コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, avmap, respsurf=None):
        """Initialize an ActiveSubspaceResponseSurface.

        avmap : ActiveVariableMap 
            a domains.ActiveVariable map that includes the active variable 
            domain, which includes the active and inactive subspaces
        respsurf : ResponseSurface, optional
            a utils.response_surfaces.ResponseSurface object. If a 
            ResponseSurface is not given, a default RadialBasisApproximation is 
        if not isinstance(avmap, ActiveVariableMap):
            raise TypeError('avmap should be an ActiveVariableMap.')

        if respsurf == None:
            self.respsurf = RadialBasisApproximation()
            self.respsurf = respsurf
        self.avmap = avmap
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, avmap, respsurf=None):
        Initialize an ActiveSubspaceResponseSurface.

        :param ActiveVariableMap avmap: A domains.ActiveVariable map that
            includes the active variable domain, which includes the active and
            inactive subspaces.
        :param ResponseSurface respsurf: A
            utils.response_surfaces.ResponseSurface object. If a ResponseSurface
            is not given, a default RadialBasisApproximation is used.
        if not isinstance(avmap, ActiveVariableMap):
            raise TypeError('avmap should be an ActiveVariableMap.')

        if respsurf == None:
            self.respsurf = RadialBasisApproximation()
            self.respsurf = respsurf
        self.avmap = avmap
コード例 #3
class ActiveSubspaceResponseSurface():
    A class for using active subspace with response surfaces.

    :param ResponseSurface respsurf: `respsurf` is a
    :param ActiveVariableMap avmap: a domains.ActiveVariableMap.


    This class has several convenient functions for training and using a
    response surface with active subspaces. Note that the `avmap` must be
    given. This means that the active subspace must be computed already.
    respsurf = None
    avmap = None

    def __init__(self, avmap, respsurf=None):
        Initialize an ActiveSubspaceResponseSurface.

        :param ActiveVariableMap avmap: A domains.ActiveVariable map that
            includes the active variable domain, which includes the active and
            inactive subspaces.
        :param ResponseSurface respsurf: A
            utils.response_surfaces.ResponseSurface object. If a ResponseSurface
            is not given, a default RadialBasisApproximation is used.
        if not isinstance(avmap, ActiveVariableMap):
            raise TypeError('avmap should be an ActiveVariableMap.')

        if respsurf == None:
            self.respsurf = RadialBasisApproximation()
            self.respsurf = respsurf
        self.avmap = avmap

    def _train(self, Y, f, v=None):
        A private function for training the response surface with a set of
        active variable and function evaluations.
        if isinstance(self.respsurf, RadialBasisApproximation):
            evals = self.avmap.domain.subspaces.eigenvalues
            self.respsurf.train(Y, f, v=v, e=evals)
            self.respsurf.train(Y, f)

    def train_with_data(self, X, f, v=None):
        Train the response surface with input/output pairs.

        :param ndarray X: M-by-m matrix with evaluations of the simulation
        :param ndarray f: M-by-1 matrix with corresponding simulation quantities
            of interest.
        :param ndarray v: M-by-1 matrix that contains the regularization
            (i.e., errors) associated with `f`.


        The training methods exploit the eigenvalues from the active subspace
        analysis to determine length scales for each variable when tuning
        the parameters of the radial bases.

        The method sets attributes of the object for further use.
        Y = self.avmap.forward(X)[0]
        self._train(Y, f, v=v)

    def train_with_interface(self, fun, N, NMC=10):
        Train the response surface with input/output pairs.

        :param function fun: A function that returns the simulation quantity of
            interest given a point in the input space as an 1-by-m ndarray.
        :param int N: The number of points used in the design-of-experiments for
            constructing the response surface.
        :param int NMC: The number of points used to estimate the conditional
            expectation and conditional variance of the function given a value
            of the active variables.


        The training methods exploit the eigenvalues from the active subspace
        analysis to determine length scales for each variable when tuning
        the parameters of the radial bases.

        The method sets attributes of the object for further use.

        The method uses the response_surfaces.av_design function to get the
        design for the appropriate `avmap`.
        Y, X, ind = av_design(self.avmap, N, NMC=NMC)

        if isinstance(self.avmap.domain, BoundedActiveVariableDomain):
            X = np.vstack((X, self.avmap.domain.vertX))
            Y = np.vstack((Y, self.avmap.domain.vertY))
            il = np.amax(ind) + 1
            iu = np.amax(ind) + self.avmap.domain.vertX.shape[0] + 1
            iind = np.arange(il, iu)
            ind = np.vstack(( ind, iind.reshape((iind.size,1)) ))

        # run simulation interface at all design points
        if isinstance(fun, SimulationRunner):
            f = fun.run(X)
            f = SimulationRunner(fun).run(X)

        Ef, Vf = conditional_expectations(f, ind)
        self._train(Y, Ef, v=Vf)

    def predict_av(self, Y, compgrad=False):
        Compute the value of the response surface given values of the active

        :param ndarray Y: M-by-n matrix containing points in the range of active
            variables to evaluate the response surface.
        :param bool compgrad: Determines if the gradient of the response surface
            with respect to the active variables is computed and returned.

        :return: f, contains the response surface values at the given `Y`.
        :rtype: ndarray

        :return: df, Contains the response surface gradients at the given `Y`.
            If `compgrad` is False, then `df` is None.
        :rtype: ndarray
        f, df = self.respsurf.predict(Y, compgrad)
        return f, df

    def gradient_av(self, Y):
        A convenience function for computing the gradient of the response
        surface with respect to the active variables.

        :param ndarray Y: M-by-n matrix containing points in the range of active
            variables to evaluate the response surface gradient.

        :return: df, Contains the response surface gradient at the given `Y`.
        :rtype: ndarray
        df = self.respsurf.predict(Y, compgrad=True)[1]
        return df

    def predict(self, X, compgrad=False):
        Compute the value of the response surface given values of the simulation

        :param ndarray X: M-by-m matrix containing points in simulation's
            parameter space.
        :param bool compgrad: Determines if the gradient of the response surface
            is computed and returned.

        :return: f, Contains the response surface values at the given `X`.
        :rtype: ndarray

        :return: dfdx, An ndarray of shape M-by-m that contains the estimated
            gradient at the given `X`. If `compgrad` is False, then `dfdx` is
        :rtype: ndarray
        Y = self.avmap.forward(X)[0]
        f, dfdy = self.predict_av(Y, compgrad)
        if compgrad:
            W1 = self.avmap.domain.subspaces.W1
            dfdx = np.dot(dfdy, W1.T)
            dfdx = None
        return f, dfdx

    def gradient(self, X):
        A convenience function for computing the gradient of the response
        surface with respect to the simulation inputs.

        :param ndarray X: M-by-m matrix containing points in the space of
            simulation inputs.

        :return: df, Contains the response surface gradient at the given `X`.
        :rtype: ndarray
        return self.predict(X, compgrad=True)[1]

    def __call__(self, X):
        return self.predict(X)[0]
コード例 #4
class ActiveSubspaceResponseSurface():
    """A class for using active subspace with response surfaces.

    respsurf : ResponseSurface 
        `respsurf` is a utils.response_surfaces.ResponseSurface
    avmap : ActiveVariableMap 
        a domains.ActiveVariableMap

    This class has several convenient functions for training and using a
    response surface with active subspaces. Note that the `avmap` must be
    given. This means that the active subspace must be computed already.
    respsurf = None
    avmap = None

    def __init__(self, avmap, respsurf=None):
        """Initialize an ActiveSubspaceResponseSurface.

        avmap : ActiveVariableMap 
            a domains.ActiveVariable map that includes the active variable 
            domain, which includes the active and inactive subspaces
        respsurf : ResponseSurface, optional
            a utils.response_surfaces.ResponseSurface object. If a 
            ResponseSurface is not given, a default RadialBasisApproximation is 
        if not isinstance(avmap, ActiveVariableMap):
            raise TypeError('avmap should be an ActiveVariableMap.')

        if respsurf == None:
            self.respsurf = RadialBasisApproximation()
            self.respsurf = respsurf
        self.avmap = avmap

    def _train(self, Y, f, v=None):
        """Train the radial basis function approximation.
        A private function for training the response surface with a set of
        active variable and function evaluations.
        if isinstance(self.respsurf, RadialBasisApproximation):
            evals = self.avmap.domain.subspaces.eigenvals
            self.respsurf.train(Y, f, v=v, e=evals)
            self.respsurf.train(Y, f)

    def train_with_data(self, X, f, v=None):
        """Train the response surface with input/output pairs.
        X : ndarray 
            M-by-m matrix with evaluations of the simulation inputs
        f : ndarray 
            M-by-1 matrix with corresponding simulation quantities of interest
        v : ndarray, optional
            M-by-1 matrix that contains the regularization (i.e., errors) 
            associated with `f` (default None)

        The training methods exploit the eigenvalues from the active subspace
        analysis to determine length scales for each variable when tuning
        the parameters of the radial bases.

        The method sets attributes of the object for further use.
        Y = self.avmap.forward(X)[0]
        self._train(Y, f, v=v)

    def train_with_interface(self, fun, N, NMC=10):
        """Train the response surface with input/output pairs.

        fun : function 
            a function that returns the simulation quantity of interest given a 
            point in the input space as an 1-by-m ndarray
        N : int 
            the number of points used in the design-of-experiments for 
            constructing the response surface
        NMC : int, optional 
            the number of points used to estimate the conditional expectation 
            and conditional variance of the function given a value of the active

        The training methods exploit the eigenvalues from the active subspace
        analysis to determine length scales for each variable when tuning
        the parameters of the radial bases.

        The method sets attributes of the object for further use.

        The method uses the response_surfaces.av_design function to get the
        design for the appropriate `avmap`.
        Y, X, ind = av_design(self.avmap, N, NMC=NMC)

        if isinstance(self.avmap.domain, BoundedActiveVariableDomain):
            X = np.vstack((X, self.avmap.domain.vertX))
            Y = np.vstack((Y, self.avmap.domain.vertY))
            il = np.amax(ind) + 1
            iu = np.amax(ind) + self.avmap.domain.vertX.shape[0] + 1
            iind = np.arange(il, iu)
            ind = np.vstack((ind, iind.reshape((iind.size, 1))))

        # run simulation interface at all design points
        if isinstance(fun, SimulationRunner):
            f = fun.run(X)
            f = SimulationRunner(fun).run(X)

        Ef, Vf = conditional_expectations(f, ind)
        self._train(Y, Ef, v=Vf)

    def predict_av(self, Y, compgrad=False):
        """Evaluate response surface at active variable.
        Compute the value of the response surface given values of the active

        Y : ndarray 
            M-by-n matrix containing points in the range of active variables to 
            evaluate the response surface
        compgrad : bool, optional 
            determines if the gradient of the response surface with respect to 
            the active variables is computed and returned (default False)

        f : ndarray 
            contains the response surface values at the given `Y`
        df : ndarray 
            contains the response surface gradients at the given `Y`. If 
            `compgrad` is False, then `df` is None.
        f, df = self.respsurf.predict(Y, compgrad)
        return f, df

    def gradient_av(self, Y):
        """Compute the gradient with respect to the active variables.
        A convenience function for computing the gradient of the response
        surface with respect to the active variables.

        Y : ndarray 
            M-by-n matrix containing points in the range of active variables to 
            evaluate the response surface gradient

        df : ndarray 
            contains the response surface gradient at the given `Y`
        df = self.respsurf.predict(Y, compgrad=True)[1]
        return df

    def predict(self, X, compgrad=False):
        """Evaluate the response surface at full space points.
        Compute the value of the response surface given values of the simulation

        X : ndarray 
            M-by-m matrix containing points in simulation's parameter space
        compgrad : bool, optional 
            determines if the gradient of the response surface is computed and 
            returned (default False)
        f : ndarray 
            contains the response surface values at the given `X`
        dfdx : ndarray
            an ndarray of shape M-by-m that contains the estimated gradient at 
            the given `X`. If `compgrad` is False, then `dfdx` is None.
        Y = self.avmap.forward(X)[0]
        f, dfdy = self.predict_av(Y, compgrad)
        if compgrad:
            W1 = self.avmap.domain.subspaces.W1
            dfdx = np.dot(dfdy, W1.T)
            dfdx = None
        return f, dfdx

    def gradient(self, X):
        """Gradient of the response surface.
        A convenience function for computing the gradient of the response
        surface with respect to the simulation inputs.

        X : ndarray 
            M-by-m matrix containing points in the space of simulation inputs

        df : ndarray 
            contains the response surface gradient at the given `X`
        return self.predict(X, compgrad=True)[1]

    def __call__(self, X):
        return self.predict(X)[0]