def api_for_dashboard(request): try: sync_stats = provider_models.Statistics.objects.filter(sync_type=codes.SyncType.SYNC_PROGRAM.value).first() if not sync_stats: result = { 'current_height': 0, 'total_transactions': 0, 'tps': 0, 'tx': 0 } return http.JsonResponse(result) current_height = sync_stats.block_height fill_stats = provider_models.Statistics.objects.filter(sync_type=codes.SyncType.FILL_MISSING_PROGRAM.value).first() if fill_stats: total_transactions = sync_stats.transactions_number + fill_stats.transactions_number else: total_transactions = sync_stats.transactions_number current_block = provider_models.Block.objects.order_by('-time')[0] tps = int(current_block.txlength) / 3 tx = {} time = current_block.time tx[time] = current_block.txlength result = { 'current_height': current_height, 'total_transactions': total_transactions, 'tps': tps, 'tx': tx } return http.JsonResponse(result) except Exception, inst: logger.exception("fail to show dashboard data:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_show_newblock(request, version): """Show the new block for uri: /newblock/ response ------- """ try: result = {} stats = provider_models.Statistics.objects.filter( sync_type=codes.SyncType.SYNC_PROGRAM.value).first() if not stats: result['height'] = 0 return http.JsonResponse(result) if stats.block_height: new_height = stats.block_height else: new_height = provider_services.get_current_height() if new_height: result['height'] = new_height return http.JsonResponse(result) return http.HttpResponseNotFound() except Exception, inst: print inst logger.exception("fail to show new block:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_home_brief(request, version): try: fill_stats = provider_models.Statistics.objects.filter(sync_type=codes.SyncType.FILL_MISSING_PROGRAM.value).first() sync_stats = provider_models.Statistics.objects.filter(sync_type=codes.SyncType.SYNC_PROGRAM.value).first() if not sync_stats: result = { 'blocks': 0, 'transactions': 0, 'contracts': 0 } return http.JsonResponse(result) current_height = sync_stats.block_height if fill_stats: total_transactions = sync_stats.transactions_number + fill_stats.transactions_number contracts = sync_stats.contracts_number + fill_stats.contracts_number else: total_transactions = sync_stats.transactions_number contracts = sync_stats.contracts_number result = { 'blocks': current_height, 'transactions': total_transactions, 'contracts': contracts } return http.JsonResponse(result) except Exception, inst: logger.exception("fail to get home page brief:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_show_client_transactions(request, version): try: addr = request.GET.get('addr') if not addr: addr = request.GET.get('address') page_id = int(request.GET.get('pageNum', 1)) #if page_id > settings.MAX_PAGE_NUM: # page_id = settings.MAX_PAGE_NUM limit = int(request.GET.get('limit', settings.PAGE_SIZE)) if limit > settings.PAGE_SIZE: limit = settings.PAGE_SIZE total_page = 0 if addr: addr = addr.lower() tx_objs = provider_models.Transaction.objects.filter( Q(from_address=addr) | Q(to_address=addr)).order_by('-time').max_time_ms( settings.MAX_SELERY_TIME) account = provider_models.Account.objects.filter( address=addr).first() if not account: result = { "total": 0, "limit": limit, "page": page_id, "pages": 1, "docs": [] } return http.JsonResponse(result) cnt = account.transactions_number + account.missing_transactions_number if cnt == 0: total_page = 1 else: if cnt % limit != 0: total_page = (cnt / limit) + 1 else: total_page = (cnt / limit) objs = tx_objs.skip((page_id - 1) * limit).limit(limit) else: raise Exception("invalid parameter") txs = [] current_height = provider_services.get_current_height() for obj in objs: item = __convert_transaction_to_client_json(obj) item['confirmations'] = current_height - obj.blockheight txs.append(item) result = { "total": cnt, "limit": limit, "page": page_id, "pages": total_page, "docs": txs } return http.JsonResponse(result) except Exception, inst: print inst logger.exception("fail to show client transactions:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_show_contract(request, version, contractAddr): try: contractAddr = addr_translation.b58check_decode(contractAddr) contract_obj = provider_models.Contract.objects.filter( contract_address=contractAddr).first() if contract_obj: contract = __convert_contract_to_json(contract_obj) else: raise Exception("contract does not exist!") account_obj = provider_models.Account.objects.filter( address=contract['contract_address']).first() balance_issac = account_obj.balance balance = Decimal(balance_issac) / 1000000000000000000 contract['balance'] = balance tx_counts = account_obj.transactions_number + account_obj.missing_transactions_number contract['tx_counts'] = tx_counts contract['contract_address'] = addr_translation.address_encode( contract['contract_address']) contract['creator'] = addr_translation.address_encode( contract['creator']) result = {'contract': contract} return http.JsonResponse(result) except Exception, inst: logger.exception("fail to show contract:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_send_transcation(request, version): """Send transaction for uri: /tx/send response ------- """ try: if request.method != "POST": raise Exception("Require POST") rawtx = request.POST.get('rawtx') if not rawtx: try: data = json.loads(request.body) if data: rawtx = data['rawtx'] except: pass if not rawtx: raise Exception("rawtx is empty.")"api_send_transcation:rawtx:%s" % rawtx) txid = provider_services.send_transaction(rawtx) if not txid: raise Exception("return txid is null") return http.JsonResponse({'txid': txid}) except Exception, inst: print inst logger.exception("fail to send transaction:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_show_transactions_by_addresses(request, version, addrs=None): """Show the transaction list of multiple addressed for uri: /addrs/<addrs>/txs response ------- """ try: result = {} items = [] no_spent = False start_pos = None end_pos = None if request.method != 'POST': raise Exception("Require POST") addrs = request.POST.get('addrs') if not addrs: try: data = json.loads(request.body) if data: addrs = data['addrs'] except: pass if not addrs: logger.error("api_show_transactions_by_addresses:no addrs") raise Exception("no addrs") # other parameters no_spent = True if request.REQUEST.get('noSpent') == "1" else False start_pos = request.REQUEST.get('from') if start_pos: start_pos = int(start_pos) end_pos = request.REQUEST.get('to') if end_pos: end_pos = int(end_pos) addrs = addrs.split(',') current_height = provider_services.get_current_height() for addr in addrs: if no_spent: rs = provider_models.Transaction.objects.filter(to_address=addr) else: rs = provider_models.Transaction.objects.filter(Q(from_address=addr) | Q(to_address=addr)) objs = rs.skip(start_pos).limit(end_pos - start_pos) for obj in objs: tmp = __convert_transaction_to_json(obj) tmp['confirmations'] = current_height - obj.blockheight items.append(tmp) if start_pos != None and end_pos != None: result['from'] = start_pos result['to'] = end_pos else: result['from'] = 0 result['to'] = len(items) result['totalItems'] = len(items) result['items'] = items return http.JsonResponse(result) except Exception, inst: print inst logger.exception("fail to show transactions by addresses:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_show_addr_summary(request, version, addr): """ show the address summary for uri: /addr/<addr> response ------- { "addrStr": "muqq4M9KHTf1kVHWiciLirMybfy22gEA1K", "balance": 381200.0273664, "balanceSat": 38120002736640, "totalReceived": 409500.029219, "totalReceivedSat": 40950002921900, "totalSent": 28300.0018526, "totalSentSat": 2830000185260, "unconfirmedBalance": 0, "unconfirmedBalanceSat": 0, "unconfirmedTxApperances": 0, "txApperances": 8205 } """ try: tx_type = request.GET.get('type', None) if tx_type: is_internal = True else: is_internal = False eth_addr = addr_translation.b58check_decode(addr) internal_list = provider_models.InternalTransaction.objects.filter( to_address=eth_addr) if internal_list: has_internal = True else: has_internal = False account = provider_models.Account.objects.filter( address=eth_addr).first() if account: # caculate the txlength txlength = account.transactions_number + account.missing_transactions_number balance = account.balance balanceSat = int(balance) / DECIMAL_SATOSHI result = { "addrStr": addr, "balance": balanceSat, "unconfirmedBalance": 0, "unconfirmedBalanceSat": 0, "unconfirmedTxApperances": 0, "txApperances": txlength, "is_internal": is_internal, "has_internal": has_internal } return http.JsonResponse(result) else: return http.HttpResponseNotFound() except Exception, inst: print inst logger.exception("fail to show transaction:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_show_block_info_by_height(request, version, height): """Show the block info by height for uri: /block-index/<height> """ try: height = int(height) obj = provider_models.Block.objects.get(height=height) return http.JsonResponse({'blockHash':}) except Exception, inst: print inst logger.exception("fail to show block info by height:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_show_contracts_list(request, version): try: page_id = int(request.GET.get('pageNum', 1)) limit = int(request.GET.get('limit', settings.PAGE_SIZE)) if limit > settings.PAGE_SIZE: limit = settings.PAGE_SIZE contract_objs = provider_models.Contract.objects.order_by('-time') statses = provider_models.Statistics.objects.filter() cnt = 0 for stats in statses: cnt += stats.contracts_number if cnt == 0: total_page = 1 else: if cnt % settings.PAGE_SIZE != 0: total_page = (cnt / settings.PAGE_SIZE) + 1 else: total_page = (cnt / settings.PAGE_SIZE) more = False if total_page > 1: more = True contract_objs = contract_objs.skip( (page_id - 1) * settings.PAGE_SIZE).limit(limit) contract_list = [] for contract_obj in contract_objs: contract = __convert_contract_to_json(contract_obj) account_obj = provider_models.Account.objects.filter( address=contract['contract_address']).first() if not account_obj: continue balance_issac = account_obj.balance balance = Decimal(balance_issac) / 1000000000000000000 contract['balance'] = balance tx_counts = account_obj.transactions_number + account_obj.missing_transactions_number contract['tx_counts'] = tx_counts contract['contract_address'] = addr_translation.address_encode( contract['contract_address']) contract_list.append(contract) result = { 'contract_list': contract_list, 'pagination': total_page, 'is_more': more } return http.JsonResponse(result) except Exception, inst: logger.exception("fail to show contract list:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_show_client_transaction(request, version): try: txid = request.GET.get('txid') if not txid: logger.error("no txid") return http.HttpResponseServerError() tx = provider_models.Transaction.objects.filter(txid=txid).first() if not tx: logger.error("no tx") return http.HttpResponseServerError() current_height = provider_services.get_current_height() item = __convert_transaction_to_client_json(tx) item['confirmations'] = current_height - tx.blockheight result = {"tx": item} return http.JsonResponse(result) except Exception, inst: logger.exception("fail to show client transaction:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_get_estimatefee(request, version): """Calculate the translation's fee for url:utils/estimatefee/?nbBlocks= response ------- """ try: args = request.GET.get('nbBlocks') result = {} result[2] = 20000 / 1e8 if args and len(args) > 0: nbBlocks = args.split(",") for nbBlock in nbBlocks: if int(nbBlock) == 1: result[nbBlock] = 10000 / 1e8 elif int(nbBlock) == 3: result[nbBlock] = 30000 / 1e8 return http.JsonResponse(result) except Exception, inst: return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_get_sync(request, version): """ show the sync status summary for uri: /sync """ try: current_height = provider_services.get_current_height() today = + datetime.timedelta(minutes=-2) start_ts = (today - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() result = { "blockChainHeight": current_height, "height": current_height, "status": _("finished"), "syncPercentage": 100, "type": _("newton supernode"), "startTs": int(start_ts) * 1000, "syncedBlocks": current_height, } return http.JsonResponse(result) except Exception, inst: print inst logger.exception("fail to get sync:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_show_block_info(request, version, blockhash): """Show the block info by block hash key for uri: /block/<hash> response ------ { "hash":"00000000086267f5c9cf3d6d44ade95203a3cf713139d98a7b0a3e98947d4ded", "size":201, "height":8118, "version":536870912, "merkleroot":"bf04109823a6dedda7e07e47b421c36f116cff5b89e13e3c96ab4bfbcad87b33", "tx":["bf04109823a6dedda7e07e47b421c36f116cff5b89e13e3c96ab4bfbcad87b33"], "time":1508238076, "nonce":2073973374, "bits":"1c14c83f", "difficulty":12.31803921, "chainwork":"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004a1dfddcdea5", "confirmations":1, "previousblockhash":"000000000b3a33446a9feddc9462312e2fa4f5ba0316672c4b6ab4a37ad90aa4", "reward":50, "isMainChain":True, "poolInfo":{} } """ try: current_height = provider_services.get_current_height() obj = provider_models.Block.objects.get(blockhash=blockhash) result = json.loads(obj.to_json()) result['hash'] = result['isMainChain'] = True result['confirmations'] = current_height - obj.height result['current_net'] = settings.CURRENT_NET validator_name, validator_url = handle_validator(result['validator']) result['validator_name'] = validator_name result['validator_url'] = validator_url return http.JsonResponse(result) except Exception, inst: print inst logger.exception("fail to show block info by hash:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_show_newtx(request, version): """Show the new transaction for uri: /newtx/ response ------- """ try: objs = provider_models.Transaction.objects.order_by("-time")[0: 10] current_height = provider_services.get_current_height() txs = [] for obj in objs: item = __convert_transaction_to_json(obj) item['confirmations'] = current_height - obj.blockheight value_issac = item['value'] value = Decimal(value_issac) / 1000000000000000000 item['value'] = value txs.append(item) return http.JsonResponse({'txs': txs}) except Exception, inst: print inst logger.exception("fail to show new transaction:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_get_status(request, version): """ show the status info for uri: /status """ current_height = provider_services.get_current_height() current_net = settings.CURRENT_NET result = { "info": { "blocks": current_height, "connections": 1, "difficulty": 0, "errors": "", "network": _("mainnet"), "protocolversion": 1, "proxy": "", "relayfee": 0.00001, "testnet": False, "timeoffset": 0, "version": 1, 'current_net': current_net } } return http.JsonResponse(result)
def api_show_version(request, version): """Show the api version for uri: /version """ return http.JsonResponse({'version': '1.0'})
def api_get_peer(request,version): return http.JsonResponse({"connected":true,"host":"","port":""})
def api_show_top_accounts(request, version): """ show the accounts ordered by balance descending response ------- { "total_page": 1, "current_page": 1, "total_addresses": 210000, "total_transactions": 32600, "account_list": [ { "rank": 1, "address": "NEW17xJKkRcaXhG9G51b5iy8vs37AVsTw9XPgGw", "balance": '1000000', "txn_count": 273 # the number of transactions }, ] } """ try: page_id = int(request.GET.get('pageNum', 1)) res = {} limit = int(request.GET.get('limit', settings.PAGE_SIZE)) if limit > settings.PAGE_SIZE: limit = settings.PAGE_SIZE if ":" in settings.MONGODB_HOST: # split MONGODB_HOST to host and port mongo_list = settings.MONGODB_HOST.split(":") client = MongoClient(mongo_list[0], int(mongo_list[1])) else: client = MongoClient(host=settings.MONGODB_HOST) db = client[settings.BLOCK_CHAIN_DB_NAME] collection = db['account'] objs = collection.find({}).collation({"locale": "en", "numericOrdering": True}).sort([("balance", -1), ("transactions_number", -1)]) if objs: cnt = collection.count_documents({}) if cnt == 0: total_page = 1 elif cnt >= settings.PAGE_SIZE * settings.ADDRESS_MAX_PAGE_NUM: total_page = settings.ADDRESS_MAX_PAGE_NUM else: if cnt % settings.PAGE_SIZE != 0: total_page = (cnt / settings.PAGE_SIZE) + 1 else: total_page = (cnt / settings.PAGE_SIZE) res['total_page'] = total_page if page_id > total_page: return http.JsonErrorResponse(error_message='large', data=res) skip_num = (page_id - 1) * settings.PAGE_SIZE obj = objs.skip(skip_num).limit(limit) account_list = [] for index, ele in enumerate(obj): account = {} account['rank'] = skip_num + index + 1 account['address'] = addr_translation.address_encode(ele['_id']) account['balance'] = Decimal(ele['balance']) / DECIMAL_SATOSHI account['txn_count'] = ele['transactions_number'] account_list.append(account) res['account_list'] = account_list res['current_page'] = page_id res['total_addresses'] = cnt res['total_transactions'] = provider_models.Statistics.objects.first().transactions_number client.close() return http.JsonResponse(res) except Exception, inst: print inst logger.exception("fail to show top accounts:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_show_transaction(request, version, txid): """ show the transcation for uri: /tx response ------- { "blockhash": "0000000009ca522f5611ecf15a46f808394b58b9d811951a5d62f9e94f7e7c81", "blockheight": 7642, "blocktime": 1508167763, "confirmations": 477, "isCoinBase": True, "locktime": 0, "size": 120, "time": 1508167763, "txid": "fb6b050d695bba36c00097cc74bd4744253e0ca8075dc7361f45c985c98412da", "valueOut": 50, "version": 1, "vin": [ { "coinbase": "02da1d00000000006266676d696e657220352e312e302d756e6b6e6f776e0004000000", "n": 0, "sequence": 4294967295 }, ], "vout": [ { "n": 0, "scriptPubKey": { "addresses": ["muqq4M9KHTf1kVHWiciLirMybfy22gEA1K"], "asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 9d239fa987bbf55f160fd6cb370be033e4311cbe OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG", "hex": "76a9149d239fa987bbf55f160fd6cb370be033e4311cbe88ac", "type": "pubkeyhash" }, "value": "50.00000000" }, ] } """ try: obj = provider_models.Transaction.objects.filter(txid=txid).first() if obj: current_height = provider_services.get_current_height() result = __convert_transaction_to_json(obj) result['confirmations'] = current_height - obj.blockheight from_contract = False to_contract = False from_contract_obj = provider_models.Contract.objects.filter(contract_address=result['from_address']) to_contract_obj = provider_models.Contract.objects.filter(contract_address=result['to_address']) if from_contract_obj: from_contract = True if to_contract_obj: to_contract = True result['from_contract'] = from_contract result['to_contract'] = to_contract from_address = addr_translation.address_encode(result['from_address']) to_address = addr_translation.address_encode(result['to_address']) result['from_addr'] = from_address result['to_addr'] = to_address value_issac = result['value'] value = Decimal(value_issac) / 1000000000000000000 result['value'] = value final_fees = result['fees'] * result['fees_price'] result['fees'] = final_fees res = get_internal_transaction_info(txid) if res['is_internal']: result['is_internal'] = True result['internal_info'] = res['internal_info'] else: result['is_internal'] = False return http.JsonResponse(result) else: return http.HttpResponseNotFound() except Exception, inst: print inst logger.exception("fail to show transaction:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_show_transactions(request, version): """ show the transcations for uri: /txs response ------ { "pagesTotal": 1, "txs": [ { "blockhash": "0000000009ca522f5611ecf15a46f808394b58b9d811951a5d62f9e94f7e7c81", "blockheight": 7642, "blocktime": 1508167763, "confirmations": 477, "isCoinBase": True, "locktime": 0, "size": 120, "time": 1508167763, "txid": "fb6b050d695bba36c00097cc74bd4744253e0ca8075dc7361f45c985c98412da", "valueOut": 50, "version": 1, "vin": [ { "coinbase": "02da1d00000000006266676d696e657220352e312e302d756e6b6e6f776e0004000000", "n": 0, "sequence": 4294967295 },], "vout": [ { "n": 0, "scriptPubKey": { "addresses": ["muqq4M9KHTf1kVHWiciLirMybfy22gEA1K"], "asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 9d239fa987bbf55f160fd6cb370be033e4311cbe OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG", "hex": "76a9149d239fa987bbf55f160fd6cb370be033e4311cbe88ac", "type": "pubkeyhash" }, "value": "50.00000000"},] }, ] } """ try: tx_type = request.GET.get('type', None) has_internal = False blockhash = request.GET.get('block') addr = request.GET.get('addr') contract = request.GET.get('contract') if not addr: addr = request.GET.get('address') if addr: addr = addr_translation.b58check_decode(addr) page_id = int(request.GET.get('pageNum', 1)) if page_id > settings.MAX_PAGE_NUM: page_id = settings.MAX_PAGE_NUM limit = int(request.GET.get('limit', settings.PAGE_SIZE)) if limit > settings.PAGE_SIZE: limit = settings.PAGE_SIZE if not addr and contract: contract = addr_translation.b58check_decode(contract) addr = contract total_page = 0 if blockhash: objs = provider_models.Transaction.objects.filter(blockhash=blockhash).max_time_ms(settings.MAX_SELERY_TIME) block_obj = provider_models.Block.objects.filter(blockhash=blockhash).first() cnt = block_obj.txlength if cnt == 0: total_page = 1 else: if cnt % settings.PAGE_SIZE != 0: total_page = (cnt / settings.PAGE_SIZE) + 1 else: total_page = (cnt / settings.PAGE_SIZE) objs = objs.skip(page_id * settings.PAGE_SIZE).limit(limit) elif addr: tx_objs = provider_models.InternalTransaction.objects.filter(to_address=addr).order_by('-time').max_time_ms( settings.MAX_SELERY_TIME) if tx_objs: has_internal = True if has_internal and tx_type == 'internal': cnt = len(tx_objs) if cnt == 0: total_page = 1 else: if cnt % settings.PAGE_SIZE != 0: total_page = (cnt / settings.PAGE_SIZE) + 1 else: total_page = (cnt / settings.PAGE_SIZE) objs = tx_objs.skip(page_id * settings.PAGE_SIZE).limit(limit) else: tx_objs = provider_models.Transaction.objects.filter(Q(from_address=addr) | Q(to_address=addr)).order_by('-time').max_time_ms(settings.MAX_SELERY_TIME) account = provider_models.Account.objects.filter(address=addr).first() cnt = account.missing_transactions_number + account.transactions_number if cnt == 0: total_page = 1 else: if cnt % settings.PAGE_SIZE != 0: total_page = (cnt / settings.PAGE_SIZE) + 1 else: total_page = (cnt / settings.PAGE_SIZE) objs = tx_objs.skip(page_id * settings.PAGE_SIZE).limit(limit) else: raise Exception("invalid parameter") txs = [] current_height = provider_services.get_current_height() for obj in objs: if has_internal and tx_type == 'internal': item = {} from_contract_obj = provider_models.Contract.objects.filter(contract_address=obj.contract_address) to_contract_obj = provider_models.Contract.objects.filter(contract_address=obj.to_address) if from_contract_obj: item['from_contract'] = True else: item['from_contract'] = False if to_contract_obj: item['to_contract'] = True else: item['to_contract'] = False item['contract_address'] = addr_translation.address_encode(obj.contract_address) item['txid'] = obj.txid item['to_address'] = addr_translation.address_encode(obj.to_address) item['value'] = Decimal(obj.value) / DECIMAL_SATOSHI item['time'] = obj.time else: item = __convert_transaction_to_json(obj) item['confirmations'] = current_height - obj.blockheight from_contract = False to_contract = False from_contract_obj = provider_models.Contract.objects.filter(contract_address=item['from_address']) to_contract_obj = provider_models.Contract.objects.filter(contract_address=item['to_address']) if from_contract_obj: from_contract = True if to_contract_obj: to_contract = True item['from_contract'] = from_contract item['to_contract'] = to_contract from_address = addr_translation.address_encode(item['from_address']) to_address = addr_translation.address_encode(item['to_address']) item['from_addr'] = from_address item['to_addr'] = to_address value_issac = item['value'] value = Decimal(value_issac) / 1000000000000000000 item['value'] = value final_fees = item['fees'] * item['fees_price'] item['fees'] = final_fees item['is_internal'] = False res = get_internal_transaction_info(item['txid']) if res['is_internal']: item['is_internal_list'] = True else: item['is_internal_list'] = False txs.append(item) result = { "pagesTotal": total_page, "txs": txs } return http.JsonResponse(result) except Exception, inst: print inst logger.exception("fail to show transactions:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_show_transaction_list(request, version): """Show the transaction list for uri: /trasactions response ------------------- { "trans":[ { "txid": "0x9b2e24df970697c1bf7add69711d3114302673bf3e753b975c2bbafaf0b5b3e2" "value": 1888 "time": 1508238076, },], "length":200, "pagination":{ "next":"2017-10-18", "prev":"2017-10-16", "currentTs":1508284799, "current":"2017-10-17", "isToday":False, "more":True, "moreTs":1508284800}} """ try: # handle the query parameters trans_date = request.GET.get('transDate') start_ts = request.GET.get('startTimestamp') timezone = int(request.GET.get('timezone', 0)) limit = int(request.GET.get('limit', settings.PAGE_SIZE)) if limit > settings.PAGE_SIZE: limit = settings.PAGE_SIZE if trans_date: trans_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(trans_date, '%Y-%m-%d') else: today = trans_date = datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month, if start_ts: start_ts = int(start_ts) else: start_ts = 0 is_today = False if trans_date == is_today = True gmt_date = trans_date + datetime.timedelta(hours=timezone) next_date = gmt_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1) previous_date = gmt_date + datetime.timedelta(days=-1) trans_ts = gmt_date.timetuple() trans_ts = int(time.mktime(trans_ts)) next_date_ts = next_date.timetuple() next_date_ts = int(time.mktime(next_date_ts)) # query db if start_ts > 0: rs = provider_models.Transaction.objects.filter(time__gte=trans_ts, time__lt=start_ts).order_by('-time') else: rs = provider_models.Transaction.objects.filter(time__gte=trans_ts, time__lt=next_date_ts).order_by('-time') cnt = rs.count() is_more = False more_ts = trans_ts if cnt > settings.PAGE_SIZE: is_more = True if cnt > 0: rs = rs.limit(limit) # output trans = [] for items in rs: item_dict = dict() item_dict['txid'] = items.txid item_dict['value'] = float(items.value) / 1000000000000000000 item_dict['time'] = items.time trans.append(item_dict) if trans: # get the last timestamp more_ts = trans[-1]['time'] result = { 'trans': trans, 'length': len(trans), 'pagination': { "next": next_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), "prev": previous_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), "currentTs": trans_ts, "current": trans_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), "isToday": is_today, "more": is_more, "moreTs": more_ts, } } return http.JsonResponse(result) except Exception, inst: print inst logger.exception("fail to show trasactions:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_show_blocks(request, version): """Show the block list for uri: /blocks response ------------------- { "blocks":[ { "height":8118, "size":201, "hash":"00000000086267f5c9cf3d6d44ade95203a3cf713139d98a7b0a3e98947d4ded", "time":1508238076, "txlength":1, "poolInfo":{} },], "length":200, "pagination":{ "next":"2017-10-18", "prev":"2017-10-16", "currentTs":1508284799, "current":"2017-10-17", "isToday":False, "more":True, "moreTs":1508284800}} """ try: # handle the query parameters block_date = request.GET.get('blockDate') start_ts = request.GET.get('startTimestamp') timezone = int(request.GET.get('timezone', 0)) limit = int(request.GET.get('limit', settings.PAGE_SIZE)) if limit > settings.PAGE_SIZE: limit = settings.PAGE_SIZE if block_date: block_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(block_date, '%Y-%m-%d') else: today = block_date = datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month, if start_ts: start_ts = int(start_ts) else: start_ts = 0 is_today = False if block_date == is_today = True # add given timezone # if timezone < 0: # timezone = -timezone gmt_date = block_date + datetime.timedelta(hours=timezone) next_date = gmt_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1) previous_date = gmt_date + datetime.timedelta(days=-1) block_ts = gmt_date.timetuple() block_ts = int(time.mktime(block_ts)) next_date_ts = next_date.timetuple() next_date_ts = int(time.mktime(next_date_ts)) # query db if start_ts > 0: rs = provider_models.Block.objects.filter(time__gte=block_ts, time__lt=start_ts).order_by('-height') else: rs = provider_models.Block.objects.filter(time__gte=block_ts, time__lt=next_date_ts).order_by('-height') cnt = rs.count() is_more = False more_ts = block_ts if cnt > settings.PAGE_SIZE: is_more = True if cnt > 0: rs = rs.limit(limit) # output blocks = [] for item in rs: item.tx = '' t = json.loads(item.to_json()) # workaround t['hash'] = validator_name, validator_url = handle_validator(t['validator']) t['validator_name'] = validator_name t['validator_url'] = validator_url blocks.append(t) if blocks: # get the last timestamp more_ts = blocks[-1]['time'] result = { 'blocks': blocks, 'length': len(blocks), 'pagination': { "next": next_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), "prev": previous_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), "currentTs": block_ts, "current": block_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), "isToday": is_today, "more": is_more, "moreTs": more_ts, } } return http.JsonResponse(result) except Exception, inst: print inst logger.exception("fail to show blocks:%s" % str(inst)) return http.HttpResponseServerError()
def api_get_currency(request, version): """ """ result = {"status":200,"data":{"bitstamp":5953.78}} return http.JsonResponse(result)