コード例 #1
    def on_clipboard_text(self, clipboard, text, data):
        # first check that we have a date selected
        fact = self.fact_tree.get_selected_fact()

        if not fact:

        if isinstance(fact, dt.date):
            selected_date = fact
            selected_date = fact.date

        fact = stuff.Fact(text.decode("utf-8"))

        if not all((fact.activity, fact.start_time, fact.end_time)):

        fact.start_time = fact.start_time.replace(year = selected_date.year,
                                                  month = selected_date.month,
                                                  day = selected_date.day)
        fact.end_time = fact.end_time.replace(year = selected_date.year,
                                              month = selected_date.month,
                                              day = selected_date.day)
        new_id = runtime.storage.add_fact(fact)

        # You can do that?! - copy/pasted an activity

        if new_id:
コード例 #2
    def activity_name_edited_cb(self, cell, path, new_text, model):
        id = model[path][0]
        category_id = model[path][2]

        activities = runtime.storage.get_category_activities(category_id)
        prev = None
        for activity in activities:
            if id == activity['id']:
                prev = activity['name']
                # avoid two activities in same category with same name
                if activity['name'].lower() == new_text.lower():
                    if id == -1: # that was a new activity
                    return False

        if id == -1: #new activity -> add
            model[path][0] = runtime.storage.add_activity(new_text.decode("utf-8"), category_id)
        else: #existing activity -> update
            new = new_text.decode("utf-8")
            runtime.storage.update_activity(id, new, category_id)
            # size matters - when editing activity name just changed the case (bar -> Bar)
            if prev != new and prev.lower() == new.lower():

        model[path][1] = new_text
        return True
コード例 #3
        def on_db_file_change(monitor, gio_file, event_uri, event):
            if event == gio.FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGES_DONE_HINT:
                if gio_file.query_info(gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ETAG_VALUE).get_etag() == self.__last_etag:
                    # ours
            elif event == gio.FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CREATED:
                # treat case when instead of a move, a remove and create has been performed
                self.con = None

                print "DB file has been modified externally. Calling all stations"

                # plan "b" – synchronize the time tracker's database from external source while the tracker is running
コード例 #4
    def __remove_activity(self, id):
        """ check if we have any facts with this activity and behave accordingly
            if there are facts - sets activity to deleted = True
            else, just remove it"""

        query = "select count(*) as count from facts where activity_id = ?"
        bound_facts = self.fetchone(query, (id,))['count']

        if bound_facts > 0:
            self.execute("UPDATE activities SET deleted = 1 WHERE id = ?", (id,))
            self.execute("delete from activities where id = ?", (id,))

        # Finished! - deleted an activity with more than 50 facts on it
        if bound_facts >= 50:
コード例 #5
def simple(facts, start_date, end_date, format, path):
    facts = copy.deepcopy(facts) # dont want to do anything bad to the input
    report_path = stuff.locale_from_utf8(path)

    if format == "tsv":
        writer = TSVWriter(report_path)
    elif format == "xml":
        writer = XMLWriter(report_path)
    elif format == "ical":
        writer = ICalWriter(report_path)
    else: #default to HTML
        writer = HTMLWriter(report_path, start_date, end_date)


    # some assembly required - hidden - saved a report for single day
    if start_date == end_date:

    # I want this on my desk - generated over 10 different reports
    if trophies.check("on_my_desk") == False:
        current = trophies.increment("reports_generated")
        if current == 10:
コード例 #6
    def on_help_clicked(self, *args):
        gtk.show_uri(gtk.gdk.Screen(), "ghelp:hamster-applet", 0L)

        return False
コード例 #7
    def _finish(self, report, facts):
        # group by date
        name_category = lambda fact: (fact.category, fact.activity)

        by_date = []
        for date, date_facts in itertools.groupby(facts, lambda fact:fact.date):
            by_name = sorted(date_facts, key=name_category)

            by_date_rows = []
            for (category, activity), ac_facts in itertools.groupby(by_name, name_category):
                duration = dt.timedelta()
                for fact in ac_facts:
                    duration += fact.delta

                                    dict(activity = activity,
                                         category = category,
                                         duration = stuff.format_duration(duration),
                                         duration_minutes = "%d" % (stuff.duration_minutes(fact.delta)),
                                         duration_decimal = "%.2f" % (stuff.duration_minutes(fact.delta) / 60.0),

            by_date_total_rows = []
            for category, c_facts in itertools.groupby(by_name, lambda fact:fact.category):
                duration = dt.timedelta()
                for fact in c_facts:
                    duration += fact.delta

                                          dict(category = category,
                                               duration = stuff.format_duration(duration),
                                               duration_minutes = "%d" % (stuff.duration_minutes(fact.delta)),
                                               duration_decimal = "%.2f" % (stuff.duration_minutes(fact.delta) / 60.0),

            res = Template(self.by_date_template).safe_substitute(
                           dict(date = fact.date.strftime(
                                       # date column format for each row in HTML report
                                       # Using python datetime formatting syntax. See:
                                       # http://docs.python.org/library/time.html#time.strftime
                                       C_("html report","%b %d, %Y")),
                                by_date_activity_rows = "\n".join(by_date_rows),
                                by_date_category_rows = "\n".join(by_date_total_rows)

        data = dict(
            title = self.title,
            totals_by_day_title = _("Totals by Day"),
            activity_log_title = _("Activity Log"),

            activity_totals_heading = _("totals by activity"),
            category_totals_heading = _("totals by category"),

            show_prompt = _("Show:"),

            header_date = _("Date"),
            header_activity = _("Activity"),
            header_category = _("Category"),
            header_tags = _("Tags"),
            header_start = _("Start"),
            header_end = _("End"),
            header_duration = _("Duration"),
            header_description = _("Description"),

            data_dir = runtime.data_dir,
            show_template = _("Show template"),
            template_instructions = _("You can override it by storing your version in %(home_folder)s") % {'home_folder': runtime.home_data_dir},

            all_activities_rows = "\n".join(self.fact_rows),
            by_date_rows = "\n".join(by_date)

        if self.override:
            # my report is better than your report - overrode and ran the default report

コード例 #8
    def run_fixtures(self):

        # defaults
        work_category = {"name": _("Work"),
                         "entries": [_("Reading news"),
                                     _("Checking stocks"),
                                     _("Super secret project X"),
                                     _("World domination")]}

        nonwork_category = {"name": _("Day-to-day"),
                            "entries": [_("Lunch"),
                                        _("Watering flowers"),
                                        _("Doing handstands")]}

        """upgrade DB to hamster version"""
        version = self.fetchone("SELECT version FROM version")["version"]
        current_version = 9

        if version < 2:
            """moving from fact_date, fact_time to start_time, end_time"""

                               CREATE TABLE facts_new
                                            (id integer primary key,
                                             activity_id integer,
                                             start_time varchar2(12),
                                             end_time varchar2(12))

                               INSERT INTO facts_new
                                           (id, activity_id, start_time)
                                    SELECT id, activity_id, fact_date || fact_time
                                      FROM facts

            self.execute("DROP TABLE facts")
            self.execute("ALTER TABLE facts_new RENAME TO facts")

            # run through all facts and set the end time
            # if previous fact is not on the same date, then it means that it was the
            # last one in previous, so remove it
            # this logic saves our last entry from being deleted, which is good
            facts = self.fetchall("""
                                        SELECT id, activity_id, start_time,
                                               substr(start_time,1, 8) start_date
                                          FROM facts
                                      ORDER BY start_time
            prev_fact = None

            for fact in facts:
                if prev_fact:
                    if prev_fact['start_date'] == fact['start_date']:
                        self.execute("UPDATE facts SET end_time = ? where id = ?",
                                   (fact['start_time'], prev_fact['id']))
                        #otherwise that's the last entry of the day - remove it
                        self.execute("DELETE FROM facts WHERE id = ?", (prev_fact["id"],))

                prev_fact = fact

        #it was kind of silly not to have datetimes in first place
        if version < 3:
                               CREATE TABLE facts_new
                                            (id integer primary key,
                                             activity_id integer,
                                             start_time timestamp,
                                             end_time timestamp)

                               INSERT INTO facts_new
                                           (id, activity_id, start_time, end_time)
                                    SELECT id, activity_id,
                                           substr(start_time,1,4) || "-"
                                           || substr(start_time, 5, 2) || "-"
                                           || substr(start_time, 7, 2) || " "
                                           || substr(start_time, 9, 2) || ":"
                                           || substr(start_time, 11, 2) || ":00",
                                           substr(end_time,1,4) || "-"
                                           || substr(end_time, 5, 2) || "-"
                                           || substr(end_time, 7, 2) || " "
                                           || substr(end_time, 9, 2) || ":"
                                           || substr(end_time, 11, 2) || ":00"
                                      FROM facts;

            self.execute("DROP TABLE facts")
            self.execute("ALTER TABLE facts_new RENAME TO facts")

        #adding categories table to categorize activities
        if version < 4:
            #adding the categories table
                               CREATE TABLE categories
                                            (id integer primary key,
                                             name varchar2(500),
                                             color_code varchar2(50),
                                             category_order integer)

            # adding default categories, and make sure that uncategorized stays on bottom for starters
            # set order to 2 in case, if we get work in next lines
                               INSERT INTO categories
                                           (id, name, category_order)
                                    VALUES (1, ?, 2);
               """, (nonwork_category["name"],))

            #check if we have to create work category - consider work everything that has been determined so, and is not deleted
            work_activities = self.fetchone("""
                                    SELECT count(*) as work_activities
                                      FROM activities
                                     WHERE deleted is null and work=1;

            if work_activities > 0:
                               INSERT INTO categories
                                           (id, name, category_order)
                                    VALUES (2, ?, 1);
                  """, (work_category["name"],))

            # now add category field to activities, before starting the move
            self.execute("""   ALTER TABLE activities
                                ADD COLUMN category_id integer;

            # starting the move

            # first remove all deleted activities with no instances in facts
                               DELETE FROM activities
                                     WHERE deleted = 1
                                       AND id not in(select activity_id from facts);

            # moving work / non-work to appropriate categories
            # exploit false/true = 0/1 thing
            self.execute("""       UPDATE activities
                                      SET category_id = work + 1
                                    WHERE deleted is null

            #finally, set category to -1 where there is none
            self.execute("""       UPDATE activities
                                      SET category_id = -1
                                    WHERE category_id is null

            # drop work column and forget value of deleted
            # previously deleted records are now unsorted ones
            # user will be able to mark them as deleted again, in which case
            # they won't appear in autocomplete, or in categories
            # resurrection happens, when user enters the exact same name
                               CREATE TABLE activities_new (id integer primary key,
                                                            name varchar2(500),
                                                            activity_order integer,
                                                            deleted integer,
                                                            category_id integer);

                               INSERT INTO activities_new
                                           (id, name, activity_order, category_id)
                                    SELECT id, name, activity_order, category_id
                                      FROM activities;

            self.execute("DROP TABLE activities")
            self.execute("ALTER TABLE activities_new RENAME TO activities")

        if version < 5:
            self.execute("ALTER TABLE facts add column description varchar2")

        if version < 6:
            # facts table could use an index
            self.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_facts_start_end ON facts(start_time, end_time)")
            self.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_facts_start_end_activity ON facts(start_time, end_time, activity_id)")

            # adding tags
                                               name TEXT NOT NULL,
                                               autocomplete BOOL DEFAULT true)""")
            self.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_tags_name ON tags(name)")

            self.execute("CREATE TABLE fact_tags(fact_id integer, tag_id integer)")
            self.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_fact_tags_fact ON fact_tags(fact_id)")
            self.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_fact_tags_tag ON fact_tags(tag_id)")

        if version < 7:
            self.execute("""CREATE TABLE increment_facts (id integer primary key autoincrement,
                                                          activity_id integer,
                                                          start_time timestamp,
                                                          end_time timestamp,
                                                          description varchar2)""")
            self.execute("""INSERT INTO increment_facts(id, activity_id, start_time, end_time, description)
                                 SELECT id, activity_id, start_time, end_time, description from facts""")
            self.execute("DROP table facts")
            self.execute("ALTER TABLE increment_facts RENAME TO facts")

        if version < 8:
            # working around sqlite's utf-f case sensitivity (bug 624438)
            # more info: http://www.gsak.net/help/hs23820.htm
            self.execute("ALTER TABLE activities ADD COLUMN search_name varchar2")

            activities = self.fetchall("select * from activities")
            statement = "update activities set search_name = ? where id = ?"
            for activity in activities:
                self.execute(statement, (activity['name'].lower(), activity['id']))

            # same for categories
            self.execute("ALTER TABLE categories ADD COLUMN search_name varchar2")
            categories = self.fetchall("select * from categories")
            statement = "update categories set search_name = ? where id = ?"
            for category in categories:
                self.execute(statement, (category['name'].lower(), category['id']))

        if version < 9:
            # adding full text search
            self.execute("""CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fact_index
                                           USING fts3(id, name, category, description, tag)""")

        # at the happy end, update version number
        if version < current_version:
            #lock down current version
            self.execute("UPDATE version SET version = %d" % current_version)
            print "updated database from version %d to %d" % (version, current_version)

            # oldtimer – database version structure had been performed on startup (thus we know that he has been on at least 2 versions)

        """we start with an empty database and then populate with default
           values. This way defaults can be localized!"""

        category_count = self.fetchone("select count(*) from categories")[0]

        if category_count == 0:
            work_cat_id = self.__add_category(work_category["name"])
            for entry in work_category["entries"]:
                self.__add_activity(entry, work_cat_id)

            nonwork_cat_id = self.__add_category(nonwork_category["name"])
            for entry in nonwork_category["entries"]:
                self.__add_activity(entry, nonwork_cat_id)

コード例 #9
    def __add_fact(self, serialized_fact, start_time, end_time = None, temporary = False):
        fact = stuff.Fact(serialized_fact,
                          start_time = start_time,
                          end_time = end_time)

        if not fact.activity or start_time is None:  # sanity check
            return 0

        # get tags from database - this will create any missing tags too
        tags = [dict(zip(('id', 'name', 'autocomplete'), row))
                                           for row in self.GetTagIds(fact.tags)]

        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        # if in future - roll back to past
        if start_time > datetime.datetime.now():
            start_time = dt.datetime.combine(now.date(),  start_time.time())
            if start_time > now:
                start_time -= dt.timedelta(days = 1)

        if end_time and end_time > now:
            end_time = dt.datetime.combine(now.date(),  end_time.time())
            if end_time > now:
                end_time -= dt.timedelta(days = 1)

        # now check if maybe there is also a category
        category_id = None
        if fact.category:
            category_id = self.__get_category_id(fact.category)
            if not category_id:
                category_id = self.__add_category(fact.category)


        # try to find activity, resurrect if not temporary
        activity_id = self.__get_activity_by_name(fact.activity,
                                                  resurrect = not temporary)
        if not activity_id:
            activity_id = self.__add_activity(fact.activity,
                                              category_id, temporary)
            activity_id = activity_id['id']

        # if we are working on +/- current day - check the last_activity
        if (dt.datetime.now() - start_time <= dt.timedelta(days=1)):
            # pull in previous facts
            facts = self.__get_todays_facts()

            previous = None
            if facts and facts[-1]["end_time"] == None:
                previous = facts[-1]

            if previous and previous['start_time'] < start_time:
                # check if maybe that is the same one, in that case no need to restart
                if previous["activity_id"] == activity_id \
                   and set(previous["tags"]) == set([tag["name"] for tag in tags]) \
                   and (previous["description"] or "") == (fact.description or ""):
                    return None

                # if no description is added
                # see if maybe previous was too short to qualify as an activity
                if not previous["description"] \
                   and 60 >= (start_time - previous['start_time']).seconds >= 0:

                    # now that we removed the previous one, see if maybe the one
                    # before that is actually same as the one we want to start
                    # (glueing)
                    if len(facts) > 1 and 60 >= (start_time - facts[-2]['end_time']).seconds >= 0:
                        before = facts[-2]
                        if before["activity_id"] == activity_id \
                           and set(before["tags"]) == set([tag["name"] for tag in tags]):
                            # resume and return
                            update = """
                                       UPDATE facts
                                          SET end_time = null
                                        WHERE id = ?
                            self.execute(update, (before["id"],))

                            return before["id"]
                    # otherwise stop
                    update = """
                               UPDATE facts
                                  SET end_time = ?
                                WHERE id = ?
                    self.execute(update, (start_time, previous["id"]))

        # done with the current activity, now we can solve overlaps
        if not end_time:
            end_time = self.__squeeze_in(start_time)
            self.__solve_overlaps(start_time, end_time)

        # finally add the new entry
        insert = """
                    INSERT INTO facts (activity_id, start_time, end_time, description)
                               VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
        self.execute(insert, (activity_id, start_time, end_time, fact.description))

        fact_id = self.__last_insert_rowid()

        #now link tags
        insert = ["insert into fact_tags(fact_id, tag_id) values(?, ?)"] * len(tags)
        params = [(fact_id, tag["id"]) for tag in tags]
        self.execute(insert, params)

        return fact_id
コード例 #10
    def __solve_overlaps(self, start_time, end_time):
        """finds facts that happen in given interval and shifts them to
        make room for new fact
        if end_time is None or start_time is None:

        # possible combinations and the OR clauses that catch them
        # (the side of the number marks if it catches the end or start time)
        #             |----------------- NEW -----------------|
        #      |--- old --- 1|   |2 --- old --- 1|   |2 --- old ---|
        # |3 -----------------------  big old   ------------------------ 3|
        query = """
                   SELECT a.*, b.name, c.name as category
                     FROM facts a
                LEFT JOIN activities b on b.id = a.activity_id
                LEFT JOIN categories c on b.category_id = c.id
                    WHERE (end_time > ? and end_time < ?)
                       OR (start_time > ? and start_time < ?)
                       OR (start_time < ? and end_time > ?)
                 ORDER BY start_time
        conflicts = self.fetchall(query, (start_time, end_time,
                                          start_time, end_time,
                                          start_time, end_time))

        for fact in conflicts:
            # won't eliminate as it is better to have overlapping entries than loosing data
            if start_time < fact["start_time"] and end_time > fact["end_time"]:

            # split - truncate until beginning of new entry and create new activity for end
            if fact["start_time"] < start_time < fact["end_time"] and \
               fact["start_time"] < end_time < fact["end_time"]:

                logging.info("splitting %s" % fact["name"])
                # truncate until beginning of the new entry
                self.execute("""UPDATE facts
                                   SET end_time = ?
                                 WHERE id = ?""", (start_time, fact["id"]))
                fact_name = fact["name"]

                # create new fact for the end
                new_fact = stuff.Fact(fact["name"],
                    category = fact["category"],
                    description = fact["description"],
                new_fact_id = self.__add_fact(new_fact.serialized_name(), end_time, fact["end_time"])

                # copy tags
                tag_update = """INSERT INTO fact_tags(fact_id, tag_id)
                                     SELECT ?, tag_id
                                       FROM fact_tags
                                      WHERE fact_id = ?"""
                self.execute(tag_update, (new_fact_id, fact["id"])) #clone tags


            # overlap start
            elif start_time < fact["start_time"] < end_time:
                logging.info("Overlapping start of %s" % fact["name"])
                self.execute("UPDATE facts SET start_time=? WHERE id=?",
                             (end_time, fact["id"]))

            # overlap end
            elif start_time < fact["end_time"] < end_time:
                logging.info("Overlapping end of %s" % fact["name"])
                self.execute("UPDATE facts SET end_time=? WHERE id=?",
                             (start_time, fact["id"]))
コード例 #11
 def on_tabs_window_state_changed(self, window, event):
     # not enough space - maximized the overview window
     maximized = window.get_window().get_state(
     if maximized: