コード例 #1
ファイル: era_tgrad.py プロジェクト: cornkle/proj_CEH
def t_trend():
    #file = '/users/global/cornkle/data/ERA-I monthly/ERA-WA-Monthly-2mTemp.nc'
    file = '/localscratch/wllf030/cornkle/ERA-I/monthly/monthly_1979-2017_srfc.nc'

    fpath = '/users/global/cornkle/figs/CLOVER/months/'

    dam = xr.open_dataset(file)
    dam = dam['t2m']
    months = np.arange(1,13)

    for m in months:

        da = dam[(dam['time.month']==m)]
        da = da.sel(longitude=slice(-18,51), latitude=slice(36, -37))
        da = da.groupby('time.year').mean(axis=0)

        lons = da.longitude
        lats = np.flip(da.latitude.values, axis=0)

        # stack lat and lon into a single dimension called allpoints
        stacked = da.stack(allpoints=['latitude','longitude'])
        # apply the function over allpoints to calculate the trend at each point
        trend = stacked.groupby('allpoints').apply(u_darrays.linear_trend)
        # unstack back to lat lon coordinates
        trend_unstacked = trend.unstack('allpoints')

        trend_unstacked = trend_unstacked*10. # warming over decade
        da2 = xr.DataArray(trend_unstacked, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['latitude', 'longitude'])

        fp = fpath + 'ttrend_WA'+str(m).zfill(2)+'.png'

        up.quick_map_salem(da2, levels=np.arange(-0.5,0.5,0.1), cmap='RdBu_r', save=fp)  #

コード例 #2
def t_trend_slice():
    #file = '/users/global/cornkle/data/ERA-I monthly/ERA-WA-Monthly-2mTemp.nc'
    file = '/localscratch/wllf030/cornkle/ERA-I/monthly/old/ERA-Int-Monthly-2mTemp.nc'

    fpath = '/users/global/cornkle/figs/CLOVER/months/'

    dam = xr.open_dataarray(file)
    lower = 9
    higher = 11

    da = dam[(dam['time.month'] >= lower) & (dam['time.month'] <= higher)]
    da = da.sel(longitude=slice(-18, 51), latitude=slice(36, -37))
    da = da.groupby('time.year').mean(axis=0)

    lons = da.longitude
    lats = np.flip(da.latitude.values, axis=0)

    # define a function to compute a linear trend of a timeseries
    def linear_trend(x):

        #pf = np.polyfit(np.arange(len(x)), x, 1)
        pf, slope, int, p, ind = mk.test(np.arange(len(x)),

        # we need to return a dataarray or else xarray's groupby won't be happy

        if ind == 1:
            issig = slope
            issig = np.nan

        return xr.DataArray(issig, )

    # stack lat and lon into a single dimension called allpoints
    stacked = da.stack(allpoints=['latitude', 'longitude'])
    # apply the function over allpoints to calculate the trend at each point
    trend = stacked.groupby('allpoints').apply(linear_trend)
    # unstack back to lat lon coordinates
    trend_unstacked = trend.unstack('allpoints')

    trend_unstacked = trend_unstacked * 10.  # warming over decade
    da2 = xr.DataArray(trend_unstacked,
                       coords=[lats, lons],
                       dims=['latitude', 'longitude'])

    fp = fpath + 'ttrend_' + str(lower).zfill(2) + '-' + str(higher).zfill(
        2) + '.png'

    up.quick_map_salem(da2, vmin=-0.4, vmax=0.4, cmap='RdBu_r', save=fp)  #

コード例 #3
ファイル: era_tgrad.py プロジェクト: cornkle/proj_CEH
def t_trend_slice():
    #file = '/users/global/cornkle/data/ERA-I monthly/ERA-WA-Monthly-2mTemp.nc'
    file = '/localscratch/wllf030/cornkle/ERA-I/monthly/old/ERA-Int-Monthly-2mTemp.nc'

    fpath = '/users/global/cornkle/figs/CLOVER/months/'

    dam = xr.open_dataarray(file)
    lower = 9
    higher = 11

    da = dam[(dam['time.month']>=lower) & (dam['time.month']<=higher)]
    da = da.sel(longitude=slice(-18,51), latitude=slice(36, -37))
    da = da.groupby('time.year').mean(axis=0)

    lons = da.longitude
    lats = np.flip(da.latitude.values, axis=0)

    # define a function to compute a linear trend of a timeseries
    def linear_trend(x):

        #pf = np.polyfit(np.arange(len(x)), x, 1)
        pf, slope, int, p, ind = mk.test(np.arange(len(x)),x.squeeze().values, eps=0.001, alpha=0.01, Ha='upordown')

        # we need to return a dataarray or else xarray's groupby won't be happy

        if ind == 1:
            issig = slope
            issig = np.nan

        return xr.DataArray(issig, )

    # stack lat and lon into a single dimension called allpoints
    stacked = da.stack(allpoints=['latitude','longitude'])
    # apply the function over allpoints to calculate the trend at each point
    trend = stacked.groupby('allpoints').apply(linear_trend)
    # unstack back to lat lon coordinates
    trend_unstacked = trend.unstack('allpoints')

    trend_unstacked = trend_unstacked*10. # warming over decade
    da2 = xr.DataArray(trend_unstacked, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['latitude', 'longitude'])

    fp = fpath + 'ttrend_'+str(lower).zfill(2)+'-'+str(higher).zfill(2)+'.png'

    up.quick_map_salem(da2, vmin=-0.4, vmax=0.4, cmap='RdBu_r', save=fp)  #

コード例 #4
ファイル: era_tgrad.py プロジェクト: cornkle/proj_CEH
def t_mean():
    # file = '/users/global/cornkle/data/ERA-I monthly/ERA-WA-Monthly-2mTemp.nc'
    file = '/users/global/cornkle/data/ERA-I monthly/ERA-Int-Monthly-2mTemp.nc'

    fpath = '/users/global/cornkle/figs/gap_filling_Tgrad/months/'

    dam = xr.open_dataarray(file)
    months = np.arange(1, 13)

    for m in months:
        da = dam[(dam['time.month'] == m)]
        da = da.sel(longitude=slice(-18, 51), latitude=slice(36, -37))
        da = da.mean(axis=0)-273.15

        fp = fpath + 'tmean_' + str(m).zfill(2) + '.png'

        up.quick_map_salem(da, levels=np.arange(20,41,2), cmap='jet', save=fp)
コード例 #5
def t_mean():
    # file = '/users/global/cornkle/data/ERA-I monthly/ERA-WA-Monthly-2mTemp.nc'
    file = '/users/global/cornkle/data/ERA-I monthly/ERA-Int-Monthly-2mTemp.nc'

    fpath = '/users/global/cornkle/figs/gap_filling_Tgrad/months/'

    dam = xr.open_dataarray(file)
    months = np.arange(1, 13)

    for m in months:
        da = dam[(dam['time.month'] == m)]
        da = da.sel(longitude=slice(-18, 51), latitude=slice(36, -37))
        da = da.mean(axis=0) - 273.15

        fp = fpath + 'tmean_' + str(m).zfill(2) + '.png'

                           levels=np.arange(20, 41, 2),
コード例 #6
def t_trend():
    #file = '/users/global/cornkle/data/ERA-I monthly/ERA-WA-Monthly-2mTemp.nc'
    file = '/localscratch/wllf030/cornkle/ERA-I/monthly/monthly_1979-2017_srfc.nc'

    fpath = '/users/global/cornkle/figs/CLOVER/months/'

    dam = xr.open_dataset(file)
    dam = dam['t2m']
    months = np.arange(1, 13)

    for m in months:

        da = dam[(dam['time.month'] == m)]
        da = da.sel(longitude=slice(-18, 51), latitude=slice(36, -37))
        da = da.groupby('time.year').mean(axis=0)

        lons = da.longitude
        lats = np.flip(da.latitude.values, axis=0)

        # stack lat and lon into a single dimension called allpoints
        stacked = da.stack(allpoints=['latitude', 'longitude'])
        # apply the function over allpoints to calculate the trend at each point
        trend = stacked.groupby('allpoints').apply(u_darrays.linear_trend)
        # unstack back to lat lon coordinates
        trend_unstacked = trend.unstack('allpoints')

        trend_unstacked = trend_unstacked * 10.  # warming over decade
        da2 = xr.DataArray(trend_unstacked,
                           coords=[lats, lons],
                           dims=['latitude', 'longitude'])

        fp = fpath + 'ttrend_WA' + str(m).zfill(2) + '.png'

                           levels=np.arange(-0.5, 0.5, 0.1),
                           save=fp)  #

コード例 #7
ファイル: gridsat_baseplots.py プロジェクト: zhpfu/proj_CEH
def trend_map():
    def linear_trend(x):
        pf = np.polyfit(np.arange(len(x)), x, 1)
        # we need to return a dataarray or else xarray's groupby won't be happy
        return xr.DataArray(pf[0])

    msg_folder = '/users/global/cornkle/data/OBS/gridsat/gridsat_netcdf/'
    fpath = '/users/global/cornkle/figs/gap_filling_Tgrad/gridsat/'

    fname = 'gridsat_WA_-70_monthly_count.nc'

    dam = xr.open_dataarray(msg_folder + fname)
    dam = dam.sel(lon=slice(-18, 51), lat=slice(-37, 36))
    lons = dam.lon
    lats = dam.lat
    months = np.arange(1, 13)
    #da[da == 0] = np.nan
    for m in months:
        da = dam[(dam['time.month'] == m) & (dam['time.year'] > 1982)]
        da = da.groupby('time.day').sum(axis=0)
        da = da.groupby('time.year').mean(
            axis=0)  # average daily frequency per year
        # stack lat and lon into a single dimension called allpoints
        stacked = da.stack(allpoints=['lat', 'lon'])
        # apply the function over allpoints to calculate the trend at each point

        trend = stacked.groupby('allpoints').apply(linear_trend)
        # unstack back to lat lon coordinates
        trend_unstacked = trend.unstack('allpoints')

        trend_unstacked = trend_unstacked * 10.
        da2 = xr.DataArray(trend_unstacked,
                           coords=[lats, lons],
                           dims=['latitude', 'longitude'])

        fp = fpath + 'ttrend_' + str(m).zfill(2) + '.png'

        up.quick_map_salem(da2, vmin=-0.4, vmax=0.4, cmap='RdBu_r', save=fp)
コード例 #8
def trend_map():

    def linear_trend(x):
        pf = np.polyfit(np.arange(len(x)), x, 1)
        # we need to return a dataarray or else xarray's groupby won't be happy
        return xr.DataArray(pf[0])

    msg_folder = '/users/global/cornkle/data/OBS/gridsat/gridsat_netcdf/z18_panAfrica/'
    fpath = '/users/global/cornkle/figs/gap_filling_Tgrad/gridsat/'

    fname = 'gridsat_monthly_18UTC.nc'

    dam = xr.open_dataarray(msg_folder + fname)
    dam = dam.sel(lon=slice(-18,51), lat=slice(-37, 36))
    lons = dam.lon
    lats = dam.lat
    months = np.arange(1, 13)
    #da[da == 0] = np.nan
    for m in months[0:1]:
        da = dam[(dam['time.month']==m) & (dam['time.year']>1982)]

        #da = da.groupby('time.year').mean(axis=0)  # average daily frequency per year
        # stack lat and lon into a single dimension called allpoints
        stacked = da.stack(allpoints=['lat', 'lon'])
        # apply the function over allpoints to calculate the trend at each point

        trend = stacked.groupby('allpoints').apply(linear_trend)
        # unstack back to lat lon coordinates
        trend_unstacked = trend.unstack('allpoints')

        #trend_unstacked = trend_unstacked * 10.
        da2 = xr.DataArray(trend_unstacked, coords=[lats, lons], dims=['latitude', 'longitude'])

        fp = fpath + 'mcstrend_' + str(m).zfill(2) + '.png'

        up.quick_map_salem(da2, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap='RdBu_r', save=fp)