def make_step(model, input_image, control=None, step_size=0.1, end=28, jitter=None): if jitter: ox, oy = np.random.randint(-jitter, jitter+1, 2) input_image = np.roll(np.roll(input_image, ox, -1), oy, -2) tensor = torch.Tensor(input_image).unsqueeze(0) image_var = Variable(, requires_grad=True) model.zero_grad() x = image_var for index, layer in enumerate(model.features.children()): x = layer(x) if index == end: break delta = objective(x, control) x.backward(delta) # L2 Regularization on gradients mean_square = torch.Tensor([torch.mean( ** 2)]).to(torch_utils.get_device()) /= torch.sqrt(mean_square) * step_size) result = image_var.squeeze().data.cpu().numpy() if jitter: result = np.roll(np.roll(result, -ox, -1), -oy, -2) return torch.Tensor(result)
def generate_deep_dream_video(contentImgPath, featureImgPaths, musicPath, outfilePath, duration=None, resolution=(124, 124), frameLenght=1014 ): featureImgs = [dataloader.image_loader(path, resolution) for path in featureImgPaths] contentImg = dataloader.image_loader(contentImgPath, resolution) vgg = models.vgg19(pretrained=True).to(torch_utils.get_device()).eval() if duration: audio_video_utils.cut_song(musicPath, 0, duration) specm, gradm = audio_video_utils.generate_spec_vector(musicPath, 1024) chroma, chromasort = audio_video_utils.generate_chroma_vector(musicPath, 1024) classVec = audio_video_utils.generate_class_vector(chroma, chromasort) lr_vector = gradm/300+specm/300 lr_vector[lr_vector < 2e-4] = 0 lr_vector = np.convolve(lr_vector, np.ones((10,))/10, mode='same') frames = [] for i in range(len(gradm)): print(i) frame = deepdream.run_deep_dream(resolution, contentImg, featureImgs[classVec[i]], vgg, 34, 40, lr=lr_vector[i] +0.0001) frames.append(frame) audio_video_utils.make_movie(frames, musicPath, outfilePath, frameLength=frameLenght)
def get_nst_model_and_losses(model, content_img, style_img, content_layers, style_layers): """Creates the Neural Style Transfer model and losses. We assume the model was pretrained on ImageNet and normalize all inputs using the ImageNet mean and stddev. Args: model: The model to use for Neural Style Transfer. ContentLoss and StyleLoss modules will be inserted after each layer in content_layers and style_layers respectively. content_img: The content image to use when creating the ContentLosses. style_img: The style image to use when creating the StyleLosses. content_layers: The name of the layers after which a ContentLoss module will be inserted. style_layers: The name of the layers after which a StyleLoss module will be inserted. Returns: A three item tuple of the NST model with ContentLoss and StyleLoss modules inserted, the ContentLosses modules, and the StyleLosses modules. """ nst_model = nn.Sequential(ImageNetNormalize()) content_losses, style_losses, last_layer = [], [], 0 for i, (name, layer) in enumerate(copy.deepcopy(model).named_children()): nst_model.add_module(name, layer) if name in content_layers: content_loss = ContentLoss(nst_model(content_img)) nst_model.add_module(f'{name}_ContentLoss', content_loss) content_losses.append(content_loss) last_layer = i if name in style_layers: style_loss = StyleLoss(nst_model(style_img)) nst_model.add_module(f'{name}_StyleLoss', style_loss) style_losses.append(style_loss) last_layer = i # Sanity check that we have the desired number of style and content layers. assert len(content_losses) == len( content_layers), 'Not all content layers found.' assert len(style_losses) == len( style_layers), 'Not all style layers found.' # Remove the layers after the last StyleLoss and ContentLoss since they will # not be used for style transfer. To get the correct last_layer index, we # take into account the ImageNetNormalization layer at the front and the # ContentLoss and StyleLoss layers. last_layer += 1 + len(content_losses) + len(style_losses) nst_model = nst_model[:last_layer + 1].to(torch_utils.get_device()) return nst_model, content_losses, style_losses
def rename_vgg_layers(model): """Renames VGG model layers to match those in the paper.""" block, number = 1, 1 renamed = nn.Sequential() for layer in model.children(): if isinstance(layer, nn.Conv2d): name = f'conv{block}_{number}' elif isinstance(layer, nn.ReLU): name = f'relu{block}_{number}' # The inplace ReLU version doesn't play nicely with NST. layer = nn.ReLU(inplace=False) number += 1 elif isinstance(layer, nn.MaxPool2d): name = f'pool_{block}' # Average pooling was found to generate images of higher quality than # max pooling by Gatys et al. layer = nn.AvgPool2d(layer.kernel_size, layer.stride) block += 1 number = 1 else: raise RuntimeError( f'Unrecognized layer "{layer.__class__.__name__}""') renamed.add_module(name, layer) return
def run(self, dimensions, integrand, *, base_integrand_params, base_integrator_config=None, integrand_params_grid=None, integrator_config_grid=None, n_batch=100000, debug=True, cuda=0, sql_dtypes=None, dbname=None, experiment_name="benchmark", keep_history=False): """Run benchmarks over a grid of parameters for the integrator and the integrand.""" if debug: set_benchmark_logger_debug(zunis_integration_level=logging.DEBUG, zunis_training_level=logging.DEBUG, zunis_level=logging.DEBUG) else: set_benchmark_logger(experiment_name) device = get_device(cuda_ID=cuda) if isinstance(dimensions, int): dimensions = [dimensions] assert isinstance(dimensions, Sequence) and all([isinstance(d, int) for d in dimensions]) and len( dimensions) > 0, \ "argument dimensions must be an integer or a list of integers" if sql_dtypes is None: sql_dtypes = get_sql_types() if integrand_params_grid is None and integrator_config_grid is None and len(dimensions) == 1: result, integrator = self.benchmark_method(dimensions[0], integrand=integrand, integrand_params=base_integrand_params, integrator_config=base_integrator_config, n_batch=n_batch, device=device, keep_history=keep_history) result = result.as_dataframe() if dbname is not None: append_dataframe_to_sqlite(result, dbname=dbname, tablename=experiment_name, dtypes=sql_dtypes) return result, integrator else: if integrand_params_grid is None: integrand_params_grid = dict() if integrator_config_grid is None: integrator_config_grid = dict() if base_integrator_config is None: base_integrator_config = get_default_integrator_config() integrator_config = deepcopy(base_integrator_config) integrand_params = deepcopy(base_integrand_params) benchmarks = self.generate_config_samples(dimensions, integrator_config_grid, integrand_params_grid) for d, integrator_config_update, integrand_params_update in benchmarks:"Benchmarking with:")"d = {d}")"integrator update: {integrator_config_update}")"integrand update: {integrand_params_update}") integrator_config.update(integrator_config_update) integrand_params.update(integrand_params_update) try: result, _ = self.benchmark_method(d, integrand=integrand, integrand_params=integrand_params, integrator_config=integrator_config, n_batch=n_batch, device=device, keep_history=keep_history) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) result = NestedMapping() result["d"] = d result.update(integrator_config) result.update(integrand_params) result["extra_data"] = e result = result.as_dataframe() if dbname is not None: append_dataframe_to_sqlite(result.as_dataframe(), dbname=dbname, tablename=experiment_name, dtypes=sql_dtypes)
def train(flags): # General options num_workers = flags.num_workers model_out_path = flags.out data_cfg = flags.data_cfg batch_size = flags.batch_size seq_len = flags.seq_len num_pts = flags.num_pts augment_quad = flags.augment_quad augment_pairs = flags.augment_pairs pretrain_tnocs = flags.pretrain_tnocs model_in_path = flags.weights radii_list = flags.radii local_feat_size = flags.local_feat_size latent_feat_size = flags.latent_feat_size ode_hidden_size = flags.ode_hidden_size motion_feat_size = flags.motion_feat_size cnf_blocks = flags.cnf_blocks regress_tnocs = flags.regress_tnocs cnf_loss_weight = flags.cnf_loss tnocs_loss_weight = flags.tnocs_loss # Train-only options parallel_train = flags.use_parallel num_epochs = flags.epochs val_every = flags.val_every save_every = flags.save_every print_stats_every = flags.print_every lr = betas = (flags.beta1, flags.beta2) eps = flags.eps weight_decay = flags.decay # prepare output if not os.path.exists(model_out_path): os.mkdir(model_out_path) log_out = os.path.join(model_out_path, 'train_log.txt') log(log_out, flags) # load train and validation sets train_dataset = DynamicPCLDataset(data_cfg, split='train', train_frac=0.8, val_frac=0.1, num_pts=num_pts, seq_len=seq_len, shift_time_to_zero=(not pretrain_tnocs), random_point_sample=True) train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=num_workers, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True, worker_init_fn=lambda _: np.random.seed() ) # get around numpy RNG seed bug val_dataset = DynamicPCLDataset(data_cfg, split='val', train_frac=0.8, val_frac=0.1, num_pts=num_pts, seq_len=seq_len, shift_time_to_zero=(not pretrain_tnocs), random_point_sample=False) val_loader = DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=num_workers, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True, worker_init_fn=lambda _: np.random.seed()) if parallel_train: log(log_out, 'Attempting to use all available GPUs for parallel training...') # gets GPU 0 if available, else CPU device = get_device() # create caspr model model = CaSPR(radii_list=radii_list, local_feat_size=local_feat_size, latent_feat_size=latent_feat_size, ode_hidden_size=ode_hidden_size, pretrain_tnocs=pretrain_tnocs, augment_quad=augment_quad, augment_pairs=augment_pairs, cnf_blocks=cnf_blocks, motion_feat_size=motion_feat_size, regress_tnocs=regress_tnocs) if pretrain_tnocs and model_in_path != '': # load in only pretrained tnocs weights print('Loading weights for pre-trained canonicalizer from %s...' % (model_in_path)) loaded_state_dict = torch.load(model_in_path, map_location=device) load_encoder_weights_from_full(model, loaded_state_dict) elif model_in_path != '': print('Loading model weights from %s...' % (model_in_path)) loaded_state_dict = torch.load(model_in_path, map_location=device) load_weights(model, loaded_state_dict) if parallel_train: model = nn.DataParallel(model) optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr, betas=betas, eps=eps, weight_decay=weight_decay) params = count_params(model) log(log_out, 'Num model params: ' + str(params)) loss_tracker = TrainLossTracker() for epoch in range(num_epochs): # train run_one_epoch(model, train_loader, device, optimizer, cnf_loss_weight, tnocs_loss_weight, epoch, loss_tracker, log_out, mode='train', print_stats_every=print_stats_every) # validate if epoch % val_every == 0: with torch.no_grad( ): # must do this to avoid running out of memory val_stat_tracker = TestStatTracker() run_one_epoch(model, val_loader, device, None, cnf_loss_weight, tnocs_loss_weight, epoch, val_stat_tracker, log_out, mode='val', print_stats_every=print_stats_every) # get final aggregate stats mean_losses = val_stat_tracker.get_mean_stats() total_loss_out, mean_cnf_err, mean_tnocs_pos_err, mean_tnocs_time_err, mean_nfe = mean_losses # early stopping - save if it's the best so far if not math.isnan(total_loss_out): if len(loss_tracker.val_losses) == 0: min_loss_so_far = True else: min_loss_so_far = total_loss_out < min( loss_tracker.val_losses) # record loss curve and print stats loss_tracker.record_val_step(total_loss_out, epoch * len(train_loader)) print_stats(log_out, epoch, 0, 0, total_loss_out, mean_cnf_err, mean_tnocs_pos_err, mean_tnocs_time_err, 'VAL', mean_nfe) if min_loss_so_far: log(log_out, 'BEST Val loss so far! Saving checkpoint...') save_name = 'BEST_time_model.pth' save_file = os.path.join(model_out_path, save_name), save_file) # viz loss curve loss_tracker.plot_cur_loss_curves(model_out_path) if epoch % save_every == 0: # save model parameters save_name = 'time_model_%d.pth' % (epoch) save_file = os.path.join(model_out_path, save_name), save_file)
from utils.flat_integrals import evaluate_integral_flat from utils.integral_validation import compare_integral_result from zunis.integration import Integrator ############################################################# # DEBUG FLAG: set to False to log and save to file ############################################################# debug = True ############################################################# if debug: logger = get_benchmark_logger_debug("benchmark_reg_gaussian") else: logger = get_benchmark_logger("benchmark_reg_gaussian") device = get_device(cuda_ID=0) def benchmark_reg_gaussian(d, s=0.3, reg=1.e-6):"Benchmarking a regulated gaussian with d={d} and s={s:.1f}") gaussian = RegulatedDiagonalGaussianIntegrand(d=d, device=device, s=s, reg=reg) @vegas.batchintegrand def vgaussian(x): return gaussian(torch.tensor(x).to(device)).cpu() integrator = Integrator( d=d,
def viz(flags): # General options num_workers = flags.num_workers data_cfg = flags.data_cfg seq_len = flags.seq_len num_pts = flags.num_pts augment_quad = flags.augment_quad augment_pairs = flags.augment_pairs pretrain_tnocs = flags.pretrain_tnocs model_in_path = flags.weights radii_list = flags.radii local_feat_size = flags.local_feat_size latent_feat_size = flags.latent_feat_size ode_hidden_size = flags.ode_hidden_size motion_feat_size = flags.motion_feat_size cnf_blocks = flags.cnf_blocks regress_tnocs = flags.regress_tnocs # Viz-specific options shuffle_test = flags.shuffle_test viz_tnocs = flags.viz_tnocs viz_observed = flags.viz_observed viz_interpolated = flags.viz_interpolated device = get_device() print('Setting batch size to 1 for visualization...') batch_size = 1 # create caspr model model = CaSPR(radii_list=radii_list, local_feat_size=local_feat_size, latent_feat_size=latent_feat_size, ode_hidden_size=ode_hidden_size, pretrain_tnocs=pretrain_tnocs, augment_quad=augment_quad, augment_pairs=augment_pairs, cnf_blocks=cnf_blocks, motion_feat_size=motion_feat_size, regress_tnocs=regress_tnocs) if pretrain_tnocs and model_in_path != '': # load in only pretrained tnocs weights print('Loading weights for pre-trained canonicalizer from %s...' % (model_in_path)) loaded_state_dict = torch.load(model_in_path, map_location=device) load_encoder_weights_from_full(model, loaded_state_dict) elif model_in_path != '': print('Loading model weights from %s...' % (model_in_path)) loaded_state_dict = torch.load(model_in_path, map_location=device) load_weights(model, loaded_state_dict) # visualize results on test set test_dataset = DynamicPCLDataset(data_cfg, split='test', train_frac=0.8, val_frac=0.1, num_pts=num_pts, seq_len=seq_len, shift_time_to_zero=(not pretrain_tnocs), random_point_sample=False) test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle_test, num_workers=num_workers, worker_init_fn=lambda _: np.random.seed() ) # get around numpy RNG seed bug # visualize predictions viz_cfg = VizConfig(flags) with torch.no_grad(): test_viz(viz_cfg, model, test_dataset, test_loader, device)
def run_style_transfer(size, content_img_path, style_img_path, model, content_layers, style_layers, input_img=None, num_steps=128, content_weight=1., style_weight=1e9, log_steps=50): """Runs Neural Style Transfer. Args: model: The Neural Style Transfer model to use. content_image: The image whose content to match during the optimization. style_image: The image whose style to match during the optimization. content_layers: The names of the layers whose output will be used to compute the content losses. style_layers: The names of the layers whose output will be used to compute the style losses. input_img: The image which will be optimized to match the content and style of the content_img and style_img respectively. If None, defaults to random Gaussian noise. num_steps: The number of steps to run the optimization for. content_weight: A weight to multiply the content loss by. style_weight: A weight to multiply the style loss by. log_steps: The number of consecutive training steps to run before logging. Returns: The optimized input_img. """ content_img = image_loader(content_img_path, size) style_img = image_loader(style_img_path, size) n, c, h, w = if input_img is None: input_img = torch.randn((n, c, h, w), device=torch_utils.get_device()) input_img = input_img * .01 # Scale the noise variance down. model, content_losses, style_losses = get_nst_model_and_losses( model, content_img, style_img, content_layers, style_layers) optimizer = optim.Adam([input_img.requires_grad_()], lr=.05) # NOTE(eugenhotaj): Making the generated image robust to minor transformations # was shown in to produce more # visually appealing results. We observe the same thing but note that our # transformations are a lot more mild as aggresive transformations produce # rotation and scaling artifacts in the generated image. transform = nn.Sequential( kornia.augmentation.RandomResizedCrop(size=(w, h), scale=(.97, 1.), ratio=(.97, 1.03)), kornia.augmentation.RandomRotation(degrees=1.)) for step in range(num_steps): optimizer.zero_grad(), 1) model(transform(input_img)) content_loss, style_loss = 0, 0 for cl in content_losses: content_loss += content_weight * cl.loss for sl in style_losses: style_loss += style_weight * sl.loss loss = content_loss + style_loss loss.backward() optimizer.step() if (step > 0 and step % log_steps == 0) or (step + 1) == num_steps: print(f'[{step}]: content_loss={content_loss.item()},' f' style_loss={style_loss.item():4f}') #colab_utils.imshow(, 1), figsize=(10, 10)) return np.asarray(IMAGE_UNLOADER(input_img))