def delete_recipe(recipe_slug: str, db: Session = Depends(generate_session)): """ Deletes a recipe by slug """ try: Recipe.delete(db, recipe_slug) except: raise HTTPException( status_code=404, detail=SnackResponse.error("Unable to Delete Recipe")) return SnackResponse.error(f"Recipe {recipe_slug} Deleted")
def delete_backup(file_name: str): """ Removes a database backup from the file system """ try: BACKUP_DIR.joinpath(file_name).unlink() except: HTTPException( status_code=400, detail=SnackResponse.error( "Unable to Delete Backup. See Log File"), ) return SnackResponse.error(f"{file_name} Deleted")
async def delete_migration_data(file_folder_name: str): """ Removes migration data from the file system """ remove_path = MIGRATION_DIR.joinpath(file_folder_name) if remove_path.is_file(): remove_path.unlink() elif remove_path.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(remove_path) else: SnackResponse.error("File/Folder not found.") return"Migration Data Remove: {remove_path.absolute()}")
async def delete_recipe_tag(tag: str, session: Session = Depends(generate_session)): """Removes a recipe tag from the database. Deleting a tag does not impact a recipe. The tag will be removed from any recipes that contain it""" db.tags.delete(session, tag) return SnackResponse.error(f"Tag Deleted: {tag}")
def export_database(data: BackupJob): """Generates a backup of the recipe database in json format.""" export_path = backup_all(data.tag, data.template) try: return SnackResponse.success("Backup Created at " + export_path) except: HTTPException( status_code=400, detail=SnackResponse.error("Error Creating Backup. See Log File"), )
async def upload_nextcloud_zipfile(file_name: str): """ Upload a .zip File to later be imported into Mealie """ file = BACKUP_DIR.joinpath(file_name) if file.is_file: return FileResponse(file, media_type="application/octet-stream", filename=file_name) else: return SnackResponse.error("No File Found")
async def update_theme(theme_name: str, data: SiteTheme): """ Update a theme database entry """ try: data.update_document() except: raise HTTPException( status_code=400, detail=SnackResponse.error("Unable to Update Theme")) return SnackResponse.success("Theme Updated")
async def delete_theme(theme_name: str): """ Returns basic site Settings """ try: SiteTheme.delete_theme(theme_name) except: raise HTTPException( status_code=400, detail=SnackResponse.error("Unable to Delete Theme")) return SnackResponse.success("Theme Deleted")
async def delete_theme(theme_name: str): """ Deletes theme from the database """ try: SiteTheme.delete_theme(theme_name) except: raise HTTPException( status_code=400, detail=SnackResponse.error("Unable to Delete Theme")) return SnackResponse.success("Theme Deleted")
async def create_theme(data: SiteTheme): """ Creates a site color theme database entry """ try: data.save_to_db() except: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail=SnackResponse.error("Unable to Save Theme")) return SnackResponse.success("Theme Saved")
async def delete_recipe_category( category: str, session: Session = Depends(generate_session) ): """Removes a recipe category from the database. Deleting a category does not impact a recipe. The category will be removed from any recipes that contain it""" db.categories.delete(session, category) return SnackResponse.error(f"Category Deleted: {category}")
def delete_recipe(recipe_slug: str): """ Deletes a recipe by slug """ try: Recipe.delete(recipe_slug) except: raise HTTPException( status_code=404, detail=SnackResponse.error("Unable to Delete Recipe") ) return SnackResponse.success("Recipe Deleted")
def import_nextcloud_directory(type: str, file_name: str, session: Session = Depends(generate_session)): """ Imports all the recipes in a given directory """ file_path = MIGRATION_DIR.joinpath(type, file_name) if type == "nextcloud": return nextcloud_migrate(session, file_path) elif type == "chowdown": return chowdow_migrate(session, file_path) else: return SnackResponse.error("Incorrect Migration Type Selected")
def upload_nextcloud_zipfile(archive: UploadFile = File(...)): """ Upload a .zip File to later be imported into Mealie """ dest = MIGRATION_DIR.joinpath(archive.filename) with"wb") as buffer: shutil.copyfileobj(archive.file, buffer) if dest.is_file: return SnackResponse.success("Migration data uploaded") else: return SnackResponse.error("Failure uploading file")
async def export_database(data: BackupJob): try: export_path = export_db(data.tag, data.template) except: HTTPException( status_code=400, detail=SnackResponse.error("Error Creating Backup. See Log File"), ) return SnackResponse.success("Backup Created at " + export_path)
def upload_backup_zipfile(archive: UploadFile = File(...)): """ Upload a .zip File to later be imported into Mealie """ dest = BACKUP_DIR.joinpath(archive.filename) with"wb") as buffer: shutil.copyfileobj(archive.file, buffer) if dest.is_file: return SnackResponse.success("Backup uploaded") else: return SnackResponse.error("Failure uploading file")
async def update_settings(data: SiteSettings): """ Returns Site Settings """ try: data.update() except: raise HTTPException( status_code=400, detail=SnackResponse.error("Unable to Save Settings")) scheduler.reschedule_webhooks() return SnackResponse.success("Settings Updated")
async def export_database(data: BackupJob): """ Returns this weeks meal plan """ try: export_db(data.tag, data.template) except: HTTPException( status_code=400, detail=SnackResponse.error("Error Creating Backup. See Log File"), ) return SnackResponse.success("Backup Created in /data/backups")
async def delete_backup(backup_name: str): try: BACKUP_DIR.joinpath(backup_name).unlink() except: HTTPException( status_code=400, detail=SnackResponse.error( "Unable to Delete Backup. See Log File"), ) return SnackResponse.success(f"{backup_name} Deleted")
async def get_recipe_url(url: dict): """ Takes in a URL and Attempts to scrape data and load it into the database """ url = url.get("url") try: slug = create_from_url(url) except: raise HTTPException( status_code=400, detail=SnackResponse.error("Unable to Parse URL") ) return slug
async def update_meal_plan(plan_id: str, meal_plan: MealPlan): """ Updates a meal plan based off ID """ try: meal_plan.process_meals() meal_plan.update(plan_id) except: raise HTTPException( status_code=404, detail=SnackResponse.error("Unable to Update Mealplan"), ) return SnackResponse.success("Mealplan Updated")
def import_chowdown_recipes(repo: ChowdownURL): """ Import Chowsdown Recipes from Repo URL """ try: report = chowdow_migrate(repo.url) return SnackResponse.success( "Recipes Imported from Git Repo, see report for failures.", additional_data=report, ) except: return HTTPException( status_code=400, detail=SnackResponse.error( "Unable to Migrate Recipes. See Log for Details"), )
def export_database(data: BackupJob, session: Session = Depends(generate_session)): """Generates a backup of the recipe database in json format.""" export_path = backup_all( session=session, tag=data.tag, templates=data.templates,, export_settings=data.options.settings, export_themes=data.options.themes, ) try: return SnackResponse.success("Backup Created at " + export_path) except: HTTPException( status_code=400, detail=SnackResponse.error("Error Creating Backup. See Log File"), )
def delete_meal_plan(plan_id, session: Session = Depends(generate_session)): """ Removes a meal plan from the database """ MealPlan.delete(session, plan_id) return SnackResponse.error("Mealplan Deleted")
def delete_theme(theme_name: str, session: Session = Depends(generate_session)): """ Deletes theme from the database """ db.themes.delete(session, theme_name) return SnackResponse.error(f"Theme Deleted: {theme_name}")