def get(self): if current_cookie_user(self): user = current_cookie_user(self) admin_screen_name = db.get_user(login_name='admin').screen_name if user == admin_screen_name: db.init(force=True) self.redirect('/') else: self.redirect('/admin')
def startup(self): """预先初始化某些工作,数据库链接放这里""" db.init()
def handle(self, *args, **options): t00 = time() qid = options['qid'] K = options['K'] alpha = options['alpha'] n_features = options['n_features'] limit = options['limit'] ng = options['ng'] n_samples = options['n_samples'] # Get the docs from the query docs = Doc.objects.filter(query=qid,content__iregex='\w') # if we are limiting, probably for testing, then do that if limit > 0: docs = docs[:limit] print('\n###############################\ \n## Doing NMF on query {} with {} documents \ and {} topics\n'.format(qid, docs.count(),K)) # Get the docs into lists abstracts, docsizes, ids = proc_docs(docs, stoplist) ############################################# # Use tf-idf features for NMF. print("Extracting tf-idf features for NMF...") tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.97, min_df=2, max_features=n_features, ngram_range=(ng,ng), tokenizer=snowball_stemmer(), stop_words=stoplist) t0 = time() tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(abstracts) print("done in %0.3fs." % (time() - t0)) del abstracts gc.collect() run_id = db.init(n_features) stat = RunStats.objects.get(run_id=run_id) stat.query = Query.objects.get(pk=qid) stat.method = "NM" stat.alpha = alpha stat.process_id = os.getpid() # Get the vocab, add it to db vocab = tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names() vocab_ids = [] pool = Pool(processes=8) vocab_ids.append(,run_id=run_id),vocab)) pool.terminate() del vocab vocab_ids = vocab_ids[0] ## Make some topics django.db.connections.close_all() topic_ids = db.add_topics(K, run_id) gc.collect() # Fit the NMF model print("Fitting the NMF model with tf-idf features, " "n_samples=%d and n_features=%d..." % (n_samples, n_features)) t0 = time() nmf = NMF(n_components=K, random_state=1, alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=.5, verbose=True, init='nndsvd', max_iter=500).fit(tfidf) print("done in %0.3fs." % (time() - t0)) ## Add topics terms print("Adding topicterms to db") t0 = time() ldalambda = find(csr_matrix(nmf.components_)) topics = range(len(ldalambda[0])) tts = [] pool = Pool(processes=8) tts.append(, m=ldalambda, v_ids=vocab_ids,t_ids=topic_ids,run_id=run_id),topics)) pool.terminate() tts = flatten(tts) gc.collect() sys.stdout.flush() django.db.connections.close_all() TopicTerm.objects.bulk_create(tts) print("done in %0.3fs." % (time() - t0)) ## Add topic-docs gamma = find(csr_matrix(nmf.transform(tfidf))) glength = len(gamma[0]) chunk_size = 100000 ps = 16 parallel_add = True all_dts = [] make_t = 0 add_t = 0 ### Go through in chunks for i in range(glength//chunk_size+1): dts = [] values_list = [] f = i*chunk_size l = (i+1)*chunk_size if l > glength: l = glength docs = range(f,l) doc_batches = [] for p in range(ps): doc_batches.append([x for x in docs if x % ps == p]) pool = Pool(processes=ps) make_t0 = time() values_list.append( db.f_gamma_batch, gamma=gamma, docsizes=docsizes,docUTset=ids,topic_ids=topic_ids, run_id=run_id ),doc_batches)) #dts.append(, gamma=gamma, # docsizes=docsizes,docUTset=ids,topic_ids=topic_ids),doc_batches)) pool.terminate() make_t += time() - make_t0 django.db.connections.close_all() add_t0 = time() values_list = [item for sublist in values_list for item in sublist] pool = Pool(processes=ps),values_list) pool.terminate() add_t += time() - add_t0 gc.collect() sys.stdout.flush() stat.error = nmf.reconstruction_err_ stat.errortype = "Frobenius" stat.iterations = nmf.n_iter_ management.call_command('update_run',run_id) totalTime = time() - t00 tm = int(totalTime//60) ts = int(totalTime-(tm*60)) print("done! total time: " + str(tm) + " minutes and " + str(ts) + " seconds") print("a maximum of " + str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss / 1000) + " MB was used")