def __add_car(self): ''' Function that adds a car :return: ''' id = readInt("Please give an id: ") model = input("Please give a model: ") year = readInt("Please give a year: ") engine = input("Please give a engine: ") self.__car_serv.add_car_srv(id, model, year, engine)
def __delete_client(self): ''' Function that deletes a client :return: ''' id = readInt("Please give the id: ") self.__cl_serv.del_cl_srv(id)
def show_ui(self): ''' Function that shows the user interface :return: ''' self.__add_data() while True: self.__print_ui() cmd = readInt("Please give command: ") if cmd == 1: self.__add_car() elif cmd == 2: self.__add_client() elif cmd == 3: self.__delete_car() elif cmd == 4: self.__delete_client() elif cmd == 5: self.__find_car_id() elif cmd == 6: self.__find_client_id() elif cmd == 7: self.__list_cars() elif cmd == 8: self.__list_clients() elif cmd == 9: self.__add_rental() elif cmd == 10: self.__list_rentals() elif cmd == 11: self.__list_sorted_rentals() else: print("Sorry, invalid command!")
def __add_rental(self): ''' Function that adds a rental :return: ''' id_car = readInt("Pleas give the car id: ") car = self.__car_serv.find_car_srv(id_car) if car is None: print("There is no car with this id!") pass id_cl = readInt("Please give the client id: ") cl = self.__cl_serv.find_cl_srv(id_cl) if cl is None: print("There is no client with this id! ") pass self.__rt_serv.add_rent_srv(id_car, id_cl)
def __find_client_id(self): ''' Function that finds a client by id :return: ''' id = readInt("Please give the id: ") find_cl = self.__cl_serv.find_cl_srv(id) if find_cl is not None: print(find_cl)
def __find_car_id(self): ''' Function that finds a car by id :return: ''' id = readInt("Please give the id: ") find_car = self.__car_serv.find_car_srv(id) if find_car is not None: print(find_car)
def __add_client(self): ''' Function that adds a client :return: ''' id = readInt("Please give an id: ") name = input("Please give a name: ") addr = input("Please give an address: ") self.__cl_serv.add_cl_srv(id, name, addr)
def startUI(): ''' Function that starts the user interface menu Takes no argument Doesn't return anything ''' while True: try: specfiyMenu = readInt( "Apasati 1 pentru Menu Based UI sau 2 pentru Command Based UI: " ) if specfiyMenu == 1: menuBasedUI() elif specfiyMenu == 2: commandBasedUI() else: raise TypeError("NUMARUL INTRODUS POATE FI DOAR 1 SAU 2") except TypeError as msg: print(msg)
def menuBasedUI(): ''' control the menuBased UI :return: ''' listOfApartments = initApartments() while True: printMenu() command = readInt("Selectati comanda dorita: ") if command == 1: printAddSubmenu() addCostControl(listOfApartments) elif command == 2: printDeleteSubmenu() deleteCostControl(listOfApartments) elif command == 3: printSearchSubmenu() searchingCostControl(listOfApartments) elif command == 4: printViewSubmenu() viewCostControl(listOfApartments) elif command == 5: exit()
def initApartments(): numofApartments = readInt("Dati numarul de apartamente: ") listOfApartments = createNewList(numofApartments) return listOfApartments