async def on_guild_channel_pins_update(self, channel, last_pin): if != "general": return p = await channel.pins() if len(p) >= 45: awarded = 50 + ((50 - len(p)) * 20) awarder = 20 + ((50 - len(p)) * 10) else: awarded = 50 awarder = 20 async for entry in channel.guild.audit_logs(action=discord.AuditLogAction.message_pin, limit=1): t = - entry.created_at if t.seconds == 0 or t.days < 0: giver = Player.objects(dis_id=str( given = Player.objects(dis_id=str( if != await channel.send(f"{awarded} points to {}!") await channel.send(f"(And {awarder} for {} for finding such a spicy maymay ;))", delete_after=10) Points(player=given,, type="pinee", points=50, season=self.season).save() else: await channel.send(f"{awarder} points for {given['house']}!") await channel.send(f"Circlejerking has officially been nerfed.", delete_after=5) Points(player=giver,, type="pinner", points=20, season=self.season).save() if len(p) == 50: self.season_helper() await self.client.invoke(self.client.get_command("archive_pins")) await channel.send("Season is over! Automagically starting new season. ;)")
async def steal(self, ctx, house_name): if house_name.capitalize() not in self.houses: await ctx.send("Couldn't find house!", delete_after=7) return if house_name.capitalize() == await ctx.send("You can't steal from your own house, what're you, crazy??", delete_after=10) return if random.random() >= .60: points_changed = random.randint(30, 45) if random.random() >= .80: points_changed = random.randint(50, 60) else: points_changed = random.randint(-25, -15) if random.random() <= .40: points_changed = random.randint(-45, -25) steal_from = random.choice(Player.objects(house=house_name.capitalize())) Points(player=ctx.player,, type="steal", points=points_changed, season=self.season).save() Points(player=steal_from,, type="steal", points=points_changed, season=self.season).save() emb = discord.Embed(title="Stealing", colour=int(ctx.player.emb_conf['color'], 16)) chg = "gain" if points_changed > 0 else "lose" random_text = random.choice(RandomText.objects(type="steal", points=chg)) emb.description = random_text.text.format(, points=abs(points_changed)) if != "": emb.set_footer(text=f"Phrase provided from: {}") await ctx.send(embed=emb, delete_after=60)
async def house_points(self, ctx): if self._scoreboard is not None: await self._scoreboard.delete() house_emb = discord.Embed(title="House Points", colour=int(ctx.player.emb_conf['color'], 16)) for house in self.houses: house_emb.add_field(name=house, value=Points.objects(house=house, season=self.season).sum('points'), inline=False) self._scoreboard = await ctx.send(embed=house_emb)
async def player_stats(self, ctx, player: typing.Optional[discord.User]): if player is not None: ctx.player = Player.objects( data = [i.points for i in Points.objects(player=Player.objects(dis_id=str([0])] else: data = [i.points for i in Points.objects(player=ctx.player)] cur_player_diffs = list(itertools.accumulate(data)) plt.clf() plt.plot([float(i) for i in range(0, len(cur_player_diffs) + 1)], [0] + [float(i) for i in list(cur_player_diffs)]) plt.xticks([float(i) for i in range(0, len(cur_player_diffs) + 1)]) plt.yticks([float(i) for i in range(0, (max(cur_player_diffs) // 10 * 10) + 10, 10)]) plt.grid(True) plt.savefig("temp_fig.png") emb = discord.Embed( title=f"{} Stats", description="X-Axis is the amount of bot commands\nY-Axis is the amount of points." ) await ctx.send(embed=emb) await ctx.send(file=discord.File("temp_fig.png")) os.remove("temp_fig.png")
async def trivia(self, ctx): if not TriviaQuestion.objects: return await ctx.send( "No trivia questions to be asked!\nYou can help by adding some though.", delete_after=7) if not TriviaQuestion.objects(asked=False): for question in TriviaQuestion.objects(asked=True): question.update(asked=False) player = Player.objects(dis_id=str( def re_check(reaction, user): return user == and str( reaction.emoji) in ['1️⃣', '2️⃣', '3️⃣', '4️⃣'] mp = {'1️⃣': 0, '2️⃣': 1, '3️⃣': 2, '4️⃣': 3} question_to_ask = random.choice(TriviaQuestion.objects(asked=False)) question_to_ask.update(asked=True) triv_emb = discord.Embed(title="Trivia!", colour=random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF)) triv_emb.add_field(name=question_to_ask.question, value="\n\n".join([ f"{question_to_ask.answers.index(i) + 1}. {i}" for i in question_to_ask.answers ])) triv_msg = await for emoji in ['1️⃣', '2️⃣', '3️⃣', '4️⃣']: await triv_msg.add_reaction(emoji=emoji) react = await self.checker(triv_msg, re_check, timeout=90) chg = "right" if mp[str( react.emoji)] == question_to_ask.right_answer else "wrong" pts = 100 if chg == "right" else -15 await"You got it {chg}!\nYou earned {pts} points.", delete_after=10) Points(player=player,, type="trivia", points=pts, season=self.season).save() TriviaAnswer.objects(question=question_to_ask).upsert_one( set__player=player, inc__correct=1 if pts > 0 else 0, inc__wrong=1 if pts < 0 else 0) await triv_msg.delete()
async def cog_after_invoke(self, ctx): if == "house_points": return if == "bot-commands" or == "mafia": if self._scoreboard is None: return elif self._scoreboard in await house_emb = discord.Embed(title="House Points", colour=int(ctx.player.emb_conf['color'], 16)) for house in self.houses: house_emb.add_field(name=house, value=Points.objects(house=house, season=self.season).sum('points'), inline=False) await self._scoreboard.edit(embed=house_emb) else: await self._scoreboard.delete() self._scoreboard = None
async def beg(self, ctx): cur_timeout = Timeout.objects(player=ctx.player, reason="begging").first() if cur_timeout is None: cur_timeout = Timeout(player=ctx.player, reason="begging", until=str( if >= arrow.get(cur_timeout.until): cur_timeout.update(until=str( else: await ctx.send( "It seems you've begged a few too many times! You can beg again " f"{arrow.get(cur_timeout.until).humanize(, granularity=['hour', 'minute'])}.".replace( '0 hours and ', '').replace(' and 0 minutes', '').replace(' and 0 seconds', ''), delete_after=10) return if random.random() + ctx.player.rng_stats['beg'] <= .95: points_awarded = random.randint(40, 70) chg = "big" if random.random() + ctx.player.rng_stats['beg'] < 0.65: points_awarded = random.randint(25, 35) chg = "gain" else: Points(player=ctx.player,, type="beg", points=150, season=self.season).save() emb = discord.Embed(title="**HOLY F*****G SHIT!**", colour=int(ctx.player.emb_conf['color'], 16), description="Your luck just f****n' turned around, bucko." " You just gained {} points for {}.".format( 150, emb.set_footer(text="From Dumbledore's Grace") return await ctx.send(embed=emb, delete_after=60) random_text = random.choice(RandomText.objects(type="beg", points=chg)) Points(player=ctx.player,, type="beg", points=points_awarded, season=self.season).save() emb = discord.Embed( title="Begging", colour=int(ctx.player.emb_conf['color'], 16), description=random_text.text.format(, points=points_awarded) ) if not == "": emb.set_footer(text=f"Phrase provided from: {}") await ctx.send(embed=emb, delete_after=60)
async def cast_spell(self, ctx): if random.random() >= 0.3: points_changed = random.randint(3, 10) if random.random() >= .5: points_changed = random.randint(10, 20) else: points_changed = random.randint(-25, -20) if random.random() <= .8: points_changed = random.randint(-10, -3) Points(player=ctx.player,, type="spell", points=points_changed, season=self.season).save() emb = discord.Embed(title="Casting Spell", colour=int(ctx.player.emb_conf['color'], 16)) chg = "gain" if points_changed > 0 else "lose" random_text = random.choice(RandomText.objects(type="spell", points=chg)) emb.description = random_text.text.format(, points=abs(points_changed)) if not == "": emb.set_footer(text=f"Phrase provided from: {}") await ctx.send(embed=emb, delete_after=60)
async def daily(self, ctx): if (cur_timeout := Timeout.objects(player=ctx.player, reason="daily").first()) is None or > cur_timeout.until: payout = random.randint(100, 200) await ctx.send(f"Daily rewards are still a work in progress, but you get {payout} points!", delete_after=60) Points(player=ctx.player,, type="daily", points=payout, season=self.season).save() Timeout.objects(player=ctx.player, reason="daily").upsert_one(