet:
            self.assertEqual(np.count_nonzero(frame), width*height - EC_width*EC_height)
                    frame[0:EC_height, 0:EC_width], np.zeros((EC_height, EC_width))
コード例 #9
    def test_property_generators(self):
        gtu, w, h, ec_w, ec_h = 128, 64, 48, 32, 16
        template = templates.PacketTemplate(ec_w, ec_h, w, h, gtu)
        sx, sy, sg = 3, 10, 2
        d, m = 7, 15
        shower_template = templates.SimulatedShowerTemplate(template, (d, d),
                                                            (m, m),
                                                            start_x=(sx, sx),
                                                            start_y=(sy, sy),
                                                            start_gtu=(sg, sg))
        # if MIN == MAX, returned value should never change
        for idx in range(10):
                                  (sg, sy, sx))
            self.assertEqual(shower_template.get_new_shower_max(), m)
            self.assertEqual(shower_template.get_new_shower_duration(), d)

        sx, sy, sg = (3, 5), (1, 10), (2, 4)
        d, m = (2, 10), (7, 15)
        shower_template.start_x, shower_template.start_y = sx, sy
        shower_template.start_gtu = sg
        shower_template.shower_duration, shower_template.shower_max = d, m
        # if MIN != MAX, returned values should be within a certain range
        for idx in range(10):
            start_gtu, start_y, start_x = shower_template.get_new_start_coordinate(
            self.assertGreaterEqual(start_gtu, sg[0])
            self.assertGreaterEqual(start_y, sy[0])
            self.assertGreaterEqual(start_x, sx[0])
            self.assertLessEqual(start_gtu, sg[1])
            self.assertLessEqual(start_y, sy[1])
            self.assertLessEqual(start_x, sx[1])
            shower_max = shower_template.get_new_shower_max()
            self.assertGreaterEqual(shower_max, m[0])
            self.assertLessEqual(shower_max, m[1])
            duration = shower_template.get_new_shower_duration()
            self.assertGreaterEqual(duration, d[0])
            self.assertLessEqual(duration, d[1])
コード例 #10
    def test_equality_check(self):
        gtu, w, h, ec_w, ec_h = 128, 64, 48, 32, 16
        template = templates.PacketTemplate(ec_w, ec_h, w, h, gtu)
        sx, sy, sg = (3, 5), (1, 10), (2, 4)
        d, m = (2, 10), (7, 15)
        shower_template = templates.SimulatedShowerTemplate(template,
        shower_template2 = templates.SimulatedShowerTemplate(template,
        self.assertEqual(shower_template, shower_template2)

        shower_template2.start_x = (sx[0], sx[1] + 1)
        self.assertNotEqual(shower_template, shower_template2)
        shower_template2.start_x = sx
        shower_template2.start_y = (sy[0], sy[1] + 1)
        self.assertNotEqual(shower_template, shower_template2)
        shower_template2.start_y = sy
        shower_template2.start_gtu = (sg[0], sg[1] + 1)
        self.assertNotEqual(shower_template, shower_template2)
        shower_template2.start_gtu = sg
        shower_template2.shower_duration = (d[0], d[1] + 1)
        self.assertNotEqual(shower_template, shower_template2)
        shower_template2.shower_duration = d
        shower_template2.shower_max = (m[0], m[1] + 1)
        self.assertNotEqual(shower_template, shower_template2)
        shower_template2.shower_max = m
        shower_template2.values_generator = gen.FlatValsGenerator(10, 10)
        self.assertNotEqual(shower_template, shower_template2)
コード例 #11
ファイル: args.py プロジェクト: PeterSzakacs/convnet_euso
 def packet_arg_to_template(self, args):
     n_gtu, f_h, f_w, ec_h, ec_w = getattr(args, self.long_alias, None)[0:5]
     return templates.PacketTemplate(ec_w, ec_h, f_w, f_h, n_gtu)
コード例 #12
ファイル: io_utils.py プロジェクト: PeterSzakacs/convnet_euso
 def __init__(self,
              packet_template=templates.PacketTemplate(16, 16, 48, 48,
     self.packet_template = packet_template