def post(self): body_data = request.form author_id = body_data.get('author_id', None) if not author_id: return jsonify("参数错误,HAS NO AUTHORID.") # 查找用户 db_connection = MySQLConnection() cursor = db_connection.get_cursor() select_user_statement = "SELECT `id`,`name`,`is_admin` FROM `user_info` WHERE `id`=%s AND `is_active`=1;" cursor.execute(select_user_statement, author_id) user_obj = cursor.fetchone() if not user_obj: return jsonify("系统没有查到您的信息,无法操作."), 400 if user_obj['is_admin']: return jsonify('请不要使用用管理员用户添加记录.') # 不为空的信息判断 title = body_data.get('title', False) if not title: return jsonify("参数错误,NOT FOUND TITLE"), 400 # 组织信息 upload_time = body_data.get('upload_time') upload_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( upload_time, '%Y-%m-%d') if upload_time else author_id = user_obj['id'] words = body_data.get('words', 0) is_publish = body_data.get('is_publish', False) level = body_data.get('level', 'C') score = body_data.get('score', 0) note = body_data.get('work_note', '') partner = body_data.get('partner_name', '') # 读取文件 annex_file = request.files.get('annex_file', None) if not annex_file: filename = '' annex_url = '' file_path = '' else: # 文件名hash filename = annex_file.filename hash_name = hash_file_name(filename) # 获取保存的位置 file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "fileStore/monographic/" + hash_name) annex_url = "fileStore/monographic/" + hash_name # 数据库路径 # 存入数据库 save_work_statement = "INSERT INTO `monographic`" \ "(`custom_time`,`author_id`,`title`,`words`,`is_publish`,`level`," \ "`score`,`note`,`partner`,`annex`,`annex_url`)" \ "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);" try: # 转换类型 words = int(words) if words else 0 score = int(score) if score else 0 is_publish = 1 if is_publish else 0 cursor.execute(save_work_statement, (upload_time, author_id, title, words, is_publish, level, score, note, partner, filename, annex_url)) db_connection.commit() except Exception as e: db_connection.rollback() db_connection.close() current_app.logger.error("写入专题研究记录错误:" + str(e)) # 保存错误得删除已保存的文件 if file_path and os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) return jsonify("参数错误!无法保存。"), 400 else: db_connection.close() return jsonify("保存成功!"), 201
def post(self): body_data = request.form worker_id = body_data.get('worker_id', None) if not worker_id: return jsonify("参数错误,HAS NO WORKERID.") # 查找用户 db_connection = MySQLConnection() cursor = db_connection.get_cursor() select_user_statement = "SELECT `id`,`name`,`is_admin` FROM `user_info` WHERE `id`=%s;" cursor.execute(select_user_statement, worker_id) user_obj = cursor.fetchone() # 管理员不给添加信息 if user_obj['is_admin']: return jsonify('请不要使用用管理员用户添加记录.') # 不为空的信息判断 task_type = body_data.get('task_type', 0) task_type_text = ABNORMAL_WORK.get(int(task_type), 0) title = body_data.get('work_title', False) if not task_type_text or not title: return jsonify("参数错误,NOT FOUND TASKTYPE AND TITLE"), 400 # 组织信息 custom_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(body_data.get('work_date'), '%Y-%m-%d') worker = user_obj['id'] sponsor = body_data.get('sponsor', '') applied_org = body_data.get('applicat_org', '') applicant = body_data.get('application_person', '') tel_number = body_data.get('link_number', '') swiss_coin = body_data.get('ruibi_count', 0) allowance = body_data.get('income_allowance', 0) note = body_data.get('work_note', '') partner = body_data.get('partner_name', '') # 读取文件 annex_file = request.files.get('annex_file', None) if not annex_file: filename = '' annex_url = '' file_path = '' else: # 文件名hash filename = annex_file.filename hash_name = hash_file_name(filename) # 获取保存的位置 file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "fileStore/abwork/" + hash_name) annex_url = "fileStore/abwork/" + hash_name # 数据库路径 # 存入数据库 save_work_statement = "INSERT INTO `abnormal_work`" \ "(`custom_time`,`author_id`,`task_type`,`title`,`sponsor`,`applied_org`," \ "`applicant`,`tel_number`,`swiss_coin`,`allowance`,`note`,`partner`,`annex`,`annex_url`)" \ "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);" try: swiss_coin = int(swiss_coin) if swiss_coin else 0 allowance = float(allowance) if allowance else 0 cursor.execute(save_work_statement, (custom_time, worker, task_type, title, sponsor, applied_org, applicant, tel_number, swiss_coin, allowance, note, partner, filename, annex_url) ) db_connection.commit() except Exception as e: db_connection.rollback() db_connection.close() current_app.logger.error("写入非常态工作错误:" + str(e)) # 保存错误得删除已保存的文件 if file_path and os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) return jsonify("参数错误!无法保存。"), 400 else: db_connection.close() return jsonify("保存成功!"), 201
def put(self, rid): body_data = request.form utoken = body_data.get('utoken') user_info = verify_json_web_token(utoken) user_id = user_info['uid'] # 不为空的信息判断 title = body_data.get('title', False) if not title: return jsonify("参数错误,NOT FOUND TITLE"), 400 # 组织信息 custom_time = body_data.get('custom_time') words = body_data.get('words', 0) is_publish = body_data.get('is_publish', False) level = body_data.get('level', 'D') score = body_data.get('score', 0) note = body_data.get('note', '') partner = body_data.get('partner_name', '') filename = body_data.get('annex', '') annex_url = body_data.get('annex_url', '') old_annex_url = annex_url annex_file = request.files.get('annex_file', None) file_path = '' if annex_file: filename = annex_file.filename hash_name = hash_file_name(filename) file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "fileStore/monographic/" + hash_name) annex_url = "fileStore/monographic/" + hash_name # 数据库路径 update_statement = "UPDATE `monographic` SET " \ "`custom_time`=%s,`title`=%s,`words`=%s,`is_publish`=%s,`level`=%s," \ "`score`=%s,`note`=%s,`partner`=%s,`annex`=%s,`annex_url`=%s " \ "WHERE `id`=%s AND `author_id`=%s;" db_connection = MySQLConnection() try: # 转换类型 custom_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(custom_time, '%Y-%m-%d') words = int(words) if words else 0 score = int(score) if score else 0 is_publish = 1 if is_publish else 0 cursor = db_connection.get_cursor() cursor.execute( update_statement, (custom_time, title, words, is_publish, level, score, note, partner, filename, annex_url, rid, user_id)) db_connection.commit() old_file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, old_annex_url) if annex_file and os.path.isfile(old_file_path): # 有新文件才能删除旧文件 os.remove(old_file_path) except Exception as e: db_connection.rollback() db_connection.close() current_app.logger.error("修改专题研究记录错误:" + str(e)) # 保存错误得删除已保存的文件 if file_path and os.path.isfile(file_path): os.remove(file_path) return jsonify("参数错误!无法保存。") else: db_connection.close() return jsonify("修改成功!")
def put(self, work_id): body_data = request.form utoken = body_data.get('utoken') user_info = verify_json_web_token(utoken) user_id = user_info['uid'] # 不为空的信息判断 task_type = body_data.get('task_type', 0) task_type_text = ABNORMAL_WORK.get(int(task_type), 0) title = body_data.get('title', False) if not task_type_text or not title: return jsonify("参数错误,NOT FOUND TASKTYPE AND TITLE"), 400 # 组织信息 custom_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(body_data.get('custom_time'), '%Y-%m-%d') task_type = body_data.get('task_type', 0) sponsor = body_data.get('sponsor', '') applied_org = body_data.get('applied_org', '') applicant = body_data.get('applicant', '') tel_number = body_data.get('tel_number', '') swiss_coin = body_data.get('swiss_coin', 0) allowance = body_data.get('allowance', 0) note = body_data.get('note', '') partner = body_data.get('partner_name', '') filename = body_data.get('annex','') annex_url = body_data.get('annex_url','') old_annex_url = annex_url # 保存旧文件路径待删除文件 # 读取文件 annex_file = request.files.get('annex_file', None) file_path = '' if annex_file: filename = annex_file.filename hash_name = hash_file_name(filename) # 获取保存的位置 file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "fileStore/abwork/" + hash_name) annex_url = "fileStore/abwork/" + hash_name # 数据库路径 # 存入数据库 update_statement = "UPDATE `abnormal_work` SET " \ "`custom_time`=%s,`task_type`=%s,`title`=%s,`sponsor`=%s,`applied_org`=%s," \ "`applicant`=%s,`tel_number`=%s,`swiss_coin`=%s,`allowance`=%s,`note`=%s,`partner`=%s," \ "`annex`=%s,`annex_url`=%s " \ "WHERE `id`=%s AND `author_id`=%s;" db_connection = MySQLConnection() try: swiss_coin = int(swiss_coin) if swiss_coin else 0 allowance = float(allowance) if allowance else 0 cursor = db_connection.get_cursor() cursor.execute(update_statement, (custom_time, task_type, title, sponsor, applied_org, applicant, tel_number, swiss_coin, allowance, note, partner, filename,annex_url, work_id, user_id) ) db_connection.commit() # 删除原来的文件 old_file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, old_annex_url) if annex_file and os.path.isfile(old_file_path): os.remove(old_file_path) except Exception as e: db_connection.rollback() db_connection.close() current_app.logger.error("修改非常态工作记录错误:" + str(e)) if file_path and os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) return jsonify("参数错误!无法修改。"), 400 else: db_connection.close() return jsonify("修改成功!")
def post(self): body_data = request.form author_id = body_data.get('author_id', None) if not author_id: return jsonify("参数错误,HAS NO AUTHORID.") # 查找用户 db_connection = MySQLConnection() cursor = db_connection.get_cursor() select_user_statement = "SELECT `id`,`name`,`is_admin` FROM `user_info` WHERE `id`=%s AND `is_active`=1;" cursor.execute(select_user_statement, author_id) user_obj = cursor.fetchone() if not user_obj: return jsonify("系统没有查到您的信息,无法操作."), 400 if user_obj['is_admin']: return jsonify('请不要使用用管理员用户添加记录.') # 不为空的信息判断 title = body_data.get('title', False) if not title: return jsonify("参数错误,NOT FOUND TITLE."), 400 # 组织信息 custom_time = body_data.get('custom_time') custom_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( custom_time, '%Y-%m-%d') if custom_time else author_id = user_obj['id'] media_name = body_data.get('media_name', '') rough_type = body_data.get('rough_type', '') words = body_data.get('words', 0) checker = body_data.get('checker', '') allowance = body_data.get('allowance', 0) partner = body_data.get('partner', '') note = body_data.get('note', '') # 读取文件 annex_file = request.files.get('annex_file', None) if not annex_file: filename = '' annex_url = '' file_path = '' else: # 文件名hash filename = annex_file.filename hash_name = hash_file_name(filename) # 获取保存的位置 file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "fileStore/artpublish/" + hash_name) annex_url = "fileStore/artpublish/" + hash_name # 数据库路径 # 存入数据库 save_invest_statement = "INSERT INTO `article_publish`" \ "(`custom_time`,`author_id`,`title`,`media_name`,`rough_type`,`words`,`checker`," \ "`allowance`,`partner`,`note`,`annex`,`annex_url`)" \ "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);" try: # 转换类型 words = int(words) if words else 0 allowance = int(allowance) if allowance else 0 cursor.execute( save_invest_statement, (custom_time, author_id, title, media_name, rough_type, words, checker, allowance, partner, note, filename, annex_url)) db_connection.commit() except Exception as e: db_connection.rollback() db_connection.close() current_app.logger.error("写入文章审核记录错误:" + str(e)) # 保存错误得删除已保存的文件 if file_path and os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) return jsonify("参数错误!无法保存。"), 400 else: db_connection.close() return jsonify("保存成功!"), 201
def put(self, rid): body_data = request.form utoken = body_data.get('utoken') user_info = verify_json_web_token(utoken) user_id = user_info['uid'] # 不为空的信息判断 title = body_data.get('title', False) if not title: return jsonify("参数错误,NOT FOUND TITLE."), 400 # 组织信息 custom_time = body_data.get('custom_time') media_name = body_data.get('media_name', '') rough_type = body_data.get('rough_type', '') words = body_data.get('words', 0) checker = body_data.get('checker', '') allowance = body_data.get('allowance', 0) partner = body_data.get('partner', '') note = body_data.get('note', '') filename = body_data.get('annex', '') annex_url = body_data.get('annex_url', '') old_annex_url = annex_url annex_file = request.files.get('annex_file', None) file_path = '' if annex_file: filename = annex_file.filename hash_name = hash_file_name(filename) file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "fileStore/artpublish/" + hash_name) annex_url = "fileStore/artpublish/" + hash_name # 数据库路径 # 更新数据库 update_statement = "UPDATE `article_publish` SET " \ "`custom_time`=%s,`title`=%s,`media_name`=%s,`rough_type`=%s,`words`=%s,`checker`=%s," \ "`allowance`=%s,`partner`=%s,`note`=%s,`annex`=%s,`annex_url`=%s " \ "WHERE `id`=%s AND `author_id`=%s;" db_connection = MySQLConnection() try: # 转换类型 user_id = int(user_id) custom_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( custom_time, '%Y-%m-%d') if custom_time else words = int(words) if words else 0 allowance = int(allowance) if allowance else 0 cursor = db_connection.get_cursor() cursor.execute( update_statement, (custom_time, title, media_name, rough_type, words, checker, allowance, partner, note, filename, annex_url, rid, user_id)) db_connection.commit() old_file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, old_annex_url) if annex_file and os.path.isfile(old_file_path): os.remove(old_file_path) except Exception as e: db_connection.rollback() db_connection.close() current_app.logger.error("修改文章审核记录错误:" + str(e)) if file_path and os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) return jsonify("参数错误!无法修改。"), 400 else: db_connection.close() return jsonify("修改成功!")
def post(self): body_data = request.form author_id = body_data.get('author_id', None) if not author_id: return jsonify("参数错误,HAS NO AUTHORID.") # 查找用户 db_connection = MySQLConnection() cursor = db_connection.get_cursor() select_user_statement = "SELECT `id`,`name`,`is_admin` FROM `user_info` WHERE `id`=%s AND `is_active`=1;" cursor.execute(select_user_statement, author_id) user_obj = cursor.fetchone() if not user_obj: return jsonify("系统没有查到您的信息,无法操作."), 400 if user_obj['is_admin']: return jsonify('请不要使用用管理员用户添加记录.') # 不为空的信息判断 title = body_data.get('title', False) variety = body_data.get('variety', False) direction = body_data.get('direction', False) if not title or not variety or not direction: return jsonify("参数错误,NOT FOUND TITLE,VARIETY,DIRECTION."), 400 # 组织信息 write_time = body_data.get('write_time') author_id = user_obj['id'] contract = body_data.get('contract','') build_time = body_data.get('build_date_time') build_price = body_data.get('build_price') build_hands = body_data.get('build_hands') out_price = body_data.get('out_price') cutloss_price = body_data.get('cutloss_price') expire_time = body_data.get('expire_time') is_publish = 1 if body_data.get('is_publish', False) else 0 profit = body_data.get('profit') level = body_data.get('level', '') note = body_data.get('note', '') # 读取文件 annex_file = request.files.get('annex_file', None) if not annex_file: filename = '' annex_url = '' file_path = '' else: # 文件名hash filename = annex_file.filename hash_name = hash_file_name(filename) # 获取保存的位置 file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "fileStore/investment/" + hash_name) annex_url = "fileStore/investment/" + hash_name # 数据库路径 # 存入数据库 save_invest_statement = "INSERT INTO `investment`" \ "(`custom_time`,`author_id`,`title`,`variety_id`,`contract`,`direction`,`build_time`," \ "`build_price`,`build_hands`,`out_price`,`cutloss_price`,`expire_time`,`is_publish`,`profit`,`annex`,`annex_url`,`note`,`level`)" \ "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);" try: # 转换类型 custom_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(write_time, '%Y-%m-%d') if write_time else build_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(build_time,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') if build_time else expire_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(expire_time,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') if expire_time else variety_id = int(variety) build_price = float(build_price) if build_price else 0 build_hands = int(build_hands) if build_hands else 0 out_price = float(out_price) if out_price else 0 cutloss_price = float(cutloss_price) if cutloss_price else 0 profit = float(profit) if profit else 0 cursor.execute(save_invest_statement, (custom_time, author_id, title, variety_id,contract, direction, build_time, build_price, build_hands, out_price, cutloss_price, expire_time, is_publish, profit, filename,annex_url,note, level) ) db_connection.commit() except Exception as e: db_connection.rollback() db_connection.close() current_app.logger.error("写入投在方案记录错误:" + str(e)) # 保存错误得删除已保存的文件 if file_path and os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) return jsonify("参数错误!无法保存。"), 400 else: db_connection.close() return jsonify("保存成功!"), 201
def put(self, rid): body_data = request.form utoken = body_data.get('utoken') user_info = verify_json_web_token(utoken) user_id = user_info['uid'] # 不为空的信息判断 title = body_data.get('title', False) variety_id = body_data.get('variety_id', False) direction = body_data.get('direction', False) if not title or not variety_id or not direction: return jsonify("参数错误,NOT FOUND TITLE,VARIETY,DIRECTION."), 400 # 组织信息 write_time = body_data.get('custom_time') contract = body_data.get('contract', '') build_time = body_data.get('build_time') build_price = body_data.get('build_price') build_hands = body_data.get('build_hands') out_price = body_data.get('out_price') cutloss_price = body_data.get('cutloss_price') expire_time = body_data.get('expire_time') is_publish = 1 if body_data.get('is_publish', False) else 0 profit = body_data.get('profit') note = body_data.get('note', '') level = body_data.get('level', '') filename=body_data.get('annex', '') annex_url = body_data.get('annex_url', '') old_annex_url = annex_url annex_file = request.files.get('annex_file', None) file_path = '' if annex_file: filename = annex_file.filename hash_name = hash_file_name(filename) file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "fileStore/investment/" + hash_name) annex_url = "fileStore/investment/" + hash_name # 数据库路径 # 存入数据库 update_statement = "UPDATE `investment` SET " \ "`custom_time`=%s,`title`=%s,`variety_id`=%s,`contract`=%s,`direction`=%s,`build_time`=%s," \ "`build_price`=%s,`build_hands`=%s,`out_price`=%s,`cutloss_price`=%s,`expire_time`=%s," \ "`is_publish`=%s,`profit`=%s,`annex`=%s,`annex_url`=%s,`note`=%s,`level`=%s " \ "WHERE `id`=%s AND `author_id`=%s;" db_connection = MySQLConnection() cursor = db_connection.get_cursor() try: # 转换类型 variety_id = int(variety_id) build_price = float(build_price) if build_price else 0 build_hands = int(build_hands) if build_hands else 0 out_price = float(out_price) if out_price else 0 cutloss_price = float(cutloss_price) if cutloss_price else 0 profit = float(profit) if profit else 0 expire_time_format = build_time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' if len(build_time) < 19: build_time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M' if len(expire_time) < 19: expire_time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M' custom_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(write_time, '%Y-%m-%d') if write_time else build_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(build_time,build_time_format) if build_time else expire_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(expire_time,expire_time_format) if expire_time else cursor.execute(update_statement, (custom_time, title, variety_id, contract, direction, build_time, build_price, build_hands, out_price, cutloss_price, expire_time, is_publish, profit,filename, annex_url,note,level, rid, user_id) ) db_connection.commit() old_file_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, old_annex_url) if annex_file and os.path.isfile(old_file_path): os.remove(old_file_path) except Exception as e: db_connection.rollback() db_connection.close() current_app.logger.error("更新投资方案记录错误:" + str(e)) if file_path and os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) return jsonify("参数错误!无法更新。"), 400 else: db_connection.close() return jsonify("更新成功!"), 201