def get_kpt_and_patch(img_paths): """ Detect SIFT keypoints and crop image patches. Args: img_paths: a list of image paths. Returns: all_patches: Image patches (Nx32x32). all_npy_kpt: NumPy array, normalized keypoint coordinates ([-1, 1]). all_cv_kpt: OpenCV KeyPoint, unnormalized keypoint coordinates. all_sift_desc: SIFT features (Nx128). all_imgs: RGB images. """ sift_wrapper = SiftWrapper(n_sample=FLAGS.max_kpt_num, peak_thld=0.04) sift_wrapper.standardize = False # the network has handled this step. sift_wrapper.create() all_patches = [] all_npy_kpts = [] all_cv_kpts = [] all_sift_desc = [] all_imgs = [] for img_path in img_paths: img = cv2.imread(img_path) gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img = img[..., ::-1] npy_kpts, cv_kpts = sift_wrapper.detect(gray) sift_desc = sift_wrapper.compute(gray, cv_kpts) kpt_xy = np.stack( ((npy_kpts[:, 0] - gray.shape[1] / 2) / (gray.shape[1] / 2), (npy_kpts[:, 1] - gray.shape[0] / 2) / (gray.shape[0] / 2)), axis=-1) sift_wrapper.build_pyramid(gray) patches = sift_wrapper.get_patches(cv_kpts) all_patches.append(patches) all_npy_kpts.append(kpt_xy) all_cv_kpts.append(cv_kpts) all_sift_desc.append(sift_desc) all_imgs.append(img) return all_patches, all_npy_kpts, all_cv_kpts, all_sift_desc, all_imgs
class LocModel(BaseModel): output_tensors = ["conv6_feat:0", "kpt_mb:0"] default_config = { 'n_feature': 0, "n_sample": 0, 'batch_size': 512, 'sift_wrapper': None, 'upright': False, 'scale_diff': False, 'dense_desc': False, 'sift_desc': False, 'peak_thld': 0.0067, 'max_dim': 1280 } def _init_model(self): self.sift_wrapper = SiftWrapper(n_feature=self.config['n_feature'], n_sample=self.config['n_sample'], peak_thld=self.config['peak_thld']) self.sift_wrapper.standardize = False # the network has handled this step. self.sift_wrapper.ori_off = self.config['upright'] self.sift_wrapper.pyr_off = not self.config['scale_diff'] self.sift_wrapper.create() def _run(self, data): def _worker(patch_queue, sess, loc_feat, kpt_mb): """The worker thread.""" while True: patch_data = patch_queue.get() if patch_data is None: return loc_returns = self.output_tensors, feed_dict={"input:0": np.expand_dims(patch_data, -1)}) loc_feat.append(loc_returns[0]) kpt_mb.append(loc_returns[1]) patch_queue.task_done() assert data.shape[-1] == 1 gray_img = np.squeeze(data, axis=-1).astype(np.uint8) # detect SIFT keypoints. npy_kpts, cv_kpts = self.sift_wrapper.detect(gray_img) if self.config['sift_desc']: sift_desc = self.sift_wrapper.compute(gray_img, cv_kpts) else: sift_desc = None kpt_xy = np.stack(((npy_kpts[:, 0] - gray_img.shape[1] / 2.) / (gray_img.shape[1] / 2.), (npy_kpts[:, 1] - gray_img.shape[0] / 2.) / (gray_img.shape[0] / 2.)), axis=-1) num_patch = len(cv_kpts) if not self.config['dense_desc']: self.sift_wrapper.build_pyramid(gray_img) all_patches = self.sift_wrapper.get_patches(cv_kpts) # get iteration number batch_size = self.config['batch_size'] if num_patch % batch_size > 0: loop_num = int(np.floor(float(num_patch) / float(batch_size))) else: loop_num = int(num_patch / batch_size - 1) # create input thread loc_feat = [] kpt_mb = [] patch_queue = Queue() worker_thread = Thread(target=_worker, args=(patch_queue, self.sess, loc_feat, kpt_mb)) worker_thread.daemon = True worker_thread.start() # enqueue for i in range(loop_num + 1): if i < loop_num: patch_queue.put(all_patches[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]) else: patch_queue.put(all_patches[i * batch_size:]) # poison pill patch_queue.put(None) # wait for extraction. worker_thread.join() loc_feat = np.concatenate(loc_feat, axis=0) kpt_mb = np.concatenate(kpt_mb, axis=0) else: import cv2 # compose affine crop matrix. patch_scale = 6 patch_param = np.zeros((num_patch, 6)) m_cos = np.cos(npy_kpts[:, 3]) * patch_scale * npy_kpts[:, 2] m_sin = np.sin(npy_kpts[:, 3]) * patch_scale * npy_kpts[:, 2] short_side = float(min(gray_img.shape[0], gray_img.shape[1])) patch_param[:, 0] = m_cos / short_side patch_param[:, 1] = m_sin / short_side patch_param[:, 2] = kpt_xy[:, 0] patch_param[:, 3] = -m_sin / short_side patch_param[:, 4] = m_cos / short_side patch_param[:, 5] = kpt_xy[:, 1] max_dim = max(gray_img.shape[0], gray_img.shape[1]) if max_dim > self.config['max_dim']: downsample_ratio = self.config['max_dim'] / float(max_dim) gray_img = cv2.resize(gray_img, (0, 0), fx=downsample_ratio, fy=downsample_ratio) gray_img = gray_img[..., np.newaxis] input_dict = { "input/img:0": np.expand_dims(gray_img, 0), "input/kpt_param:0": np.expand_dims(patch_param, 0) } local_returns =, feed_dict=input_dict) loc_feat = local_returns[0] kpt_mb = local_returns[1] return loc_feat, kpt_mb, kpt_xy, cv_kpts, sift_desc def _construct_network(self): """Model for patch description.""" if self.config['dense_desc']: with tf.name_scope('input'): ph_imgs = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, None, None, 1), name='img') ph_kpt_params = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, None, 6), name='kpt_param') kpt_xy = tf.concat( (ph_kpt_params[:, :, 2, None], ph_kpt_params[:, :, 5, None]), axis=-1) kpt_theta = tf.reshape( ph_kpt_params, (tf.shape(ph_kpt_params)[0], tf.shape(ph_kpt_params)[1], 2, 3)) mean, variance = tf.nn.moments(tf.cast(ph_imgs, tf.float32), axes=[1, 2], keep_dims=True) norm_input = tf.nn.batch_normalization(ph_imgs, mean, variance, None, None, 1e-5) config_dict = {} config_dict['pert_theta'] = kpt_theta config_dict['patch_sampler'] = transformer_crop tower = DenseGeoDesc({ 'data': norm_input, 'kpt_coord': kpt_xy }, is_training=False, resue=False, **config_dict) else: input_size = (32, 32) patches = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, input_size[0], input_size[1], 1), name='input') # patch standardization mean, variance = tf.nn.moments(tf.cast(patches, tf.float32), axes=[1, 2], keep_dims=True) patches = tf.nn.batch_normalization(patches, mean, variance, None, None, 1e-5) tower = GeoDesc({'data': patches}, is_training=False, reuse=False) conv6_feat = tower.get_output_by_name('conv6') conv6_feat = tf.squeeze(conv6_feat, axis=[1, 2], name='conv6_feat') with tf.variable_scope('kpt_m'): inter_feat = tower.get_output_by_name('conv5') matchability_tower = MatchabilityPrediction({'data': inter_feat}, is_training=False, reuse=False) mb = matchability_tower.get_output() mb = tf.squeeze(mb, axis=[1, 2], name='kpt_mb')
def get_data(self, seq_idx, ori_est, dense_desc): random.seed(0) if self.suffix is None: sift_wrapper = SiftWrapper(n_feature=self.sample_num, peak_thld=0.04) sift_wrapper.create() hseq_data = HSeqData() seq_name = self.seqs[seq_idx] for img_idx in range(1, 7): # read image features. img_feat = np.load( os.path.join(seq_name, '%d_img_feat.npy' % img_idx)) rows = img_feat.shape[0] cols = img_feat.shape[1] x_rng = np.linspace(-1., 1., cols) y_rng = np.linspace(-1., 1., rows) xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x_rng, y_rng) grid_pts = np.stack((xv, yv), axis=-1) # read images. img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(seq_name, '%d.ppm' % img_idx)) gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) img_size = img.shape if self.suffix is None: npy_kpts, cv_kpts = sift_wrapper.detect(gray) if not dense_desc: sift_wrapper.build_pyramid(gray) patches = sift_wrapper.get_patches(cv_kpts) else: patches = None else: with open( os.path.join(seq_name, ('%d' + self.suffix + '.pkl') % img_idx), 'rb') as handle: data_dict = pickle.load(handle, encoding='latin1') npy_kpts = data_dict['npy_kpts'] if not dense_desc: patches = data_dict['patches'] else: patches = None kpt_num = npy_kpts.shape[0] # Sample keypoints if self.sample_num > 0 and kpt_num > self.sample_num: sample_idx = random.sample(range(kpt_num), self.sample_num) else: sample_idx = range(kpt_num) # Apply sampling. npy_kpts = npy_kpts[sample_idx] if patches is not None: patches = patches[sample_idx] kpt_num = npy_kpts.shape[0] # compose affine crop matrix. crop_mat = np.zeros((kpt_num, 6)) if ori_est: # no initial orientation. m_cos = np.ones_like( npy_kpts[:, 2]) * self.patch_scale * npy_kpts[:, 2] m_sin = np.zeros_like( npy_kpts[:, 2]) * self.patch_scale * npy_kpts[:, 2] else: # rely on the SIFT orientation estimation. m_cos = np.cos( -npy_kpts[:, 3]) * self.patch_scale * npy_kpts[:, 2] m_sin = np.sin( -npy_kpts[:, 3]) * self.patch_scale * npy_kpts[:, 2] crop_mat[:, 0] = m_cos / float(img_size[1]) crop_mat[:, 1] = m_sin / float(img_size[1]) crop_mat[:, 2] = (npy_kpts[:, 0] - img_size[1] / 2.) / (img_size[1] / 2.) crop_mat[:, 3] = -m_sin / float(img_size[0]) crop_mat[:, 4] = m_cos / float(img_size[0]) crop_mat[:, 5] = (npy_kpts[:, 1] - img_size[0] / 2.) / (img_size[0] / 2.) npy_kpts = npy_kpts[:, 0:2] # read homography matrix. if img_idx > 1: homo_mat = open(os.path.join(seq_name, 'H_1_%d' % img_idx)).read().splitlines() homo_mat = np.array( [float(i) for i in ' '.join(homo_mat).split()]) homo_mat = np.reshape(homo_mat, (3, 3)) else: homo_mat = None hseq_data.img.append(img) hseq_data.kpt_param.append(crop_mat) hseq_data.patch.append(patches) hseq_data.coord.append(npy_kpts) hseq_data.h**o.append(homo_mat) hseq_data.img_feat.append((img_feat, grid_pts)) return seq_name, hseq_data
class GeodescModel(BaseModel): output_tensors = ["squeeze_1:0"] default_config = {'n_feature': 0, "n_sample": 0, 'batch_size': 512, 'sift_wrapper': None, 'upright': False, 'scale_diff': False, 'dense_desc': False, 'sift_desc': False, 'peak_thld': 0.0067, 'edge_thld': 10, 'max_dim': 1280} def _init_model(self): self.sift_wrapper = SiftWrapper( n_feature=self.config['n_feature'], n_sample=self.config['n_sample'], peak_thld=self.config['peak_thld'], edge_thld=self.config['edge_thld'] ) self.sift_wrapper.standardize = True self.sift_wrapper.ori_off = self.config['upright'] self.sift_wrapper.pyr_off = not self.config['scale_diff'] self.sift_wrapper.create() def _run(self, data, **kwargs): def _worker(patch_queue, sess, loc_feat): """The worker thread.""" while True: patch_data = patch_queue.get() if patch_data is None: return loc_returns =, feed_dict={"input:0": np.expand_dims(patch_data, -1)}) loc_returns = loc_returns[0] if len(loc_returns.shape) == 1: loc_returns = np.expand_dims(loc_returns, axis=0) loc_feat.append(loc_returns) patch_queue.task_done() gray_img = np.squeeze(data, axis=-1).astype(np.uint8) # detect SIFT keypoints. npy_kpts, cv_kpts = self.sift_wrapper.detect(gray_img) num_patch = len(cv_kpts) self.sift_wrapper.build_pyramid(gray_img) all_patches = self.sift_wrapper.get_patches(cv_kpts) # get iteration number batch_size = self.config['batch_size'] if num_patch % batch_size > 0: loop_num = int(np.floor(float(num_patch) / float(batch_size))) else: loop_num = int(num_patch / batch_size - 1) # create input thread loc_feat = [] patch_queue = Queue() worker_thread = Thread(target=_worker, args=(patch_queue, self.sess, loc_feat)) worker_thread.daemon = True worker_thread.start() # enqueue for i in range(loop_num + 1): if i < loop_num: patch_queue.put(all_patches[i * batch_size: (i + 1) * batch_size]) else: patch_queue.put(all_patches[i * batch_size:]) # poison pill patch_queue.put(None) # wait for extraction. worker_thread.join() loc_feat = np.concatenate(loc_feat, axis=0) loc_feat = (loc_feat * 128 + 128) return npy_kpts, loc_feat def _construct_network(self): """Model for patch description.""" return