def load_data(self): db = COCO(osp.join(self.data_path, '3DPW_' + self.data_split + '.json')) datalist = [] for aid in db.anns.keys(): ann = db.anns[aid] image_id = ann['image_id'] img = db.loadImgs(image_id)[0] img_width, img_height = img['width'], img['height'] sequence_name = img['sequence'] img_name = img['file_name'] img_path = osp.join(self.data_path, 'imageFiles', sequence_name, img_name) cam_param = { k: np.array(v, dtype=np.float32) for k, v in img['cam_param'].items() } joint_cam = np.array(ann['joint_cam'], dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 3) joint_img = cam2pixel(joint_cam, cam_param['focal'], cam_param['princpt']) joint_valid = ((joint_img[:, 0] >= 0) * (joint_img[:, 0] < img_width) * (joint_img[:, 1] >= 0) * (joint_img[:, 1] < img_height)).astype(np.float32) root_cam = joint_cam[self.root_idx] root_img = joint_img[self.root_idx] root_vis = joint_valid[self.root_idx] bbox = process_bbox(ann['bbox'], img_width, img_height) if bbox is None: continue area = bbox[2] * bbox[3] datalist.append({ 'img_path': img_path, 'img_id': image_id, 'ann_id': aid, 'bbox': bbox, 'area': area, 'root_img': root_img, 'root_cam': root_cam, 'root_vis': root_vis, 'f': cam_param['focal'], 'c': cam_param['princpt'] }) return datalist
def load_data(self): subject_list = self.get_subject() sampling_ratio = self.get_subsampling_ratio() # aggregate annotations from each subject db = COCO() for subject in subject_list: with open( osp.join(self.annot_path, 'Human36M_subject' + str(subject) + '.json'), 'r') as f: annot = json.load(f) if len(db.dataset) == 0: for k, v in annot.items(): db.dataset[k] = v else: for k, v in annot.items(): db.dataset[k] += v db.createIndex() if self.data_split == 'test' and not cfg.use_gt_info: print("Get bounding box and root from " + self.human_bbox_root_dir) bbox_root_result = {} with open(self.human_bbox_root_dir) as f: annot = json.load(f) for i in range(len(annot)): bbox_root_result[str(annot[i]['image_id'])] = { 'bbox': np.array(annot[i]['bbox']), 'root': np.array(annot[i]['root_cam']) } else: print("Get bounding box and root from groundtruth") data = [] for aid in db.anns.keys(): ann = db.anns[aid] image_id = ann['image_id'] img = db.loadImgs(image_id)[0] # check subject and frame_idx subject = img['subject'] frame_idx = img['frame_idx'] if subject not in subject_list: continue if frame_idx % sampling_ratio != 0: continue img_path = osp.join(self.img_dir, img['file_name']) img_width, img_height = img['width'], img['height'] cam_param = img['cam_param'] R, t, f, c = np.array(cam_param['R']), np.array( cam_param['t']), np.array(cam_param['f']), np.array( cam_param['c']) # project world coordinate to cam, image coordinate space joint_world = np.array(ann['keypoints_world']) joint_world = self.add_thorax(joint_world) joint_cam = np.zeros((self.joint_num, 3)) for j in range(self.joint_num): joint_cam[j] = world2cam(joint_world[j], R, t) joint_img = np.zeros((self.joint_num, 3)) joint_img[:, 0], joint_img[:, 1], joint_img[:, 2] = cam2pixel( joint_cam, f, c) joint_img[:, 2] = joint_img[:, 2] - joint_cam[self.root_idx, 2] joint_vis = np.ones((self.joint_num, 1)) if self.data_split == 'test' and not cfg.use_gt_info: bbox = bbox_root_result[str( image_id )]['bbox'] # bbox should be aspect ratio preserved-extended. It is done in RootNet. root_cam = bbox_root_result[str(image_id)]['root'] else: bbox = np.array(ann['bbox']) root_cam = joint_cam[self.root_idx] # aspect ratio preserving bbox w = bbox[2] h = bbox[3] c_x = bbox[0] + w / 2. c_y = bbox[1] + h / 2. aspect_ratio = cfg.input_shape[1] / cfg.input_shape[0] if w > aspect_ratio * h: h = w / aspect_ratio elif w < aspect_ratio * h: w = h * aspect_ratio bbox[2] = w * 1.25 bbox[3] = h * 1.25 bbox[0] = c_x - bbox[2] / 2. bbox[1] = c_y - bbox[3] / 2. data.append({ 'img_path': img_path, 'img_id': image_id, 'bbox': bbox, 'joint_img': joint_img, # [org_img_x, org_img_y, depth - root_depth] 'joint_cam': joint_cam, # [X, Y, Z] in camera coordinate 'joint_vis': joint_vis, 'root_cam': root_cam, # [X, Y, Z] in camera coordinate 'f': f, 'c': c }) return data
def load_data(self): print('Load data of H36M Protocol ' + str(self.protocol)) subject_list = self.get_subject() sampling_ratio = self.get_subsampling_ratio() # aggregate annotations from each subject db = COCO() cameras = {} joints = {} for subject in subject_list: # data load with open( osp.join(self.annot_path, 'Human36M_subject' + str(subject) + '_data.json'), 'r') as f: annot = json.load(f) if len(db.dataset) == 0: for k, v in annot.items(): db.dataset[k] = v else: for k, v in annot.items(): db.dataset[k] += v # camera load with open( osp.join( self.annot_path, 'Human36M_subject' + str(subject) + '_camera.json'), 'r') as f: cameras[str(subject)] = json.load(f) # joint coordinate load with open( osp.join( self.annot_path, 'Human36M_subject' + str(subject) + '_joint_3d.json'), 'r') as f: joints[str(subject)] = json.load(f) db.createIndex() if self.data_split == 'test' and not cfg.use_gt_info: print("Get bounding box and root from " + self.human_bbox_root_dir) bbox_root_result = {} with open(self.human_bbox_root_dir) as f: annot = json.load(f) for i in range(len(annot)): bbox_root_result[str(annot[i]['image_id'])] = { 'bbox': np.array(annot[i]['bbox']), 'root': np.array(annot[i]['root_cam']) } else: print("Get bounding box and root from groundtruth") data = [] for aid in db.anns.keys(): ann = db.anns[aid] image_id = ann['image_id'] img = db.loadImgs(image_id)[0] img_path = osp.join(self.img_dir, img['file_name']) img_width, img_height = img['width'], img['height'] # check subject and frame_idx subject = img['subject'] frame_idx = img['frame_idx'] if subject not in subject_list: continue if frame_idx % sampling_ratio != 0: continue # camera parameter cam_idx = img['cam_idx'] cam_param = cameras[str(subject)][str(cam_idx)] R, t, f, c = np.array(cam_param['R'], dtype=np.float32), np.array( cam_param['t'], dtype=np.float32), np.array( cam_param['f'], dtype=np.float32), np.array(cam_param['c'], dtype=np.float32) # project world coordinate to cam, image coordinate space action_idx = img['action_idx'] subaction_idx = img['subaction_idx'] frame_idx = img['frame_idx'] joint_world = np.array(joints[str(subject)][str(action_idx)][str( subaction_idx)][str(frame_idx)], dtype=np.float32) joint_world = self.add_thorax(joint_world) joint_cam = world2cam(joint_world, R, t) joint_img = cam2pixel(joint_cam, f, c) joint_img[:, 2] = joint_img[:, 2] - joint_cam[self.root_idx, 2] joint_vis = np.ones((self.joint_num, 1)) if self.data_split == 'test' and not cfg.use_gt_info: bbox = bbox_root_result[str( image_id )]['bbox'] # bbox should be aspect ratio preserved-extended. It is done in RootNet. root_cam = bbox_root_result[str(image_id)]['root'] else: bbox = process_bbox(np.array(ann['bbox']), img_width, img_height) if bbox is None: continue root_cam = joint_cam[self.root_idx] data.append({ 'img_path': img_path, 'img_id': image_id, 'bbox': bbox, 'joint_img': joint_img, # [org_img_x, org_img_y, depth - root_depth] 'joint_cam': joint_cam, # [X, Y, Z] in camera coordinate 'joint_vis': joint_vis, 'root_cam': root_cam, # [X, Y, Z] in camera coordinate 'f': f, 'c': c }) return data
def load_data(self): print('Load data of H36M Protocol ' + str(self.protocol)) subject_list = self.get_subject() sampling_ratio = self.get_subsampling_ratio() # aggregate annotations from each subject db = COCO() cameras = {} joints = {} for subject in subject_list: # data load with open( osp.join(self.annot_path, 'Human36M_subject' + str(subject) + '_data.json'), 'r') as f: annot = json.load(f) if len(db.dataset) == 0: for k, v in annot.items(): db.dataset[k] = v else: for k, v in annot.items(): db.dataset[k] += v # camera load with open( osp.join( self.annot_path, 'Human36M_subject' + str(subject) + '_camera.json'), 'r') as f: cameras[str(subject)] = json.load(f) # joint coordinate load with open( osp.join( self.annot_path, 'Human36M_subject' + str(subject) + '_joint_3d.json'), 'r') as f: joints[str(subject)] = json.load(f) db.createIndex() if self.data_split == 'test' and not cfg.use_gt_bbox: print("Get bounding box from " + self.human_bbox_dir) bbox_result = {} with open(self.human_bbox_dir) as f: annot = json.load(f) for i in range(len(annot)): bbox_result[str(annot[i]['image_id'])] = np.array( annot[i]['bbox']) else: print("Get bounding box from groundtruth") data = [] for aid in db.anns.keys(): ann = db.anns[aid] image_id = ann['image_id'] img = db.loadImgs(image_id)[0] img_path = osp.join(self.img_dir, img['file_name']) img_width, img_height = img['width'], img['height'] # check subject and frame_idx subject = img['subject'] frame_idx = img['frame_idx'] if subject not in subject_list: continue if frame_idx % sampling_ratio != 0: continue # camera parameter cam_idx = img['cam_idx'] cam_param = cameras[str(subject)][str(cam_idx)] R, t, f, c = np.array(cam_param['R'], dtype=np.float32), np.array( cam_param['t'], dtype=np.float32), np.array( cam_param['f'], dtype=np.float32), np.array(cam_param['c'], dtype=np.float32) # project world coordinate to cam, image coordinate space action_idx = img['action_idx'] subaction_idx = img['subaction_idx'] frame_idx = img['frame_idx'] root_world = np.array(joints[str(subject)][str(action_idx)][str( subaction_idx)][str(frame_idx)], dtype=np.float32)[self.root_idx] root_cam = world2cam(root_world[None, :], R, t)[0] root_img = cam2pixel(root_cam[None, :], f, c)[0] joint_vis = np.ones((self.joint_num, 1)) root_vis = np.array(ann['keypoints_vis'])[self.root_idx, None] # bbox load if self.data_split == 'test' and not cfg.use_gt_bbox: bbox = bbox_result[str(image_id)] else: bbox = np.array(ann['bbox']) bbox = process_bbox(bbox, img_width, img_height) if bbox is None: continue area = bbox[2] * bbox[3] data.append({ 'img_path': img_path, 'img_id': image_id, 'bbox': bbox, 'area': area, 'root_img': root_img, # [org_img_x, org_img_y, depth] 'root_cam': root_cam, 'root_vis': root_vis, 'f': f, 'c': c }) return data