def get_info(url, cw=None): print_ = get_print(cw) info = {} html = downloader.read_html(url) if '"cafe_cautionpage"' in html: raise errors.LoginRequired() url_article = re.find(r'''//cafe\.naver\.com/ArticleRead\.nhn\?articleid=[0-9]+&clubid=[0-9]+''', html, err='no iframe') url_article = urljoin(url, url_article) print_(url_article) articleid = re.find(r'articleid=([0-9]+)', url_article) clubid = re.find(r'clubid=([0-9]+)', url_article) url_api = f'{clubid}/articles/{articleid}?query=&useCafeId=true&requestFrom=A' j = downloader.read_json(url_api, url) info['title'] = j['result']['article']['subject'] info['cafename'] = j['result']['cafe']['url'] info['cafeid'] = clubid info['id'] = articleid html_content = j['result']['article']['contentHtml'] soup = Soup(html_content) imgs = [] pairs = [] for video in soup.findAll('span', class_='_naverVideo'): vid = video.attrs['vid'] key = video.attrs['key'] pairs.append((vid, key)) for script in soup.findAll('script', class_='__se_module_data'): data_raw = script['data-module'] data = json.loads(data_raw)['data'] vid = data.get('vid') if not vid: continue key = data['inkey'] pairs.append((vid, key)) for vid, key in pairs: url_api = '{}?key={}'.format(vid, key) data_raw = downloader.read_html(url_api) data = json.loads(data_raw) fs = data['videos']['list'] fs = sorted(fs, key=lambda f: f['size'], reverse=True) video = Image(fs[0]['source'], url_article, len(imgs)) imgs.append(video) for img in soup.findAll('img'): img = Image(urljoin(url_article, img['src']), url, len(imgs)) imgs.append(img) info['imgs'] = imgs return info
def _handle_message(self, buf): i = buf.find(' ') if i == -1: self._failed("Invalid response message - no message id") msgid = buf[:i] buf = buf[i + 1:] cb = self.pending.get(msgid, None) if cb is None: self._failed("Response for unknown message id (%r)" % msgid) del self.pending[msgid] response = '' try: if len(buf) > 0: if buf[0] == 'S': response = {'ok': 1, 'msg': buf[1:]} elif buf[0] == 'J': response = json.loads(buf[1:]) elif buf[0] == 'E': response = json.loads(buf[1:]) elif buf[0] == 'F': response = json.loads(buf[1:]) else: response = {'ok': 0, 'msg': "Unknown response type code (%r)" % buf[0]} except: cb({'ok': 0, 'msg': 'Unable to parse response (%r)' % buf}) else: cb(response)
def get_json(jsonmethod, sort=None, filters=None, fields=None, limits=None, returntype=None, optparam=None, filtertype=None): """method to get details from the kodi json api""" kodi_json = {} kodi_json["jsonrpc"] = "2.0" kodi_json["method"] = jsonmethod kodi_json["params"] = {} if optparam: if isinstance(optparam, list): for param in optparam: kodi_json["params"][param[0]] = param[1] else: kodi_json["params"][optparam[0]] = optparam[1] kodi_json["id"] = 1 if sort: kodi_json["params"]["sort"] = sort if filters: if not filtertype: filtertype = "and" if len(filters) > 1: kodi_json["params"]["filter"] = {filtertype: filters} else: kodi_json["params"]["filter"] = filters[0] if fields: kodi_json["params"]["properties"] = fields if limits: kodi_json["params"]["limits"] = {"start": limits[0], "end": limits[1]} json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(try_encode(json.dumps(kodi_json))) if sys.version_info.major == 3: json_object = json.loads(json_response) else: json_object = json.loads(json_response.decode('utf-8', 'replace')) # set the default returntype to prevent errors if "details" in jsonmethod.lower(): result = {} else: result = [] if 'result' in json_object: if returntype and returntype in json_object['result']: # returntype specified, return immediately result = json_object['result'][returntype] else: # no returntype specified, we'll have to look for it if sys.version_info.major == 3: for key, value in json_object['result'].items(): if not key == "limits" and (isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, dict)): result = value else: for key, value in json_object['result'].iteritems(): if not key == "limits" and (isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, dict)): result = value else: log_msg(json_response) log_msg(kodi_json) return result
def set_json(jsonmethod, params): """method to set info in the kodi json api""" kodi_json = {} kodi_json["jsonrpc"] = "2.0" kodi_json["method"] = jsonmethod kodi_json["params"] = params kodi_json["id"] = 1 json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(try_encode(json.dumps(kodi_json))) if sys.version_info.major == 3: return json.loads(json_response) else: return json.loads(json_response.decode('utf-8', 'replace'))
def clean(self, value): if not value and not self.required: return None value = super(JSONFormField, self).clean(value) if isinstance(value, basestring): try: json.loads(value) except ValueError: raise FormValidationError(_("Enter valid JSON")) return value
def read(project_id: str, model_id: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get a list with every story name :return: list with the names """ pipeline = [ { "$lookup": { "from": "interactions", "localField": "_id", "foreignField": "story_id", "as": "interactions", } }, { "$match": { "project_id": ObjectId(project_id), } }, { "$project": { "name": 1, "interactions_length": { "$size": "$interactions" } } }, ] return json.objectid_to_id( json.loads(json_mongo.dumps(STORIES_COLL.aggregate(pipeline))))
def get(self, url, data={}, headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS, timeout=-1, value="data"): r = None if timeout == 0: return r if data: url_hash = hashlib.sha1(url + '?' + data).hexdigest() else: url_hash = hashlib.sha1(url).hexdigest() conn = self.connect() c = conn.cursor() sql = 'SELECT %s, compressed FROM cache WHERE url_hash=?' % value if timeout > 0: now = time.mktime(time.localtime()) t = (url_hash, now-timeout) sql += ' AND created > ?' else: t = (url_hash, ) if value != "headers": sql += ' AND only_headers != 1 ' c.execute(sql, t) for row in c: r = row[0] if value == 'headers': r = json.loads(r) elif value == 'data': if row[1] == 1: r = zlib.decompress(r) else: r = str(r) break c.close() conn.close() return r
def getConstituencies(**kw): """ A list of constituencies args - either: date - the list of constituencies as it was on this date or: latitude, longitude, distance - list of constituencies within distance of lat, lng """ geoargs = ("latitude", "longitude", "distance") validargs = ("date", ) + geoargs invalid_args = list(k for k in kw.keys() if k not in validargs) if len(invalid_args) > 0: raise ValueError("Invalid args %r" % ",".join(invalid_args)) if any(kw.has_key(k) for k in geoargs): if not all(kw.has_key(k) for k in geoargs): raise ValueError("Need all geoargs") params = dict((k, v) for k, v in kw.items() if v != None) headers, result = fetch(svcurl("getConstituencies", params)) return [x['name'] for x in json.loads(result, encoding=charset(headers))]
def _http_post(self, baseurl, params): for p in params: params[p] = self._unicode_encode(params[p]) data = urllib.urlencode(params) resp = urllib.urlopen(baseurl,data) json_objs = json.loads( return json_objs
def getConstituencies(**kw): """ A list of constituencies args - either: date - the list of constituencies as it was on this date or: latitude, longitude, distance - list of constituencies within distance of lat, lng """ geoargs = ("latitude", "longitude", "distance") validargs = ("date", ) + geoargs invalid_args = list(k for k in kw.keys() if k not in validargs) if len(invalid_args) > 0: raise ValueError("Invalid args %r" % ",".join(invalid_args)) if any(kw.has_key(k) for k in geoargs): if not all(kw.has_key(k) for k in geoargs): raise ValueError("Need all geoargs") params = dict((k, v) for k,v in kw.items() if v != None) headers, result = fetch(svcurl("getConstituencies", params)) return [x['name'] for x in json.loads(result, encoding=charset(headers))]
def getConstituencies(**kw): """ A list of constituencies args - either: date - the list of constituencies as it was on this date or: latitude, longitude, distance - list of constituencies within distance of lat, lng """ geoargs = ("latitude", "longitude", "distance") validargs = ("date", ) + geoargs invalid_args = list(k for k in kw.keys() if k not in validargs) if len(invalid_args) > 0: raise ValueError("Invalid args %r" % ",".join(invalid_args)) if any(kw.has_key(k) for k in geoargs): if not all(kw.has_key(k) for k in geoargs): raise ValueError("Need all geoargs") params = dict((k, v) for k,v in kw.items() if v != None) new_constituency_date = "2010" date = kw.get('date', '2009') if date < new_constituency_date: headers, result = fetch(svcurl("getConstituencies", params)) return json.loads(result, encoding=charset(headers)) else: # XXX hopefully there will be a proper API for this in the future tsv_data = csv.DictReader(urllib.urlopen(URL_OF_2010_TSV), dialect='excel-tab') return tsv_data
def read() -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Read project data from database :return: project data """ pipeline = [ { "$lookup": { "from": "models", "localField": "_id", "foreignField": "project_id", "as": "models", } }, { "$project": { "name": 1, "models_length": { "$size": "$models" } } }, ] return json.objectid_to_id( json.loads(json_mongo.dumps(PROJECTS_COLL.aggregate(pipeline))))
def _http_post(self, baseurl, params): for p in params: params[p] = self._unicode_encode(params[p]) data = urllib.urlencode(params) resp = urllib.urlopen(baseurl, data) json_objs = json.loads( return json_objs
def read(project_id: str, model_id: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get the information of every stored intent :return: a dictionary with every intent and its related data """ pipeline = [ { "$lookup": { "from": "templates", "localField": "_id", "foreignField": "intent_id", "as": "templates", } }, { "$match": { "project_id": ObjectId(project_id), "model_id": ObjectId(model_id), } }, { "$project": { "name": 1, "templates_length": { "$size": "$templates" } } }, ] return json.objectid_to_id( json.loads(json_mongo.dumps(INTENTS_COLL.aggregate(pipeline))))
def test_json(): pt.initialize() res = [pt.lcut(s) for s in sentences] j = json.dumps(res, cls=PairJSONEncoder) print(j) k = json.loads(j, cls=PairJSONDecoder) print(k)
def onNotification(self, sender, method, data): """builtin function for the xbmc.Monitor class""" try: log_msg("Kodi_Monitor: sender %s - method: %s - data: %s" % (sender, method, data)) data = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8')) mediatype = "" dbid = 0 transaction = False if data and isinstance(data, dict): if data.get("item"): mediatype = data["item"].get("type", "") dbid = data["item"].get("id", 0) elif data.get("type"): mediatype = data["type"] dbid = data.get("id", 0) if data.get("transaction"): transaction = True if method == "System.OnQuit":"SkinHelperShutdownRequested", "shutdown") if method == "VideoLibrary.OnUpdate": self.process_db_update(mediatype, dbid, transaction) if method == "AudioLibrary.OnUpdate": self.process_db_update(mediatype, dbid, transaction) if method == "Player.OnStop": self.monitoring_stream = False self.infopanelshown = False"Skinhelper.PlayerPlaying")"TrailerPlaying") self.reset_win_props() if method == "Player.OnPlay": if not self.monitoring_stream and not getCondVisibility( "Player.DisplayAfterSeek"): self.reset_win_props() if self.wait_for_player(): if getCondVisibility("Player.HasAudio"): if getCondVisibility("Player.IsInternetStream"): self.monitor_radiostream() else: self.set_music_properties() if getCondVisibility("Pvr.IsPlayingRadio"): if getCondVisibility("!Player.IsInternetStream"): self.monitor_radiostream() else: self.set_music_properties() elif getCondVisibility( "VideoPlayer.Content(livetv) | String.StartsWith(Player.FileNameAndPath,pvr://)" ): self.monitor_livetv() else: self.set_video_properties(mediatype, dbid) self.show_info_panel() except Exception as exc: log_exception(__name__, exc)
def to_python(self, value): """Convert string value to JSON""" if isinstance(value, basestring): try: return json.loads(value, **self.load_kwargs) except ValueError: pass return value
def getConstituency(postcode): "Constituency postcode is in" _, response = fetch(svcurl("getConstituency", {"postcode": postcode})) result = json.loads(response) if not result.has_key('error'): return result['name'] else: return None
def loads(source): try: minified = minify(source) return json.loads(minified) except json.JSONDecodeError, e: s = minified.split('\n') context = s[e.lineno-1][max(0, e.colno-1):e.colno+30] msg = e.msg + ' at ' + context raise json.JSONDecodeError(msg, minified, e.pos)
def cookie_decode(str): if str is None: return None, None try: ds = _decode(str) dd = json.loads(ds) return dd['email'], dd['pwd'] except Exception: return None, None
def set_json(jsonmethod, params): '''method to set info in the kodi json api''' kodi_json = {} kodi_json["jsonrpc"] = "2.0" kodi_json["method"] = jsonmethod kodi_json["params"] = params kodi_json["id"] = 1 json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(try_encode(json.dumps(kodi_json))) return json.loads(json_response.decode('utf-8', 'replace'))
def __set_std(self, data, output, key): if data: try: data = data.replace('Size of the terminal is too small, output could be missaligned.', '') \ .replace(' id', ' n') \ .replace('Default Policy', 'Default-Policy') # FIXME avoid code for specific program combability output[key] = loads(data) except Exception: output[key] = table_to_dict(data.splitlines())
def _http_get(self, baseurl, params): # Support unicode parameters. # We should encode them as exchanging stream (e.g. utf-8) # before URL encoding and issue HTTP requests. for p in params: params[p] = self._unicode_encode(params[p]) uri = urllib.urlencode(params) url = baseurl + "?" + uri resp = urllib.urlopen(url) json_objs = json.loads( return json_objs
def _http_post(self, baseurl, params): try: for p in params: params[p] = self._unicode_encode(params[p]) data = urllib.urlencode(params) resp = urllib.urlopen(baseurl,data) json_objs = json.loads( return json_objs except Exception, e: logger.warning("_http_post fail: %s", e) return {}
def getGeometry(name=None): """ Centre and bounding box of constituencies Don't provide any argument to get all constituencies """ if name: params = dict(name=name) else: params = dict() if settings.CONSTITUENCY_YEAR.strftime("%Y") >= "2010": # XXX this is temporary hack until elegant TWFY API solution # happens params['future'] = 1 headers, result = fetch(svcurl("getGeometry", params)) if name: data = json.loads(result, encoding=charset(headers)) else: data = json.loads(result, encoding=charset(headers))["data"] return data
def getCurrentMP(name): """Return the current MP data structure for the named constituency """ params = dict(constituency=name) headers, result = fetch(svcurl("getMP", params)) try: data = json.loads(result, encoding=charset(headers)) except ValueError: data = "Unknown (server error)" return data
def body_dict(self): ''' Parses the request body as JSON, and returns the dict representation ''' #memoize if hasattr(self, '_body_dict'): return self._body_dict try: self._body_dict = json.loads(self.request.body) return self._body_dict except Exception, e: raise HTTPError(400, e.args[0])
def getConstituency(postcode): "Constituency postcode is in" params = {"postcode": postcode} if settings.CONSTITUENCY_YEAR.strftime("%Y") >= "2010": # XXX this is temporary hack until elegant TWFY API solution # happens params['future'] = 1 _, response = fetch(svcurl("getConstituency", params)) result = json.loads(response) if not result.has_key('error'): return result['name'] else: return None
def onNotification(self, sender, method, data): '''builtin function for the xbmc.Monitor class''' try: log_msg("Kodi_Monitor: sender %s - method: %s - data: %s" % (sender, method, data)) data = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8')) mediatype = "" dbid = 0 transaction = False if data and isinstance(data, dict): if data.get("item"): mediatype = data["item"].get("type", "") dbid = data["item"].get("id", 0) elif data.get("type"): mediatype = data["type"] id = data.get("id", 0) if data.get("transaction"): transaction = True if method == "System.OnQuit":"SkinHelperShutdownRequested", "shutdown") if method == "VideoLibrary.OnUpdate": self.process_db_update(mediatype, dbid, transaction) if method == "AudioLibrary.OnUpdate": self.process_db_update(mediatype, dbid, transaction) if method == "Player.OnStop": self.monitoring_stream = False self.infopanelshown = False"Skinhelper.PlayerPlaying")"TrailerPlaying") self.reset_win_props() if not dbid: self.process_db_update(mediatype, "", transaction) if method == "Player.OnPlay": self.reset_win_props() if self.wait_for_player(): if xbmc.getCondVisibility("Player.HasAudio"): if xbmc.getCondVisibility("Player.IsInternetStream"): self.monitor_radiostream() else: self.set_music_properties() elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("VideoPlayer.Content(livetv)"): self.monitor_livetv() else: self.set_video_properties(mediatype, dbid) self.show_info_panel() except Exception as exc: log_exception(__name__, exc)
def getGeometry(name=None): """ Centre and bounding box of constituencies Don't provide any argument to get all constituencies """ if name: params = dict(name=name) else: params = dict() headers, result = fetch(svcurl("getGeometry", params)) data = json.loads(result, encoding=charset(headers))["data"] return data
def parse_signed_request(signed_request, secret): encoded_sig, payload = signed_request.split('.', 2) sig = base64_url_decode(encoded_sig) data = json.loads(base64_url_decode(payload)) if data.get('algorithm').upper() != 'HMAC-SHA256': raise Exception('Unknown algorithm') expected_sig =, msg=payload, digestmod=hashlib.sha256)\ .digest() if sig != expected_sig: raise Exception('Signature error') return data
def __set_std(self, data, output, key, output_format): if data: data = data.strip() if output_format == 'plain': output[key] = data elif output_format == 'lines': output[key] = data.splitlines() else: try: output[key] = loads(data) except Exception as e: msg = f'Not valid JSON for {key}' self.log.exception(msg, e) output.update(description=msg, exception=extract_info(e)) output[key] = data
def _http_get(self, baseurl, params): # Support unicode parameters. # We should encode them as exchanging stream (e.g. utf-8) # before URL encoding and issue HTTP requests. try: for p in params: params[p] = self._unicode_encode(params[p]) uri = urllib.urlencode(params) url = baseurl + "?" + uri resp = urllib.urlopen(url) json_objs = json.loads( return json_objs except Exception, e: # Tolerate communication fault, like network failure. logger.warning("_http_get fail: %s", e) return {}
def _api_request(self, endpoint, params=None): '''get info from json api''' result = {} url = "http://localhost:4000/api/%s" % endpoint params = params if params else {} try: response = requests.get(url, params=params, timeout=10) if response and response.content and response.status_code == 200: if "{" in response.content: result = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8', 'replace')) else: result = response.content.decode('utf-8') else: self.logger.error("Invalid or empty reponse from server - endpoint: %s - server response: %s - %s" % (endpoint, response.status_code, response.content)) except Exception as exc: self.logger.error(exc) result = None return result
def read(project_id: str, model_id: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Return information from entities :return: data of the entities """ pipeline = [ { "$lookup": { "from": "values", "localField": "_id", "foreignField": "entity_id", "as": "values", } }, { "$match": { "project_id": ObjectId(project_id), } }, { "$project": { "name": 1, "color": 1, "intents": 1, "text_color": 1, "intents_length": {"$size": "$intents"}, "values_length": {"$size": "$values"}, } }, ] data = list(ENTITIES_COLL.aggregate(pipeline)) for doc in data: intent_list = doc["intents"] entity = doc["name"] regx = re.compile(r"\${" + entity + "}", re.IGNORECASE) for intent in intent_list: intent["templates_length"] = TEMPLATES_COLL.count_documents( {"intent_id": intent["id"], "name": {"$regex": regx}} ) return json.objectid_to_id(json.loads(json_mongo.dumps(data)))
def read_values(project_id: str, entity_id: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Return data from an entity with id [entity_id] :return: entity data """ return json.objectid_to_id( json.loads( json_mongo.dumps( VALUES_COLL.find( { "project_id": ObjectId(project_id), "entity_id": ObjectId(entity_id), }, {"project_id": 0, "model_id": 0, "entity_id": 0}, ) ) ) )
def read_models(project_id: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Read data of every model stored related to a project with id [project_id] :param project_id: id of the project :return: a list with the data of the models """ pipeline = [ { "$lookup": { "from": "stories", "localField": "_id", "foreignField": "model_id", "as": "stories", } }, { "$match": { "project_id": ObjectId(project_id) } }, { "$project": { "name": 1, "stories_length": { "$size": "$stories" } } }, ] data = list(MODELS_COLL.aggregate(pipeline)) project_name = read_project_name_from_id(project_id) for doc in data: model_name = read_model_name_from_id(doc["_id"]) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(MODEL_PATH, project_name, model_name)): doc["last_trained_timestamp"] = datetime.fromtimestamp( os.path.getctime( get_latest_model( os.path.join(MODEL_PATH, project_name, model_name)))).isoformat() return json.objectid_to_id(json.loads(json_mongo.dumps(data)))
def read_templates(project_id: str, model_id: str, intent_id: str = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get templates of every intent or an specific one with id [intent_id] :param intent_id: id of the intent :return: """ data = {"project_id": ObjectId(project_id), "model_id": ObjectId(model_id)} if intent_id: data["intent_id"] = ObjectId(intent_id) return json.objectid_to_id( json.loads( json_mongo.dumps( TEMPLATES_COLL.find(data, { "project_id": 0, "model_id": 0 }))))
def read_interactions(project_id: str, story_id: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Gets every interaction associated to the story with id [story_id] :param project_id: :param story_id: :return: """ return json.objectid_to_id( json.loads( json_mongo.dumps( INTERACTIONS_COLL.find( { "project_id": ObjectId(project_id), "story_id": ObjectId(story_id), }, { "project_id": 0, "model_id": 0, "story_id": 0 }, ))))
def get_embed_code(url, maxwidth=None, maxheight=None): embed = {} header = cache.get_headers(url) if header.get('content-type', '').startswith('text/html'): html = cache.read_url(url) json_oembed = filter(lambda l: 'json+oembed' in l, re.compile('<link.*?>').findall(html)) xml_oembed = filter(lambda l: 'xml+oembed' in l, re.compile('<link.*?>').findall(html)) if json_oembed: oembed_url = find_re(json_oembed[0], 'href="(.*?)"') if maxwidth: oembed_url += '&maxwidth=%d' % maxwidth if maxheight: oembed_url += '&maxheight=%d' % maxheight embed = json.loads(cache.read_url(oembed_url)) elif xml_oembed: oembed_url = find_re(json_oembed[0], 'href="(.*?)"') if maxwidth: oembed_url += '&maxwidth=%d' % maxwidth if maxheight: oembed_url += '&maxheight=%d' % maxheight data = cache.read_url(oembed_url) for e in ET.fromstring(data): embed[e.tag] = e.text return embed