def insert_db(rows): err_row = None try: i = 0 with db_utils.get_connect() as con: cur = con.cursor() for row in rows: err_row = row result = cur.execute( """insert into cb_index_history( date, mid_price, avg_premium) values(:date, :mid_price, :avg_premium)""", { 'date': row['date'], 'mid_price': row['mid_price'], 'avg_premium': row['avg_premium'] }) if result.rowcount != 1: print('insert db_index is failure. row:' + row['date']) else: i += 1 print("insert db_index is complete. count:" + str(i)) except Exception as e: # cur_file.close() print("db操作出现异常. err_row" + str(err_row), e) raise e
def query_database_view(): table_html = '' sql_code = '' table_height_style = '' if len(request.form) > 0: sql_code = request.form['sql_code'] if sql_code is None or sql_code.strip(' ') == '': raise Exception('SQL不能为空') if not sql_code.lower().strip().startswith('select'): raise Exception("仅允许select操作") db_type = request.form['db_type'] cur = None if db_type == 'daily': with get_daily_connect() as con: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(sql_code) else: with get_connect() as con: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(sql_code) table = from_db_cursor(cur) if table.rowcount > 10: table_height_style = """style="height:500px" """ table_html = utils.table_html_utils.build_table_html(table) return render_template("query_database.html", table_html=table_html, sql_code=sql_code, table_height_style=table_height_style)
def save_db_data(): # 删除整个db if os.path.exists(db_file_path): os.unlink(db_file_path) # 获取文件(字符串?) file = request.files['file'] s ='utf-8') # 灌入上传的数据 with get_connect() as con: con.executescript(s) return 'OK'
def download_cb_data(): today = ymd = today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') file_name = 'dump/data_' + ymd + '.sql' with open(file_name, 'w') as f: with get_connect() as con: for line in con.iterdump(): f.write('%s\n' % line) # 需要知道2个参数, 第1个参数是本地目录的path, 第2个参数是文件名(带扩展名) directory = os.getcwd() # 假设在当前目录 return send_from_directory(directory, file_name, as_attachment=True)
def execute_sql(): sql_code = request.form['sql_code'] db_type = request.form['db_type'] if sql_code is None or sql_code.strip(' ') == '': raise Exception('SQL不能为空') if not sql_code.lower().strip().startswith('update') and not sql_code.lower().strip().startswith('insert'): raise Exception("仅允许update/insert操作") if db_type == 'daily': with get_daily_connect() as con: con.executescript(sql_code) else: with get_connect() as con: con.executescript(sql_code) return 'OK'
def update_idx_data(): driver = get_chrome_driver("", 15) table = driver.find_element_by_id('table_cb_index_body') s = table.text lines = s.splitlines() rows = [] for line in lines: ss = line.split() d = ss[0] idx_data = ss[1] row = {'date': d, 'idx_data': idx_data} rows.append(row) driver.close() err_row = None try: i = 0 with db_utils.get_connect() as con: cur = con.cursor() for row in rows: err_row = row result = cur.execute( """update cb_index_history set idx_data = :idx_data where strftime('%Y-%m-%d', date) = :date""", { 'date': row['date'], 'idx_data': row['idx_data'] }) if result.rowcount != 1: print('update db_index is failure. row:' + row['date']) else: i += 1 print("update db_index is complete. count:" + str(i)) except Exception as e: # cur_file.close() print("db操作出现异常. err_row" + str(err_row), e) raise e
def create_db(): with db_utils.get_connect() as con: # 只执行一次 con.executescript(""" drop table if exists stock_report; create table if not exists stock_report( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, bond_code text NOT NULL, cb_name_id text NOT NULL, stock_code text NOT NULL, stock_name text NOT NULL, last_date text NOT NULL, revenue real, qoq_revenue_rate real, yoy_revenue_rate real, net real, qoq_net_rate real, yoy_net_rate real, margin real, qoq_margin_rate real, yoy_margin_rate real, roe real, qoq_roe_rate real, yoy_roe_rate real, al_ratio real, qoq_rl_ratio_rate real, yoy_al_ratio_rate real, pe real )""") print("create db is successful")
def create_db(): # 使用:memory:标识打开的是内存数据库 # con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") with db_utils.get_connect() as con: # 使用executescript可以执行多个脚本 con.executescript(""" drop table if exists changed_bond; create table if not exists changed_bond( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, cb_num_id int NOT NULL, bond_code text NOT NULL, cb_name_id text NOT NULL, bond_date_id text NOT NULL, stock_code text NOT NULL, stock_name text NOT NULL, industry text NOT NULL, sub_industry text NOT NULL, cb_price2_id real NOT NULL, cb_mov2_id real NOT NULL, cb_mov3_id real NOT NULL, stock_price_id real NOT NULL, cb_mov_id real NOT NULL, cb_price3_id real NOT NULL, cb_strike_id real NOT NULL, cb_premium_id real NOT NULL, cb_value_id real NOT NULL, cb_t_id text NOT NULL, bond_t1 text NOT NULL, red_t text NOT NULL, remain_amount real NOT NULL, cb_trade_amount_id real NOT NULL, cb_trade_amount2_id real NOT NULL, cb_to_share real NOT NULL, cb_to_share_shares real NOT NULL, market_cap real NOT NULL, stock_pb real NOT NULL, BT_yield real NOT NULL, AT_yield real NOT NULL, BT_red real, AT_red real, npv_red real NOT NULL, npv_value real NOT NULL, rating text NOT NULL, discount_rate real NOT NULL, elasticity real NOT NULL, cb_ol_value real NOT NULL, cb_ol_rank int NOT NULL, cb_nl_value real NOT NULL, cb_nl_rank int NOT NULL, cb_ma20_deviate real NOT NULL, cb_hot int NOT NULL, duration real, enforce_get text, buy_back int, down_revise int, data_id INTEGER, pinyin text, declare_desc text, enforce_start_date date, -- 强赎起始日 enforce_stop_date date, -- 不强赎截止日 enforce_declare_date date, -- 强赎宣告日 enforce_last_date date, -- 强赎最后交易日 enforce_price real -- 强赎价格 )""")