コード例 #1
"""Run the script."""
import collections
import pathlib

from utils import inputs

from . import string_processing

INPUT_PATH = inputs.input_path(2, "passwords")
assert INPUT_PATH.exists(), INPUT_PATH

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # get input
    rows = [x.strip() for x in INPUT_PATH.read_text().splitlines()]

    sleigh_count = collections.Counter(
        string_processing.is_row_valid_sleigh(row) for row in rows)
    toboggan_count = collections.Counter(
        string_processing.is_row_valid_toboggan(row) for row in rows)

        "🛷 Sleigh Policy",
        f"Number of valid rows: {sleigh_count[True]}",
        f"Number of invalid rows: {sleigh_count[False]}",
        "🧝 Toboggan Policy",
        f"Number of valid rows: {toboggan_count[True]}",
        f"Number of invalid rows: {toboggan_count[False]}",
コード例 #2
"""Run the script."""
import math
import pathlib

from utils import inputs

from . import expenses

INPUT_PATH = inputs.input_path(1, "expenses")
assert INPUT_PATH.exists(), INPUT_PATH

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # get input
    inputs = [int(x) for x in INPUT_PATH.read_text().splitlines()]

    for n in [2, 3]:
        # find expenses
        answer = expenses.find_inputs_which_sum_to(inputs, target := 2020, n)

        # multiply together
        final_product = math.prod(answer)

        # tell the user
        answers = ", ".join(f"{a:,d}" for a in answer)
                f"The {n} expenses which sum to {target:,d} are {answers}, "
                f"their product is {final_product:,d}"
コード例 #3
"""Run the script."""
import math
import pathlib

from utils import inputs

from . import _types as task_types
from . import navigate

INPUT_PATH = inputs.input_path(3, "map")
assert INPUT_PATH.exists(), INPUT_PATH

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # inputs
    encounters = []
    for dx, dy in [(3, 1), (1, 1), (5, 1), (7, 1), (1, 2)]:
        # get map
        text = INPUT_PATH.read_text().strip()
        array = navigate.parse_string_to_array(text.splitlines())
        len_down = len(array)
        gradient = dx / dy
        my_map = navigate.build_map_of_min_width(
            text, math.ceil(len_down * gradient))

        encountered_trees = navigate.traverse_slope_count_val(
            my_map, dx, dy, task_types.Item.TREE)

        forest = task_types.Item.TREE.value * encountered_trees
        print(f"Slope: {dx}, {dy}: encountered {encountered_trees} on "
              f"the way down: {forest}")
コード例 #4
"""Run the script."""
import collections
import math
import pathlib

from utils import inputs

from . import seating

INPUT_PATH = inputs.input_path(5, "seating")
assert INPUT_PATH.exists(), INPUT_PATH

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # inputs
    inputs = INPUT_PATH.read_text().strip()
    seats = [seating.parse_boarding_pass(seat) for seat in inputs.splitlines()]

    seat_ids = [seating.get_seat_id(seat) for seat in seats]
    max_seat_id = max(seat_ids)

    print(f"Max seat ID: {max_seat_id}")

    missing_seat_id = seating.find_missing_seat(seat_ids)
    print(f"Missing seat ID: {missing_seat_id}")
コード例 #5
"""Run the script."""
import collections
import math
import pathlib

from utils import inputs

from . import declarations

INPUT_PATH = inputs.input_path(6, "declarations")
assert INPUT_PATH.exists(), INPUT_PATH

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # inputs
    inputs = INPUT_PATH.read_text().strip()
    declarations_anyone = declarations.parse_declarations_anyone(inputs)
    declarations_everyone = declarations.parse_declarations_everyone(inputs)

    total_questions_anyone = sum(len(d) for d in declarations_anyone)
    total_questions_everyone = sum(len(d) for d in declarations_everyone)

    print(f"Total answered (anyone): {total_questions_anyone}")
    print(f"Total answered (everyone): {total_questions_everyone}")
コード例 #6
"""Run the script."""
import collections
import math
import pathlib

from utils import inputs

from . import passport

INPUT_PATH = inputs.input_path(4, "passports")
assert INPUT_PATH.exists(), INPUT_PATH

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # inputs
    inputs = INPUT_PATH.read_text().strip()
    passports = passport.parse_input(inputs)

    num_valid = collections.Counter(
        passport.is_passport_valid(p) for p in passports

    print(f"Total valid: {num_valid[True]}")