def deploy_sm_on_vm(self): if sm_creation: print "Servermanager software deployment is started on VM..." vm = 'servermanager' sm_m_ip = get_ip(CONF[vm]['management_address']) sm_local_user = CONF[vm]['local_user'] sm_local_passwd = CONF[vm]['local_password'] #create dhcp.template file self.create_dhcp_template(vm) sm_img = CONF['DEFAULTS']['smimage'] svr1 = CONF['DEFAULTS']['bms'][0] server1_mgmt_ip = get_ip(CONF[svr1]['management_address']) sm_vm = RemoteConnection() sm_vm.connect(sm_m_ip, username=sm_local_user, password=sm_local_passwd) cmd = 'eval echo ~$USER' sm_home_dir = sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) #check internet reachability from SM cmd = 'ping -c 4 %s' % internet_ip res = sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) if'4 received', res, re.M | re.I): print "Internet IP (%s) is reachable from servermanager VM." % internet_ip else: print "\n" print "Command:%s" % (cmd) print "Response:%s" % (res) print "=========================================================================" print "Internet IP (%s) is not reachable from servermanager...please check configuration" % internet_ip print "=========================================================================" sys.exit(1) cmd = 'ping -c 4 %s' % internet_www res = sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) if'4 received', res, re.M | re.I): print "Internet URL (%s) is reachable from servermanager VM." % internet_www else: print "\n" print "Command:%s" % (cmd) print "Response:%s" % (res) print "=========================================================================" print "Internet URL (%s) is not reachable from servermanager...please check configuration" % internet_www print "=========================================================================" sys.exit(1) #create dir images cmd = 'rm -rf images/; mkdir -p images' sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'rm -rf json-files/; mkdir -p json-files' sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) sm_vm.chdir(sm_home_dir + '/images/') jumphost_img_url = 'http://{}/pockit_images/'.format( server1_mgmt_ip) cmd = 'wget -q {0}{1} -O {1}'.format(jumphost_img_url, sm_img) if sm_vm.status_command(cmd) != 0: print "\n" print "Command:%s" % (cmd) print "==============================================================" print "Error in downloading servermanager build onto servermanager VM" print "==============================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Successfully downloaded servermanager build onto servermanager VM" cmd = 'sudo dpkg -i {0}/images/{1}'.format(sm_home_dir, sm_img) if sm_vm.status_command(cmd) != 0: print "\n" print "Command:%s" % (cmd) print "=====================================================" print "Error in depackaging the servermanager debian package" print "=====================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Successfully Depackaged the servermanager debian package" print "Starting --all command, this will take a while" global kill global stop sm_vm.chdir('/opt/contrail/contrail_server_manager/') queue = Queue.Queue() t = threading.Thread(target=self.progress_bar_print, args=()) t.start() try: #cmd = 'sudo ./ --sm={0}'.format(sm_img) cmd = 'sudo ./ --all' if sm_vm.status_command(cmd) != 0: kill = True stop = True print "\n" print "Command:%s" % (cmd) print "=======================================" print "Error in running --all command" print "=======================================" sys.exit(1) else: stop = True print "\nSuccessfully completed running --all command" except KeyboardInterrupt or EOFError: print "entering keyboard error" kill = True stop = True sm_vm.chdir(sm_home_dir + '/json-files/') cmd = 'sudo wget -q {0}dhcp.template -O /etc/cobbler/dhcp.template'.format( jumphost_img_url) if sm_vm.status_command(cmd, timeout=90) != 0: print "\n" print "Command:%s" % (cmd) print "==========================================================" print "Error in copying dhcp.template file on to servermanager VM" print "==========================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Successfully copied dhcp.template file on to servermanager VM" cmd = 'sudo sed -i \'s/= authn_testing/= authn_configfile/g\' /etc/cobbler/modules.conf' sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'sudo sed -i \'/^cobbler_username/c\cobbler_username \t= cobbler\' /opt/contrail/server_manager/sm-config.ini' sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'sudo sed -i \'/^cobbler_password/c\cobbler_password \t= cobbler\' /opt/contrail/server_manager/sm-config.ini' sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'sudo cp /etc/contrail_smgr/cobbler/named.conf.options.u.sample /etc/bind/named.conf.options' sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'sudo cp /etc/contrail_smgr/cobbler/named.template.u.sample /etc/cobbler/named.template' sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) #comment ubuntu ntp servers in /etc/ntp.conf and add ntp_server sm_ntp_server = CONF['DEFAULTS']['ntp_servers'] cmd = 'sudo sed -i \'/ubunt/s/^/#/\' /etc/ntp.conf' sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'echo server {} | sudo tee --append /etc/ntp.conf > /dev/null'.format( sm_ntp_server) sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) #restart ntp service cmd = 'sudo service ntp stop; sudo ntpdate {};sudo service ntp start'.format( sm_ntp_server) res = sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=30) waiting(10) cmd = 'sudo service contrail-server-manager status' res = sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) print "Servermanager software deployment ended." print "\n" print "Starting servermanager service on the VM" cmd = 'sudo service contrail-server-manager start' res = sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) waiting(20)
class vmxDeploy(object): def __init__(self): global jinja_env jinja_env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(from_project_root('vmx'))) svr1name = CONF['DEFAULTS']['bms'][0] self.svr2_bms_name = CONF['DEFAULTS']['bms'][1] self.server1_ip = get_ip(CONF[svr1name]['management_address']) server2_ip = get_ip(CONF[self.svr2_bms_name]['management_address']) server2_user = CONF['DEFAULTS']['root_username'] server2_passwd = CONF['DEFAULTS']['root_password'] self.svr2_bms = RemoteConnection() self.svr2_bms.connect(server2_ip, username=server2_user, password=server2_passwd) cmd = 'eval echo ~$USER' self.svr2_bms_home = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) def copy_vmx_images(self): print "Copying vMX image onto %s" % self.svr2_bms_name vmximage = CONF['DEFAULTS']['vmximage'] cmd = 'rm -rf images/' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'mkdir -p images' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = '{0}/images/'.format(self.svr2_bms_home) self.svr2_bms.chdir(cmd) cmd = 'wget -q http://{0}/pockit_images/{1} -O {2}/images/{1}'.format( self.server1_ip, vmximage, self.svr2_bms_home) if self.svr2_bms.status_command(cmd) != 0: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "Response: %s" % (res) print "==================================================" print "Error in downloading vMX image on to %s" % ( self.svr2_bms_name) print "==================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Downloaded vMX image on to %s successfully" % ( self.svr2_bms_name) def configure_server_uplink_intf(self): print "Configuring external/internet facing interface and routes" vm = 'vmx' intf = CONF[vm]['management_interface'] server_ext_ip = get_ip(CONF[vm]['management_address']) server_ext_mask = get_netmask(CONF[vm]['management_address']) gateway = CONF['DEFAULTS']['vmx_ext_gateway'] dns_server = CONF[vm]['dns_servers'] dns_search = CONF[vm]['dns_search'] cmd = '/sbin/ifconfig {0} {1} netmask {2} up'.format( intf, server_ext_ip, server_ext_mask) self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'route delete default' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'route add default gw {}'.format(gateway) self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) #update /etc/network/interfaces file with this ip cmd = 'cat /etc/network/interfaces' res = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) if'%s' % intf, res, re.M | re.I): print "external interface configuration exists." else: print "external interface configuration does not exists, hence configuring" cmd = '(echo ;echo auto {}; echo iface {} inet static; echo address {}; echo netmask {}; echo gateway {}; echo dns-nameservers {}; echo dns-search {}) >> /etc/network/interfaces'.format( intf, intf, server_ext_ip, server_ext_mask, gateway, dns_server, dns_search) self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=30) #add nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf cmd = '(echo nameserver {}) >> /etc/resolv.conf'.format(dns_server) res = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) def update_vmx_packages(self): #check if internet is reachable(," waiting(5) cmd = 'ping -c 5 %s' % (internet_www) if self.svr2_bms.status_command(cmd) != 0: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "=========================================================================" print "Internet URL({0}) is not reachable from {1}, please check route and DNS".format( internet_www, self.svr2_bms_name) print "=========================================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Internet URL({0}) is reachable from {1}".format( internet_www, self.svr2_bms_name) #apt-get update, upgrade kernel print "Upgrading packages to install vMX" cmd = 'cp /etc/apt/ /etc/apt/sources.list' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'sed -i \'/^/#/\' /etc/apt/sources.list' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'sed -i \'/medibuntu/s/^/#/\' /etc/apt/sources.list' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'apt-get update' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=240) cmd = 'apt-get install -y linux-firmware linux-image- linux-image-extra- linux-headers-' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=300) cmd = 'update-grub' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=120) cmd = 'apt-get install -y expect bridge-utils qemu-kvm libvirt-bin python-netifaces vnc4server libyaml-dev python-yaml numactl libparted0-dev libpciaccess-dev libnuma-dev libyajl-dev libxml2-dev libglib2.0-dev libnl-dev python-pip python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=600) #install upgrade libvirt 1.2.19 print "Upgrading libvirt version to 1.2.19 on %s" % ( self.svr2_bms_name) self.svr2_bms.chdir('/tmp') cmd = 'rm -rf libvirt-1.2.19/' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'rm -rf libvirt-1.2.19.*' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'wget -q http://{0}/pockit_images/{1} -O {1}'.format( self.server1_ip, sk_libvirt_img) if self.svr2_bms.status_command(cmd) != 0: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "==================================================" print "Error in downloading libvirt image on to %s" % ( self.svr2_bms_name) print "==================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Downloaded libvirt image on to %s successfully" % ( self.svr2_bms_name) cmd = 'sudo service libvirt-bin stop' res = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=40) cmd = 'tar -xzf libvirt-1.2.19.tar.gz' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=40) self.svr2_bms.chdir('/tmp/libvirt-1.2.19/') cmd = './configure --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/ --with-numactl' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=300) self.svr2_bms.chdir('/tmp/libvirt-1.2.19/') cmd = 'make' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=300) self.svr2_bms.chdir('/tmp/libvirt-1.2.19/') cmd = 'sudo make install && sudo ldconfig' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=300) #check if service is running cmd = 'sudo service libvirt-bin start' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'sudo service libvirt-bin status' res = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) if'running', res, re.M | re.I): print "libvirt-bin service is running after upgrading to 1.2.19 version" else: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "Response: %s" % (res) print "====================================================" print "libvirt-bin service is not running! please check it" print "====================================================" sys.exit(1) cmd = 'sudo libvirtd --version' res = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) if'19', res, re.M | re.I): print "Upgraded libvirt-bin version 1.2.19 is running" else: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "Response: %s" % (res) print "===================================================================" print "Upgraded libvirt-bin version 1.2.19 is not running! please check it" print "===================================================================" sys.exit(1) def create_vmx_conf(self, re_img, fpc_img, hdd_img): print 'Creating vMX confguration file' vmx_conf_template = jinja_env.get_template('vmx.conf') user_data = vmx_conf_template.render( vmx_hostname=CONF['vmx']['hostname'], vmx_ext_intf=CONF['vmx']['management_interface'], vmx_re_img=re_img, vmx_re_hdd=hdd_img, vmx_pfe_img=fpc_img, vmx_ctl_ip_addr=get_ip(CONF['DEFAULTS']['vmx_vcp_address']), vmx_pfe_ip_addr=get_ip(CONF['DEFAULTS']['vmx_vfp_address'])) fobj = open(sk_img_path + '/vmx.conf', 'w') if hasattr(user_data, '__iter__'): for data in user_data: fobj.write(data) fobj.close() else: fobj.write(user_data) fobj.close() def create_vmx_junosdev_conf(self): print 'Creating vmx-junosdev file' dev_conf_template = jinja_env.get_template('vmx-junosdev.conf') user_data = dev_conf_template.render( vmx_hostname=CONF['vmx']['hostname'], ctrldata_intf=CONF['vmx']['ctrldata_interface']) fobj = open(sk_img_path + '/vmx-junosdev.conf', 'w') if hasattr(user_data, '__iter__'): for data in user_data: fobj.write(data) fobj.close() else: fobj.write(user_data) fobj.close() def create_vmx_default_config(self): print 'Creating vMX init configuration expect script file' init_conf_template = jinja_env.get_template('vmx-init-cfg.exp') user_data = init_conf_template.render( vmx_hostname=CONF['vmx']['hostname'], vmx_root_passwd=CONF['DEFAULTS']['root_password'], vmx_dns_server=CONF['vmx']['dns_servers'], vmx_ntp_server=CONF['DEFAULTS']['ntp_servers'], vmx_ctrldata_ip=CONF['vmx']['ctrldata_address'], vmx_re_ipaddr=CONF['DEFAULTS']['vmx_vcp_address'], vmx_default_gateway=CONF['DEFAULTS']['vmx_ext_gateway'], vmx_loopback_ip=CONF['DEFAULTS']['vmx_loopback_ip']) fobj = open(sk_img_path + '/vmx-init-cfg.exp', 'w') if hasattr(user_data, '__iter__'): for data in user_data: fobj.write(data) fobj.close() else: fobj.write(user_data) fobj.close() def pre_up_vmx(self): print 'Preparing the infra-structure for installing vMX' global vmx_folder vmximage = CONF['DEFAULTS']['vmximage'] vmx_base_folder = '{0}/images/'.format(self.svr2_bms_home) self.svr2_bms.chdir(vmx_base_folder) cmd = 'tar -xzf %s' % (vmximage) self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=60) fname, fext = os.path.splitext(vmximage) vmx_folder_name = 'vmx-' + fname.split('-')[2] vmx_img_folder = vmx_base_folder + vmx_folder_name + '/images/' vmx_folder = vmx_base_folder + vmx_folder_name + '/' self.svr2_bms.chdir(vmx_img_folder) cmd = 'ls | grep -E \'qcow2|vFPC\'' op = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=60) vmx_img_list = op.splitlines() re_img = vmx_img_folder + vmx_img_list[0] fpc_img = vmx_img_folder + vmx_img_list[1] hdd_img = vmx_img_folder + 'vmxhdd.img' self.create_vmx_conf(re_img, fpc_img, hdd_img) self.create_vmx_junosdev_conf() self.create_vmx_default_config() self.svr2_bms.chdir(vmx_folder + 'config/') jumphost_img_url = 'http://{}/pockit_images/'.format(self.server1_ip) cmd = 'wget -O vmx.conf {0}vmx.conf'.format(jumphost_img_url) if self.svr2_bms.status_command(cmd) != 0: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "====================================================" print "Error in downloading vmx.conf file onto server %s" % ( self.svr2_bms_name) print "====================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Successfully downloaded vmx.conf file onto server %s" % ( self.svr2_bms_name) cmd = 'wget -O vmx-junosdev.conf {0}vmx-junosdev.conf'.format( jumphost_img_url) if self.svr2_bms.status_command(cmd) != 0: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "============================================================" print "Error in downloading vmx-junosdev.conf file onto server %s" % ( self.svr2_bms_name) print "============================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Successfully downloaded vmx-junosdev.conf file onto server %s" % ( self.svr2_bms_name) self.svr2_bms.chdir(vmx_folder) cmd = 'wget -O vmx-init-cfg.exp {0}vmx-init-cfg.exp'.format( jumphost_img_url) if self.svr2_bms.status_command(cmd) != 0: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "============================================================" print "Error in downloading vmx-init-cfg.exp file onto server %s" % ( self.svr2_bms_name) print "============================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Successfully downloaded vmx-init-cfg.exp file onto server %s" % ( self.svr2_bms_name) def deploy_vmx(self): print "Deploying vMX. Begins.." global vmx_folder self.svr2_bms.chdir(vmx_folder) #delete virbr0 bridge cmd = '/sbin/ifconfig virbr0 down' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'brctl delbr virbr0' self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) cmd = 'sudo ./ -lv --install' res = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=360) if 'error(s)' in res: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "Response: %s" % (res) print "======================================" print "Error in deploying vMX onto server %s" % ( self.svr2_bms_name) print "======================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Successfully deployed vMX onto server %s" % ( self.svr2_bms_name) cmd = 'sudo ./ --bind-dev' op = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=40) cmd = 'sudo ./ --bind-check' op = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=40) print "Deploying vMX. Ends.." def configure_and_verify_vmx(self): print "Configuring and verifying vMX management IP reachability" print "Waiting for vMX to boot up.." waiting(200) global vmx_folder self.svr2_bms.chdir(vmx_folder) cmd = 'expect vmx-init-cfg.exp' op = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=120) waiting(10) vmx_re_ipaddr = get_ip(CONF['DEFAULTS']['vmx_vcp_address']) cmd = 'ping -c 5 {}'.format(vmx_re_ipaddr) res = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=60) if'5 received', res, re.M | re.I): print "vMX mgmt IP %s is reachable, its UP and RUNNING" % ( vmx_re_ipaddr) else: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "Response: %s" % (res) print "============================================================" print "vMX mgmt IP %s is not reachable, please check configuration!" % ( vmx_re_ipaddr) print "============================================================" sys.exit(1) svr2 = self.svr2_bms_name print "Configuring ctrldata interface with IP on server(%s)" % ( self.svr2_bms_name) cmd = '/sbin/ifconfig {0} up'.format( CONF[svr2]['ctrldata_interface']) res = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=20) ctl_ip = get_ip(CONF[svr2]['ctrldata_address']) ctl_netmask = get_netmask(CONF[svr2]['ctrldata_address']) cmd = '/sbin/ifconfig vmx_link1 {0} netmask {1} up'.format( ctl_ip, ctl_netmask) res = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=20) waiting(5) vmx_loopback_ip = CONF['DEFAULTS']['vmx_loopback_ip'] vmx_ctl_ip = get_ip(CONF['vmx']['ctrldata_address']) cmd = 'route add -host {0}/32 gw {1}'.format(vmx_loopback_ip, vmx_ctl_ip) res = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=40) waiting(10) #on jumphost add route to vmx loopback ip command = 'route add -host {0}/32 gw {1}'.format( vmx_loopback_ip, ctl_ip) res = execute(command, ignore_errors=False) waiting(5) #ping vMX loopback ip print "Checking vmx_loopback IP(%s) is reachable" % (vmx_loopback_ip) cmd = 'ping -c 5 {}'.format(vmx_loopback_ip) res = self.svr2_bms.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=60) if'5 received', res, re.M | re.I): print "vMX loopback IP %s is reachable from server(%s)" % ( vmx_loopback_ip, svr2) else: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "Response: %s" % (res) print "==========================================================================" print "vMX loopback IP %s is not reachable from server(%s). Check configuration." % ( vmx_loopback_ip, svr2) print "==========================================================================" sys.exit(1)
class reImageAndDeploy(object): def __init__(self): global jinja_env jinja_env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(from_project_root('contrail'))) self.sm_vm = None self.sm_api = None self.sm_home = None def check_sm_status(self): print "Checking servermanager reachablility." sm_m_ip = get_ip(CONF['servermanager']['management_address']) sm_local_user = CONF['servermanager']['local_user'] sm_local_passwd = CONF['servermanager']['local_password'] count = 5 for _ in range(count): #ping SM res = os.system('ping -c 3 ' + sm_m_ip) if res == 0: print "servermanager is reachable" self.sm_vm = RemoteConnection() self.sm_vm.connect(sm_m_ip, username=sm_local_user, password=sm_local_passwd) self.sm_api = serverManager(sm_m_ip) cmd = 'eval echo ~$USER' self.sm_home = self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) return else: print "Waiting for servermanager to respond." print "Retry after 30sec" waiting(30) print "\n" print "Response: %s" % (res) print "==================================================================================" print "servermanager is not reachable, please check or run ./ if not done" print "==================================================================================" sys.exit(1) def copy_iso_contrail_images(self): print "Copying ubuntu OS ISO and contrail installer package onto servermanager VM" svr1 = CONF['DEFAULTS']['bms'][0] server1_mgmt_ip = get_ip(CONF[svr1]['management_address']) sm_m_ip = get_ip(CONF['servermanager']['management_address']) ubuntuiso = CONF['DEFAULTS']['ubuntuimage'] contrailimg = CONF['DEFAULTS']['contrailimage'] jumphost_img_url = 'http://{}/pockit_images/'.format(server1_mgmt_ip) self.sm_vm.chdir('{}/images/'.format(self.sm_home)) cmd = 'wget -q {0}{1} -O {1}'.format(jumphost_img_url, ubuntuiso) if self.sm_vm.status_command(cmd) != 0: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "==========================================================" print "Error in downloading ubuntu ISO image onto server-manager" print "==========================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Downloaded ubuntu ISO image successfully onto server-manager" cmd = 'wget -q {0}{1} -O {1}'.format(jumphost_img_url, contrailimg) if self.sm_vm.status_command(cmd) != 0: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "===================================================================" print "Error in downloading contrail installer package onto server-manager" print "===================================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Downloaded contrail installer package successfully onto server-manager" def create_cluster_json_file(self): print "Creating contrail cluster json file" cluster_tmpl = jinja_env.get_template('cluster.json') userdata = cluster_tmpl.render( dns_search=CONF['DEFAULTS']['dns_search'], cluster_gateway=CONF['DEFAULTS']['cluster_gateway'], contrail_asn=CONF['DEFAULTS']['contrail_asn'], openstack_password=CONF['DEFAULTS']['contrail_os_webui_passwd'], mysql_password=CONF['DEFAULTS']['contrail_mysql_passwd'], cassandra_db_size=CONF['DEFAULTS']['cassandra_db_size'], cluster_netmask=CONF['DEFAULTS']['cluster_netmask']) with open(sk_img_path + '/cluster.json', 'w+') as fobj: fobj.write(userdata) def create_image_json_file(self): print "Creating cluster host os image and contrail installer package file" img_tmpl = jinja_env.get_template('image.json') userdata = img_tmpl.render( kickseed_file=self.sm_home + '/json-files/contrail-ubuntu-sk.seed', kickstart_file=self.sm_home + '/json-files/contrail-ubuntu-sk.ks', ubuntu_iso_file=self.sm_home + '/images/' + CONF['DEFAULTS']['ubuntuimage'], contrail_pkg_file=self.sm_home + '/images/' + CONF['DEFAULTS']['contrailimage']) with open(sk_img_path + '/image.json', 'w+') as fobj: fobj.write(userdata) def create_vm_server_json_files(self): vm_list = CONF['DEFAULTS']['reimagevms'] print "Creating VM %s json files" % (vm_list) filenum = 1 for vm in vm_list: vm_tmpl = jinja_env.get_template('server.json') userdata = vm_tmpl.render( ctrldata_intf=CONF[vm]['ctrldata_interface'], dns_search=CONF[vm]['dns_search'], server_name=CONF[vm]['hostname'], ipmi_address="", ipmi_password="", ipmi_username="", mgmt_address=CONF[vm]['management_address'], mgmt_mac=CONF[vm]['management_mac'], mgmt_intf=CONF[vm]['management_interface'], mgmt_gateway=CONF[vm]['gateway'], ctrldata_address=CONF[vm]['ctrldata_address'], ctrldata_mac=CONF[vm]['ctrldata_mac'], disk_partition=CONF[vm]['partition'], root_password=CONF['DEFAULTS']['root_password'], roles=CONF[vm]['roles']) with open(sk_img_path + '/server{}.json'.format(filenum), 'w+') as fobj: fobj.write(userdata) filenum += 1 def create_bms_server_json_files(self): vm_list = CONF['DEFAULTS']['reimagevms'] bms_list = CONF['DEFAULTS']['bms'] print "Creating BMS %s json files" % (bms_list) filenum = len(vm_list) + 1 for vm in bms_list[1:]: vm_tmpl = jinja_env.get_template('server.json') userdata = vm_tmpl.render( ctrldata_intf=CONF[vm]['ctrldata_interface'], dns_search=CONF[vm]['dns_search'], server_name=CONF[vm]['hostname'], ipmi_address=CONF[vm]['ipmi_address'], ipmi_password=CONF[vm]['ipmi_password'], ipmi_username=CONF[vm]['ipmi_username'], mgmt_address=CONF[vm]['management_address'], mgmt_mac=CONF[vm]['management_mac'], mgmt_intf=CONF[vm]['management_interface'], mgmt_gateway=CONF[vm]['gateway'], ctrldata_address=CONF[vm]['ctrldata_address'], ctrldata_mac=CONF[vm]['ctrldata_mac'], disk_partition=CONF[vm]['partition'], root_password=CONF['DEFAULTS']['root_password'], roles=CONF[vm]['roles']) with open(sk_img_path + '/server{}.json'.format(filenum), 'w+') as fobj: fobj.write(userdata) filenum += 1 def copy_seed_ks_to_websvr(self): print "Copying ubuntu seed and kickstart files on to jumphost webserver" cmd = 'cp {0}/contrail-ubuntu-sk.seed {1}/'.format( from_project_root('contrail'), sk_img_path) execute(cmd, ignore_errors=True) cmd = 'cp {0}/contrail-ubuntu-sk.ks {1}/'.format( from_project_root('contrail'), sk_img_path) execute(cmd, ignore_errors=True) def copy_json_files_to_sm(self): print "Copying cluster, image, VM and BMS json files on to server-manager VM" svr1 = CONF['DEFAULTS']['bms'][0] server1_mgmt_ip = get_ip(CONF[svr1]['management_address']) jumphost_img_url = 'http://{}/pockit_images/'.format(server1_mgmt_ip) cmd = 'cd {0}/json-files/ && wget -O cluster.json {1}/cluster.json'.format( self.sm_home, jumphost_img_url) if self.sm_vm.status_command(cmd) != 0: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "============================================================" print "Error in downloading cluster.json file onto servermanager VM" print "============================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Downloaded cluster.json file successfully onto servermanager VM" cmd = 'cd {0}/json-files/ && wget -O image.json {1}/image.json'.format( self.sm_home, jumphost_img_url) if self.sm_vm.status_command(cmd) != 0: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "============================================================" print "Error in downloading image.json file onto servermanager VM" print "============================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Downloaded image.json file successfully onto servermanager VM" cluster_list = CONF['DEFAULTS']['reimagevms'] + CONF['DEFAULTS'][ 'bms'][1:] for i in range(1, len(cluster_list) + 1): cmd = 'cd {0}/json-files/ && wget -O server{1}.json {2}/server{1}.json'.format( self.sm_home, i, jumphost_img_url) if self.sm_vm.status_command(cmd) != 0: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "=============================================================" print "Error in downloading server{}.json file onto servermanager VM".format( i) print "============================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Downloaded server{}.json file successfully onto servermanager VM".format( i) self.copy_seed_ks_to_websvr() cmd = 'cd {0}/json-files/ && wget -O contrail-ubuntu-sk.ks {1}/contrail-ubuntu-sk.ks'.format( self.sm_home, jumphost_img_url) if self.sm_vm.status_command(cmd) != 0: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "============================================================" print "Error in downloading kickstart file onto servermanager VM" print "============================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Downloaded kickstart file successfully onto servermanager VM" cmd = 'cd {0}/json-files/ && wget -O contrail-ubuntu-sk.seed {1}/contrail-ubuntu-sk.seed'.format( self.sm_home, jumphost_img_url) if self.sm_vm.status_command(cmd) != 0: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "============================================================" print "Error in downloading kickseed file onto servermanager VM" print "============================================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Downloaded kickseed file successfully onto servermanager VM" def reimage_vms(self): vm_list = CONF['DEFAULTS']['reimagevms'] print "Re-Imaging %s VM's. Begins.." % (vm_list) #add cluster, image and server1,2 print "Adding cluster.json to servermanager" cmd = 'server-manager delete cluster --cluster_id {}'.format( sk_cluster_id) self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=30) cmd = 'server-manager add cluster -f {}/json-files/cluster.json'.format( self.sm_home) self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=30) res = self.sm_api.cluster_get(sk_cluster_id) if res != 200: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "Response: %s" % (res) print "======================================" print "Error in adding cluster.json to servermanager" print "======================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Successfully added cluster.json to servermanager" print "Adding image.json to servermanager" cmd = 'server-manager delete image --image_id {}'.format(ubuntu_img_id) self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=120) cmd = 'server-manager add image -f {}/json-files/image.json'.format( self.sm_home) self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=120) res = self.sm_api.image_get(ubuntu_img_id) if res != 200: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "Response: %s" % (res) print "======================================" print "Error in adding image.json to servermanager" print "======================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Successfully added image.json to servermanager" vm_list = CONF['DEFAULTS']['reimagevms'] i = 1 for vm in vm_list: print "Adding server{}.json to servermanager".format(i) cmd = 'server-manager delete server --server_id {}'.format( CONF[vm]['hostname']) self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=30) cmd = 'server-manager add server -f {0}/json-files/server{1}.json'.format( self.sm_home, i) self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=30) res = self.sm_api.server_get(CONF[vm]['hostname']) if res != 200: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "Response: %s" % (res) print "=============================================" print "Error in adding server{}.json to servermanager".format( i) print "=============================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Successfully added server{}.json to servermanager".format( i) print "Issuing reimage server{}".format(i) cmd = 'yes y | server-manager reimage --server_id {}'.format( CONF[vm]['hostname']) self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) i += 1 for vm in vm_list: print "Re-imaging %s VM" % CONF[vm]['hostname'] cmd = "virsh destroy %s" % CONF[vm]['hostname'] execute(cmd, ignore_errors=True) waiting(5) cmd = "virsh undefine %s" % CONF[vm]['hostname'] execute(cmd, ignore_errors=True) waiting(5) cmd = "virt-install --os-variant=ubuntutrusty --os-type=linux --arch=x86_64 --network mac=%s,bridge=mgmtbr --network mac=%s,bridge=ctrldatabr --file=/var/lib/libvirt/images/%s.qcow2 --graphics vnc,password=%s --noautoconsole --vcpus=%s --ram=%s --pxe --name %s --autostart --file-size=%s" % ( CONF[vm]['management_mac'], CONF[vm]['ctrldata_mac'], CONF[vm]['hostname'], CONF[vm]['local_password'], CONF[vm]['vcpus'], CONF[vm]['memory'], CONF[vm]['hostname'], CONF[vm]['harddisk']) execute(cmd, ignore_errors=False) waiting(10) print "Waiting for %s VM to reimage" % vm self.check_reimage_status(vm_list) print "Re-Imaging %s VM's. Ends.." % vm_list def check_reimage_status(self, svr_list): queue = Queue.Queue() threads = [] for vm in svr_list: svr = CONF[vm]['hostname'] t = threading.Thread(target=self.check_reimage_vm_status, args=(svr, ), name=svr) threads.append(t) t.start() for t in threads: t.join() print "Completed VM re-image status verification" def check_reimage_vm_status(self, vmname): count = 40 expected_res = "reimage_completed" for _ in range(count): #Get reimage status res = self.sm_api.server_get(server_id=vmname, status=True) print "Waiting for %s VM to get re-imaged.." % vmname print "Expected status: %s :: Current status: %s " % ( expected_res, res) if res == expected_res: waiting(10) cmd = "virsh list --all" res = execute(cmd, ignore_errors=True) if'shut off', res, re.M | re.I): print "Re-imaged VM is shut-off, starting now..." cmd = "virsh start " + vmname res = execute(cmd, ignore_errors=True) waiting(5) else: print "None of the re-imaged VM's are shut-off" return else: print "Retry after 30sec" waiting(30) print "\n" print "===========================================================" print "VM %s did not complete Re-imaging, hence exiting..." % vmname print "===========================================================" sys.exit(1) def check_ipmi_connectivity(self): print "Checking IPMI reachability before re-imaging BMS" waiting(10) bms_list = CONF['DEFAULTS']['bms'] for bms in bms_list: ipmi_ip = CONF[bms]['ipmi_address'] cmd = 'ping -c 4 %s' % (ipmi_ip) res = self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) if'4 received', res, re.M | re.I): print "IPMI IP (%s) of BMS (%s) is reachable from servermanager." % ( ipmi_ip, bms) else: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "Response: %s" % (res) print "==============================================================================" print "IPMI IP (%s) of BMS (%s) is not reachable from servermanager.check IPMI config" % ( ipmi_ip, bms) print "==============================================================================" sys.exit(1) def reimage_bms(self): print "Re-Imaging BMS's. Begins.." #check ipmi self.check_ipmi_connectivity() bms_list = CONF['DEFAULTS']['bms'] vms_list = CONF['DEFAULTS']['reimagevms'] i = len(vms_list) + 1 for bms in bms_list[1:]: print "Adding server{}.json to servermanager".format(i) cmd = 'server-manager delete server --server_id {}'.format( CONF[bms]['hostname']) self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=30) cmd = 'server-manager add server -f {0}/json-files/server{1}.json'.format( self.sm_home, i) self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=30) res = self.sm_api.server_get(CONF[bms]['hostname']) if res != 200: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "Response: %s" % (res) print "=============================================" print "Error in adding server{}.json to servermanager".format( i) print "=============================================" sys.exit(1) else: print "Successfully added server{}.json to servermanager".format( i) print "Issuing reimage server{}".format(i) cmd = 'yes y | server-manager reimage --server_id {}'.format( CONF[bms]['hostname']) self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) i += 1 print "Waiting for BMS's to get reimaged" self.check_bms_reimage_status(bms_list[1:]) print "Re-Imaging %s BMS's. Ends.." % bms_list[1:] def check_bms_reimage_status(self, svr_list): queue = Queue.Queue() threads = [] for bms in svr_list: svr = CONF[bms]['hostname'] t = threading.Thread(target=self.check_reimage_bms_status, args=(svr, ), name=svr) threads.append(t) t.start() for t in threads: t.join() print "Completed reimage status verification for BMS" def check_reimage_bms_status(self, bmsname): count = 80 expected_res = "reimage_completed" for _ in range(count): #Get reimage status res = self.sm_api.server_get(server_id=bmsname, status=True) print "Waiting for BMS %s to re-image.." % bmsname print "Expected status: %s :: Current status: %s " % ( expected_res, res) if res == expected_res: print "BMS %s is re-imaged" % bmsname return else: print "Retry after 30sec" waiting(30) if count == 30 and res == "restart_issued": print "Looks like some issue with BMS (%s) powering on, please check" % ( bmsname) continue print "\n" print "===============================================================" print "BMS server %s did not complete Re-imaging, hence exiting..." % bmsname print "===============================================================" sys.exit(1) def wait_bms_reboot(self): bms_list = CONF['DEFAULTS']['bms'] for bms in bms_list[1:]: count = 40 for _ in range(count): bms_ip = get_ip(CONF[bms]['management_address']) cmd = 'ping -c 4 %s' % (bms_ip) res = self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=30) if'4 received', res, re.M | re.I): print "MGMT IP(%s)of (%s) is reachable from servermanager." % ( bms_ip, bms) continue else: print "Waiting for the BMS %s to reboot and come up" % bms print "Retry after 30sec" waiting(30) def check_topology_connectivity(self): print "Checking the management IP and ctrldata IP reachability from servermanager VM" waiting(5) all_list = CONF['DEFAULTS']['bms'] + CONF['DEFAULTS']['reimagevms'] for inventory in all_list: mgmt_ip = get_ip(CONF[inventory]['management_address']) cmd = 'ping -c 4 %s' % (mgmt_ip) res = self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=30) if'4 received', res, re.M | re.I): print "MGMT IP(%s)of (%s) is reachable from servermanager." % ( mgmt_ip, inventory) else: print "\n" print "Command: %s" % (cmd) print "Response: %s" % (res) print "==============================================================================" print "MGMT IP(%s)of (%s) is not reachable from servermanager.check configuration" % ( mgmt_ip, inventory) print "==============================================================================" sys.exit(1) #TO DO check connectivity from cc-host VM, os-host, BMS def remove_server2_from_cluster(self): bms2 = CONF['DEFAULTS']['bms'][1] print "\nRemoving %s from contrail cluster, as it will be used to deploy vMX on it" % ( bms2) svr2_ip = get_ip(CONF[bms2]['management_address']) svr2_netmask = get_netmask(CONF[bms2]['management_address']) svr2_usr = CONF['DEFAULTS']['root_username'] svr2_passwd = CONF['DEFAULTS']['root_password'] svr2_connect = RemoteConnection() svr2_connect.connect(svr2_ip, username=svr2_usr, password=svr2_passwd) #reboot bms2_name = CONF[bms2]['hostname'] print "Rebooting %s" % (bms2_name) cmd = 'reboot' svr2_connect.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) waiting(10) print "Deleting %s from the cluster" % (bms2_name) cmd = 'server-manager delete server --server_id %s' % (bms2_name) res = self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=10) #wait till the bms to comes up count = 40 for _ in range(count): #ping server2 res = os.system('ping -c 3 ' + svr2_ip) if res == 0: print "%s is reachable and is UP" % (bms2_name) waiting(60) return else: print "Waiting for %s to come UP.." % (bms2_name) print "Retry after 30sec" waiting(30) print "\n" print "=========================================================================" print "{0} is not reachable, did not boot up with correct mgmt_address {1}".format( bms2_anme, svr2_ip) print "=========================================================================" sys.exit(1) def provision_contrail(self): print "Started provisioning contrail on to the cluster" waiting(5) provision_list = CONF['DEFAULTS']['reimagevms'] + CONF['DEFAULTS'][ 'bms'][2:] self.check_topology_connectivity() self.remove_server2_from_cluster() cmd = 'yes y | server-manager provision --cluster_id {0} {1}'.format( sk_cluster_id, contrail_pkg_id) res = self.sm_vm.execute_cmd(cmd, timeout=30) self.check_provision_status(provision_list) sys.exit(0) def check_provision_status(self, provision_list): queue = Queue.Queue() threads = [] for svr in provision_list: svr = CONF[svr]['hostname'] t = threading.Thread(target=self.provision_status, args=(svr, ), name=svr) threads.append(t) t.start() for t in threads: t.join() print "Completed contrail provision status verification" def provision_status(self, bmsname): count = 300 expected_res = "provision_completed" for _ in range(count): #Get provision status res = self.sm_api.server_get(server_id=bmsname, status=True) print "Waiting for BMS %s to get provisioned on %s." % ( bmsname, sk_cluster_id) print "Expected status: %s :: Current status: %s " % ( expected_res, res) if res == expected_res: print "BMS %s is provisioned" % bmsname return else: print "Retry after 30sec" waiting(30) print "\n" print "=================================================" print "BMS %s did not get provisioned, hence exiting..." % bmsname print "=================================================" sys.exit(1)