def be_member(self, userid, customer_id, src=MemDefine.MEMBER_SRC_WX): ''' 成为会员 如果是新会员将返回1, 否则返回0 ''' now = int(time.time()) try: with get_connection_exception('qf_mchnt') as db: cardno = getid() db.insert('member', values={ 'id': cardno, 'userid': userid, 'customer_id': customer_id, 'num': 0, 'txamt': 0, 'last_txdtm': 0, 'ctime': now, 'utime': now }) self._cardno = cardno db.insert('member_tag', values={ 'id': getid(), 'userid': userid, 'customer_id': customer_id, 'src': src, 'ctime': now, 'utime': now }) except: return 0 return 1
def POST(self): userid = int(self.user.userid) actv = None with get_connection('qf_mchnt') as db: actv = db.select_one( 'member_actv', where= { 'userid': userid, 'type': MemDefine.ACTV_TYPE_PRIVI }) if actv: raise ParamError('已经创建过特权活动了.') content =['content'] content = remove_emoji(content) if str_len(content) > 80: raise ParamError('活动内容不超过80字') now = int(time.time()) data = {} data['id'] = getid() data['title'] = '' data['content'] = content data['userid'] = userid data['status'] = MemDefine.ACTV_STATUS_ON data['ctime'] = data['utime'] = now data['start_time'] = now data['expire_time'] = now + 20 * 365 * 24 * 3600 data['type'] = MemDefine.ACTV_TYPE_PRIVI with get_connection('qf_mchnt') as db: db.insert('member_actv', data) return self.write(success({}))
def _trans_input(self): d = {k: v.strip() for k, v in self.req.input().iteritems()} r = {} price = d.get('price', 10) num = d.get('num', 0) type = d.get('type', 1) content = d.get('content', '') title = d.get('title', '') if not all(map(is_valid_int, (price, num, type))): raise ParamError('参数不正确') r['price_code'] = '' r['promo_code'] = '' r['goods_code'] = 'message' r['userid'] = int('userid', '')) # 商品价格和名称 total = int(price) * int(num) r['total_amt'] = r['txamt'] = total r['goods_name'] = '短信营销' r['price'] = price r['num'] = num r['type'] = type r['content'] = content r['id'] = getid() r['title'] = title return r
def POST(self): userid = int(self.user.userid) # 商户付费状态 groupid = self.get_groupid() mchnt = get_payinfo_ex(userid, service_code='card_actv', groupid=groupid) if not mchnt: add_free_ex(userid, service_code='card_actv', groupid=groupid) elif str(mchnt['expire_time']) <= time.strftime(DATETIME_FMT): if mchnt['status'] == MCHNT_STATUS_FREE: raise ParamError('免费体验已经到期了哦') if mchnt['status'] == MCHNT_STATUS_NORMAL: raise ParamError('付费已经到期了哦') # 能否创建集点活动 self.allow_create(userid) actv = # 适用门店 d = self.req.input() actv['mchnt_id_list'] = self.get_mchnt_id_list( d.get('mchnt_id_list', '').strip().split(',')) actv['userid'] = userid actv['goods_name'] = remove_emoji(actv.get('goods_name')) if not 1 <= str_len(actv['goods_name']) <= 8: raise ParamError('商品名长度是1至8位') if actv['goods_amt'] <= 0: raise ParamError('商品价格应大于0') actv['start_time'] = actv.get('start_time') or time.strftime(DT_FMT) if not(is_valid_date(actv['start_time']) and is_valid_date(actv['expire_time'])): raise ParamError('活动时间格式不合法') if actv['start_time'] > actv['expire_time']: raise ParamError('开始时间应该小于结束时间') actv['start_time'] = str_to_tstamp(actv['start_time'], DT_FMT) actv['expire_time'] = str_to_tstamp(actv['expire_time'], DT_FMT) + 86399 if actv['exchange_pt'] not in range(1, 11): raise ParamError('暂不只支持该兑换集点的活动') if actv['obtain_amt'] <= 0: raise ParamError('集点条件大于0') if actv['obtain_limit'] < 0: raise ParamError('一次交易获取的最多集点应该大于0') actv['id'] = getid() actv['ctime'] = actv['utime'] = int(time.time()) actv['status'] = ACTV_STATUS_NORMAL with get_connection_exception('qf_mchnt') as db: db.insert('card_actv', actv) return self.write(success({'id': actv['id']}))
def add_tag(self, userid, customer_id, tag, src): ''' 如果是在连锁店认证, 将会对所有连锁店进行授权 ''' userids = [ int(userid), ] big_uid = self.get_big_uid(userid) or userid userids = self.get_link_ids(big_uid) or [] userids.append(int(big_uid)) with get_connection('qf_mchnt') as db: now = int(time.time()) exist_user ='member_tag', where={ 'userid': ('in', userids), 'customer_id': customer_id, }, fields='userid') or [] exist_userids = [i['userid'] for i in exist_user] log.debug(exist_userids) # 更新已有的 if exist_userids: db.update(table='member_tag', values={ tag: 1, 'utime': now, }, where={ tag: 0, 'userid': ('in', exist_userids), 'customer_id': customer_id, }) insert_data = [] for i in userids: if i not in exist_userids: insert_data.append({ 'id': getid(), 'userid': userid, 'customer_id': customer_id, 'src': src, 'ctime': now, 'utime': now, tag: 1 }) if insert_data: db.insert_list('member_tag', values_list=insert_data, other='ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE %s=1' % tag) return True return False
def _insert(userids, expire_time): if not userids: return with get_connection_exception('qf_mchnt') as db: status = d.get('status') or MCHNT_STATUS_NORMAL now = int(time.time()) indata = [{ 'id': getid(), 'userid': i, 'goods_code': d['goods_code'], 'status': status, 'expire_time': expire_time, 'content': d['content'], 'ctime': now, 'utime': now } for i in userids] db.insert_list('recharge', indata)
def POST(self): d = self._trans_input() now = int(time.time()) # 插入渠道 with get_connection('qf_mchnt') as db: promo_data = { 'id': getid(), 'userid': d['userid'], 'balance': 0, 'status': PROMO_STATUS['normal'], 'ctime': now, 'utime': now } db.insert('promo', promo_data) return self.write(success({}))
def update_mchnt(self, userid, goods_codes, months): st = with get_connection('qf_mchnt') as db: # 获取当前的信息 infos ='recharge', where={ 'goods_code': ('in', goods_codes), 'userid': userid }) or [] infos = {i['goods_code']: i for i in infos} for code in goods_codes: try: if code in infos: exptm = infos[code]['expire_time'] if str(exptm) > time.strftime(DATETIME_FMT): st =, month=exptm.month, end = str_to_tstamp( str(future(st, months=months)) + ' 23:59:59', DATETIME_FMT) if code in infos: db.update(table='recharge', values={ 'expire_time': end, 'utime': int(time.time()), 'status': 2 }, where={ 'userid': userid, 'goods_code': code }) else: db.insert(table='recharge', values={ 'id': getid(), 'userid': userid, 'goods_code': code, 'status': 2, 'expire_time': end, 'ctime': int(time.time()), 'utime': int(time.time()), }) except: log.warn('更新消费者有效期失败:%s' % traceback.format_exc())
def update(self, userid, customer_id): try: with get_connection_exception('qf_mchnt') as db: # 会员来源(支付) PAY_SRC = 1 data = {'card': 1} data['utime'] = int(time.time()) update_result = db.update('member_tag', values=data, where={ 'userid': userid, 'customer_id': customer_id, }) if not update_result: data['id'] = getid() data['ctime'] = int(time.time()) data['src'] = PAY_SRC data['userid'] = userid data['customer_id'] = customer_id db.insert('member_tag', values=data) except: pass
def tidy_codes(self, codes, customer, actv): cur_num = customer['cur_pt'] / actv['exchange_pt'] codes_num = len(codes) # 若兑换卡数相同 if cur_num == codes_num: return codes now = int(time.time()) # 当前卡数大于实际卡数 if cur_num < codes_num: cancel_num = codes_num - cur_num cancel_codes = [codes[i]['id'] for i in range(cancel_num)] with get_connection('qf_mchnt') as db: db.update(table='exchange_record', values={ 'utime': now, 'status': CODE_STATUS_CANCEL }, where={'id': ('in', cancel_codes)}) return codes[cancel_num:] # 实际卡数大于当前卡数 with get_connection('qf_mchnt') as db: records ='exchange_record', fields='code, status', where={'activity_id': actv['id']}) allcodes = defaultdict(set) # allcodes: # 0: 所有code 1: 已兑换 2:创建优惠码 3:已撤销 for i in records or []: allcodes[0].add(i['code']) allcodes[i['status']].add(i['code']) add_num = cur_num - codes_num choose, allchoose = [], set(range(1, 10000)) if 9999 - len(allcodes[0]) > add_num: choose = random.sample(list(allchoose - allcodes[0]), add_num) else: try: choose = random.sample( list(allchoose - allcodes[CODE_STATUS_CREATE]), add_num) except: log.error('兑换码不够,error:%s' % traceback.format_exc()) data = [] for code in choose: data.append({ 'id': getid(), 'code': code, 'userid': actv['userid'], 'ctime': now, 'utime': now, 'customer_id': customer['customer_id'], 'activity_id': actv['id'], 'status': CODE_STATUS_CREATE }) if data: codes.extend(data) with get_connection('qf_mchnt') as db: db.insert_list('exchange_record', data) return codes
def _cancel(self, d): now = int(time.time()) with get_connection('qf_mchnt') as db: # 获取集点记录 pt = db.select_one(table='pt_record', where={ 'out_sn': d['orig_out_sn'], 'type': PT_RECORD_GET }) if not pt: return actv_id = pt['activity_id'] where = {'activity_id': actv_id, 'customer_id': d['customer_id']} # 获取消费者信息 member = db.select_one('member_pt', where=where) if not member: raise ParamError('消费者信息不存在') # 撤销集点 cancel_pt = min(pt['pts'], member['cur_pt']) # 插入pt_record try: pidata = deepcopy(d) pidata['id'] = getid() pidata['ctime'] = pidata['utime'] = now pidata['activity_id'] = actv_id pidata['type'] = PT_RECORD_CANCEL pidata['pts'] = cancel_pt db.insert('pt_record', pidata) except: log.warn('insert error: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) return card_id = member['id'] if not cancel_pt: return { 'cancel_pt': cancel_pt, 'activity_id': actv_id, 'card_id': card_id } # 更新消费者的集点 try: mem_updata = { 'txamt': DBFunc('txamt-%s' % d['txamt']), 'total_amt': DBFunc('total_amt-%s' % d['total_amt']), 'total_pt': DBFunc('total_pt-%d' % cancel_pt), 'cur_pt': DBFunc('cur_pt-%d' % cancel_pt), 'utime': now } db.update('member_pt', mem_updata, where) except: log.debug('更新消费者集点信息失败, %s' % traceback.format_exc()) else: # 更新活动信息 try: ucwhere = {'id': actv_id, 'total_pt': ('>=', cancel_pt)} ucdata = { 'total_pt': DBFunc('total_pt-%d' % cancel_pt), 'utime': now } db.update('card_actv', ucdata, ucwhere) except: log.debug('%s' % traceback.format_exc()) return { 'cancel_pt': cancel_pt, 'activity_id': actv_id, 'card_id': card_id }
def _query(self, d): rcard, rcustomer, overdue = {}, {}, 0 now = int(time.time()) # 获取生效的集点活动 with get_connection('qf_mchnt') as db: rcard = db.select_one( 'card_actv', where={ 'userid': self.get_userid_condition(d['userid']), 'expire_time': ('>=', now), 'start_time': ('<', now) }, fields=('id, start_time, expire_time, status, goods_name,' 'goods_amt, exchange_pt, obtain_amt, obtain_limit,' 'statement'), other='order by ctime desc') # 暂无生效的集点活动 if not rcard: return None, None, 0 # 商户过期信息 overdue = adjust_payinfo_ex( userid=d['userid'], service_code='card_actv', groupid=self.get_groupid(userid=d['userid']))['overdue'] with get_connection('qf_mchnt') as db: # 消费者信息 customer_info = db.select_one('member_pt', where={ 'activity_id': rcard['id'], 'customer_id': d['customer_id'] }) or {} # 若商户过期 if overdue: # 若是新消费者或者老商户且已经兑换过礼品, # 则不能继续集点活动了 if (not customer_info or (not customer_info['cur_pt'] and customer_info['total_pt'])): return None, None, overdue # 返回的消费者信息 rcustomer['cur_pt'] = customer_info.get('cur_pt') or 0 rcustomer['is_new'] = CardBase.is_new_card(d['userid'], d['customer_id'], d['src']) rcustomer['diff_obtain_amt'] = max( rcard['obtain_amt'] - d['txamt'], 0) rcustomer['card_id'] = customer_info.get('id') obtain_pts = min(d['txamt'] / rcard['obtain_amt'], rcard['obtain_limit'] or sys.maxint) rcustomer['obtain_pts'] = obtain_pts rcustomer['exchange'] = rcustomer['cur_pt'] / rcard['exchange_pt'] # 插入pt_record # 插入失败即代表已领取过集点 is_obtain = False try: # 若满足条件 if not rcustomer['diff_obtain_amt']: fields = [ 'userid', 'customer_id', 'out_sn', 'txamt', 'total_amt' ] pt_indata = {field: d[field] for field in fields} pt_indata['ctime'] = pt_indata['utime'] = now pt_indata['activity_id'] = rcard['id'] pt_indata['type'] = PT_RECORD_GET pt_indata['id'] = getid() pt_indata['pts'] = obtain_pts db.insert('pt_record', pt_indata) except: is_obtain = True # 若未领取集点 if not is_obtain: try: # 新集点卡消费者 if not customer_info: m = { field: d[field] for field in ['userid', 'customer_id', 'txamt', 'total_amt'] } if not obtain_pts: m['txamt'] = m['total_amt'] = 0 rcustomer['card_id'] = m['id'] = getid() m['activity_id'] = rcard['id'] m['ctime'] = m['utime'] = now m['cur_pt'] = m['total_pt'] = obtain_pts db.insert('member_pt', m) # 有集点的老客户 elif obtain_pts: umwhere = { 'activity_id': rcard['id'], 'customer_id': d['customer_id'] } umdata = { 'txamt': DBFunc('txamt+%s' % d['txamt']), 'total_amt': DBFunc('total_amt+%s' % d['total_amt']), 'total_pt': DBFunc('total_pt+%d' % obtain_pts), 'cur_pt': DBFunc('cur_pt+%d' % obtain_pts), 'utime': now } db.update('member_pt', umdata, umwhere) except: log.debug('更新消费者集点信息失败, %s' % traceback.format_exc()) else: rcustomer['cur_pt'] += obtain_pts # 获取到集点, 更新活动统计信息 if obtain_pts: try: ucwhere = {'id': rcard['id']} ucdata = { 'total_pt': DBFunc('total_pt+%d' % obtain_pts), 'utime': now } db.update('card_actv', ucdata, ucwhere) except: log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) # 延后跟新member_tag gevent.spawn(self.update, d['userid'], d['customer_id']) # 活动信息 rcard['id'] = str(rcard['id']) rcard['start_time'] = str_to_tstamp(str(rcard['start_time'])) rcard['expire_time'] = str_to_tstamp(str(rcard['expire_time'])) # 消费者 org_pt, now_pt = rcustomer['cur_pt'] - obtain_pts, rcustomer[ 'cur_pt'] rcustomer['add_exchange'] = (now_pt / rcard['exchange_pt'] - org_pt / rcard['exchange_pt']) rcustomer['diff_exchange'] = max( rcard['exchange_pt'] - rcustomer['cur_pt'] % rcard['exchange_pt'], 0) return rcard, rcustomer, overdue
def POST(self): userid = self.user.userid # 验证兑换码 code = self.req.input().get('code') de_code = hids.decode(code) if not de_code: raise ParamError('兑换码不存在') cb_id = de_code[0] # 获取红包绑定信息和活动信息 cb_info = {} act_id = '' with get_connection_exception('qf_marketing') as db: cb_info = db.select_one(table='coupon_bind', where={'id': cb_id}) if not cb_info: raise ParamError('兑换码不存在') act_id = cb_info.get('activity_id') if not act_id: raise ParamError('查询活动信息失败') amt = cb_info.get('amt') start_time = cb_info.get('start_time') expire_time = cb_info.get('expire_time') status = cb_info.get('status') coupon_mchnt_id = cb_info.get('mchnt_id') coupon_rule_id = cb_info.get('coupon_rule_id') now = if not (start_time < now < expire_time): raise ParamError('不在活动时间内') if status != COUPON_STATUS_BIND: raise ParamError('这张消费券不能使用了!') if not coupon_mchnt_id: mchnt_id_list = [] mchnt_id_json = '' with get_connection('qf_marketing') as db: mchnt_id_json = db.select_one( fields='mchnt_id_list', where={'coupon_rule_id': coupon_rule_id}) if not mchnt_id_json: raise ParamError('查询可使用商户列表失败') mchnt_id_list = json.loads(mchnt_id_json) if not (str(userid) in mchnt_id_list): raise ParamError('该消费券不能在该店铺使用') if int(coupon_mchnt_id) != int(userid): raise ParamError('该消费券不能在该店铺使用') # 使用红包 coas = CouponOperateArgs() coas.coupon_code = cb_info.get('coupon_code') coas.src = cb_info.get('src') coas.type = COUPON_STATUS_USE coas.trade_amt = int(amt) coas.customer_id = str(cb_info.get('customer_id')) coas.out_sn = str(getid()) coas.content = '交易使用消费券' coas.mchnt_id = userid try: thrift_callex(config.QF_MARKETING_SERVERS, QFMarketing, 'coupon_use', coas) except: log.warn(traceback.format_exc()) raise ThirdError('使用红包失败') return self.write(success({}))
def POST(self): d = {k: v.strip() for k, v in self.req.input().iteritems()} # 查找商户信息 username = d.get('mobile') or d.get('username', '') user = None with get_connection('qf_core') as db: if '@' in username: where = {'': username} else: where = {'auth_user.username': username} user = db.select_join_one( table1='auth_user', table2='profile', on={'': 'profile.userid'}, where=where, fields=(' as userid, auth_user.state, ' 'auth_user.password, profile.groupid')) if not user: raise ParamError('商户不存在') # 开通的服务 goods_codes = set([]) # 0渠道 1直营 code_idx = int(user['groupid'] in config.QF_GROUPIDS) for i in d.get('goods_code', 'card').split(','): if i in config.PROMO_GOODS_DICT: goods_codes.add(config.PROMO_GOODS_DICT[i][code_idx]) if not goods_codes: raise ParamError('未选中服务') # 月份 price_code = d.get('price_code', 'month') months = int(price_code.strip('month') or 1) # 推广码 promo_code = d.get('promo_code', '') with get_connection('qf_mchnt') as db: promo_info = db.select_join_one( 'promo_code', 'promo', 'inner', on={'promo.userid': 'promo_code.userid'}, where={'promo_code.code': promo_code}, fields=( 'promo.userid, promo.balance, promo.status as pstatus, ' 'promo.num, promo_code.type, promo_code.use_limit, ' 'promo_code.use_num, promo_code.status as pcstatus' )) or {} if not promo_info: raise ParamError('推广码不存在') if promo_info['pcstatus'] != PROMO_CODE_STATUS['normal']: raise ParamError('该推广码状态不对') if promo_info['pstatus'] != PROMO_CODE_STATUS['normal']: raise ParamError('该渠道状态不对') if promo_info['type'] == PROMO_CODE_TYPE['balance']: raise ParamError('暂不支持余额码') # 检查使用次数 if ((promo_info['use_num'] + len(goods_codes)) > (promo_info['use_limit'] or sys.maxint)): raise ParamError('你的开通码已经超过使用次数') now = int(time.time()) # 更新promo with get_connection_exception('qf_mchnt') as db: db.update(table='promo', values={ 'num': DBFunc('num - %d' % len(goods_codes)), 'utime': now, }, where={'userid': promo_info['userid']}) # 更新promo_code with get_connection_exception('qf_mchnt') as db: db.update(table='promo_code', values={ 'use_num': DBFunc('use_num + %s' % len(goods_codes)), 'utime': now }, where={'code': promo_code}) # 插入promo_record with get_connection_exception('qf_mchnt') as db: db.insert(table='promo_record', values={ 'id': getid(), 'userid': promo_info['userid'], 'mchntid': user['userid'], 'promo_code': promo_code, 'service_code': price_code, 'amt': 0, 'promo_amt': 0, 'content': d.get('goods_code', 'card'), 'ctime': now, }) # 更新商户付费信息 self.update_mchnt(user['userid'], goods_codes, months) return success({})