async def prefix(self, ctx): embed = discord.Embed( title="Prefix :D that's the way you control me aye!", description= f"The prefix for this server is\n```{getprefix(ctx)}```\nWanna change it? React to the {var.E_SETTINGS} emoji below!", color=var.C_MAIN) botmsg = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await botmsg.add_reaction(var.E_SETTINGS) def reactioncheck(reaction, user): return user == and reaction.message == botmsg await'reaction_add', check=reactioncheck) await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed( description= "Next message which you will send will become the prefix :eyes:\n" + f"To cancel it enter\n```{getprefix(ctx)}cancel```", color=var.C_ORANGE).set_footer( text="Automatic cancellation after 1 minute")) await botmsg.clear_reactions() def messagecheck(message): return == and == try: usermsg = await'message', check=messagecheck, timeout=60.0) if usermsg.content == getprefix(ctx) + "cancel": #Cancel await ctx.send("Cancelled prefix change :ok_hand:") elif usermsg.content == var.DEFAULT_PREFIX: #Same prefixes so deleting the doc db.PREFIXES.delete_one({"_id":}) await ctx.send( f"Changed your prefix to the default one\n```{var.DEFAULT_PREFIX}```" ) elif getprefix( ctx ) == var.DEFAULT_PREFIX: #If current prefix is default then insert new db.PREFIXES.insert_one({ "_id":, "prefix": usermsg.content }) await ctx.send( f"Updated your new prefix, it's\n```{usermsg.content}```") else: #Exists so just update it GuildDoc = db.PREFIXES.find_one({"_id":}) newdata = {"$set": {"prefix": usermsg.content}} db.PREFIXES.update_one(GuildDoc, newdata) await ctx.send( f"Updated your new prefix, it's\n```{usermsg.content}```") except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send( f"You took too long to enter your new prefix {} ;-;" )
def chatbothelp(ctx: commands.Context) -> discord.Embed: embed = discord.Embed(title="Chatbot (BETA)", color=var.C_MAIN, description="I will reply to pings in every channel however setting up a bot chat channel won't require you ping me!" ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"setchatbot `<#channel>`", value="Make a channel for chatting with me! All messages sent there will be replied by me :D", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"removechatbot `<#channel>`", value="Remove a chatbot channel (if added)", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"chatbotchannels", value="View all channels where chat bot is enabled!", inline=False ).set_thumbnail(url="") return embed
def verifyhelp(ctx: commands.Context) -> discord.Embed: embed = discord.Embed(title="Verification", color=var.C_MAIN ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"verifyinfo", value="Get information about the type of verification server has!", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"verifychannel `<#channel>`", value="Change the verification channel!", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"verifyswitch", value="Switch between verification type", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"verifyremove", value="Remove verification from your server (Removes data and disables plugin)", inline=False ).set_thumbnail(url="") return embed
def rrhelp(ctx: commands.Context) -> discord.Embed: embed = discord.Embed(title="Reaction Roles", color=var.C_MAIN ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"rr `<messageid>` `<role>` `<emoji>`", value="Setup reaction roles in your server! For role either role ID or role ping can be used.", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"removerr `<messageid>` `<emoji>`", value="Remove any existing reaction role.", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"allrr", value="View all active reaction roles in the server!", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"uniquerr `<messageid>`", value="Mark a message with unique reactions! Users would be able to react once hence take one role from the message.", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"removeunique `<messageid>`", value="Unmark the message with unique reactions! Users would be able to react multiple times hence take multiple roles from the message.", inline=False ).set_thumbnail(url="") return embed
def sendresponse(ctx, tag, responselist): choice = random.choice(responselist) print(tag) if tag == "prefix": choice = choice.replace("~", getprefix(ctx)) return choice
async def levelconfig(self, ctx): embed = discord.Embed(title="Configure leveling for this server", color=var.C_TEAL ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"xprange `<leastamount>` `<highestamount>`",value="Set the range between which users will be awarded with random xp", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"blacklist `<#channel>`",value=f"Add the channel where you don't want users to gain xp.", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"whitelist `<#channel>`",value=f"Whitelist an xp blacklisted channel.", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"alertchannel `<#channel>`", value="Define the channel where alerts will be sent for level ups!", inline=False ).add_field(name="Reset data", value=f"React to {var.DECLINE}", inline=False) #).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"maxlevel `<amount>`", value="Define the max level which can be achieved by a user", inline=False #).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"alertmessage `<message>`", value=f"Change the alert message! Use these values in between:\n[user] [xp] [level]\n Make sure to put them between square brackets!", inline=False botmsg = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await botmsg.add_reaction(var.DECLINE) def reactioncheck(reaction, user): if str(reaction.emoji) == var.DECLINE: return user == and reaction.message == botmsg await'reaction_add', check=reactioncheck) await botmsg.clear_reactions() embed = discord.Embed( title="Rank data deletion", description=f"Keep in mind that this action is irreversable", color=var.CORANGE ).add_field(name="Confirm Delete", value=var.ACCEPT ).add_field(name="Cancel", value=var.DECLINE ) botdeletemsg = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await botdeletemsg.add_reaction(var.ACCEPT) await botdeletemsg.add_reaction(var.DECLINE) def deletereaction_check(reaction, user): return user == and reaction.message == botdeletemsg reaction, user = await'reaction_add', check=deletereaction_check, timeout=60.0) if str(reaction.emoji) == var.ACCEPT: db.LEVELDATABASE.get_collection(str({ "_id" : { "$ne": 0 } }) await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed( title="Leveling removed", description="Leveling have been removed from this server, that means all the rank data has been deleted", color=var.CORANGE) ) if str(reaction.emoji) == var.DECLINE: await ctx.send("Woosh that was close, cancelled leveling data deletion.")
def extrahelp(ctx: commands.Context) -> discord.Embed: embed = discord.Embed(title="Extras", description="Commands that are useful bot don't belong to other categories!", color=var.C_MAIN ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"embed `<#channel>`",value="Generate an embed!", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"stats", value="Shows server statistics!", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"about", value="Information about me :sunglasses:", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"suggest `<youridea>`",value="Suggest an idea which will be sent in the official [Axiol Support Server](!", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"invite",value="My bot invite link!", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"source", value="My Github source code!", inline=False ).set_thumbnail(url="") return embed
def welcomehelp(ctx: commands.Context) -> discord.Embed: embed = discord.Embed(title="Welcome Greetings", color=var.C_MAIN ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"welcomecard", value="See your server's welcome card!", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"welcomechannel <#channel>", value="Change welcome channel!", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"welcomemessage", value="Change welcome message!", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"welcomeimage", value="Change the welcome image!", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"welcomerole `<role>`", value="Assign automatic role to a member when they join! For role either role mention or id can be used.", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"welcomereset", value="Reset to default welcome embed message", inline=False ).set_thumbnail(url="") return embed
def modhelp(ctx: commands.Context) -> discord.Embed: embed = discord.Embed(title="Moderation", description="What's better than entering a sweet little ban command?", color=var.C_MAIN ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"ban `<reason>`", value="Bans a user until unbanned, reason is optional", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"unban", value="Unbans a banned user", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"kick `<reason>`", value="Kicks the user out of the server, reason is optional", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"mute", value="Assigns 'Muted' role to the user hence disabling their ability to send messages! If the role does not exist then I can make it on my own when the command is used!", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"unmute", value="Removes the 'Muted' role therefore lets the user send messages.", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"purge `<amount>`", value="Deletes the number of messages defined in the command from the channel", inline=False ).set_thumbnail(url="") return embed
def levelhelp(ctx: commands.Context) -> discord.Embed: embed = discord.Embed(title="Ah yes leveling, MEE6 who?", color=var.C_MAIN ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"rank `<user>`", value="Shows server rank of the user, user id or user mention can be used to check ranks, user field is optional for checking rank of yourself.", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"leaderboard", value="Shows server leaderboard!", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"givexp `<user>` `<amount>`", value="Gives user more XP! For user either user can be mentioned or ID can be used", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"removexp `<user>` `<amount>`", value="Removes user more XP! For user either user can be mentioned or ID can be used", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"togglealerts", value="Disable or Enable alert message for level ups!", inline=False #).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"award", value="Setup awards for reaching certain amount of xp!", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"levelconfig", value=f"Configure leveling settings!", inline=False ).set_thumbnail(url="") return embed
async def help(self, ctx): GuildDoc = db.PLUGINS.find_one({"_id":}) embed = discord.Embed( title="Axiol Help", description=f"Help commands for the plugins which are enabled!", color=var.C_MAIN ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"prefix", value="Change prefix", inline=False ).add_field(name=getprefix(ctx)+"plugins", value=f"Configure plugins {var.E_PLUGINS}", inline=False ).set_footer(text="Either use the subcommand or react to the emojis below" ).set_thumbnail(url="") for i in GuildDoc: if GuildDoc.get(i) == True: helpname = i.lower() if i.lower() == "reaction roles": #Reaction roles command doesn't have space in between reaction and roles helpname = i.lower().replace(" ", "") embed.add_field(name=f"{getprefix(ctx)}help {helpname}", value=f"{i} Help {var.DICT_PLUGINEMOJIS.get(i)}", inline=False) embed.add_field(name=f"{getprefix(ctx)}help extras", value=f"Non plugin commands {var.E_CONTINUE}️ ", inline=False) helpmsg = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await helpmsg.add_reaction(var.E_PLUGINS) for i in GuildDoc: if GuildDoc.get(i) == True: await helpmsg.add_reaction(var.DICT_PLUGINEMOJIS.get(i)) await helpmsg.add_reaction(var.E_CONTINUE) def check(reaction, user): return user == and reaction.message == helpmsg HelpDict = { "Leveling": levelhelp, "Moderation": modhelp, "Reaction Roles":rrhelp, "Welcome": welcomehelp, "Verification": verifyhelp, "Chatbot": chatbothelp } try: while True: reaction, user = await'reaction_add', check=check, timeout=30.0) if str(reaction.emoji) in var.DICT_PLUGINEMOJIS.values(): helptype = list(var.DICT_PLUGINEMOJIS.keys())[list(var.DICT_PLUGINEMOJIS.values()).index(str(reaction.emoji))] await helpmsg.edit(embed=HelpDict.get(helptype)(ctx)) await helpmsg.remove_reaction(str(reaction.emoji), #Since extra help is always there if str(reaction.emoji) == var.E_CONTINUE: await helpmsg.edit(embed=extrahelp(ctx)) await helpmsg.remove_reaction(var.E_CONTINUE, if str(reaction.emoji) == var.E_PLUGINS: await helpmsg.clear_reactions() await ctx.invoke('plugins')) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await helpmsg.clear_reactions()