async def update(client: Client, event: Command, tags: Tags) -> None: """Run git pull and exit. This command assumes the bot is running under a process manager that automatically restarts it. Tags: update: Set to `silent` to silence any messages Examples: {cmd} """ silent = tags.get('update', False) if not silent: progess_message = await client.respond(event, MDTeXDocument( Section('Updating', f'Running {Code("git pull")}'))) else: await event.delete()['git', 'pull', '-q']) new_commit = helpers.get_commit() if not silent: await progess_message.delete() await client.respond( event, MDTeXDocument( Section('Updated Kantek', KeyValueItem('New commit', Link(new_commit, helpers.link_commit(new_commit))), Italic('Restarting bot')))) await client.disconnect()
def __get_users_with_tagged_messages_from_db(self, tags): with self.__driver.session() as session: tags = tags.split(", ") for tag in tags: if not Tags.has_member(tag): raise ValueError(f"Tag: {tag} doesnt exist") query = "MATCH (u:user)-[r:messages]-() WHERE" for tag in tags: query += f" \'{tag}\' IN r.tags AND" # removing last AND query = query[:-3] + "RETURN u" return
async def fwgban(client: Client, db: Database, tags: Tags, chat: Channel, msg: Message, args: List, kwargs: Dict, event: Command) -> Optional[KanTeXDocument]: """Globally ban a user. This will not actively ban them from any chats except the one command was issued in as reply. GBanned users will be automatically banned on join or when writing a message by the Grenzschutz module. When banning by reply the message content will be automatically sent to the SpamWatch API if enabled. Arguments: `reason`: Ban reason, defaults to `spam[gban]` Tags: gban: verbose: Send a message when a user was banned by id Examples (as replies): {cmd} "some reason here" {cmd} """ _gban = tags.get('gban') if event.is_private: admin = False else: admin = bool(chat.creator or chat.admin_rights) only_joinspam = kwargs.get('only_joinspam', False) or kwargs.get( 'oj', False) verbose = False if _gban == 'verbose' or event.is_private: verbose = True if msg.is_reply: bancmd = tags.get('gbancmd') reply_msg: Message = await msg.get_reply_message() forward: Forward = reply_msg.forward if forward.sender_id is None: raise Error('User has forward privacy enabled or is a Channel') uid = forward.sender_id if args: ban_reason = ' '.join(args) else: ban_reason = DEFAULT_REASON try: participant = await client( GetParticipantRequest(event.chat_id, reply_msg.from_id)) if not isinstance(participant.participant, ChannelParticipantCreator): join_date = if ( - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)) < join_date: ban_reason = 'joinspam' elif only_joinspam: return except (UserNotParticipantError, TypeError): pass banned_uids: Dict = {} message = await helpers.textify_message(reply_msg) banned, reason = await client.gban(uid, ban_reason, message) banned_uids[reason] = banned_uids.get(reason, []) + [str(uid)] if verbose: sections = [] if not banned: sections.append(KeyValueItem(Bold('Error'), reason)) await client.respond(msg, KanTeXDocument(*sections), reply=True) return if banned_uids: bans = _build_message(banned_uids, message) sections.append(Section(f'GBanned User', *bans)) await client.respond(msg, KanTeXDocument(*sections), reply=True) return else: pass
async def update(client: Client, event: Command, tags: Tags) -> None: """Run git pull and exit. This command assumes the bot is running under a process manager that automatically restarts it. Tags: update: Set to `silent` to silence any messages Examples: {cmd} """ silent = tags.get('update', False) old_commit = helpers.get_commit() # region git pull if not silent: progess_message = await client.respond( event, KanTeXDocument(Section('Updating', f'Running {Code("git pull")}'))) else: await event.delete() proc =['git', 'pull', '-q']) if proc != 0: msg = KanTeXDocument( Section('Error', f'{Code("git")} returned non-zero exit code.', 'Please update manually')) if not silent: await progess_message.edit(str(msg)) else: await client.respond(event, msg) return # endregion new_commit = helpers.get_commit() if old_commit == new_commit: await client.respond( event, KanTeXDocument( Section('No Update Available', Italic('Doing nothing')))) return # region pip install proc =['pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt']) if proc != 0: msg = KanTeXDocument( Section('Error', f'{Code("pip")} returned non-zero exit code.', 'Please update manually')) if not silent: await progess_message.edit(str(msg)) else: await client.respond(event, msg) return # endregion # region migrant ''' if not silent: await progess_message.edit(str(KanTeXDocument( Section('Updating', f'Running {Code("migrant apply --all")}')))) proc =['migrant', 'apply', '--all'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if proc.returncode != 0: if b'MigrationComplete' not in proc.stderr: msg = KanTeXDocument( Section('Error', f'{Code("migrant")} returned non-zero exit code.', 'Please update manually')) if not silent: await progess_message.edit(str(msg)) else: await client.respond(event, msg) return # endregion ''' if not silent: await progess_message.delete() await client.respond( event, KanTeXDocument( Section( 'Updated Kantek', KeyValueItem( 'New commit', Link(new_commit, helpers.link_commit(new_commit))), Italic('Restarting bot')))) await client.disconnect()
# _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ from flask import render_template, redirect, request from tags import tags import os import logging from utils.is_login import is_login from utils.tags import Tags from import Page Tag = Tags() @tags.route('/') # @is_login def show_tags(): keywords = Tag.get_tags() return render_template('tags/tags.html', keywords=keywords) @tags.route('/<tag>/<int:page>') @is_login def tag_tail(tag, page): paths = Tag.get_path_by_tag(tag) length = len(paths) begin, end, pages = Page.get_index(total=length, per=30, page=page) infos = paths[begin:end]
async def gban(client: Client, db: Database, tags: Tags, chat: Channel, msg: Message, args: List, kwargs: Dict, event: Command) -> None: """Globally ban a user. This will not actively ban them from any chats except the one command was issued in as reply. GBanned users will be automatically banned on join or when writing a message by the Grenzschutz module. When banning by reply the message content will be automatically sent to the SpamWatch API if enabled. Arguments: `ids`: List of user ids to be gbanned `reason`: Ban reason, defaults to `spam[gban]` `msg`: String of the message the user sent. Only useful with the SpamWatch API `link`: Link to the users message. Only useful with the SpamWatch API `sa`: Key for a Strafanzeige entry, simply copy paste this from {prefix}user Tags: gban: verbose: Send a message when a user was banned by id gbancmd: *: Send `{{bancmd}} {{ban_reason}}` in reply to the message Examples: {cmd} 777000 {cmd} 777000 "some reason here" {cmd} 777000 msg: "the message for the api" {cmd} 777000 link: {cmd} sa: xcQq9aMm77U2aA {cmd} """ _gban = tags.get('gban') if event.is_private: admin = False else: admin = bool(chat.creator or chat.admin_rights) only_joinspam = kwargs.get('only_joinspam', False) or kwargs.get( 'oj', False) sa_key = kwargs.get('sa') anzeige = None if sa_key: anzeige = await db.strafanzeigen.get(sa_key) if anzeige: _kw, _args = parsers.arguments(anzeige) kwargs.update(_kw) args.extend(_args) verbose = False if _gban == 'verbose' or event.is_private: verbose = True await msg.delete() if msg.is_reply: bancmd = tags.get('gbancmd') reply_msg: Message = await msg.get_reply_message() uid = reply_msg.from_id if args: ban_reason = args[0] else: ban_reason = DEFAULT_REASON try: participant = await client( GetParticipantRequest(event.chat_id, reply_msg.from_id)) join_date = if ( - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)) < join_date: ban_reason = 'joinspam' elif only_joinspam: return except UserNotParticipantError: pass message = await helpers.textify_message(reply_msg) await client.gban(uid, ban_reason, message) peer_channel: InputPeerChannel = await event.get_input_chat() if not client.config.debug_mode: await client( ReportRequest(peer_channel, [], InputReportReasonSpam())) if bancmd == 'manual' or bancmd is None: if admin: await client.ban(chat, uid) elif bancmd is not None: await reply_msg.reply(f'{bancmd} {ban_reason}') await asyncio.sleep(0.5) if not client.config.debug_mode and admin: await reply_msg.delete() else: uids = [] ban_reason = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, int): uids.append(arg) else: ban_reason.append(arg) if ban_reason: ban_reason = ' '.join(ban_reason) else: ban_reason = kwargs.get('reason', DEFAULT_REASON) message = kwargs.get('msg') if not message: link = kwargs.get('link') if link: try: linked_msg: Message = await helpers.get_linked_message( client, link) message = await helpers.textify_message(linked_msg) except Exception: # pylint: disable = W0703 message = link skipped_uids = {} banned_uids = {} progress_message: Optional[Message] if verbose and len(uids) > 10: progress_message: Message = await client.send_message( chat, f"Processing {len(uids)} User IDs") else: progress_message = None while uids: uid_batch = uids[:CHUNK_SIZE] for uid in uid_batch: banned, reason = await client.gban(uid, ban_reason, message) if not banned: skipped_uids[reason] = skipped_uids.get(reason, []) + [str(uid)] # sleep to avoid flooding the bots too much else: banned_uids[reason] = banned_uids.get(reason, []) + [str(uid)] await asyncio.sleep(0.5) uids = uids[CHUNK_SIZE:] if uids: if progress_message: await progress_message.edit( f"Sleeping for 10 seconds after banning {len(uid_batch)} Users. {len(uids)} Users left." ) await asyncio.sleep(10) if progress_message: await progress_message.delete() if verbose: sections = [] if banned_uids: bans = _build_message(banned_uids, message) sections.append( Section( f'GBanned User{"s" if len(banned_uids) > 1 else ""}', *bans)) if skipped_uids: bans = _build_message(skipped_uids) sections.append(Section('Skipped GBan', *bans)) await client.respond(event, MDTeXDocument(*sections))