コード例 #1
ファイル: upgrade_helper.py プロジェクト: pvaduva/auto_test
def ensure_host_provisioned(host, con_ssh=None):
    check if host is provisioned.

        host (str): hostname or id in string format
        con_ssh (SSHClient):

    Returns: (return_code(int), msg(str))   # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 only returns when fail_ok=True
        (0, "Host is host is provisioned)
    LOG.info("Checking if host {} is already provisioned ....".format(host))
    if is_host_provisioned(host, con_ssh=None):
        return 0, "Host {} is provisioned"
    active_controller = system_helper.get_active_controller_name()
    conter_swact_back = False
    if active_controller == host:
        LOG.tc_step("Swact active controller and ensure active controller is changed")
        exit_code, output = swact_host(hostname=active_controller)
        assert 0 == exit_code, "{} is not recognized as active controller".format(active_controller)
        active_controller = system_helper.get_active_controller_name()
        conter_swact_back = True

    LOG.info("Host {} not provisioned ; doing lock/unlock to provision the host ....".format(host))
    rc, output = lock_host(host, con_ssh=con_ssh)
    if rc != 0 and rc != -1:
        err_msg = "Lock host {} rejected".format(host)
        raise exceptions.HostError(err_msg)

    rc, output = unlock_host(host, available_only=True, con_ssh=con_ssh)
    if rc != 0:
        err_msg = "Unlock host {} failed: {}".format(host, output)
        raise exceptions.HostError(err_msg)
    if conter_swact_back:
        LOG.tc_step("Swact active controller back and ensure active controller is changed")
        exit_code, output = swact_host(hostname=active_controller)
        assert 0 == exit_code, "{} is not recognized as active controller".format(active_controller)

    LOG.info("Checking if host {} is provisioned after lock/unlock ....".format(host))
    if not is_host_provisioned(host, con_ssh=None):
        raise exceptions.HostError("Failed to provision host {}")
    # Delay for the alarm to clear . Could be improved.
    return 0, "Host {} is provisioned after lock/unlock".format(host)
コード例 #2
ファイル: upgrade_helper.py プロジェクト: pvaduva/auto_test
def _wait_for_upgrade_data_migration_complete(timeout=1800, check_interval=60, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform'),
                                              fail_ok=False, con_ssh=None):
    Waits until upgrade data migration is complete or fail
        timeout (int): MAX seconds to wait for data migration to complete
        fail_ok (bool): if true return error code
        con_ssh (SSHClient):
        auth_info (str):

    Returns (tuple):
        (0, "Upgrade data migration complete.")
        (1, "Upgrade dat migration failed. Applicable only if ail_ok")
        (2, "Upgrade data migration timeout out before complete. Applicable only if fail_ok")
        (3, "Timeout waiting the Host upgrade data migration to complete. Applicable if fail_ok ")


    endtime = time.time() + timeout
    while time.time() < endtime:
        upgrade_progress_tab = table_parser.table(
            cli.system('upgrade-show', ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info)[1])
        upgrade_progress_tab = table_parser.filter_table(upgrade_progress_tab, Property="state")
        if "data-migration-complete" in table_parser.get_column(upgrade_progress_tab, 'Value'):
            LOG.info("Upgrade data migration is complete")
            return 0, "Upgrade data migration is complete"
        elif "data-migration-failed" in table_parser.get_column(upgrade_progress_tab, 'Value'):
            err_msg = "Host Upgrade data migration failed."
            if fail_ok:
                return 1, err_msg
                raise exceptions.HostError(err_msg)


    err_msg = "Timed out waiting for upgrade data migration to complete state"
    if fail_ok:
        return 3, err_msg
        raise exceptions.HostError(err_msg)
コード例 #3
ファイル: upgrade_helper.py プロジェクト: pvaduva/auto_test
def activate_upgrade(con_ssh=None, fail_ok=False):
    Activates upgrade
        con_ssh (SSHClient):
        fail_ok (bool):

    Returns (tuple):
        (0, dict/list) - success
        (1, <stderr>)   # cli returns stderr, applicable if fail_ok is true

    rc, output = cli.system('upgrade-activate', ssh_client=con_ssh, fail_ok=True)
    if rc != 0:
        err_msg = "CLI system upgrade-activate failed: {}".format(output)
        if fail_ok:
            return rc, output
            raise exceptions.CLIRejected(err_msg)

    if not system_helper.wait_for_alarm_gone("250.001", con_ssh=con_ssh, timeout=900, check_interval=60, fail_ok=True):

        alarms = system_helper.get_alarms(alarm_id="250.001")
        err_msg = "After activating upgrade alarms are not cleared : {}".format(alarms)
        if fail_ok:
            return 1, err_msg
            raise exceptions.HostError(err_msg)

    if not wait_for_upgrade_activate_complete(fail_ok=True):
        err_msg = "Upgrade activate failed"
        if fail_ok:
            return 1, err_msg
            raise exceptions.HostError(err_msg)

    LOG.info("Upgrade activation complete")
    return 0, None
コード例 #4
ファイル: upgrade_helper.py プロジェクト: pvaduva/auto_test
def delete_imported_load(load_version=None, con_ssh=None, fail_ok=False):
    load_id = get_imported_load_id(load_version=load_version, con_ssh=con_ssh)

    rc, output = cli.system('load-delete', load_id, ssh_client=con_ssh, fail_ok=True)
    if rc == 1:
        return 1, output

    if not wait_for_delete_imported_load(load_id, con_ssh=con_ssh, fail_ok=True):
        err_msg = "Unable to delete imported load {}".format(load_id)
        if fail_ok:
            return 1, err_msg
            raise exceptions.HostError(err_msg)
コード例 #5
ファイル: upgrade_helper.py プロジェクト: pvaduva/auto_test
def upgrade_hosts(hosts, timeout=HostTimeout.UPGRADE, fail_ok=False, con_ssh=None,
                  auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform'), lock=False, unlock=False):
    Upgrade given hosts list one by one
        hosts (list): list of hostname of hosts to be upgraded
        timeout (int): MAX seconds to wait for host to become online after upgrading
        fail_ok (bool):
        con_ssh (SSHClient):
        lock (bool):
        auth_info (str):
        unlock (bool):

    Returns (tuple):
        (0, "Hosts are upgraded and in online state.")
        (1, "Upgrade on host failed. applicable if fail_ok

    LOG.info("Upgrading {}...".format(hosts))
    active_controller = system_helper.get_active_controller_name()
    if active_controller in hosts:

    LOG.info("Checking if active controller {} is already upgraded ....".format(active_controller))

    if get_hosts_upgrade_target_release(active_controller) in get_hosts_upgrade_target_release(hosts):
        message = " Active controller {} is not upgraded.  Must be upgraded first".format(active_controller)
        return 1, message
    # keep original host

    controllers = sorted([h for h in hosts if "controller" in h])
    storages = sorted([h for h in hosts if "storage" in h])
    computes = sorted([h for h in hosts if h not in storages and h not in controllers])
    hosts_to_upgrade = controllers + storages + computes

    for host in hosts_to_upgrade:
        rc, output = upgrade_host(host, timeout=timeout, fail_ok=fail_ok, con_ssh=con_ssh,
                                  auth_info=auth_info, lock=lock, unlock=unlock)
        if rc != 0:
            if fail_ok:
                return rc, output
                raise exceptions.HostError(output)
            LOG.info("Host {} upgrade completed".format(host))

    return 0, "hosts {} upgrade done ".format(hosts_to_upgrade)
コード例 #6
ファイル: upgrade_helper.py プロジェクト: pvaduva/auto_test
def upgrade_host(host, timeout=InstallTimeout.UPGRADE, fail_ok=False, con_ssh=None,
                 auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform'), lock=False, unlock=False):
    Upgrade given host
        host (str):
        timeout (int): MAX seconds to wait for host to become online after unlocking
        fail_ok (bool):
        con_ssh (SSHClient):
        auth_info (str):
        unlock (bool):

    Returns (tuple):
        (0, "Host is upgraded and in online state.")
        (1, "Cli host upgrade rejected. Applicable only if ail_ok")
        (2, "Host failed data migration. Applicable only if fail_ok")
        (3, "Host did not come online after upgrade. Applicable if fail_ok ")
        (4, "Host fail lock before starting upgrade". Applicable if lock arg is True and fail_ok")
        (5, "Host fail to unlock after host upgrade.  Applicable if unlock arg is True and fail_ok")
        (6, "Host unlocked after upgrade, but alarms are not cleared after 120 seconds.
        Applicable if unlock arg is True and fail_ok")

    LOG.info("Upgrading host {}...".format(host))

    if lock:
        if system_helper.get_host_values(host, 'administrative', con_ssh=con_ssh)[0] == HostAdminState.UNLOCKED:
            message = "Host is not locked. Locking host  before starting upgrade"
            rc, output = host_helper.lock_host(host, con_ssh=con_ssh, fail_ok=True)
            if rc != 0 and rc != -1:
                err_msg = "Host {} fail on lock before starting upgrade: {}".format(host, output)
                if fail_ok:
                    return 4, err_msg
                    raise exceptions.HostError(err_msg)
    if system_helper.is_aio_simplex():
        exitcode, output = simplex_host_upgrade(con_ssh=con_ssh)
        return exitcode, output

    exitcode, output = cli.system('host-upgrade', host, ssh_client=con_ssh, fail_ok=True, auth_info=auth_info,
    if exitcode == 1:
        err_msg = "Host {} cli upgrade host failed: {}".format(host, output)
        if fail_ok:
            return 1, err_msg
            raise exceptions.HostError(err_msg)

    # sleep for 180 seconds to let host be re-installed with upgrade release

    if not system_helper.wait_for_host_values(host, timeout=timeout, check_interval=60,
                                                       availability=HostAvailState.ONLINE, con_ssh=con_ssh,
        err_msg = "Host {} did not become online  after upgrade".format(host)
        if fail_ok:
            return 3, err_msg
            raise exceptions.HostError(err_msg)

    if host.strip() == "controller-1":
        rc, output = _wait_for_upgrade_data_migration_complete(timeout=timeout,
                                                               auth_info=auth_info, fail_ok=fail_ok, con_ssh=con_ssh)
        if rc != 0:
            err_msg = "Host {} upgrade data migration failure: {}".format(host, output)
            if fail_ok:
                return 2, err_msg
                raise exceptions.HostError(err_msg)

    if unlock:
        rc, output = host_helper.unlock_host(host, fail_ok=True, available_only=True)
        if rc != 0:
            err_msg = "Host {} fail to unlock after host upgrade: ".format(host, output)
            if fail_ok:
                return 5, err_msg
                raise exceptions.HostError(err_msg)

        # wait until  400.001  alarms get cleared
        if not system_helper.wait_for_alarm_gone("400.001", fail_ok=True):
            err_msg = "Alarms did not clear after host {} upgrade and unlock: ".format(host)
            if fail_ok:
                return 6, err_msg
                raise exceptions.HostError(err_msg)

    LOG.info("Upgrading host {} complete ...".format(host))
    return 0, None