def create_loss(self, coarse, fine, gt, alpha): gt_ds = gt[:, :coarse.shape[1], :] loss_coarse = earth_mover(coarse, gt_ds) add_train_summary('train/coarse_loss', loss_coarse) update_coarse = add_valid_summary('valid/coarse_loss', loss_coarse) loss_fine = chamfer(fine, gt) add_train_summary('train/fine_loss', loss_fine) update_fine = add_valid_summary('valid/fine_loss', loss_fine) loss = loss_coarse + alpha * loss_fine add_train_summary('train/loss', loss) update_loss = add_valid_summary('valid/loss', loss) return loss, [update_coarse, update_fine, update_loss]
def create_loss(self, gt, alpha): gt_ds = gt[:, :self.coarse.shape[1], :] loss_coarse = tf_util.earth_mover(self.coarse, gt_ds) tf_util.add_train_summary('train/coarse_loss', loss_coarse) update_coarse = tf_util.add_valid_summary('valid/coarse_loss', loss_coarse) loss_fine = tf_util.chamfer(self.fine, gt) tf_util.add_train_summary('train/fine_loss', loss_fine) update_fine = tf_util.add_valid_summary('valid/fine_loss', loss_fine) loss = loss_coarse + alpha * loss_fine tf_util.add_train_summary('train/loss', loss) update_loss = tf_util.add_valid_summary('valid/loss', loss) return loss, [update_coarse, update_fine, update_loss]
def test_vanilla(config): test_config = config['test_setting'] data_config = config['dataset'] # Data inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (1, None, 3)) npts = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (1,)) gt = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (1, data_config['num_gt_points'], 3)) output = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (1, data_config['num_gt_points'], 3)) # Model model_module = importlib.import_module(config['model']['decoder']['type']) model = model_module.model(config, inputs, npts, gt, False) # Metric cd_op = chamfer(output, gt) emd_op = earth_mover(output, gt) # make results directory & save configuration if os.path.exists(config['results_dir']): delete_key = input(colored('%s exists. Delete? [y (or enter)/N]' % config['results_dir'], 'white', 'on_red')) if delete_key == 'y' or delete_key == "": os.system('rm -rf %s/*' % config['results_dir']) else: os.makedirs(os.path.join(config['results_dir'])) os.system('cp %s %s' % (config['config_path'], config['results_dir'])) os.system('cp %s' % config['results_dir']) # TF Config config_proto = tf.ConfigProto() config_proto.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config_proto.allow_soft_placement = True sess = tf.Session(config=config_proto) saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(config['checkpoint'])) # Test test_start = time.time() print(colored("Testing...", 'grey', 'on_green')) with open(config['list_path']) as file: model_list = total_time = 0 total_cd = 0 total_emd = 0 cd_per_cat = {} emd_per_cat = {} os.makedirs(config['results_dir'], exist_ok=True) csv_file = open(os.path.join(config['results_dir'], 'results.csv'), 'w') writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') writer.writerow(['id', 'cd', 'emd']) for i, model_id in enumerate(model_list): start = time.time() # data if data_config['type'] == 'pcn' or data_config['type'] == 'car': partial = read_pcd(os.path.join(data_config['dir'], 'partial', '%s.pcd' % model_id)) partial_npts = partial.shape[0] gt_complete = read_pcd(os.path.join(data_config['dir'], 'complete', '%s.pcd' % model_id)) elif data_config['type'] == 'topnet': with h5py.File(os.path.join(data_config['dir'], 'partial', '%s.h5' % model_id), 'r') as f: partial = f.get('data').value.astype(np.float32) partial_npts = partial.shape[0] with h5py.File(os.path.join(data_config['dir'], 'gt', '%s.h5' % model_id), 'r') as f: gt_complete = f.get('data').value.astype(np.float32) else: raise NotImplementedError # inference completion =, feed_dict={inputs: [partial], npts: [partial_npts]}) cd =, feed_dict={output: completion, gt: [gt_complete]}) emd =, feed_dict={output: completion, gt:[gt_complete]}) total_cd += cd total_emd += emd total_time += time.time() - start writer.writerow([model_id, cd, emd]) csv_file.flush() synset_id, model_id = model_id.split('/') if not cd_per_cat.get(synset_id): cd_per_cat[synset_id] = [] if not emd_per_cat.get(synset_id): emd_per_cat[synset_id] = [] cd_per_cat[synset_id].append(cd) emd_per_cat[synset_id].append(emd) # visualize if i % test_config['plot_freq'] == 0: os.makedirs(os.path.join(config['results_dir'], 'plots', synset_id), exist_ok=True) plot_path = os.path.join(config['results_dir'], 'plots', synset_id, '%s.png' % model_id) plot_pcd_three_views(plot_path, [partial, completion[0], gt_complete], model.visualize_titles, None, 'CD %.4f EMD %.4f' % (cd, emd) ) if test_config['save_pcd']: os.makedirs(os.path.join(config['results_dir'], 'pcds', synset_id), exist_ok=True) save_pcd(os.path.join(config['results_dir'], 'pcds', synset_id, '%s.pcd' % model_id), completion[0]) writer.writerow(["average", total_cd / len(model_list), total_emd / len(model_list)]) for synset_id in cd_per_cat.keys(): writer.writerow([synset_id, np.mean(cd_per_cat[synset_id]), np.mean(emd_per_cat[synset_id])]) with open(os.path.join(config['results_dir'], 'results_summary.txt'), 'w') as log: log.write('Average Chamfer distance: %.8f \n' % (total_cd / len(model_list))) log.write('Average Earth mover distance: %.8f \n' % (total_emd / len(model_list))) log.write('## Summary for each category ## \n') log.write('ID CD EMD \n') for synset_id in cd_per_cat.keys(): log.write('%s %.8f %.8f\n' % (synset_id, np.mean(cd_per_cat[synset_id]), np.mean(emd_per_cat[synset_id]) ) ) # print results print('Average time: %f' % (total_time / len(model_list))) print('Average Chamfer distance: %f' % (total_cd / len(model_list))) print('Average Earth mover distance: %f' % (total_emd / len(model_list))) print('Chamfer distance per category') for synset_id in cd_per_cat.keys(): print(synset_id, '%f' % np.mean(cd_per_cat[synset_id])) print('Earth mover distance per category') for synset_id in emd_per_cat.keys(): print(synset_id, '%f' % np.mean(emd_per_cat[synset_id])) csv_file.close() sess.close() print(colored("Test ended!", 'grey', 'on_green')) print('Total testing time', datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time() - test_start))
def test_saum(config): test_config = config['test_setting'] data_config = config['dataset'] # Data inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (1, None, 3)) npts = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (1, )) gt = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (1, data_config['num_gt_points'], 3)) output = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (1, None, 3)) sampled_output = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (1, data_config['num_gt_points'], 3)) # Model model_module = importlib.import_module(config['model']['decoder']['type']) model = model_module.model(config, inputs, npts, gt, False) # Loss cd_op = chamfer(output, gt) emd_op = earth_mover(sampled_output, gt) nearest_dist_op = dist_to_nearest(output, gt) # make results directory if os.path.exists(config['results_dir']): delete_key = input( colored( '%s exists. Delete? [y (or enter)/N]' % config['results_dir'], 'white', 'on_red')) if delete_key == 'y' or delete_key == "": os.system('rm -rf %s/*' % config['results_dir']) else: os.makedirs(os.path.join(config['results_dir'])) os.system('cp %s' % config['results_dir']) # TF Config config_proto = tf.ConfigProto() config_proto.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config_proto.allow_soft_placement = True sess = tf.Session(config=config_proto) saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(config['checkpoint'])) # Test test_start = time.time() print(colored("Testing...", 'grey', 'on_green')) with open(config['list_path']) as file: model_list = total_time = 0 total_cd = 0 total_fps_cd = 0 total_fps_emd = 0 total_fps_f1_score = 0 cd_per_cat = {} fps_cd_per_cat = {} fps_emd_per_cat = {} fps_f1_score_per_cat = {} os.makedirs(config['results_dir'], exist_ok=True) csv_file = open(os.path.join(config['results_dir'], 'results.csv'), 'w') writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') writer.writerow(['id', 'cd', 'fps_cd', 'fps_emd', 'fps_f1_score']) for i, model_id in enumerate(model_list): start = time.time() # data if data_config['type'] == 'pcn' or data_config['type'] == 'car': gt_complete = read_pcd( os.path.join(data_config['dir'], 'complete', '%s.pcd' % model_id)) gt_complete_npts = gt_complete.shape[0] elif data_config['type'] == 'topnet': with h5py.File( os.path.join(data_config['dir'], 'gt', '%s.h5' % model_id), 'r') as f: gt_complete = f.get('data').value.astype(np.float32) gt_complete_npts = gt_complete.shape[0] else: raise NotImplementedError # inference completion =, feed_dict={ inputs: [gt_complete], npts: [gt_complete_npts] }) fps_completion, fps_indices = model.fps(data_config['num_gt_points'], completion)) is_from_decoder_raw = \ np.arange(0, config['model']['decoder']['num_decoder_points'] + config['model']['upsampling_ratio'] * gt_complete_npts) \ >= config['model']['upsampling_ratio'] * gt_complete_npts is_from_decoder_fps = fps_indices >= config['model'][ 'upsampling_ratio'] * gt_complete_npts total_time += time.time() - start # raw cd =, feed_dict={output: completion, gt: [gt_complete]}) total_cd += cd # farthest point sampling # cd, emd fps_cd =, feed_dict={ output: fps_completion, gt: [gt_complete] }) fps_emd =, feed_dict={ sampled_output: fps_completion, gt: [gt_complete] }) total_fps_cd += fps_cd total_fps_emd += fps_emd # f1_score fps_nn_dists1, fps_nn_dists2 =, feed_dict={ output: fps_completion, gt: [gt_complete] }) fps_P = len(fps_nn_dists1[fps_nn_dists1 < test_config['threshold']] ) / data_config['num_gt_points'] fps_R = len(fps_nn_dists2[fps_nn_dists2 < test_config['threshold']] ) / data_config['num_gt_points'] fps_f1_score = 2 * fps_P * fps_R / (fps_P + fps_R) total_fps_f1_score += fps_f1_score writer.writerow([model_id, cd, fps_cd, fps_emd, fps_f1_score]) csv_file.flush() synset_id, model_id = model_id.split('/') if not cd_per_cat.get(synset_id): cd_per_cat[synset_id] = [] if not fps_cd_per_cat.get(synset_id): fps_cd_per_cat[synset_id] = [] if not fps_emd_per_cat.get(synset_id): fps_emd_per_cat[synset_id] = [] if not fps_f1_score_per_cat.get(synset_id): fps_f1_score_per_cat[synset_id] = [] cd_per_cat[synset_id].append(cd) fps_cd_per_cat[synset_id].append(fps_cd) fps_emd_per_cat[synset_id].append(fps_emd) fps_f1_score_per_cat[synset_id].append(fps_f1_score) # visualize if i % test_config['plot_freq'] == 0: if config['visualizing']['visu_split']: raw_dir = os.path.join(config['results_dir'], 'plots', 'raw', synset_id) fps_dir = os.path.join(config['results_dir'], 'plots', 'fps', synset_id) os.makedirs(raw_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(fps_dir, exist_ok=True) raw_plot_path = os.path.join(raw_dir, '%s.png' % model_id) fps_plot_path = os.path.join(fps_dir, '%s.png' % model_id) plot_pcd_three_views(raw_plot_path, [gt_complete, completion[0], gt_complete], model.visualize_titles, is_from_decoder_raw, 'CD %.4f' % (cd)) plot_pcd_three_views( fps_plot_path, [gt_complete, fps_completion[0], gt_complete], model.visualize_titles, is_from_decoder_fps[0], 'FPS_CD %.4f FPS_EMD %.4f FPS_f1_score %.4f' % (fps_cd, fps_emd, fps_f1_score)) else: os.makedirs(os.path.join(config['results_dir'], 'plots', synset_id), exist_ok=True) plot_path = os.path.join(config['results_dir'], 'plots', synset_id, '%s.png' % model_id) plot_pcd_three_views( plot_path, [gt_complete, completion[0], gt_complete], model.visualize_titles, None, 'CD %.4f FPS_CD %.4f FPS_EMD %.4f FPS_f1_score %.4f' % (cd, fps_cd, fps_emd, fps_f1_score)) if test_config['save_pcd']: os.makedirs(os.path.join(config['results_dir'], 'pcds', synset_id), exist_ok=True) save_pcd( os.path.join(config['results_dir'], 'pcds', synset_id, '%s.pcd' % model_id), completion[0]) save_pcd( os.path.join(config['results_dir'], 'pcds', synset_id, '%s_fps.pcd' % model_id), fps_completion[0]) # write average info in csv file writer.writerow([ "average", total_cd / len(model_list), total_fps_cd / len(model_list), total_fps_emd / len(model_list), total_fps_f1_score / len(model_list) ]) for synset_id in cd_per_cat.keys(): writer.writerow([ synset_id, np.mean(cd_per_cat[synset_id]), np.mean(fps_cd_per_cat[synset_id]), np.mean(fps_emd_per_cat[synset_id]), np.mean(fps_f1_score_per_cat[synset_id]) ]) # write average distances(cd, emd) in txt file with open(os.path.join(config['results_dir'], 'results_summary.txt'), 'w') as log: log.write('Average Chamfer distance: %.8f \n' % (total_cd / len(model_list))) log.write('Average FPS Chamfer distance: %.8f \n' % (total_fps_cd / len(model_list))) log.write('Average FPS Earth mover distance: %.8f \n' % (total_fps_emd / len(model_list))) log.write( 'Average FPS f1_score(threshold: %.4f): %.8f \n' % (test_config['threshold'], total_fps_f1_score / len(model_list))) log.write('## Summary for each category ## \n') log.write('ID CD FPS_CD FPS_EMD FPS_f1_score\n') for synset_id in cd_per_cat.keys(): log.write('%s %.8f %.8f %.8f %.8f\n' % (synset_id, np.mean(cd_per_cat[synset_id]), np.mean(fps_cd_per_cat[synset_id]), np.mean(fps_emd_per_cat[synset_id]), np.mean(fps_f1_score_per_cat[synset_id]))) # print results print('Average time: %f' % (total_time / len(model_list))) print('Average Chamfer distance: %f' % (total_cd / len(model_list))) print('Average FPS Chamfer distance: %f' % (total_fps_cd / len(model_list))) print('Average FPS Earth mover distance: %f' % (total_fps_emd / len(model_list))) print('Average FPS f1_score(threshold: %.4f): %f' % (test_config['threshold'], total_fps_f1_score / len(model_list))) print('Chamfer distance per category') for synset_id in cd_per_cat.keys(): print(synset_id, '%f' % np.mean(cd_per_cat[synset_id])) print('Average FPS Chamfer distance per catergory') for synset_id in fps_cd_per_cat.keys(): print(synset_id, '%f' % np.mean(fps_cd_per_cat[synset_id])) print('Average FPS Earth mover distance per category') for synset_id in fps_emd_per_cat.keys(): print(synset_id, '%f' % np.mean(fps_emd_per_cat[synset_id])) print('Average FPS f1_score per category') for synset_id in fps_f1_score_per_cat.keys(): print(synset_id, '%f' % np.mean(fps_f1_score_per_cat[synset_id])) csv_file.close() sess.close() print(colored("Test ended!", 'grey', 'on_green')) print('Total testing time', datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time() - test_start))