def work(self):

        # initialize node

        # instantiate the publisher
        topic = rospy.get_param("follower_reference_trajectory_topic", default="command/trajectory")
        pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, tm.MultiDOFJointTrajectory, queue_size=10)

        # to get the initial position of the quad
        self._quad_initial_pos = None
        self._got_quad_initial_pos_flag = False
        topic = rospy.get_param("follower_pos_vel_topic", default="msf_core/odometry")
        self.follower_pose_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(topic, nm.Odometry, self._get_quad_initial_pos)

        # subscriber to the position of the leader
        leader_name = rospy.get_param("leader_name", default="")
        topic = leader_name + "/msf_core/odometry"
        self._got_leader_state_flag = False
        self._leader_state_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(topic, nm.Odometry, self._get_leader_state)

        # setting the frequency of execution
        rate = rospy.Rate(1e1)

        # get initial quad position
        while not self._got_leader_state_flag and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            print("The follower planner is waiting for the leader position.")

        # desired offset with respect to the leader
        # self._offset = numpy.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # any
        self._offset = self._initial_pos - self._lead_pos
        self._offset[2] = 1.0

        # do work
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            p = self._lead_pos + self._offset
            v = self._lead_vel
            a = numpy.zeros(4)
            j = numpy.zeros(4)
            sn = numpy.zeros(4)
            cr = numpy.zeros(4)
            # print(p)
            msg = umc.reference_point_to_multidofjointtrajectory_msg(p, v, a, j, sn, cr)

    def work(self):

        # initialize node
        # instantiate the publisher
        topic = rospy.get_param('follower_reference_trajectory_topic', default='command/trajectory')
        pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, tm.MultiDOFJointTrajectory, queue_size=10)

        # to get the initial position of the quad
        self._quad_initial_pos = None
        self._got_quad_initial_pos_flag = False
        topic = rospy.get_param('follower_pose_topic', default='ground_truth/odometry')
        self._sub = rospy.Subscriber(topic, nm.Odometry, self._get_quad_initial_pos)

        # subscriber to the position of the leader
        topic = rospy.get_param('leader_state_topic', default='/hummingbird_leader/ground_truth/odometry')
        self._got_leader_pos_vel_flag = False
        rospy.Subscriber(topic, nm.Odometry, self._get_leader_pos_vel)

        # setting the frequency of execution
        rate = rospy.Rate(1e1)

        # get initial quad position
        while not self._got_leader_pos_vel_flag and not rospy.is_shutdown():

        # desired offset with respect to the leader
        self._offset = numpy.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        #self._trajectory = ct.TrajectoryCircle(self._quad_initial_pos, numpy.eye(3), delay, delay+duration, radius, ang_vel)

        # do work
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            p = self._lead_pos + self._offset
            v = self._lead_vel
            a = numpy.zeros(4)
            j = numpy.zeros(4)
            sn = numpy.zeros(4)
            cr = numpy.zeros(4)
            msg = umc.reference_point_to_multidofjointtrajectory_msg(p, v, a, j, sn, cr)

    def work(self):

        # initialize node

        # local time
        #initial_time = rospy.get_time()
        #self.time = rospy.get_time() - initial_time
        # instantiate the publisher
        topic = rospy.get_param('ref_traj_topic', default='command/trajectory')
        pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, tm.MultiDOFJointTrajectory, queue_size=10)

        # to get the pose of the quad
        self._pos = None
        self._vel = None
        self._got_initial_pos_vel_flag = False
        topic = rospy.get_param('quad_pos_topic', default='msf_core/odometry')
        rospy.Subscriber(topic, nm.Odometry, self._get_quad_pos_vel)

        # setting the frequency of execution
        rate = rospy.Rate(1e1)

        # get initial time
        #aux = rospy.get_time()
        #while rospy.get_time() == aux:
        #    pass
        #self.initial_time = rospy.get_time()
        #self.time = rospy.get_time() - self.initial_time

        # get initial quad position
        while not self._got_initial_pos_vel_flag and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            print("The planner is waiting for the initial quad position.")

        # generate initial waypoint

        # do work
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            # get current time
            #self.time = rospy.get_time() - self.initial_time
            # see if the current waypoint is reached
            print self._pos
            print self._waypoint
            print numpy.linalg.norm(self._pos-self._waypoint)
            if numpy.linalg.norm(self._pos-self._waypoint) < 0.1:
                waypoint_counter += 1
                print("\nNew waypoint: " + str(waypoint_counter) +"\n")
            #p, v, a, j, s, c = self.trajectory.get_point(self.time)
            #a = self._planner.get_acceleration(self._pos, self._vel)
            v = self._planner.get_velocity(self._pos)
            #v = numpy.array(self._vel)
            #aux = self._planner.get_velocity(self._pos)
            #v[3] = aux[3]
            p = numpy.array(self._pos)
            a = numpy.zeros(4)
            j = numpy.zeros(4)
            sn = numpy.zeros(4)
            cr = numpy.zeros(4)
            msg = umc.reference_point_to_multidofjointtrajectory_msg(p, v, a, j, sn, cr)

コード例 #4
    def work(self):

        # initialize node
        # get initial time
        #aux = rospy.get_time()
        #while rospy.get_time() == aux:
        #    pass
        self._initial_time = rospy.get_time()
        # instantiate the publisher
        topic = rospy.get_param('reference_trajectory_topic', default='command/trajectory')
        pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, tm.MultiDOFJointTrajectory, queue_size=10)

        # to get the initial position of the quad
        self._quad_initial_pos = None
        self._got_quad_initial_pos_flag = False
        topic = rospy.get_param('quad_pos_topic', default='ground_truth/odometry')
        self._sub = rospy.Subscriber(topic, nm.Odometry, self._get_quad_initial_pos)

        # setting the frequency of execution
        rate = rospy.Rate(1e1)

        # get initial quad position
        while not self._got_quad_initial_pos_flag and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            print("The planner is waiting for the quad initial position.")

        # trajectory to be published
        #delay = rospy.get_param('delay', default=0.0)
        #self.trajectory = qt.TrajectoryQuintic(self.quad_initial_pos, numpy.eye(3), delay, delay+duration, displacement)
        radius = 1.5
        ang_vel = 0.2
        start_point = numpy.array(self._quad_initial_pos)
        start_point[2] = 1.0
        duration = 10000.0
        #displacement = rospy.get_param('displacement', default=[1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
        #duration = rospy.get_param('duration', default=3.0*numpy.linalg.norm(displacement))
        delay = rospy.get_param('delay', default=5.0)
        time = rospy.get_time() - self._initial_time
        self._trajectory = ct.TrajectoryCircle(start_point, numpy.eye(3), time+delay, time+delay+duration, radius, ang_vel)
        #self._trajectory = qt.TrajectoryQuintic(self._quad_initial_pos, numpy.eye(3), time+delay, time+delay+duration, self._quad_initial_pos+displacement)
        #rospy.loginfo("Here!" + str(self._quad_initial_pos))

        # do work
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            self._time = rospy.get_time() - self._initial_time
            p, v, a, j, s, c = self._trajectory.get_point(self._time)
            msg = umc.reference_point_to_multidofjointtrajectory_msg(p, v, a, j, s, c)

    def work(self):

        # initialize node
        # planner to compute the collision avoidance contributions
        gain = 1.0
        ths = 0.5
        self._collision_avoidance_planner = pcam.PlannerCollisionAvoidanceMultiple(gain, ths)
        # planner to roam around
        # it will be set up in the callback
        self._roaming_planner = None
        # instantiate the publisher
        topic = rospy.get_param('ref_traj_topic', default='command/trajectory')
        pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, tm.MultiDOFJointTrajectory, queue_size=10)

        # to get the initial position of the quad
        self._pos = None
        self._vel = None
        self._got_initial_pos_vel_flag = False
        topic = rospy.get_param('quad_pos_vel_topic', default='msf_core/odometry')
        self._pos_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(topic, nm.Odometry, self._get_quad_pos_vel)

        # subscribers to the positions of the other quads
        self._other_quads = {}
        other_quads_names_string = rospy.get_param('other_quads_names_string', default="")
        other_quads_names_list = other_quads_names_string.split()
        for quad_name in other_quads_names_list:
            self._other_quads[quad_name] = PartnerQuad()
            rospy.Subscriber("/" + quad_name + "/msf_core/odometry", nm.Odometry, self._get_other_pos, quad_name)

        # setting the frequency of execution
        freq = 30.0
        rate = rospy.Rate(freq)

        # get initial time
        #aux = rospy.get_time()
        #while rospy.get_time() == aux:
        #    pass
        #self.initial_time = rospy.get_time()
        #self.time = rospy.get_time() - self.initial_time

        # get initial quad position
        while not self._got_initial_pos_vel_flag and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            print("The planner is waiting for the quad initial position.")

        # get initial position of the other
        while not all([partner.got_initial_pos_flag for partner in self._other_quads.values()]) and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            print("The planner is waiting for the partners initial positions.")
            print self._other_quads.keys()

        # generate initial waypoint
        waypoint_counter = 0

        # do work
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            # compute collision avoidance contribution
            others_poss = [partner.pos for partner in self._other_quads.values()]
            #ca_acc = self._collision_avoidance_planner.get_acceleration(self._pos, self._vel, others_poss)
            ca_vel = self._collision_avoidance_planner.get_velocity(self._pos, others_poss)

            # get current time
            #self.time = rospy.get_time() - self.initial_time
            # see if the current waypoint is reached
            #print self._pos
            #print self._waypoint
            #print numpy.linalg.norm(self._pos-self._waypoint)
            if numpy.linalg.norm(self._pos-self._waypoint) < 0.15:
                #print("\nNEW WAYPOINT!!!: " + str(waypoint_counter) + "\n")
                #print("\nTIME: " + str(rospy.get_time()) + "\n")
                waypoint_counter += 1
            #print("TO GOAL: " + str(numpy.linalg.norm(self._pos-self._waypoint)))
            print("GOAL: " + str(self._waypoint))
            print("CURRENT: " + str(self._pos))
            print("TIME: " + str(rospy.get_time()))
            print("WAYPOINTS REACHED: " + str(waypoint_counter))
            #r_acc = self._roaming_planner.get_acceleration(self._pos, self._vel)
            r_vel = self._roaming_planner.get_velocity(self._pos)

            #acc = ca_acc + r_acc
            vel = ca_vel + r_vel
            #aux = self._roaming_planner.get_velocity(self._pos)
            #vel = numpy.array(self._vel)
            #vel[3] = aux[3]
            pos = numpy.array(self._pos)
            acc = numpy.zeros(4)
            j = numpy.zeros(4)
            sn = numpy.zeros(4)
            cr = numpy.zeros(4)

            msg = umc.reference_point_to_multidofjointtrajectory_msg(pos, vel, acc, j, sn, cr)
