def new(request): owner = None if request.user.is_authenticated(): owner = request.user if request.user.is_authenticated: competition = Competition(name="New competition", hosted_url = rand_key(), owner=owner) else: competition = Competition(name="New competition", hosted_url = rand_key()) request.session["new_comp_id"] = return HttpResponseRedirect("/new/who/")
def send_verification_email(user, next_page): verification_key = None try: #only one per user. if we've already made one, send #a friendly reminder verification_key = VerificationKey.objects.get(user=user) except: #create unique random verification key. it's possible these loops #won't find one, but that's quite unlikely and 500ing seems less #risky potentially infinite looping for attempt in range(1, 1000): key = rand_key() print 'send veri email: key %s' % key try: verification_key = VerificationKey(key=key, user = user) print 'made veri key' print 'saved veri key' #if this hasn't thrown an exception, it's unique and we're #okay to quit searching print 'breakin' break except: pass else: print 'couldnt find unique valid key, aborting' #couldn't create a unique valid key for some reason return False verification_path = "/accounts/verify/%s/?next=%s" % (verification_key.key, next_page) verification_link = request.build_absolute_uri(verification_path) subject = "Verify your competition account" to_email = message = """Hello, To keep the competition pitches secure, we need you to confirm that this really is your email address, which you can do by using the link below. You'll then be taken to the page you were heading toward when you registered. %s Thanks very much, and please let us know (you can just reply to this email) if you have any questions or issues. Stay well, nvana""" % (verification_link) print 'sending email verify email' send_email(subject, message, to_email) return True
def create_invoice(project): #create the invoice with a random key and incremented invoice # new_invoice = Invoice(project=project, key = rand_key(), invoice_number=Invoice.objects.all().count() + 1, please_use_static_function___Invoice_create___instead_of_building_by_hand="okay") #claim all time chunks without an invoice unclaimed_entries = TimeEntry.objects.filter(project=project, invoice__pk=1) for entry in unclaimed_entries: entry.invoice = new_invoice return new_invoice
def send_judging_open_email(self, phase): if phase in self.received_phase_judging_open_emails_from.all(): #already sent an alert, so do nothing return False else: try: #key already exists? verification_key = VerificationKey.objects.filter([0] verification_key.is_verified=True except: #doesn't exist, make a new one pointing to the email that's pre-approved verification_key = VerificationKey(key=rand_key(), user=None,, is_verified=True) #in either case, save changes judging_path = "/judge/?ev=%s" % key to_email = subject = "Judging now open for %s" % message_markdown = """Hello, Judging for %s is now open and will run until %s or as soon as all the applications have been assessed. The link below will ask you to create an account and then take you to start judging submitted pitches. To ensure that we know who you are, please register with the same email address that this note is being sent to (%s). %s Your help as a judge is hugely appreciated. Please don't hesistate to reply if you have any questions, problems, or concerns. Sincerely, %s team""" % (, self.competition.current_phase().judging_close,, judging_link, send_email(subject, message_markdown, to_email)
def handle_uploaded_file(request, f, upload, pitch): upload_path = '%suploads/' % MEDIA_ROOT if not os.path.isdir(upload_path): os.mkdir(upload_path) file_name = "" #add to a random directory to avoid collisions rand_folder = rand_key(20) upload_path = "%s%s/" % (upload_path, rand_folder) download_path = "%s/" % rand_folder if not os.path.isdir(upload_path): os.mkdir(upload_path) #preserve filename where possible if #name same as original file, in random folder upload_path = "%s%s" % (upload_path, file_name = "%s/%s" % (rand_folder, else: #random name upload_path = "%s%s.bmc" % (upload_path, rand_folder) file_name = "%s/%s.bmc" % (rand_folder, rand_folder) print 'upload path: %s' % upload_path print 'file_name: %s' % file_name destination = open(upload_path, 'wb+') for chunk in f.chunks(): destination.write(chunk) destination.close() pitch_file = None try: pitch_file = PitchFile.objects.filter(pitch=pitch).get(upload=upload) pitch_file.file_location = upload_path pitch_file.filename = file_name except: pitch_file = PitchFile(upload=upload, file_location=upload_path, filename=file_name, pitch=pitch) #send file to scribd for display register_openers() datagen, headers = multipart_encode({"file": open(pitch_file.file_location, "rb")}) request = urllib2.Request(SCRIBD_UPLOAD_URL, datagen, headers) #xml with <doc_id>, <access_key>, and <secret_password> scribd_response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read() print 'Scribd response: %s' % scribd_response xml = minidom.parseString(scribd_response) try: doc_id = xml.getElementsByTagName("doc_id")[0] access_key = xml.getElementsByTagName("access_key")[0] secret_password = xml.getElementsByTagName("secret_password")[0] scribd_file_data = None try: scribd_file_data = ScribdFileData.objects.get(pitch_file=pitch_file) scribd_file_data.doc_id = doc_id scribd_file_data.access_key = access_key scribd_file_data.secret_password = secret_password except: scribd_file_data = ScribdFileData(pitch_file=pitch_file, doc_id=doc_id, access_key=access_key, secret_password=secret_password) except: #no scribd file basically means it was a non-doc (image etc) print 'Scribd exception: %s' % sys.exc_info()[0] try: #we might have an old upload that _did_ use scribd for this upload, #in which case we scrap it scribd_file_data = ScribdFileData.objects.get(pitch_file=pitch_file) scribd_file_data.delete() except: pass
def create_dummy_competition(user): #find unique hosted url url = None while True: url = rand_key(6) try: Competition.objects.get(hosted_url=key) except: break #create competition competition = Competition(owner=user, hosted_url=url, name="Lorem Ipsum", website="") #create default phase phase_1 = Phase(competition=competition, name="first online phase", is_judging_enabled=False) #a second, emptier phase phase_2 = Phase(competition=competition, name="second online phase", is_judging_enabled=True) #a third, live and incomplete phase phase_3 = Phase(competition=competition, name="third live phase") competition.current_phase = phase_2 #add a few questions. #on phase 1 & 2 (online) you have 4 questions that #are scored normally, and then one open feedback spot for i in range(1, 5): question = PitchQuestion(order=i, phase=phase_1, prompt=LOREM[:50], max_points=10) if i == 4: question.judge_feedback_prompt = "Overall thoughts?" question.is_hidden_from_applicants = True question = PitchQuestion(order=i, phase=phase_2, prompt=LOREM[:50], max_points=10) if i == 4: question.judge_feedback_prompt = "Overall thoughts?" question.is_hidden_from_applicants = True #three open feedback questions for the live pitch for i in range(1, 3): question = PitchQuestion(order=i, phase=phase_3, prompt=LOREM[:50], max_points=10, judge_feedback_prompt = LOREM[:20], is_hidden_from_applicants = True) #some judges for i in range(1, 5): judge = JudgeInvitation(competition=competition, email="*****@*****.**" % i, has_received_invite_email=True) #create a bunch of applicants for i in range(1, 100): email_num = rand_key(12) #applicant founder = Founder(name="Founder %s" % i, email = "*****@*****.**" % email_num, phone = "1234567890", birth = "1900-01-28") try: except: continue competition.applicants.add(founder) team = Team(owner=founder, name="Team %s" % i) #answers, but only for the first 2 phases (3rd live phase hasn't been done yet!) for phase in [phase_1, phase_2]: #application pitch = Pitch(team=team, phase=phase, is_draft=False) #judging. we intentionally don't check for collisions #so that most apps will get judged twice, but not 100% judge_1 = get_random_judge(phase) judge_2 = get_random_judge(phase) judged = JudgedPitch(pitch=pitch, judge=judge_1) #don't allow the same judge to rate the same app multiple times judged_2 = None if judge_1 != judge_2: judged_2 = JudgedPitch(pitch=pitch, judge=judge_2) #loop through all questions to answer and judge them for question in phase.questions(): answer = None if not question.is_hidden_from_applicants: #student can see the question, should answer it answer = PitchAnswer(question=question, pitch=pitch, answer=LOREM) #judges always answer, one way or another. answer=Null mean #that the question was hidden from applicant and judges need leave feedback j_answer = JudgedAnswer(judged_pitch=judged, score=get_random_score(question), answer=answer) if question.judge_feedback_prompt: = LOREM if judged_2: j_answer = JudgedAnswer(judged_pitch=judged_2, score=get_random_score(question), answer=answer) if question.judge_feedback_prompt: = LOREM #setup steps - phase 1 done steps = phase_1.setup_steps() steps.details_confirmed = True steps.application_setup = True steps.announced_applications = True steps.invited_judges = True steps.announced_judging_open = True steps.selected_winners = True #setup steps - phase 2 just needs winners declared steps = phase_2.setup_steps() steps.details_confirmed = True steps.application_setup = True steps.announced_applications = True steps.invited_judges = True steps.announced_judging_open = True steps.selected_winners = False return competition