def benchmark_segmentation(pred_dir, gt_dir, num_classes, string_replace): """Benchmark segmentaion on mean Intersection over Union (mIoU). """ print('Benchmarking semantic segmentation.') assert(os.path.isdir(pred_dir)) assert(os.path.isdir(gt_dir)) tp_fn = np.zeros(num_classes, dtype=np.float64) tp_fp = np.zeros(num_classes, dtype=np.float64) tp = np.zeros(num_classes, dtype=np.float64) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(pred_dir): for filename in filenames: predname = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) gtname = predname.replace(pred_dir, gt_dir) if string_replace != '': stra, strb = string_replace.split(',') gtname = gtname.replace(stra, strb) pred = np.asarray('L'), dtype=np.uint8 ) gt = np.asarray('L'), dtype=np.uint8 ) _tp_fn, _tp_fp, _tp = iou_stats( pred, gt, num_classes=num_classes, background=0 ) tp_fn += _tp_fn tp_fp += _tp_fp tp += _tp iou = tp / (tp_fn + tp_fp - tp + 1e-12) * 100.0 class_names = ['beam', 'board', 'bookcase', 'ceiling', 'chair', 'clutter', 'column', 'door', 'floor', 'sofa', 'table', 'wall', 'window'] for i in range(num_classes): print('class {:10s}: {:02d}, acc: {:4.4f}%'.format( class_names[i], i, iou[i]) ) mean_iou = iou.sum() / num_classes print('mean IOU: {:4.4f}%'.format(mean_iou)) mean_pixel_acc = tp.sum() / (tp_fp.sum() + 1e-12) print('mean Pixel Acc: {:4.4f}%'.format(mean_pixel_acc))
def calcu_voc_mIou(pred_dir, gt_dir): assert os.path.isdir(pred_dir) assert os.path.isdir(gt_dir) print('......') n_class = 21 tp_fn = np.zeros(n_class, dtype=np.float64) tp_fp = np.zeros(n_class, dtype=np.float64) tp = np.zeros(n_class, dtype=np.float64) for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(pred_dir): for file in files: pred_img_file = os.path.join(parent, file) gt_img_file = pred_img_file.replace(pred_dir, gt_dir) # if args.string_replace != '': # stra, strb = args.string_replace.split(',') # gtname = gtname.replace(stra, strb) pred = np.asarray('L'), dtype=np.uint8) gt = np.asarray('P'), dtype=np.uint8) _tp_fn, _tp_fp, _tp = iou_stats(pred, gt, num_classes=n_class, background=0) tp_fn += _tp_fn tp_fp += _tp_fp tp += _tp iou = tp / (tp_fn + tp_fp - tp + 1e-12) * 100.0 class_names = [ 'Background', 'Aero', 'Bike', 'Bird', 'Boat', 'Bottle', 'Bus', 'Car', 'Cat', 'Chair', 'Cow', 'Table', 'Dog', 'Horse', 'MBike', 'Person', 'Plant', 'Sheep', 'Sofa', 'Train', 'TV' ] for i in range(n_class): print('class {:10s}: {:02d}, acc: {:4.4f}%'.format( class_names[i], i, iou[i])) mean_iou = iou.sum() / n_class print('mean IOU: {:4.4f}%'.format(mean_iou)) mean_pixel_acc = tp.sum() / (tp_fp.sum() + 1e-12) print('mean Pixel Acc: {:4.4f}%'.format(mean_pixel_acc))
instname = predname.replace(args.pred_dir, args.inst_dir) if args.string_replace != '': stra, strb = args.string_replace.split(',') gtname = gtname.replace(stra, strb) instname = instname.replace(stra, strb) pred = np.asarray('L'), dtype=np.uint8) gt = np.asarray('L'), dtype=np.uint8) inst = np.asarray('P'), dtype=np.uint8) # Compute true-positive, false-positive # and false-negative _tp_fn, _tp_fp, _tp = iou_stats(pred, gt, num_classes=args.num_classes, background=0) # Compute num. of instances per class inst_inds = np.unique(inst) ninst_ = np.zeros(args.num_classes, dtype=np.float64) for i in range(inst_inds.size): if i < 255: inst_ind = inst_inds[i] inst_mask = inst == inst_ind seg_mask = gt[inst_mask] npixel, _ = np.histogram( seg_mask, bins=args.num_classes, range=(0, args.num_classes - 1)) # num. pixel per class of this inst.