def get(self, conversation_id=None): calls = db.execute_sql("select * from `call` where conversation_id='{}';".format(conversation_id)).fetchall() output = { "total_duration_sec": 0, "nb_call": 0, "nb_call_missed": 0, "participants": "", "total_duration_pretty": "", "average_duration_pretty": "", "average_duration_sec": "" } if not calls: return messages.message(output, namespace=self.get_namespace(request)) participants = {} for call in calls: output["total_duration_sec"] += call[8] if call[9] == 1: output["nb_call_missed"] += 1 else: output["nb_call"] += 1 if call[1] not in participants: participants[call[1]] = { "nb_call": 0 } participants[call[1]]["nb_call"] += 1 output["total_duration_pretty"] = format_duration(output["total_duration_sec"]) try: output["average_duration_sec"] = int(output["total_duration_sec"] / output["nb_call"]) except ZeroDivisionError: output["average_duration_sec"] = 0 output["average_duration_pretty"] = format_duration(output["average_duration_sec"]) output["participants"] = format_participants(participants, output["nb_call"]) return messages.message(output, namespace=self.get_namespace(request))
def get_messages_per_day(self, conversation_id): messages_per_day = db.execute_sql(""" SELECT DAYOFWEEK(sent_at) AS d, sender, COUNT(*) FROM message WHERE conversation_id='{}' GROUP BY d, sender; """.format(conversation_id)).fetchall() # Load in dict messages_per_day_per_user = {} for message in messages_per_day: if message[1] not in messages_per_day_per_user: messages_per_day_per_user[message[1]] = { "color": get_conf("colors")[len(messages_per_day_per_user)], "data": [] } messages_per_day_per_user[message[1]]["data"].append({ "x": get_conf("days_of_week")[int(message[0])], "y": message[2] }) # Build output output = [] for name, value in messages_per_day_per_user.items(): # Put sunday at the end of the list value["data"] = value["data"][1:] + [value["data"][0]] value.update({"title": name}) output.append(value) return messages.message(output, namespace=self.get_namespace(request))
def get_events(self, conversation_id): # Get all message with type "Subscribe" or "Unsubscribe" messages_per_day = \ .where(Message.conversation_id == conversation_id) \ .where(Message.type.in_(["Subscribe", "Unsubscribe"])) \ .order_by(Message.sent_at.asc()) # Format output (clean content and add change +1 or -1) output = [] for message in messages_per_day: tmp = { "sent_at": message.sent_at.strftime("%b %d %Y"), "content": decode_str(message.content).replace( " to the group.", "").replace(" from the group.", "").replace(" the group.", ""), "sender": message.sender } if "added" in tmp["content"]: tmp["content"] = "{} added{}".format( tmp["sender"], tmp["content"].split("added")[1]) tmp["change"] = "+1" elif "removed" in tmp["content"]: tmp["content"] = "{} removed{}".format( tmp["sender"], tmp["content"].split("removed")[1]) tmp["change"] = "-1" elif "left" in tmp["content"]: tmp["change"] = "-1" output.append(tmp) return messages.message(output, namespace=self.get_namespace(request))
def get_emojies(self, conversation_id): nb_emojis = {} # Get all message with a content messages_ = \ .where(Message.content != None) \ .where(Message.content != "") \ .where(Message.type == "Generic") \ .where(Message.conversation_id == conversation_id)"{} messages found".format(len(messages_))) # Group emojies by users for message in messages_: try: tmp = message.content.encode('latin1').decode('utf8') except: continue for char in tmp: if char in emoji.UNICODE_EMOJI: if message.sender not in nb_emojis: nb_emojis[message.sender] = defaultdict(int) nb_emojis[message.sender][char] += 1 # Format output and keep only the top 10 output = [] for sender, value in nb_emojis.items(): tmp = {"sender": sender, "emoji": []} for emoji_, count in value.items(): tmp["emoji"].append({'emoji': emoji_, "nb_messages": count}) tmp["emoji"] = sorted(tmp["emoji"], key=lambda i: i['nb_messages'], reverse=True)[:10] output.append(tmp) return messages.message(output, namespace=self.get_namespace(request))
def get_language(self, conversation_id): """ Keep only message with > 20 char and 5 words Get language of each messages Keep 4 most used languages Add others value's = sum of all others languages """ message_per_lang = defaultdict(int) messages_ = db.execute_sql(""" SELECT content FROM message WHERE conversation_id='{}' AND content IS NOT NULL AND content <> "" AND CHARACTER_LENGTH(content) > 20 """.format(conversation_id)).fetchall()"{} messages found".format(len(messages_))) messages_ = [x[0] for x in messages_ if len(x[0].split(' ')) >= 5]"{} messages with words".format(len(messages_))) for content in messages_: try: content = content.encode('latin1', 'ignore').decode('utf8') except: continue lang = langid.classify(content)[0] message_per_lang[lang] += 1 # Build output output = [] for lang, nb in message_per_lang.items(): output.append({ "lang": lang, "language_pretty": pycountry.languages.get(alpha_2=lang).name, "nb_messages": nb, "flag": get_conf("flags").get(lang, get_conf("flags").get("other")) }) output = sorted(output, key=lambda i: i['nb_messages'], reverse=True) # Merge "other" language others = sum([x["nb_messages"] for x in output[4:]]) # Keep top 5 output = output[:4] output.append({ "lang": "others", "language_pretty": "Others", "nb_messages": others, "flag": get_conf("flags")["other"] }) return messages.message(output, namespace=self.get_namespace(request))
def get(self, conversation_id=None): output = [] for conversation in if conversation.title == "": continue output.append({ "title": conversation.title, "nb_messages": str(conversation.count_messages), "is_still_participant": conversation.is_still_participant, "conversation_id": conversation.conversation_id }) return messages.message(output, namespace=self.get_namespace(request))
def get_messages_per_hour(self, conversation_id): output = {"messages_per_hour": []} messages_per_hour = db.execute_sql(""" SELECT HOUR(sent_at) AS h, COUNT(*) FROM message WHERE conversation_id='{}' GROUP BY h ORDER BY h; """.format(conversation_id)).fetchall() for message in messages_per_hour: output["messages_per_hour"].append({ "x": "{}h".format(message[0]), "y": message[1] }) return messages.message(output, namespace=self.get_namespace(request))
def get_messages_per_month(self, conversation_id): output = {"messages_per_month": []} messages_per_month = db.execute_sql(""" SELECT DATE_FORMAT(sent_at, '%%Y-%%m') AS y, COUNT(*) FROM message WHERE conversation_id='{}' GROUP BY y ORDER BY y ASC; """.format(conversation_id)).fetchall() for message in messages_per_month: output["messages_per_month"].append({ "x": "{month}/01/{year}".format(month=message[0].split('-')[1], year=message[0].split('-')[0]), "y": message[1] }) return messages.message(output, namespace=self.get_namespace(request))
def get_content(self, conversation_id): content = db.execute_sql(""" SELECT COUNT(photos), COUNT(video), COUNT(share), COUNT(sticker), COUNT(gifs), COUNT(audio) FROM message WHERE conversation_id='{}' """.format(conversation_id)).fetchall()[0] return messages.message( { "photos": content[0], "videos": content[1], "shares": content[2], "stickers": content[3], "gifs": content[4], "audios": content[5] }, namespace=self.get_namespace(request))
def get_conversation_info(self, conversation_id): conversations = db.execute_sql(""" SELECT COUNT(*), MAX(sent_at), MIN(sent_at), sender, ANY_VALUE(is_still_participant), ANY_VALUE(title), ANY_VALUE(thread_type), SUM(LENGTH(content) - LENGTH(REPLACE(content, ' ', '')) + 1) FROM message WHERE conversation_id='{}' GROUP BY sender; """.format(conversation_id)).fetchall() # Build output output = { "nb_messages_per_user": [], "nb_messages": sum([x[0] for x in conversations]), "title": conversations[0][5], "is_group_conversation": True if conversations[0][6] == "RegularGroup" else False, "is_still_participant": bool(conversations[0][4]), "first_message": min([x[2] for x in conversations]).strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S"), "last_message": max([x[1] for x in conversations]).strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S"), "nb_words": sum([int(x[7]) for x in conversations]), } output["words_per_message"] = round( output["nb_words"] / output["nb_messages"], 2) # Calculate messages per day try: output["message_per_day"] = round( output["nb_messages"] / (parse(output["last_message"]) - parse(output["first_message"])).days, 2) except ZeroDivisionError: output["message_per_day"] = 0.0 # Add participants, nb messages/participants, sort list for i, conversation in enumerate(conversations): output["nb_messages_per_user"].append({ "user": conversation[3], "nb_message": conversation[0], "label": conversation[3], "color": get_conf("colors")[i], "rate": round(conversation[0] * 100 / output["nb_messages"], 2), "words": int(conversation[7]), "time_spent": format_duration(int(conversation[7]) * 1.4) }) output["nb_messages_per_user"] = sorted(output["nb_messages_per_user"], key=lambda i: i['nb_message'], reverse=True) return messages.message(output, namespace=self.get_namespace(request))