from import Spell as BaseSpell from utils import log_util logger = log_util.get_logger('') class Spell(BaseSpell): REQUIRED_OPTIONS = ['code'] def __init__(self, config): code = config['code'] print(config) config[ 'endpoint'] = f'{code}' BaseSpell.__init__(self, config) @classmethod def name(self): return 'Fund' @classmethod def intro(self): return 'Get Fund data' def go(self): for item in BaseSpell.go(self): data = item['data'][0] net = float(data['net']) yield { 'name': data['name'],
import os import hashlib import time from datetime import datetime from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator import pytz from dateutil import parser from utils import file_util from utils import log_util from outputters.base_outputter import BaseOutputter logger = log_util.get_logger('tohsaka.rss') SECONDS_OF_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24 class Outputter(BaseOutputter): @property def REQUIRED_FIELDS(self): return ['description', 'pubDate', 'title'] def __init__(self, config): BaseOutputter.__init__(self, config) self.file = config.get('filename', 'output') + '.xml' self.title = config.get('title', 'Sample RSS') self.description = config.get('description', 'Sample') self.cache = config.get('cache', False) self.base_link = config.get('host') self.temp_dir = file_util.get_temp_dir()
from utils.log_util import get_logger logger = get_logger('tohsaka.qualifier') class Qualifier: def __init__(self, config): self.config = config.get('qualify', None) def _qualify(self, item): if not self.config: return True fields = self.config.get('field', []) value = item for f in fields: value = value.get(f, {}) if type(value) == dict: return False condition = self.config.get('condition', {}).get('type', None) target_value = int(self.config.get('condition', {}).get('value', 0)) if condition == '>': if value > target_value: return True else: logger.debug( f'{item.get("title")} doesnt pass the qualify {value}/{target_value}' ) return False
import os from requests_html import HTMLSession from spells.base_spell import BaseSpell from utils import log_util logger = log_util.get_logger('tohsaka.fourm') class Spell(BaseSpell): REQUIRED_OPTIONS = ['entry'] def __init__(self, config): BaseSpell.__init__(self, config) self.headers = config.get('headers', {}) @classmethod def name(cls): return 'Forum' @classmethod def intro(cls): return 'Get forum-like data' def get_date(self, element): return element.text def get_description(self, element): return element.html
import importlib.util from glob import glob from os.path import join as pathjoin import os from utils import log_util from utils.file_util import load_json from qualifiers.qualifier import Qualifier from spells import TohsakaException logger = log_util.get_logger('tohsaka') class Tohsaka: item_per_log = 10 MYSTIC_PATH = pathjoin(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'mystic') SPELL_PATH = pathjoin(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'spells') OUTPUTTER_PATH = pathjoin(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'outputters') @classmethod def get_mystic_codes(cls): mystic = [] for mystic_file in glob(pathjoin(cls.MYSTIC_PATH, '*.json')): mystic_json = load_json(mystic_file)
import requests from spells.base_spell import BaseSpell from utils import log_util logger = log_util.get_logger('') class Spell(BaseSpell): REQUIRED_OPTIONS = ['endpoint'] def __init__(self, config): BaseSpell.__init__(self, config) @classmethod def name(self): return 'Rest' @classmethod def intro(self): return 'Get REST data' def get_headers(self): return { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } def go(self): endpoint = self.config.get('endpoint') r = requests.get(endpoint, headers=self.get_headers())
import os from requests_html import HTMLSession from import Spell as BaseSpell from utils import log_util logger = log_util.get_logger('tohsaka.ranking') class Spell(BaseSpell): def __init__(self, config): BaseSpell.__init__(self, config) @classmethod def name(cls): return 'Ranking' @classmethod def intro(cls): return 'Get ranking-like data' def process_item(self, item): try: title = item.find(self.config.get('titleSelector'), first=True).text pub_date = self.get_date(item.find(self.config.get('dateSelector'), first=True)) description = self.get_description(item.find(self.config.get('contentSelector'), first=True)) addition = self.get_addition(item) except Exception as err: logger.warning(f'failed to process url {item}') logger.warning(str(err))
import json import tempfile import os from utils import log_util from pathlib import Path logger = log_util.get_logger('tohsaka.file_util') def load_json(filepath): result = None try: with open(filepath) as json_file: result = json.load(json_file) except: raise Exception(f'Failed to load file {filepath}.') return result def get_temp_dir(): path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'tohsaka') if not os.path.isdir(path): os.mkdir(path) logger.debug(f'Using temp folder {path}') return path def touch(path):