def test_sum_func(self): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT SUM(quantity) AS items_ordered FROM OrderItems; """) """ 说明: NULL值 SUM()函数忽略列值为NULL的行. """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """ {'items_ordered': Decimal('1430')} """ print("=" * 60) cursor.execute(""" SELECT SUM(quantity * item_price) AS total_price FROM OrderItems; """) """ 说明: NULL值 SUM()函数忽略列值为NULL的行. """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_count_func(self): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_cust FROM Customers; """) """ - 使用COUNT(*)对表中行的数目进行计数,不管表列中包含的是空值(NULL)还是非空值. - 使用COUNT(column)对特定列中具有值的行进行计数, 忽略NULL值. """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """ {'num_cust': 5} """ print("=" * 60) cursor.execute(""" SELECT COUNT(cust_email) AS num_cust FROM Customers; """) """ - 使用COUNT(column)对特定列中具有值的行进行计数, 忽略NULL值. """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result)
def test_optimize_or(self): """ 优化OR条件查询 对于含有OR的查询子句,如果要利用索引,则OR之间的每个条件列都必须用到索引; 如果没有索引,则应该考虑增加索引. """ # 例子1: 当在建有复合索引的列store_id和film_id上面做OR操作, # 是不能用到索引idx_store_id_film_id with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" explain select * from inventory where store_id<10 or film_id<10; """) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): print(result) _ = { "id": 1, "select_type": "SIMPLE", "table": "inventory", "partitions": None, "type": "ALL", "possible_keys": "idx_store_id_film_id,inventory_film_id_609e926a_fk_film_film_id", "key": None, "key_len": None, "ref": None, "rows": 4581, "filtered": 55.55, "Extra": "Using where", } # 例子2: 当在建有独立索引的列last_name和customer_id上面做OR操作, # 是可以正确地用到索引,MySQL处理含有OR的查询实际是对OR的各个 # 字段分别查询后的结果进行了UNION操作. with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" explain select * from customer where last_name='MORGAN' or customer_id<10; """) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): print(result) _ = { "id": 1, "select_type": "SIMPLE", "table": "customer", "partitions": None, "type": "index_merge", "possible_keys": "PRIMARY,idx_last_name", "key": "idx_last_name,PRIMARY", "key_len": "182,2", "ref": None, "rows": 10, "filtered": 100.0, "Extra": "Using union(idx_last_name,PRIMARY); Using where", }
def test_mrr(self): """ 利用MRR优化JOIN操作 """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( f"desc select * from payment where customer_id between 1 and 200;" ) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): print(result) _ = { "id": 1, "select_type": "SIMPLE", "table": "payment", "partitions": None, "type": "ALL", "possible_keys": "payment_customer_id_cfa68abe_fk_customer_customer_id", "key": None, "key_len": None, "ref": None, "rows": 16049, "filtered": 33.92, "Extra": "Using where", # 没有使用MRR(using MRR) } # 通过设置mrr和mrr_cost_based这两个优化器参数使用MRR cursor.execute("set optimizer_switch='mrr=on,mrr_cost_based=off';") # mrr参数控制MRR特性是否打开(默认on); # mrr_cost_based控制是否根据优化器的计算成本来觉得使用MRR特性(默认on); # 如果希望尽可能使用MRR,可以将此参数设置为off. cursor.execute( f"desc select * from payment where customer_id between 1 and 200;" ) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): print(result) _ = { "id": 1, "select_type": "SIMPLE", "table": "payment", "partitions": None, "type": "range", "possible_keys": "payment_customer_id_cfa68abe_fk_customer_customer_id", "key": "payment_customer_id_cfa68abe_fk_customer_customer_id", "key_len": "2", "ref": None, "rows": 5444, "filtered": 100.0, "Extra": "Using index condition; Using MRR", # 成功使用MRR }
def test_count_func(self): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT cust_name, cust_state, ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Orders WHERE Orders.cust_id = Customers.cust_id ) AS orders FROM Customers ORDER BY cust_name; """) """ 分析 ▼ 这条SELECT语句对Customers表中每个顾客返回三列:cust_name、cust_state和orders。 orders是一个计算字段,它是由圆括号中的子査询建立的。该子查询对检索出的每个顾客执行一 次。在此例中,该子查询执行了5次,因为检索出了5个顾客。 子查询中的WHERE子句与前面使用的WHERE子句稍有不同,因为它使用了完全限定列名,而不只是 列名(cust_id)。它指定表名和列名(Orders.cust_id和Customers.cust_id)。下面的 WHERE子句告诉SQL,比较Orders表中的cust_id和当前正从Customers表中检索的cust_id: WHERE Orders.cust_id = Customers.cust_id """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """ {'cust_name': 'Fun4All', 'cust_state': 'IN', 'orders': 1} {'cust_name': 'Fun4All', 'cust_state': 'AZ', 'orders': 1} {'cust_name': 'Kids Place', 'cust_state': 'OH', 'orders': 0} {'cust_name': 'The Toy Store', 'cust_state': 'IL', 'orders': 1} {'cust_name': 'Village Toys', 'cust_state': 'MI', 'orders': 2} """ """
def test_trim_func(self): with connection.cursor() as cursor: """ 如果想去掉返回的数据不需要的空格.可用使用TRIM函数 大多数DBMS都支持: TRIM() :去掉字符串左右两边的空格. LTRIM():去掉字符串左两边的空格. RTRIM():去掉字符串右两边的空格. """ # 使用MySQL或MariaDB时需要使用的语句: cursor.execute(""" SELECT CONCAT(vend_name, TRIM(' ( '), vend_country, RTRIM(') ')) AS 'vend title' FROM Vendors ORDER BY vend_name; """) """ 注意: 别名 别名的名字既可以是一个单词,也可用是一个字符串.如果是后者(譬如vend title), 字符串应该括在引号中.虽然这种做法是合法的,但不建议这么去做.多单词的名字可读 性高,不过会给客户端应用带来各种问题.因此,别名最常见的使用是将多个单词的列名 重命名为一个单词的名字. """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_exercise1(self): """ 1. Using INSERT and columns specified, add yourself to the Customers table. """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Customers( cust_id, cust_name, cust_address, cust_city, cust_state, cust_zip, cust_country ) VALUES ( 1000000007, 'Me Gustas', '广东', '广州', 'GD', '529999', 'CHA' ); """) cursor.execute(""" SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE cust_id = 1000000007; """) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_value_order_by(self): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT vend_id, prod_price FROM Products WHERE vend_id = 'DLL01' OR vend_id = 'BRS01' AND prod_price >= 10; """) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """ {'vend_id': 'BRS01', 'prod_price': Decimal('11.99')} {'vend_id': 'DLL01', 'prod_price': Decimal('3.49')} {'vend_id': 'DLL01', 'prod_price': Decimal('3.49')} {'vend_id': 'DLL01', 'prod_price': Decimal('3.49')} {'vend_id': 'DLL01', 'prod_price': Decimal('4.99')} """ """ 结果: 返回的行中有4行价格小于10美元, 显然返回的行未按预期的进行过滤. 错误示范的结果解释: 原因在于求值的顺序. SQL(像多数语言一样)在处理OR操作符前,优先处理AND操作符. 当SQL看到上述WHERE子句时,它理解为:由供应商BRS01制造的价格为10美元以上的所 有产品,以及由供应商DLL01制造的所有产品,而不管其价格如何. """ print("=" * 60) cursor.execute(""" SELECT vend_id, prod_price FROM Products WHERE (vend_id = 'DLL01' OR vend_id = 'BRS01') AND prod_price >= 10; """) """ 解决方法: 使用圆括号对操作符进行明确分组. 因为圆括号具有比AND或OR操作符更高的优先级. 提示: 任何时候使用具有AND和OR操作符的WHERE子句,都应该使用圆括号 明确地分组操作符.不要过分依赖默认求值顺序,即使它确实如你希 望的那样.使用圆括号没有任何坏处,它能消除歧义. """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def dorp_partition(self, cursor, partition): min_partition: str = min(partition, key=lambda x: x.replace("p", "")) cursor.execute(f"ALTER TABLE TestTable DROP PARTITION {min_partition};") cursor.execute(self.check_partitions) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): print(result) """
def test_sort_data_desc(self): """ 如果想再多个列上进行降序排序, 必须对每一列指定DESC关键字 """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT prod_price, prod_name, prod_id FROM Products ORDER BY prod_price DESC; """) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """ {'prod_price': Decimal('11.99'), 'prod_name': '18 inch teddy bear', 'prod_id': 'BR03'} {'prod_price': Decimal('9.49'), 'prod_name': 'King doll', 'prod_id': 'RYL01'} {'prod_price': Decimal('9.49'), 'prod_name': 'Queen doll', 'prod_id': 'RYL02'} {'prod_price': Decimal('8.99'), 'prod_name': '12 inch teddy bear', 'prod_id': 'BR02'} {'prod_price': Decimal('5.99'), 'prod_name': '8 inch teddy bear', 'prod_id': 'BR01'} {'prod_price': Decimal('4.99'), 'prod_name': 'Raggedy Ann', 'prod_id': 'RGAN01'} {'prod_price': Decimal('3.49'), 'prod_name': 'Fish bean bag toy', 'prod_id': 'BNBG01'} {'prod_price': Decimal('3.49'), 'prod_name': 'Bird bean bag toy', 'prod_id': 'BNBG02'} {'prod_price': Decimal('3.49'), 'prod_name': 'Rabbit bean bag toy', 'prod_id': 'BNBG03'} """ print("=" * 60) # 多列排序, 某个列为顺序, 某个列为降序 cursor.execute(""" SELECT prod_price, prod_name, prod_id FROM Products ORDER BY prod_price DESC, prod_name; """) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_multiple_column_sort_data(self): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT prod_id, prod_price, prod_name FROM Products ORDER BY prod_price, prod_name; """) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_show_query_log(self): """ 慢查询日志配置 默认情况下slow_query_log的值为OFF,表示慢查询日志是禁用的,可以通过设置slow_query_log的值来开启 使用set global slow_query_log=1开启了慢查询日志只对当前数据库生效,如果MySQL重启后则会失效。如果 要永久生效,就必须修改配置文件my.cnf(其它系统变量也是如此)。 如果不是调优需要的话,一般不建议启动该参数,因为开启慢查询日志会或多或少带来一定的性能影响。 """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("show variables like '%slow_query_log%';") for result in dictfetchall(cursor): print(result) """ {'Variable_name': 'slow_query_log', 'Value': 'OFF'} {'Variable_name': 'slow_query_log_file', 'Value': '/var/lib/mysql/9535a632d1ca-slow.log'} """ cursor.execute("set global slow_query_log=1") cursor.execute("show variables like '%slow_query_log%';") for result in dictfetchall(cursor): print(result) """
def test_table_alias(self): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT cust_name, cust_contact FROM Customers C, Orders O, OrderItems OI WHERE C.cust_id = O.cust_id AND OI.order_num = O.order_num AND prod_id = 'RGAN01' """) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_combination(self): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_items, MAX(prod_price) AS max_price, MIN(prod_price) AS min_price, AVG(prod_price) AS avg_price FROM Products; """) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_self_join(self): """ 假如要给与Jim Jones同一公司的所有顾客发送一封信件。这个查询要求 首先找出JimJones工作的公司,然后找出在该公司工作的顾客。下面是 解决此问题的一种方法: """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT C1.cust_name, C1.cust_contact, C2.cust_contact AS contact2 FROM Customers C1 INNER JOIN Customers C2 ON C1.cust_name = C2.cust_name WHERE C2.cust_contact = 'Jim Jones' ORDER BY C1.cust_name; """) """ 提示:用自联结而不用子查询 自联结通常作为外部语句,用来替代从相同表中检索数据的使用子查 询语句. 虽然最终的结果是相同的,但许多DBMS处理联结远比处理 子查询快得多应该试一下两种方法,以确定哪一种的性能更好。 """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """ {'cust_id': '1000000003', 'cust_name': 'Fun4All', 'cust_contact': 'Jim Jones'} {'cust_id': '1000000004', 'cust_name': 'Fun4All', 'cust_contact': 'Denise L. Stephens'} """ print("=" * 60) cursor.execute(""" SELECT C1.cust_name, C1.cust_contact, C2.cust_contact AS contact2 FROM Customers C1 INNER JOIN Customers C2 ON C1.cust_name = C2.cust_name # WHERE C2.cust_contact = 'Jim Jones' ORDER BY C1.cust_name; """) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_group_by_connection(self): """ 聚合函数也可以与联结一起使用. """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT Customers.cust_id, COUNT(O.order_num) AS num_ord FROM Customers INNER JOIN Orders O on Customers.cust_id = O.cust_id GROUP BY Customers.cust_id; """) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """ """ """ 分析 ▼ 这条SELECT语句使用INNER JOIN将Customers和Orders表互相关联。 GROUP BY子句按顾客分组数据,因此,函数调用COUNT(O.order_num) 对每个顾客的订单计数,将它作为num_ord返回。 """ print("=" * 60) # 聚集函数也可以方便地与其他联结一起使用。请看下面的例子 cursor.execute(""" SELECT Customers.cust_id, COUNT(O.order_num) AS num_ord FROM Customers LEFT OUTER JOIN Orders O on Customers.cust_id = O.cust_id GROUP BY Customers.cust_id; """) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """ """ """
def test_show_processlist(self): """ show processlist 是显示用户正在运行的线程,实时地查看SQL语句的执行情况, 需要注意的是,除了 root 用户能看到所有正在运行的线程外,其他用户都只能看到 自己正在运行的线程,看不到其它用户正在运行的线程。除非单独个这个用户赋予了 PROCESS 权限。 """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("show processlist;") for result in dictfetchall(cursor): print(result) """
def test_avg_func(self): """ 说明: AVG()函数忽略列值为NULL的行. 注意: 只用于单个列 AVG()只能用来确定特定数值列的平均值,而且列名必须作为函数参数 给出.为了获得多个列的平均值,必须使用多个AVG()函数.只有一个例 外是要从多个列计算出一个值. 下面会说. """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT AVG(prod_price) AS avg_price FROM Products; """) """ AVG(): 返回某列的平均值 """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """ {'avg_price': Decimal('6.823333')} """ print("=" * 60) cursor.execute(""" SELECT AVG(prod_price) AS avg_price FROM Products WHERE vend_id = 'DLL01'; """) """ 返回某列过滤后的平均值 """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def add_partition(self, cursor, partition): max_partition: str = max(partition, key=lambda x: x.replace("p", "")) next_range = int(max_partition.replace('p', '')) + 1 next_partition: str = f"p{90}" range_fun = lambda x: 10 * x + 1995 cursor.execute(f""" ALTER TABLE TestTable ADD PARTITION ( PARTITION {next_partition} VALUES LESS THAN ({range_fun(next_range)}) ); """) cursor.execute(self.check_partitions) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): print(result) """
def test_and_operator(self): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT prod_id, prod_name, prod_price FROM Products WHERE vend_id = 'DLL01' AND prod_price <= 4; """) """ AND: 用在WHERE子句中的关键字,用来指示检索满足所有给定条件的行. """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_or_operator(self): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT prod_id, prod_name, prod_price FROM Products WHERE vend_id = 'DLL01' OR vend_id = 'BRS01'; """) """ OR: 与AND相反,OR操作符告诉DBMS匹配任一条件而不是同时匹配两个条件. """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_case_when(self): """根据条件改变输入值""" with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT (quantity*item_price) AS total, CASE WHEN (quantity*item_price) >= 1000 THEN '大买入' WHEN (quantity*item_price) >= 500 THEN '中买入' WHEN (quantity*item_price) >= 100 THEN '小买入' ELSE '忽略买入' END AS '评价' FROM OrderItems; """) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_not_operator(self): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT vend_id, prod_name FROM Products WHERE NOT vend_id = 'DLL01' ORDER BY prod_name; """) """ NOT: 该关键字在WHERE子句中用来否定其后条件 在复杂的子句中, NOT非常有用. 譬如, 在与IN操作符联合使用时,NOT可以非常简单地找出与条件列表不匹配得行 """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_min_func(self): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT MIN(prod_price) AS min_price FROM Products; """) """ 提示: 对非数值数据使用MIN() 虽然MIN()一般用来找出最小的数值或日期值,但许多(并非所有)DBMS允许将它用来 返回任意列中的最小值,包括返回文本列中的最小值.用于文本数据时,MIN()返回按 该列排序后的最前一行. 说明: NULL值 MIN()函数忽略列值为NULL的行. """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def view_table_row(self, cursor) -> List[str]: cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO TestTable VALUES ("1994"), ("2017"); """) cursor.execute(self.check_partitions) partition: list = [] # 收集分区的名称 for result in dictfetchall(cursor): print(result) partition.append(result["PARTITION_NAME"]) """ {'PARTITION_NAME': 'p0', 'descr': '1995', 'position': 1, 'TABLE_ROWS': 1} {'PARTITION_NAME': 'p1', 'descr': '2005', 'position': 2, 'TABLE_ROWS': 0} {'PARTITION_NAME': 'p2', 'descr': '2015', 'position': 3, 'TABLE_ROWS': 0} {'PARTITION_NAME': 'p3', 'descr': '2025', 'position': 4, 'TABLE_ROWS': 1} """ return partition
def test_insert_part_raw(self): """ 假如要给与Jim Jones同一公司的所有顾客发送一封信件。这个查询要求 首先找出JimJones工作的公司,然后找出在该公司工作的顾客。下面是 解决此问题的一种方法: """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO Customers( cust_id, cust_name, cust_address, cust_city, cust_state, cust_zip, cust_country ) VALUES ( 1000000006, 'Toy Land', '123 Any Street', 'New York', 'NY', '11111', 'USA' ); """) """ 注意:省略列 如果表的定义允许,则可以在INSERT操作中省略某些列。省略的列 必须满足以下某个条件. - 该列定义为允许NULL值(无值或空值)。 - 在表定义中给出默认值。这表示如果不给出值,将使用默认值。 注意:省略所需的值 如果表中不允许有NULL值或者默认值,这时却省略了表中的值, DBMS就会产生生错误消息,相应的行不能成功插入。 """ cursor.execute(""" SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE cust_id = 1000000006; """) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_arithmetic_calculation(self): """ SQL算术操作符 +(加), -(减), *(乘), /(除), DIV(除后结果取整), %(除后结果取余) SELECT语句为测试,检验函数和计算提供了很好的方法.虽然SELECT通常用于从表中检索数据, 但是省略了FROM子句后就是简单地访问和处理表达式,例如SELECT 3 * 2;将返回6, SELECT Trim(' ABC ');将返回ABC;SELECT Curdate();使用Curdate()函数返回当 前日期和时间. """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT prod_id, quantity, item_price, quantity DIV item_price AS total FROM OrderItems WHERE order_num = 20008; """) for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_sort_data(self): """ 子句: SQL语句由子句构成,有些子句是必需的,有些则是可选的.一个子句通常由一个关键字加上所提供的数据组成. 子句的例子有SELECT语句的FROM子句. 注意: ORDER BY 子句的位置 在指定一条ORDER BY 子句时,应该保证它是SELECT 语句中最后一条子句.如果它不是最后的子句, 报错 提示: 通过非选择列进行排序 通常,ORDER BY 子句中使用的列将是为显示而选择的列.但是,实际上并不是一定要这样,用非见搜的列排序 数据是完全ok的. """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT prod_name FROM Products ORDER BY prod_name;") for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_natural_join(self): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT C.*, O.order_num, O.order_date, OI.prod_id, OI.quantity, OI.item_price FROM Customers C INNER JOIN Orders O on C.cust_id = O.cust_id INNER JOIN OrderItems OI on O.order_num = OI.order_num WHERE OI.prod_id = 'RGAN01' """) """ 分析 ▼ 在这个例子中,通配符只对第一个表使用。所有其他列明确列出,所以 没有重复的列被检索出来。 事实上,我们迄今为止建立的每个内联结都是自然联结,很可能永远都 不会用到不是自然联结的内联结。 """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """
def test_in_operator(self): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(""" SELECT vend_id, prod_name FROM Products WHERE vend_id IN ('DLL01', 'BRS01'); """) """ IN操作符完成了与OR相同的功能, 为何要使用IN操作符? 1. IN操作付一般比一组OR操作符执行得更快. 2. 在有很多合法选项时,IN操作符的语法更清楚, 更直观. 3. 在与其他AND和OR操作符组合使用IN时,求值顺序更容易管理. 4. IN得最大优点是可以包含其他SELECT语句,能够更动态地建立WHERE子句. 第11课会介绍. """ for result in dictfetchall(cursor): # 读取所有 print(result) """