def requesters_del(obj_data_input): connection = None cursor = None response = response_json.get_response_common(None, None) try: connection = mysql_connection.get_connection_info() cursor = connection.cursor() sql_del = "UPDATE requests SET del_flg = 1 WHERE id = %s" cursor.execute(sql_del, (obj_data_input['id'])) connection.commit() response['code'] = 0 except Exception as e: print('regist.models -> requesters_del -> ex: ', e) finally: if connection is not None: connection.close() if cursor is not None: cursor.close() return response
def regist_requesters(obj_data_input): connection = None cursor = None response = response_json.get_response_common(None, None) try: connection = mysql_connection.get_connection_info() cursor = connection.cursor() sql_search_exist = f"SELECT * FROM requesters WHERE user_name=\"{obj_data_input['user_name']}\" " cursor.execute(sql_search_exist) if cursor.rowcount > 0: response['code'] = 1 elif cursor.rowcount == 0: sql_insert = f"INSERT INTO requesters(user_name, password, created_date, update_date) values(\"{obj_data_input['user_name']}\", \"{obj_data_input['password']}\", now(), now())" cursor.execute(sql_insert) connection.commit() response['code'] = 0 except Exception as e: print('regist.models -> regist_requesters -> ex: ', e) finally: if connection is not None: connection.close() if cursor is not None: cursor.close() return response
def init_create_profile_information(): connection = None cursor = None response = response_json.get_response_common(None, None) try: connection = mysql_connection_pool.get_connection_pool() cursor = connection.cursor() sql_get_language = """SELECT id, name FROM mt_language WHERE is_deleted = 0""" cursor.execute(sql_get_language) language_data = cursor.fetchall() response['language_data'] = language_data sql_get_country = """SELECT id, name FROM mt_country WHERE is_deleted = 0""" cursor.execute(sql_get_country) country_data = cursor.fetchall() response['country_data'] = country_data sql_get_currency = """SELECT id, name FROM mt_currency WHERE is_deleted = 0""" cursor.execute(sql_get_currency) currency_data = cursor.fetchall() response['currency_data'] = currency_data response['code'] = 0 except Exception as e: print( 'merchantprofilemanagements.models -> init_create_profile_information -> ex: ', e) finally: mysql_connection_pool.release_connection_pool(cursor, connection) return response
def requesters_search(obj_input_data): connection = None cursor = None response = response_json.get_response_common(None, None) obj_output_data = [] try: connection = mysql_connection.get_connection_info() cursor = connection.cursor() sql_search = f"SELECT device,request_date, name, user_name FROM requests r join requesters rs on r.requesters_id = WHERE user_name = '{obj_input_data['user_id']}'" sql_search += f" and (request_date like '%{obj_input_data['search_data']}%' " sql_search += f" OR device like '%{obj_input_data['search_data']}%'" sql_search += f" OR name like '%{obj_input_data['search_data']}%')" cursor.execute(sql_search) list_request = cursor.fetchall() if cursor.rowcount > 0 else [] response['code'] = 0 response['list_request'] = list_request except Exception as e: print('search.models -> requesters_search -> ex: ', e) finally: if connection is not None: connection.close() if cursor is not None: cursor.close() return response
def technical_login(username, password): connection = None cursor = None response = response_json.get_response_common(None, None) try: connection = mysql_connection.get_connection_info() cursor = connection.cursor() sql_select_technical = "SELECT * FROM technicals WHERE user_name=%s" cursor.execute(sql_select_technical, username) if cursor.rowcount == 0: response['code'] = 1 elif cursor.rowcount == 1: data_user = cursor.fetchone() if password != data_user['password']: response['code'] = 2 else: response['code'] = 0 except Exception as e: print('authen.models -> technical_login -> ex: ', e) finally: if connection is not None: connection.close() if cursor is not None: cursor.close() return response
def init_profile_information_detail(profile_info_id): connection = None cursor = None response = response_json.get_response_common(None, None) try: connection = mysql_connection_pool.get_connection_pool() cursor = connection.cursor() #get id of table profile when id = profile_id in table profile_info sql_profile_id = """SELECT profile_id FROM profile_info WHERE id = %s AND is_deleted = 0""" cursor.execute(sql_profile_id, profile_info_id) profile_info_data = cursor.fetchone() profile_id = profile_info_data["profile_id"] #get data in table profile_info sql_get_profile_info = """SELECT profile_id, base_country, base_currency, default_language, profile_name, abbreviation, status, website_url, tax_id, tid, dba_name, mcc FROM profile_info WHERE id = %s AND is_deleted = 0""" cursor.execute(sql_get_profile_info, profile_info_id) profile_info_data = cursor.fetchone() response['profile_info_data'] = profile_info_data # get data in table contact sql_get_contact = """SELECT street_name, city, state, send_initial_email, phone_number FROM contact WHERE profile_id = %s AND is_deleted = 0""" cursor.execute(sql_get_contact, profile_id) contact_data = cursor.fetchone() response['contact_data'] = contact_data # get data in table features sql_get_features = """SELECT email_pay, qr_code, subscription, refund, default_email_receipt, default_payment_mode FROM features WHERE profile_id = %s AND is_deleted = 0""" cursor.execute(sql_get_features, profile_id) features_data = cursor.fetchone() response['features_data'] = features_data # get data in table fee sql_get_fee = """SELECT payment_mechanism, setup_charge, annual_charge, per_transaction_fee, per_transaction_rate, per_successful_rate, refund_return_rate, comments FROM fee WHERE profile_id = %s AND is_deleted = 0""" cursor.execute(sql_get_fee, profile_id) fee_data = cursor.fetchone() response['fee_data'] = fee_data response['code'] = 0 except Exception as e: print( 'merchantprofilemanagements.models -> init_profile_information_detail -> ex: ', e) finally: mysql_connection_pool.release_connection_pool(cursor, connection) return response
def search_table_merchant_profile(merchant_name, abbreviation, language, status): str_where = "" connection = None cursor = None response = response_json.get_response_common(None, None) try: connection = mysql_connection_pool.get_connection_pool() cursor = connection.cursor() if merchant_name != '': if str_where != '': str_where += ' AND ' str_where += f"pi.profile_name LIKE LCASE('%{merchant_name}%')" if abbreviation != '': if str_where != '': str_where += ' AND ' str_where += f"pi.abbreviation LIKE LCASE('%{abbreviation}%')" if language != '': if str_where != '': str_where += ' AND ' str_where += f"pi.default_language = {language}" if status != '': if str_where != '': str_where += ' AND ' str_where += f"pi.status = {status}" sql_profile = 'SELECT * FROM profile_info pi' if str_where != '': sql_profile += f" WHERE {str_where}" cursor.execute(sql_profile) table_data = cursor.fetchall() response['code'] = 0 response['table_data'] = table_data except Exception as e: print( 'merchantprofilemanagements.models -> search_table_merchant_profile -> ex: ', e) finally: mysql_connection_pool.release_connection_pool(cursor, connection) return response
def technicals_search(obj_input_data): connection = None cursor = None response = response_json.get_response_common(None, None) obj_output_data = [] try: connection = mysql_connection.get_connection_info() cursor = connection.cursor() sql_search = f"SELECT * FROM requests WHERE technicals_id={obj_input_data['user_id']}" if obj_input_data['search_type'] == 0: return response else: if obj_input_data['search_type'] == 1: sql_search += f" AND request_date=\"{obj_input_data['search_data']}\" " elif obj_input_data['search_type'] == 2: sql_search += f" AND device=\"{obj_input_data['search_data']}\" " elif obj_input_data['search_type'] == 3: sql_search += f" AND name=\"{obj_input_data['search_data']}\" " cursor.execute(sql_search) list_request = cursor.fetchall() if cursor.rowcount > 0 else [] response['code'] = 0 response['list_request'] = list_request except Exception as e: print('search.models -> technicals_search -> ex: ', e) finally: if connection is not None: connection.close() if cursor is not None: cursor.close() return response
def delete_merchant_profile(profile_info_id): connection = None cursor = None response = response_json.get_response_common(None, None) try: connection = mysql_connection_pool.get_connection_pool() cursor = connection.cursor() # get id of table profile when id = profile_id in table profile_info sql_profile_id = """SELECT profile_id FROM profile_info WHERE id = %s AND is_deleted = 0""" cursor.execute(sql_profile_id, profile_info_id) profile_info_data = cursor.fetchone() profile_id = profile_info_data["profile_id"] # delete row in table profile_info sql_delete_profile_info = """DELETE FROM profile_info WHERE id = %s""" cursor.execute(sql_delete_profile_info, profile_info_id) # delete row in table contact sql_delete_contact = """DELETE FROM contact WHERE profile_id = %s""" cursor.execute(sql_delete_contact, profile_id) # delete row in table features sql_delete_features = """DELETE FROM features WHERE profile_id = %s""" cursor.execute(sql_delete_features, profile_id) # delete row in table fee sql_delete_fee = """DELETE FROM fee WHERE profile_id = %s""" cursor.execute(sql_delete_fee, profile_id) connection.commit() response['code'] = 0 except Exception as e: print( 'merchantprofilemanagements.models -> get_combobox_language -> ex: ', e) finally: mysql_connection_pool.release_connection_pool(cursor, connection) return response
def requesters_add(obj_data_input): connection = None cursor = None response = response_json.get_response_common(None, None) try: connection = mysql_connection.get_connection_info() cursor = connection.cursor() sql_add = """INSERT INTO requests ( requesters_id, technicals_id, name, device, detail, status, request_date, start_time, end_time ) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,NOW(),CURTIME(),CURTIME())""" cursor.execute( sql_add, (obj_data_input['requesters_id'], obj_data_input['technicals_id'], obj_data_input['name'], obj_data_input['device'], obj_data_input['detail'], obj_data_input['status'])) connection.commit() response['code'] = 0 except Exception as e: print('regist.models -> requesters_add -> ex: ', e) finally: if connection is not None: connection.close() if cursor is not None: cursor.close() return response
def get_combobox_language(): connection = None cursor = None response = response_json.get_response_common(None, None) try: connection = mysql_connection_pool.get_connection_pool() cursor = connection.cursor() sql_profile = """SELECT id, name FROM mt_language WHERE is_deleted = 0""" cursor.execute(sql_profile) table_data = cursor.fetchall() response['code'] = 0 response['table_data'] = table_data except Exception as e: print( 'merchantprofilemanagements.models -> get_combobox_language -> ex: ', e) finally: mysql_connection_pool.release_connection_pool(cursor, connection) return response
def requesters_edit(obj_data_input): connection = None cursor = None response = response_json.get_response_common(None, None) try: connection = mysql_connection.get_connection_info() cursor = connection.cursor() sql_edit = """UPDATE requests SET name = %s, device = %s, detail = %s, status = %s, request_date = NOW(), start_time = CURTIME(), end_time = CURTIME() WHERE id = %s""" cursor.execute(sql_edit, (obj_data_input['name'], obj_data_input['device'], obj_data_input['detail'], obj_data_input['status'], obj_data_input['id'])) connection.commit() response['code'] = 0 except Exception as e: print('regist.models -> requesters_edit -> ex: ', e) finally: if connection is not None: connection.close() if cursor is not None: cursor.close() return response
def create_profile_information(request, obj_input): connection = None cursor = None response = response_json.get_response_common(None, None) USER_REQUEST_INFO = jwt_custom_authen.get_user_info_request(request) try: connection = mysql_connection_pool.get_connection_pool() cursor = connection.cursor() GLB_USER_INFO = USER_REQUEST_INFO["GLB_USER_INFO"] # insert data table profile sql_profile = """INSERT INTO profile (user_id, created_time, created_by) VALUES (%s, NOW(), %s)""" cursor.execute( sql_profile, (USER_REQUEST_INFO["GLB_USER_ID"], GLB_USER_INFO["full_name"])) # get primarry key (profile_id) of inserted row profile_id = cursor.lastrowid # insert data table profile_info sql_profile_info = """INSERT INTO profile_info (profile_id, base_country, base_currency, default_language, profile_name, abbreviation, status, website_url, tax_id, tid, dba_name, mcc, created_time, created_by) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, NOW(), %s)""" cursor.execute( sql_profile_info, (profile_id, obj_input["base_country"], obj_input["base_currency"], obj_input["default_language"], obj_input["profile_name"], obj_input["abbreviation"], obj_input["status"], obj_input["website_url"], obj_input["tax_id"], obj_input["tid"], obj_input["dba_name"], obj_input["mcc"], GLB_USER_INFO["full_name"])) # insert data table contacts sql_contacts = """INSERT INTO contact (profile_id, street_name, city, state, send_initial_email, phone_number, created_time, created_by) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, NOW(), %s)""" cursor.execute( sql_contacts, (profile_id, obj_input["street_name"], obj_input["city"], obj_input["state"], obj_input["send_initial_email"], obj_input["phone_number"], GLB_USER_INFO["full_name"])) # insert data table features sql_features = """INSERT INTO features (profile_id, email_pay, qr_code, subscription, refund, default_email_receipt, default_payment_mode, created_time, created_by) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, NOW(), %s)""" cursor.execute( sql_features, (profile_id, obj_input["email_pay"], obj_input["qr_code"], obj_input["subscription"], obj_input["refund"], obj_input["default_email_receipt"], obj_input["default_payment_mode"], GLB_USER_INFO["full_name"])) # insert data table fees sql_fee = """INSERT INTO fee (profile_id, payment_mechanism, setup_charge, annual_charge, per_transaction_fee, per_transaction_rate, per_successful_rate, refund_return_rate, comments, created_time, created_by) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, NOW(), %s)""" cursor.execute( sql_fee, (profile_id, obj_input["payment_mechanism"], obj_input["setup_charge"], obj_input["annual_charge"], obj_input["per_transaction_fee"], obj_input["per_transaction_rate"], obj_input["per_successful_rate"], obj_input["refund_return_rate"], obj_input["comments"], GLB_USER_INFO["full_name"])) connection.commit() response['code'] = 0 except Exception as e: print( 'merchantprofilemanagements.models -> create_profile_information -> ex: ', e) connection.rollback() finally: mysql_connection_pool.release_connection_pool(cursor, connection) return response