コード例 #1
class CobblerServer:

    def __init__(self, fqdn, domain):
        self._fqdn = fqdn
        self._conn = None
        self._domain = domain
        self._cobbler_path = ServerConfig.objects.by_key("cobbler.command")

    def connect(self):
        Connect to DHCP server via SSH.
        if not self._conn:
            self._conn = SSH(self._fqdn)

    def close(self):
        Close connection to DHCP server.
        if self._conn:

    def deploy(self):
        if not self.is_installed():
            raise SystemError("No Cobbler service found: {}".format(self._fqdn))

        machines = Machine.active_machines.filter(fqdn_domain=self._domain.pk)
        cobbler_machines = self.get_machines()
        cobbler_commands = []
        for machine in machines:
            if machine.fqdn in cobbler_machines:
                cobbler_commands.append(get_cobbler_update_command(machine, self._cobbler_path))
                cobbler_commands.append(get_cobbler_add_command(machine, self._cobbler_path))
        for command in cobbler_commands:  # TODO: Convert this to a single ssh call (performance)
            _, stderr, exitcode = self._conn.execute(command)
            if exitcode:
                logger.error("failed to execute %s on %s", command, self._fqdn)


    def is_installed(self):
        Check if Cobbler server is available.
        if self._conn.check_path(self._cobbler_path, '-x'):
            return True
        return False

    def is_running(self):
        Check if the Cobbler daemon is running via the cobbler version command

        command = f"{self._cobbler_path} version"
        _, _, exitstatus = self._conn.execute(command)
        if exitstatus == 0:
            return True
        return False

    def get_machines(self):
        stdout, stderr, exitstatus = self._conn.execute(
            "{cobbler} system list".format(cobbler=self._cobbler_path))
        if exitstatus:
            logger.warning("system list failed on %s with %s", self._fqdn, stderr)
            raise CobblerException("system list failed on {server}".format(server=self._fqdn))
        clean_out = [system.strip(' \n\t') for system in stdout]
        return clean_out
コード例 #2
class Libvirt(VirtualizationAPI):

    class Meta:
        proxy = True

    VIRSH = 'virsh -c qemu:///system'
        'domain is not running',
        'no domain with matching name'
    QEMU_IMG_CONVERT = '/usr/bin/qemu-img convert -O qcow2 -o preallocation=metadata {0}.tmp {0}'

    def __init__(self):
        self.conn = None

    def get_image_list(self):
        Returns the available architectures and the full image list (over all available

        Return format:
                ['<arch1>', '<arch2>', ...], [('<value>', '<option>'), ...]
        from data.models import ServerConfig

        architectures = [self.host.architecture.name]
        image_directory = ServerConfig.objects.by_key('virtualization.libvirt.images.directory')
        image_list = []

            for architecture in architectures:
                directory = '{}/{}/'.format(image_directory.rstrip('/'), architecture)
                for image in os.listdir(directory):
                    path = directory + image
                    size = os.path.getsize(path)
                    atime = str(date.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(path)))

                    if size < (1024**3):
                        size = int(size / (1024**2))
                        size = '{}M'.format(size)
                        size = int(size / (1024**3))
                        size = '{}G'.format(size)

                    pretty_image = image.split('.')[0]

                    image_list.append((image, '{} ({} {})'.format(pretty_image, atime, size)))

        except FileNotFoundError as e:

        return (architectures, image_list)

    def connect(function):
        Create SSH connection if needed.
        def decorator(self, *args, **kwargs):
            from utils.ssh import SSH

            if not self.conn:
                self.conn = SSH(self.host.fqdn)
            return function(self, *args, **kwargs)

        return decorator

    def _execute(self, command):
        return self.conn.execute(command)

    def check_connection(self):
        Check libvirt connection (running libvirt).
        stdout, stderr, exitstatus = self._execute('{} version'.format(self.VIRSH))
        if exitstatus == 0:
            return True
        return False

    def get_list(self, parameters='--all'):
        Return `virsh list` output.
        stdout, stderr, exitstatus = self._execute('{} list {}'.format(self.VIRSH, parameters))

        if exitstatus == 0:
            return ''.join(stdout)
            raise Exception(''.join(stderr))

        return False

    def check_network_bridge(self, bridge='br0'):
        Execute `create_bridge.sh` script remotely and try to set up bridge if it doesn't exist.
        Returns true if the bridge is available, false otherwise.
        stdout, stderr, exitstatus = self.conn.execute_script_remote('create_bridge.sh')

        if exitstatus != 0:
            raise Exception(''.join(stderr))

        stdout, stderr, exitstatus = self.conn.execute('brctl show')

        if exitstatus != 0:
            raise Exception(''.join(stderr))

        for line in stdout:
            if line.startswith(bridge):
                return True

        raise False

    def generate_hostname(self):
        Generate domain name (hostname). Check hostnames against Orthos machines and libvirt
        `virsh list`.
        hostname = None
        occupied_hostnames = set(vm.hostname for vm in self.host.get_virtual_machines())

        libvirt_list = self.get_list()
        for line in libvirt_list.split('\n')[2:]:
            columns = line.strip().split()
            if len(columns) > 0:
                domain_name = columns[1]

        for i in range(1, self.host.vm_max + 1):
            hostname_ = '{}-{}'.format(self.host.hostname, i)
            if hostname_ not in occupied_hostnames:
                hostname = hostname_

        if hostname is None:
            raise Exception("All hostnames (domain names) busy!")

        return hostname

    def generate_networkinterfaces(self, amount=1, bridge='br0', model='virtio'):
        Generate networkinterfaces.
        from data.models import NetworkInterface

        networkinterfaces = []
        for i in range(amount):
            mac_address = get_random_mac_address()
            while NetworkInterface.objects.filter(mac_address=mac_address).count() != 0:
                mac_address = get_random_mac_address()

            networkinterface = NetworkInterface(mac_address=mac_address)
            networkinterface.bridge = bridge
            networkinterface.model = model


        return networkinterfaces

    def copy_image(self, image, disk_image):
        Copy and allocate disk image.
        stdout, stderr, exitstatus = self.conn.execute('cp {} {}.tmp'.format(image, disk_image))

        if exitstatus != 0:
            return False

        stdout, stderr, exitstatus = self.conn.execute(self.QEMU_IMG_CONVERT.format(disk_image))

        if exitstatus != 0:
            return False

        stdout, stderr, exitstatus = self.conn.execute('rm -rf {}.tmp'.format(disk_image))

        if exitstatus != 0:
            return False

        return True

    def delete_disk_image(self, disk_image):
        Delete the old disk image.
        stdout, stderr, exitstatus = self.conn.execute('rm -rf {}'.format(disk_image))

        if exitstatus != 0:
            return False

        return True

    def calculate_vcpu(self):
        Return virtual CPU amount.
        vcpu = 1

        host_cpu_cores = self.host.cpu_cores
        if host_cpu_cores is not None:
            vcpu = int((host_cpu_cores - 2) / self.host.vm_max)
            if vcpu == 0:
                vcpu = 1

        return vcpu

    def check_memory(self, memory_amount):
        Check if memory amount for VM is available on host. Reserve 2GB of memory for host system.
        host_ram_amount = self.host.ram_amount
        host_reserved_ram_amount = 2048

        if host_ram_amount:
            if memory_amount > (host_ram_amount - host_reserved_ram_amount):
                raise Exception("Host system has only {}MB of memory!".format(memory_amount))
            raise Exception("Can't detect memory size of host system '{}'".format(self.host))

        return True

    def execute_virt_install(self, *args, dry_run=True, **kwargs):
        Run `virt-install` command.
        command = '/usr/bin/virt-install '
        command += '--name {hostname} '
        command += '--vcpus {vcpu} '
        command += '--memory {memory} '

        disk_ = '--disk {},'.format(kwargs['disk']['image'])
        disk_ += 'size={},'.format(kwargs['disk']['size'])
        disk_ += 'format={},'.format(kwargs['disk']['format'])
        disk_ += 'sparse={},'.format(kwargs['disk']['sparse'])
        disk_ += 'bus={} '.format(kwargs['disk']['bus'])
        command += disk_

        for networkinterface in kwargs.get('networkinterfaces', []):
            networkinterface_ = '--network model={},'.format(networkinterface.model)
            networkinterface_ += 'bridge={},'.format(networkinterface.bridge)
            networkinterface_ += 'mac={} '.format(networkinterface.mac_address)
            command += networkinterface_

        command += '{boot} '

        vnc = kwargs.get('vnc', None)
        if vnc and vnc['enabled']:
            command += '--graphics vnc,listen=,port={} '.format(vnc['port'])

        command += kwargs.get('parameters', '')

        if dry_run:
            command += '--dry-run'

        command = command.format(**kwargs)
        stdout, stderr, exitstatus = self.conn.execute(command)

        if exitstatus != 0:
            raise Exception(''.join(stderr))

        return True

    def _create(self, vm, *args, **kwargs):
        Wrapper function for creating a VM.

            - check connection to host
            - check maxinmum VM number limit
            - check network bridge
            - check image source directory (if needed)
            - check Open Virtual Machine Firmware (OVMF) binary (if needed)
            - check memory size
            - generate hostname (=domain name)
            - copy image to disk image (if needed)
            - run `virt-install`
        from data.models import ServerConfig
        from data.models import NetworkInterface

        bridge = ServerConfig.objects.by_key('virtualization.libvirt.bridge')
        image_directory = ServerConfig.objects.by_key('virtualization.libvirt.images.directory')
        disk_image_directory = '/abuild/orthos-vm-images/'
        disk_image = '{}/{}.qcow2'.format(disk_image_directory.rstrip('/'), '{}')
        ovmf = ServerConfig.objects.by_key('virtualization.libvirt.ovmf.path')

        image_directory = '{}/{}/'.format(

        if not self.check_connection():
            raise Exception("Host system not reachable!")

        if self.host.get_virtual_machines().count() >= self.host.vm_max:
            raise Exception("Maximum number of VMs reached!")

        if not self.check_network_bridge(bridge=bridge):
            raise Exception("Network bridge setup failed!")

        if not kwargs['image'] is None:
            if not self.conn.check_path(image_directory, '-e'):
                raise Exception("Image source directory missing on host system!")

        if not self.conn.check_path(disk_image_directory, '-w'):
            raise Exception(
                "Image disk directory missing on host system: {}!".format(disk_image_directory)

        if kwargs['uefi_boot']:
            if not self.conn.check_path(ovmf, '-e'):
                raise Exception("OVMF file not found: '{}'!".format(ovmf))
            boot = '--boot loader={},network'.format(ovmf)
            boot = '--boot network,hd,menu=off'


        vm.hostname = self.generate_hostname()
        vm.fqdn = '{}.{}'.format(vm.hostname, self.host.fqdn_domain.name)

        vnc_port = 5900 + int(vm.hostname.split('-')[1])
        vm.vnc = {
            'enabled': kwargs['vnc'],
            'port': vnc_port

        vm.cpu_cores = self.calculate_vcpu()

        vm.ram_amount = kwargs['ram_amount']

        disk_image = disk_image.format(vm.hostname)

        if kwargs['image'] is not None:
            image = '{}/{}'.format(image_directory.rstrip('/'), kwargs['image'])

            if not self.copy_image(image, disk_image):
                raise Exception("Couldn't copy image: {} > {}!".format(image, disk_image))

        disk = {
            'image': disk_image,
            'size': kwargs['disk_size'],
            'format': 'qcow2',
            'sparse': True,
            'bus': 'virtio'

        networkinterfaces = self.generate_networkinterfaces(

        parameters = '--events on_reboot=restart,on_poweroff=destroy '
        parameters += '--import '
        parameters += '--noautoconsole '
        parameters += '--autostart '
        parameters += kwargs['parameters']


        vm.unsaved_networkinterfaces = []
        for networkinterface in networkinterfaces:

        return True

    def _remove(self, vm):
        Wrapper function for removing a VM (destroy domain > undefine domain).
        if not self.check_connection():
            raise Exception("Host system not reachable!")

        return True

    def destroy(self, vm):
        Destroy VM on host system. Ignore `domain is not running` error and proceed.
        stdout, stderr, exitstatus = self._execute('{} destroy {}'.format(self.VIRSH, vm.hostname))
        if exitstatus != 0:
            stderr = ''.join(stderr)

            if not any(line in stderr for line in self.IGNORE_STDERR):
                raise Exception(stderr)

        return True

    def undefine(self, vm):
        Undefine VM on host system.
        stdout, stderr, exitstatus = self._execute('{} undefine {}'.format(self.VIRSH, vm.hostname))
        if exitstatus != 0:
            stderr = ''.join(stderr)

            if not any(line in stderr for line in self.IGNORE_STDERR):
                raise Exception(stderr)

        return True