def linear(x, dim, bias=True, ln=False, weight_initializer=None, bias_initializer=None, scope=None): """ basic linear or feed forward layer :param x: input tensor or list :param dim: output dimension or list :param bias: whether use bias term :param ln: whether use layer normalization :param weight_initializer: you can set it if you want :param bias_initializer: you can set it if you want :param scope :return: """ with tf.variable_scope(scope or "linear", values=[x]): if not isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): x = [x] if not isinstance(dim, (list, tuple)): dim = [dim] if not ln: # by default, we concatenate inputs x = [tf.concat(x, -1)] outputs = [] for oidx, osize in enumerate(dim): results = [] for iidx, ix in enumerate(x): x_shp = util.shape_list(ix) xsize = x_shp[-1] W = tf.get_variable( "W_{}_{}".format(oidx, iidx), [xsize, osize], initializer=weight_initializer) o = tf.matmul(tf.reshape(ix, [-1, xsize]), W) if ln: o = layer_norm( o, scope="ln_{}_{}".format(oidx, iidx)) results.append(o) o = tf.add_n(results) if bias: b = tf.get_variable( "b_{}".format(oidx), [osize], initializer=bias_initializer) o = tf.nn.bias_add(o, b) x_shp = util.shape_list(x[0])[:-1] o = tf.reshape(o, tf.concat([x_shp, [osize]], 0)) outputs.append(o) if len(outputs) == 1: return outputs[0] else: return outputs
def depthwise_conv(inputs, hidden_size, kernel_size=1, bias=True, activation=None, scope='depthwise_conv'): with tf.variable_scope(scope or "depthwise_conv"): shapes = util.shape_list(inputs) depthwise_filter = tf.get_variable('depthwise_filter', (kernel_size, 1, shapes[-1], 1)) pointwise_filter = tf.get_variable('pointwise_filter', (1, 1, shapes[-1], hidden_size)) outputs = tf.nn.separable_conv2d(inputs, depthwise_filter, pointwise_filter, strides=(1, 1, 1, 1), padding='SAME') if bias: b = tf.get_variable('bias', outputs.shape[-1], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer()) outputs += b if activation is not None: return activation(outputs) else: return outputs
def graph(features, params): if params.enable_bert: s = features['s'] bert_input = s sequence_output = bert.bert_encoder(bert_input, params) s_enc = tf.concat(sequence_output[0][-4:], -1)[:, 1:, :] sb = features['sb'] sb_shp = util.shape_list(sb) s_coord = tf.stack([util.batch_coordinates(sb_shp[0], sb_shp[1]), sb], axis=2) s_enc = tf.gather_nd(s_enc, s_coord) features['bert_enc'] = util.valid_apply_dropout(s_enc, params.dropout) if not params.use_bert_single: features['feature'] = s_enc[:, 0, :] else: features['feature'] = sequence_output[1] features = embedding_layer(features, params) features = hierarchy_layer(features, params) graph_output = loss_layer(features, params) return graph_output
def extract_encodes(source_memory, source_mask, l0_mask): x_shp = util.shape_list(source_memory) l0_mask = dtype.tf_to_float(tf.cast(l0_mask, tf.bool)) l0_mask = tf.squeeze(l0_mask, -1) * source_mask # count retained encodings k_value = tf.cast(tf.reduce_max(tf.reduce_sum(l0_mask, 1)), tf.int32) # batch_size x k_value _, topk_indices = tf.nn.top_k(l0_mask, k_value) # prepare coordinate x_pos = util.batch_coordinates(x_shp[0], k_value) coord = tf.stack([x_pos, topk_indices], axis=2) # gather retained features g_x = tf.gather_nd(source_memory, coord) g_mask = tf.gather_nd(l0_mask, coord) # padding zero g_x = tf.pad(g_x, [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0]]) # generate counts, i.e. how many tokens are dropped droped_number = tf.reduce_sum(source_mask, 1) - tf.reduce_sum(l0_mask, 1) pad_mask = dtype.tf_to_float(tf.greater(droped_number, 0.)) droped_number = tf.where(tf.less_equal(droped_number, 0.), tf.ones_like(droped_number), droped_number) count_mask = tf.ones_like(g_mask) count_mask = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(droped_number, 1), count_mask], 1) g_mask = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(pad_mask, 1), g_mask], 1) return g_x, g_mask, count_mask
def graph(features, params): if params.enable_bert: ps = features['ps'] hs = features['hs'] bert_input = tf.concat([ps, hs], 1) sequence_output = bert.bert_encoder(bert_input, params) sequence_feature = bert.bert_feature(sequence_output[0]) p_len = tf.shape(ps)[1] # 1: remove the encoding for `cls` p_enc = sequence_feature[:, 1:p_len, :] h_enc = sequence_feature[:, p_len:, :] pb = features['pb'] hb = features['hb'] pb_shp = util.shape_list(pb) hb_shp = util.shape_list(hb) p_coord = tf.stack( [util.batch_coordinates(pb_shp[0], pb_shp[1]), pb], axis=2 ) p_enc = tf.gather_nd(p_enc, p_coord) h_coord = tf.stack( [util.batch_coordinates(hb_shp[0], hb_shp[1]), hb], axis=2 ) h_enc = tf.gather_nd(h_enc, h_coord) features['bert_p_enc'] = util.valid_apply_dropout(p_enc, params.dropout) features['bert_h_enc'] = util.valid_apply_dropout(h_enc, params.dropout) if not params.use_bert_single: features['feature'] = sequence_feature[:, 0, :] else: features['feature'] = sequence_output[1] features = embedding_layer(features, params) features = match_layer(features, params) features = loss_layer(features, params) return features
def mlceloss(logits, labels): soft_label, normalizer = util.label_smooth(labels, util.shape_list(logits)[-1], factor=params.label_smooth) centropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2( logits=logits, labels=soft_label) centropy -= normalizer centropy = tf.reshape(centropy, tf.shape(labels)) return tf.reduce_mean(centropy)
def wrap_rnn(x, cell_type, nlayers, hidden_size, mask=None, bidir=True, use_ln=True, concat=True, dropout=0.0, scope=None): outputs = [x] states = [] if mask is None: xshp = util.shape_list(x) mask = tf.ones([xshp[0], xshp[1]], tf.float32) for layer in range(nlayers): with tf.variable_scope("{}_layer_{}".format(scope or 'rnn', layer)): with tf.variable_scope("fw_rnn"): _, (o_fw, o_fw_s) = rnn.rnn(cell_type, outputs[-1], hidden_size, mask=mask, ln=use_ln, sm=False) if bidir: with tf.variable_scope("bw_rnn"): _, (o_bw, o_bw_s) = rnn.rnn(cell_type, tf.reverse(outputs[-1], [1]), hidden_size, mask=tf.reverse(mask, [1]), ln=use_ln, sm=False) o_bw = tf.reverse(o_bw, [1]) if layer != nlayers - 1: o_fw = util.valid_apply_dropout(o_fw, dropout) o_fw_s = util.valid_apply_dropout(o_fw_s, dropout) if bidir: o_bw = util.valid_apply_dropout(o_bw, dropout) o_bw_s = util.valid_apply_dropout(o_bw_s, dropout) if not bidir: outputs.append(o_fw) states.append(o_fw_s) else: outputs.append(tf.concat([o_fw, o_bw], -1)) states.append(tf.concat([o_fw_s, o_bw_s], -1)) if concat: return tf.concat(outputs[1:], -1), tf.concat(states, -1) else: return outputs[-1], states[-1]
def rnn(cell_name, x, d, mask=None, ln=False, init_state=None, sm=True, dp=0.0): """Self implemented RNN procedure, supporting mask trick""" # cell_name: gru, lstm or atr # x: input sequence embedding matrix, [batch, seq_len, dim] # d: hidden dimension for rnn # mask: mask matrix, [batch, seq_len] # ln: whether use layer normalization # init_state: the initial hidden states, for cache purpose # sm: whether apply swap memory during rnn scan # dp: variational dropout in_shape = util.shape_list(x) batch_size, time_steps = in_shape[:2] cell = get_cell(cell_name, d, ln=ln) if init_state is None: init_state = cell.get_init_state(shape=[batch_size]) if mask is None: mask = tf.ones([batch_size, time_steps], tf.float32) # prepare projected input cache_inputs = cell.fetch_states(x) cache_inputs = [tf.transpose(v, [1, 0, 2]) for v in list(cache_inputs)] mask_ta = tf.transpose(tf.expand_dims(mask, -1), [1, 0, 2]) def _step_fn(prev, x): t, h_ = prev m = x[-1] v = x[:-1] h = cell(h_, v) h = m * h + (1. - m) * h_ return t + 1, h time = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32, name="time") step_states = (time, init_state) step_vars = cache_inputs + [mask_ta] outputs = tf.scan(_step_fn, step_vars, initializer=step_states, parallel_iterations=32, swap_memory=sm) output_ta = outputs[1] output_state = outputs[1][-1] outputs = tf.transpose(output_ta, [1, 0, 2]) return (outputs, output_state), \ (cell.get_hidden(outputs), cell.get_hidden(output_state))
def trilinear_similarity(x1, x2, scope='trilinear'): with tf.variable_scope(scope or "trilinear"): x1_shape = util.shape_list(x1) x2_shape = util.shape_list(x2) if len(x1_shape) != 3 or len(x2_shape) != 3: raise ValueError( '`args` must be 3 dims (batch_size, len, dimension)') if x1_shape[2] != x2_shape[2]: raise ValueError('the last dimension of `args` must equal') w1 = tf.get_variable('kernel_x1', [x1_shape[2], 1]) w2 = tf.get_variable('kernel_x2', [x2_shape[2], 1]) w3 = tf.get_variable('kernel_mul', [1, 1, x1_shape[2]]) bias = tf.get_variable('bias', [1], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer()) r1 = tf.einsum('aij,jk->aik', x1, w1) r2 = tf.einsum('aij,jk->aki', x2, w2) r3 = tf.einsum('aij,akj->aik', x1 * w3, x2) return r1 + r2 + r3 + bias
def rms_norm(x, eps=None, scope=None): """RMS-based Layer normalization layer""" if eps is None: eps = dtype.epsilon() with tf.variable_scope(scope or "rms_norm", dtype=tf.as_dtype(dtype.floatx())): layer_size = util.shape_list(x)[-1] scale = tf.get_variable("scale", [layer_size], initializer=tf.ones_initializer()) ms = tf.reduce_mean(x ** 2, -1, keep_dims=True) return scale * x * tf.rsqrt(ms + eps)
def layer_norm(x, eps=1e-8, scope=None): """RMS-based Layer normalization layer """ with tf.variable_scope(scope or "rms_norm"): layer_size = util.shape_list(x)[-1] scale = tf.get_variable("scale", [layer_size], initializer=tf.ones_initializer()) ms = tf.reduce_mean(x**2, -1, keep_dims=True) return scale * x * tf.rsqrt(ms + eps)
def layer_norm(x, eps=1e-8, scope=None): """Layer normalization layer""" with tf.variable_scope(scope or "layer_norm"): layer_size = util.shape_list(x)[-1] scale = tf.get_variable("scale", [layer_size], initializer=tf.ones_initializer()) offset = tf.get_variable("offset", [layer_size], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer()) mean = tf.reduce_mean(x, -1, keep_dims=True) var = tf.reduce_mean((x - mean) ** 2, -1, keep_dims=True) return scale * (x - mean) * tf.rsqrt(var + eps) + offset
def gated_rms_norm(x, eps=None, scope=None): """RMS-based Layer normalization layer""" if eps is None: eps = dtype.epsilon() with tf.variable_scope(scope or "rms_norm", dtype=tf.as_dtype(dtype.floatx())): layer_size = util.shape_list(x)[-1] scale = tf.get_variable("scale", [layer_size], initializer=tf.ones_initializer()) gate = tf.get_variable("gate", [layer_size], initializer=None) ms = tf.reduce_mean(x ** 2, -1, keep_dims=True) # adding gating here which slightly improves quality return scale * x * tf.rsqrt(ms + eps) * tf.nn.sigmoid(gate * x)
def shard_features(features, num_devices): """Split features into several shards according to the given device list :param features: a dictionary containing input datas :param num_devices: gpu device number """ num_datashards = num_devices sharded_features = {} pieces = util.uniform_splits(tf.shape(features.values()[0])[0], num_datashards) device_mask = tf.to_float(tf.greater(pieces, 0)) # why tile it? # because the piece can be 0-shaped. # feeding an empty input to the model may be problematic. tile_size = tf.cond(tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(device_mask, 0.0)), lambda: num_datashards, lambda: 1) tile_pieces = util.uniform_splits( tf.shape(features.values()[0])[0] * tile_size, num_datashards) for k, v in features.iteritems(): v = tf.convert_to_tensor(v) if not v.shape.as_list(): v = tf.expand_dims(v, axis=-1) v = tf.tile(v, [tf.reduce_sum(tile_pieces)]) else: # to avoid the empty data input v_shp = util.shape_list(v) t_shp = [1] * len(v_shp) t_shp[0] = tile_size v = tf.tile(v, t_shp) with tf.device(v.device): sharded_features[k] = tf.split(v, tile_pieces, 0) datashard_to_features = [] for d in range(num_datashards): feat = { k: v[d] for k, v in sharded_features.items() } datashard_to_features.append(feat) return datashard_to_features, device_mask
def cnn(inputs, hidden_size, mask=None, scope="cnn"): with tf.variable_scope(scope or "cnn"): ishp = util.shape_list(inputs) if mask is None: mask = tf.ones([ishp[0], ishp[1]]) x = inputs x = x * tf.expand_dims(mask, -1) x0 = tf.pad(x, [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0]])[:, :-1, :] x1 = tf.pad(x, [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 0]])[:, 1:, :] y = tf.concat([x0, x, x1], -1) y = linear(y, hidden_size * 2, ln=False, scope="ff") A = y[:, :, :hidden_size] B = y[:, :, hidden_size:] y = A * tf.sigmoid(B) y += x return layer_norm(y, scope="ln")
def embedding_layer(features, params): p = features['p'] h = features['h'] p_mask = tf.to_float(tf.cast(p, tf.bool)) h_mask = tf.to_float(tf.cast(h, tf.bool)) with tf.device('/cpu:0'): symbol_embeddings = tf.get_variable('special_symbol_embeddings', shape=(3, params.embed_size), trainable=True) embedding_initializer = tf.glorot_uniform_initializer() if tf.gfile.Exists(params.pretrain_word_embedding_file): pretrain_embedding = np.load(params.pretrain_word_embedding_file)['data'] embedding_initializer = tf.constant_initializer(pretrain_embedding) general_embeddings = tf.get_variable('general_symbol_embeddings', shape=(params.word_vocab.size() - 3, params.embed_size), initializer=embedding_initializer, trainable=False) word_embeddings = tf.concat([symbol_embeddings, general_embeddings], 0) p_emb = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(word_embeddings, p) h_emb = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(word_embeddings, h) p_features = [p_emb] h_features = [h_emb] if params.enable_bert: p_features.append(features['bert_p_enc']) h_features.append(features['bert_h_enc']) if params.use_char: pc = features['pc'] hc = features['hc'] pc_mask = tf.to_float(tf.cast(pc, tf.bool)) hc_mask = tf.to_float(tf.cast(hc, tf.bool)) pc = tf.reshape(pc, [-1, tf.shape(pc)[-1]]) hc = tf.reshape(hc, [-1, tf.shape(hc)[-1]]) pc_mask = tf.reshape(pc_mask, [-1, tf.shape(pc_mask)[-1]]) hc_mask = tf.reshape(hc_mask, [-1, tf.shape(hc_mask)[-1]]) with tf.device('/cpu:0'): char_embeddings = tf.get_variable('char_embeddings', shape=(params.char_vocab.size(), params.char_embed_size), initializer=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer(), trainable=True) with tf.variable_scope('char_embedding'): pc_emb = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(char_embeddings, pc) hc_emb = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(char_embeddings, hc) if util.valid_dropout(params.dropout): pc_emb = tf.nn.dropout(pc_emb, 1. - 0.5 * params.dropout) hc_emb = tf.nn.dropout(hc_emb, 1. - 0.5 * params.dropout) with tf.variable_scope("char_encoding", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): pc_emb = pc_emb * tf.expand_dims(pc_mask, -1) hc_emb = hc_emb * tf.expand_dims(hc_mask, -1) pc_shp = util.shape_list(features['pc']) pc_emb = tf.reshape(pc_emb, [pc_shp[0], pc_shp[1], pc_shp[2], params.char_embed_size]) hc_shp = util.shape_list(features['hc']) hc_emb = tf.reshape(hc_emb, [hc_shp[0], hc_shp[1], hc_shp[2], params.char_embed_size]) pc_state = func.linear(tf.reduce_max(pc_emb, 2), params.char_embed_size, scope="cmap") hc_state = func.linear(tf.reduce_max(hc_emb, 2), params.char_embed_size, scope="cmap") p_features.append(pc_state) h_features.append(hc_state) ''' p_emb = func.highway(tf.concat(p_features, axis=2), size=params.hidden_size, dropout=params.dropout, num_layers=2, scope='highway') h_emb = func.highway(tf.concat(h_features, axis=2), size=params.hidden_size, dropout=params.dropout, num_layers=2, scope='highway') ''' p_emb = tf.concat(p_features, axis=2) h_emb = tf.concat(h_features, axis=2) p_emb = p_emb * tf.expand_dims(p_mask, -1) h_emb = h_emb * tf.expand_dims(h_mask, -1) features.update({'p_emb': p_emb, 'h_emb': h_emb, 'p_mask': p_mask, 'h_mask': h_mask, }) return features
def decoder(target, state, params): mask = tf.to_float(tf.cast(target, tf.bool)) hidden_size = params.hidden_size if 'decoder' not in state: target, mask = util.remove_invalid_seq(target, mask) embed_name = "embedding" if params.shared_source_target_embedding \ else "tgt_embedding" tgt_emb = tf.get_variable(embed_name, [params.tgt_vocab.size(), params.embed_size]) tgt_bias = tf.get_variable("bias", [params.embed_size]) inputs = tf.gather(tgt_emb, target) inputs = tf.nn.bias_add(inputs, tgt_bias) # shift if 'decoder' not in state: inputs = tf.pad(inputs, [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0]]) inputs = inputs[:, :-1, :] else: inputs = tf.cond(tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(target, params.tgt_vocab.pad())), lambda: tf.zeros_like(inputs), lambda: inputs) mask = tf.ones_like(mask) if util.valid_dropout(params.dropout): inputs = tf.nn.dropout(inputs, 1. - params.dropout) with tf.variable_scope("decoder"): init_state = state["decoder_initializer"] if 'decoder' in state: init_state = state["decoder"]["state"] returns = rnn.cond_rnn(params.cell, inputs, state["encodes"], hidden_size, init_state=init_state, mask=mask, mem_mask=state["mask"], ln=params.layer_norm, sm=params.swap_memory, one2one=False) (hidden_states, _), (outputs, _), contexts, attentions = returns feature = linear([outputs, contexts, inputs], params.embed_size, ln=params.layer_norm, scope="pre_logits") feature = tf.tanh(feature) if util.valid_dropout(params.dropout): feature = tf.nn.dropout(feature, 1. - params.dropout) embed_name = "tgt_embedding" if params.shared_target_softmax_embedding \ else "softmax_embedding" embed_name = "embedding" if params.shared_source_target_embedding \ else embed_name softmax_emb = tf.get_variable(embed_name, [params.tgt_vocab.size(), params.embed_size]) feature = tf.reshape(feature, [-1, params.embed_size]) logits = tf.matmul(feature, softmax_emb, False, True) centropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=logits, labels=util.label_smooth(target, util.shape_list(logits)[-1], factor=params.label_smooth) ) centropy = tf.reshape(centropy, tf.shape(target)) loss = tf.reduce_sum(centropy * mask, -1) / tf.reduce_sum(mask, -1) loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss) # these mask tricks mainly used to deal with zero shapes, such as [0, 1] loss = tf.cond(tf.equal(tf.shape(target)[0], 0), lambda: tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32), lambda: loss) if 'decoder' in state: state['decoder']['state'] = hidden_states return loss, logits, state
def embedding_layer(features, params): t = features['t'] t_mask = tf.to_float(tf.cast(t, tf.bool)) with tf.device('/cpu:0'): symbol_embeddings = tf.get_variable('special_symbol_embeddings', shape=(3, params.embed_size), trainable=True) embedding_initializer = tf.glorot_uniform_initializer() if params.word_vocab.pretrained_embedding is not None: pretrain_embedding = params.word_vocab.pretrained_embedding embedding_initializer = tf.constant_initializer(pretrain_embedding) general_embeddings = tf.get_variable( 'general_symbol_embeddings', shape=(params.word_vocab.size() - 3, params.embed_size), initializer=embedding_initializer, trainable=params.word_vocab.pretrained_embedding is None) word_embeddings = tf.concat([symbol_embeddings, general_embeddings], 0) # apply word dropout wd_mask = util.valid_apply_dropout(t_mask, params.word_dropout) wd_mask = tf.to_float(tf.cast(wd_mask, tf.bool)) t_emb = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(word_embeddings, t * tf.to_int32(wd_mask)) t_emb = t_emb * tf.expand_dims(t_mask, -1) embed_features = [t_emb] if params.enable_bert: embed_features.append(features['bert_enc']) if params.use_char: c = features['c'] c_mask = tf.to_float(tf.cast(c, tf.bool)) c = tf.reshape(c, [-1, tf.shape(c)[-1]]) c_mask = tf.reshape(c_mask, [-1, tf.shape(c_mask)[-1]]) with tf.device('/cpu:0'): char_embeddings = tf.get_variable( 'char_embeddings', shape=(params.char_vocab.size(), params.char_embed_size), initializer=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer(), trainable=True) with tf.variable_scope('char_embedding'): c_emb = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(char_embeddings, c) c_emb = util.valid_apply_dropout(c_emb, 0.5 * params.dropout) with tf.variable_scope("char_encoding", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): c_emb = c_emb * tf.expand_dims(c_mask, -1) c_shp = util.shape_list(features['c']) c_emb = tf.reshape( c_emb, [c_shp[0], c_shp[1], c_shp[2], params.char_embed_size]) c_state = func.linear(tf.reduce_max(c_emb, 2), params.char_embed_size, scope="cmap") embed_features.append(c_state) t_emb = tf.concat(embed_features, axis=2) * tf.expand_dims(t_mask, -1) features.update({ 't_emb': t_emb, 't_mask': t_mask, }) return features
def _step_fn(time, bsstate): """one expansion step of beam search process""" # 1. feed previous predictions, and get the next probabilities # generating beam * vocab_size predictions prev_seq, prev_log_probs, prev_scores = bsstate.inputs flat_prev_seqs = util.merge_neighbor_dims(prev_seq, axis=0) flat_prev_state = nest.map_structure( lambda x: util.merge_neighbor_dims(x, axis=0), bsstate.state) # curr_logits: [batch * beam, vocab_size] step_logits, step_state = decoding_fn(flat_prev_seqs[:, -1:], flat_prev_state, time) step_log_probs = util.log_prob_from_logits(step_logits) vocab_size = util.shape_list(step_log_probs)[-1] # force decoding eos_mask = tf.to_float(tf.equal(tf.range(vocab_size), eos_id)) step_log_probs = tf.cond( tf.to_float(time) < tf.to_float(1.), lambda: step_log_probs + tf.expand_dims(eos_mask, 0) * -1e9, lambda: step_log_probs) # expand to [batch, beam, vocab_size] step_log_probs = util.unmerge_neighbor_dims(step_log_probs, batch_size, axis=0) step_state = nest.map_structure( lambda x: util.unmerge_neighbor_dims(x, batch_size, axis=0), step_state) # 2. compute top-k scored next predictions # reducing beam * vocab_size to 2 * beam # [batch, beam, 1] + [batch, beam, vocab_size] curr_log_probs = tf.expand_dims(prev_log_probs, 2) + step_log_probs length_penality = tf.pow((5.0 + tf.to_float(time + 1)) / 6., alpha) curr_scores = curr_log_probs / length_penality # [batch, beam * vocab_size] curr_flat_scores = util.merge_neighbor_dims(curr_scores, axis=1) # [batch, 2 * beam] topk_scores, topk_indices = tf.nn.top_k(curr_flat_scores, 2 * beam_size) # index manipulation, [batch, 2 * beam] curr_beam_indices = topk_indices // vocab_size curr_symbol_indices = topk_indices % vocab_size beam2_pos = util.batch_coordinates(batch_size, 2 * beam_size) curr_coordinates = tf.stack([beam2_pos, curr_beam_indices], axis=2) # extract candidate sequences # [batch, 2 * beam, time + 1] curr_seq = tf.gather_nd(prev_seq, curr_coordinates) curr_seq = tf.concat( [curr_seq, tf.expand_dims(curr_symbol_indices, 2)], 2) # 3. handling alive sequences # reducing 2 * beam to beam curr_fin_flags = tf.logical_or( tf.equal(curr_symbol_indices, eos_id), # if time step exceeds the maximum decoding length, should stop tf.expand_dims( tf.greater_equal(time, tf.to_int32(max_target_length)), 1)) alive_scores = topk_scores + \ tf.to_float(curr_fin_flags) * tf.float32.min # [batch, 2 * beam] -> [batch, beam] alive_scores, alive_indices = tf.nn.top_k(alive_scores, beam_size) beam_pos = util.batch_coordinates(batch_size, beam_size) alive_coordinates = tf.stack([beam_pos, alive_indices], axis=2) alive_seq = tf.gather_nd(curr_seq, alive_coordinates) alive_beam_indices = tf.gather_nd(curr_beam_indices, alive_coordinates) beam_coordinates = tf.stack([beam_pos, alive_beam_indices], axis=2) alive_state = nest.map_structure( lambda x: tf.gather_nd(x, beam_coordinates), step_state) alive_log_probs = alive_scores * length_penality # 4. handle finished sequences # reducing 3 * beam to beam prev_fin_seq, prev_fin_scores, prev_fin_flags = bsstate.finish # [batch, 2 * beam] curr_fin_scores = topk_scores + \ (1.0 - tf.to_float(curr_fin_flags)) * tf.float32.min # [batch, 3 * beam] fin_flags = tf.concat([prev_fin_flags, curr_fin_flags], axis=1) fin_scores = tf.concat([prev_fin_scores, curr_fin_scores], axis=1) # [batch, beam] fin_scores, fin_indices = tf.nn.top_k(fin_scores, beam_size) fin_coordinates = tf.stack([beam_pos, fin_indices], axis=2) fin_flags = tf.gather_nd(fin_flags, fin_coordinates) pad_seq = tf.fill([batch_size, beam_size, 1], tf.constant(pad_id, tf.int32)) prev_fin_seq = tf.concat([prev_fin_seq, pad_seq], axis=2) fin_seq = tf.concat([prev_fin_seq, curr_seq], axis=1) fin_seq = tf.gather_nd(fin_seq, fin_coordinates) next_state = BeamSearchState(inputs=(alive_seq, alive_log_probs, alive_scores), state=alive_state, finish=(fin_seq, fin_scores, fin_flags)) return time + 1, next_state
def decoder(target, state, params): mask = tf.to_float(tf.cast(target, tf.bool)) hidden_size = params.hidden_size if 'decoder' not in state: target, mask = util.remove_invalid_seq(target, mask) embed_name = "embedding" if params.shared_source_target_embedding \ else "tgt_embedding" tgt_emb = tf.get_variable(embed_name, [params.tgt_vocab.size(), params.embed_size]) tgt_bias = tf.get_variable("bias", [params.embed_size]) inputs = tf.gather(tgt_emb, target) inputs = tf.nn.bias_add(inputs, tgt_bias) # shift if 'decoder' not in state: inputs = tf.pad(inputs, [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0]]) inputs = inputs[:, :-1, :] else: inputs = tf.cond( tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(target, params.tgt_vocab.pad())), lambda: tf.zeros_like(inputs), lambda: inputs) mask = tf.ones_like(mask) if util.valid_dropout(params.dropout): inputs = tf.nn.dropout(inputs, 1. - params.dropout) with tf.variable_scope("decoder"): x = inputs for layer in range(params.num_decoder_layer): with tf.variable_scope("layer_{}".format(layer)): init_state = state["decoder_initializer"]["layer_{}".format( layer)] if 'decoder' in state: init_state = state["decoder"]["state"]["layer_{}".format( layer)] if layer == 0 or params.use_deep_att: returns = rnn.cond_rnn(params.cell, x, state["encodes"], hidden_size, init_state=init_state, mask=mask, num_heads=params.num_heads, mem_mask=state["mask"], ln=params.layer_norm, sm=params.swap_memory, one2one=False, dp=params.dropout) (_, hidden_state), (outputs, _), contexts, attentions = returns c = contexts else: if params.caencoder: returns = rnn.cond_rnn(params.cell, x, c, hidden_size, init_state=init_state, mask=mask, mem_mask=mask, ln=params.layer_norm, sm=params.swap_memory, num_heads=params.num_heads, one2one=True, dp=params.dropout) (_, hidden_state), (outputs, _), contexts, attentions = returns else: outputs = rnn.rnn(params.cell, tf.concat([x, c], -1), hidden_size, mask=mask, init_state=init_state, ln=params.layer_norm, sm=params.swap_memory, dp=params.dropout) outputs, hidden_state = outputs[1] if 'decoder' in state: state['decoder']['state']['layer_{}'.format( layer)] = hidden_state y = func.linear(outputs, hidden_size, ln=False, scope="ff") # short cut via residual connection if x.get_shape()[-1].value == y.get_shape()[-1].value: x = func.residual_fn(x, y, dropout=params.dropout) else: x = y if params.layer_norm: x = func.layer_norm(x, scope="ln") feature = func.linear(tf.concat([x, c], -1), params.embed_size, ln=params.layer_norm, scope="ff") feature = tf.nn.tanh(feature) if util.valid_dropout(params.dropout): feature = tf.nn.dropout(feature, 1. - params.dropout) if 'dev_decode' in state: feature = x[:, -1, :] embed_name = "tgt_embedding" if params.shared_target_softmax_embedding \ else "softmax_embedding" embed_name = "embedding" if params.shared_source_target_embedding \ else embed_name softmax_emb = tf.get_variable(embed_name, [params.tgt_vocab.size(), params.embed_size]) feature = tf.reshape(feature, [-1, params.embed_size]) logits = tf.matmul(feature, softmax_emb, False, True) soft_label, normalizer = util.label_smooth(target, util.shape_list(logits)[-1], factor=params.label_smooth) centropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits=logits, labels=soft_label) centropy -= normalizer centropy = tf.reshape(centropy, tf.shape(target)) loss = tf.reduce_sum(centropy * mask, -1) / tf.reduce_sum(mask, -1) loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss) # these mask tricks mainly used to deal with zero shapes, such as [0, 1] loss = tf.cond(tf.equal(tf.shape(target)[0], 0), lambda: tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32), lambda: loss) return loss, logits, state
def dot_attention(query, memory, mem_mask, hidden_size, ln=False, num_heads=1, cache=None, dropout=None, use_relative_pos=False, max_relative_position=16, out_map=True, scope=None, fuse_mask=None, decode_step=None): """ dotted attention model :param query: [batch_size, qey_len, dim] :param memory: [batch_size, seq_len, mem_dim] or None :param mem_mask: [batch_size, seq_len] :param hidden_size: attention space dimension :param ln: whether use layer normalization :param num_heads: attention head number :param dropout: attention dropout, default disable :param out_map: output additional mapping :param cache: cache-based decoding :param fuse_mask: aan mask during training, and timestep for testing :param max_relative_position: maximum position considered for relative embedding :param use_relative_pos: whether use relative position information :param decode_step: the time step of current decoding, 0-based :param scope: :return: a value matrix, [batch_size, qey_len, mem_dim] """ with tf.variable_scope(scope or "dot_attention", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE, dtype=tf.as_dtype(dtype.floatx())): if fuse_mask is not None: assert memory is not None, 'Fuse mechanism only applied with cross-attention' if cache and use_relative_pos: assert decode_step is not None, 'Decode Step must provide when use relative position encoding' if memory is None: # suppose self-attention from queries alone h = linear(query, hidden_size * 3, ln=ln, scope="qkv_map") q, k, v = tf.split(h, 3, -1) if cache is not None: k = tf.concat([cache['k'], k], axis=1) v = tf.concat([cache['v'], v], axis=1) cache = { 'k': k, 'v': v, } else: q = linear(query, hidden_size, ln=ln, scope="q_map") if cache is not None and ('mk' in cache and 'mv' in cache): k, v = cache['mk'], cache['mv'] else: k = linear(memory, hidden_size, ln=ln, scope="k_map") v = linear(memory, hidden_size, ln=ln, scope="v_map") if cache is not None: cache['mk'] = k cache['mv'] = v q = split_heads(q, num_heads) k = split_heads(k, num_heads) v = split_heads(v, num_heads) q *= (hidden_size // num_heads) ** (-0.5) q_shp = util.shape_list(q) k_shp = util.shape_list(k) v_shp = util.shape_list(v) q_len = q_shp[2] if decode_step is None else decode_step + 1 r_lst = None if decode_step is None else 1 # q * k => attention weights if use_relative_pos: r = rpr.get_relative_positions_embeddings( q_len, k_shp[2], k_shp[3], max_relative_position, name="rpr_keys", last=r_lst) logits = rpr.relative_attention_inner(q, k, r, transpose=True) else: logits = tf.matmul(q, k, transpose_b=True) if mem_mask is not None: logits += mem_mask weights = tf.nn.softmax(logits) dweights = util.valid_apply_dropout(weights, dropout) # weights * v => attention vectors if use_relative_pos: r = rpr.get_relative_positions_embeddings( q_len, k_shp[2], v_shp[3], max_relative_position, name="rpr_values", last=r_lst) o = rpr.relative_attention_inner(dweights, v, r, transpose=False) else: o = tf.matmul(dweights, v) o = combine_heads(o) if fuse_mask is not None: # This is for AAN, the important part is sharing v_map v_q = linear(query, hidden_size, ln=ln, scope="v_map") if cache is not None and 'aan' in cache: aan_o = (v_q + cache['aan']) / dtype.tf_to_float(fuse_mask + 1) else: # Simplified Average Attention Network aan_o = tf.matmul(fuse_mask, v_q) if cache is not None: if 'aan' not in cache: cache['aan'] = v_q else: cache['aan'] = v_q + cache['aan'] # Directly sum both self-attention and cross attention o = o + aan_o if out_map: o = linear(o, hidden_size, ln=ln, scope="o_map") results = { 'weights': weights, 'output': o, 'cache': cache } return results
def bert_encoder(sequence, params): # extract sequence mask information seq_mask = 1. - tf.to_float(tf.equal(sequence, params.bert.vocab.pad)) # extract segment information seg_pos = tf.to_float(tf.equal(sequence, params.bert.vocab.sep)) seg_ids = tf.cumsum(seg_pos, axis=1, reverse=True) seg_num = tf.reduce_sum(seg_pos, axis=1, keepdims=True) seg_ids = seg_num - seg_ids seg_ids = tf.to_int32(seg_ids * seq_mask) # sequence length information seq_shp = util.shape_list(sequence) batch_size, seq_length = seq_shp[:2] def custom_getter(getter, name, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['trainable'] = params.tune_bert return getter(name, *args, **kwargs) with tf.variable_scope("bert", custom_getter=custom_getter): # handling sequence embeddings: token_embedding pls segment embedding pls positional embedding embed_initializer = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=params.bert.initializer_range) with tf.variable_scope("embeddings"): word_embedding = tf.get_variable( name="word_embeddings", shape=[params.bert.vocab.size, params.bert.hidden_size], initializer=embed_initializer ) seq_embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(word_embedding, sequence) segment_embedding = tf.get_variable( name="token_type_embeddings", shape=[2, params.bert.hidden_size], initializer=embed_initializer ) seg_embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(segment_embedding, seg_ids) # word embedding + segment embedding seq_embed = seq_embed + seg_embed # add position embedding assert_op = tf.assert_less_equal(seq_length, params.bert.max_position_embeddings) with tf.control_dependencies([assert_op]): position_embedding = tf.get_variable( name="position_embeddings", shape=[params.bert.max_position_embeddings, params.bert.hidden_size], initializer=embed_initializer ) pos_embed = position_embedding[:seq_length] seq_embed = seq_embed + tf.expand_dims(pos_embed, 0) # post-processing, layer norm and segmentation seq_embed = tc.layers.layer_norm( inputs=seq_embed, begin_norm_axis=-1, begin_params_axis=-1) seq_embed = util.valid_apply_dropout(seq_embed, params.bert.hidden_dropout_prob) bert_outputs = [] # handling sequence encoding with transformer encoder with tf.variable_scope("encoder"): attention_mask = encoder.create_attention_mask_from_input_mask( sequence, seq_mask) # Run the stacked transformer. # `sequence_output` shape = [batch_size, seq_length, hidden_size]. all_encoder_layers = encoder.transformer_model( input_tensor=seq_embed, attention_mask=attention_mask, hidden_size=params.bert.hidden_size, num_hidden_layers=params.bert.num_hidden_layers, num_attention_heads=params.bert.num_attention_heads, intermediate_size=params.bert.intermediate_size, intermediate_act_fn=encoder.get_activation(params.bert.hidden_act), hidden_dropout_prob=params.bert.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_probs_dropout_prob=params.bert.attention_probs_dropout_prob, initializer_range=params.bert.initializer_range, do_return_all_layers=True) sequence_output = all_encoder_layers bert_outputs.append(sequence_output) if params.use_bert_single: # The "pooler" converts the encoded sequence tensor of shape # [batch_size, seq_length, hidden_size] to a tensor of shape # [batch_size, hidden_size]. This is necessary for segment-level # (or segment-pair-level) classification tasks where we need a fixed # dimensional representation of the segment. with tf.variable_scope("pooler"): # We "pool" the model by simply taking the hidden state corresponding # to the first token. We assume that this has been pre-trained first_token_tensor = tf.squeeze(sequence_output[-1][:, 0:1, :], axis=1) pooled_output = tf.layers.dense( first_token_tensor, params.bert.hidden_size, activation=tf.tanh, kernel_initializer=embed_initializer) bert_outputs.append(pooled_output) return bert_outputs
def deep_att_dec_rnn(cell_name, x, memory, d, init_state=None, mask=None, mem_mask=None, ln=False, sm=True, depth=1, num_heads=1): """Self implemented conditional-RNN procedure, supporting mask trick""" # cell_name: gru, lstm or atr # x: input sequence embedding matrix, [batch, seq_len, dim] # memory: the conditional part # d: hidden dimension for rnn # mask: mask matrix, [batch, seq_len] # mem_mask: memory mask matrix, [batch, mem_seq_len] # ln: whether use layer normalization # init_state: the initial hidden states, for cache purpose # sm: whether apply swap memory during rnn scan # depth: depth for the decoder in deep attention # num_heads: number of attention heads, multi-head attention # dp: variational dropout in_shape = util.shape_list(x) batch_size, time_steps = in_shape[:2] mem_shape = util.shape_list(memory) cell_lower = rnn.get_cell(cell_name, d, ln=ln, scope="{}_lower".format(cell_name)) cells_higher = [] for layer in range(depth): cell_higher = rnn.get_cell(cell_name, d, ln=ln, scope="{}_higher_{}".format( cell_name, layer)) cells_higher.append(cell_higher) if init_state is None: init_state = cell_lower.get_init_state(shape=[batch_size]) if mask is None: mask = dtype.tf_to_float(tf.ones([batch_size, time_steps])) if mem_mask is None: mem_mask = dtype.tf_to_float(tf.ones([batch_size, mem_shape[1]])) # prepare projected encodes and inputs cache_inputs = cell_lower.fetch_states(x) cache_inputs = [tf.transpose(v, [1, 0, 2]) for v in list(cache_inputs)] proj_memories = func.linear(memory, mem_shape[-1], bias=False, ln=ln, scope="context_att") mask_ta = tf.transpose(tf.expand_dims(mask, -1), [1, 0, 2]) init_context = dtype.tf_to_float( tf.zeros([batch_size, depth, mem_shape[-1]])) init_weight = dtype.tf_to_float( tf.zeros([batch_size, depth, num_heads, mem_shape[1]])) mask_pos = len(cache_inputs) def _step_fn(prev, x): t, h_, c_, a_ = prev m, v = x[mask_pos], x[:mask_pos] # the first decoder rnn subcell, composing previous hidden state with the current word embedding s_ = cell_lower(h_, v) s_ = m * s_ + (1. - m) * h_ atts, att_ctxs = [], [] for layer in range(depth): # perform attention prev_cell = cell_lower if layer == 0 else cells_higher[layer - 1] vle = func.additive_attention( prev_cell.get_hidden(s_), memory, mem_mask, mem_shape[-1], ln=ln, num_heads=num_heads, proj_memory=proj_memories, scope="deep_attention_{}".format(layer)) a, c = vle['weights'], vle['output'] atts.append(tf.expand_dims(a, 1)) att_ctxs.append(tf.expand_dims(c, 1)) # perform next-level recurrence c_c = cells_higher[layer].fetch_states(c) ss_ = cells_higher[layer](s_, c_c) s_ = m * ss_ + (1. - m) * s_ h = s_ a = tf.concat(atts, axis=1) c = tf.concat(att_ctxs, axis=1) return t + 1, h, c, a time = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32, name="time") step_states = (time, init_state, init_context, init_weight) step_vars = cache_inputs + [mask_ta] outputs = tf.scan(_step_fn, step_vars, initializer=step_states, parallel_iterations=32, swap_memory=sm) output_ta = outputs[1] context_ta = outputs[2] attention_ta = outputs[3] outputs = tf.transpose(output_ta, [1, 0, 2]) output_states = outputs[:, -1] # batch x target length x depth x mem-dimension contexts = tf.transpose(context_ta, [1, 0, 2, 3]) # batch x num_heads x depth x target length x source length attentions = tf.transpose(attention_ta, [1, 3, 2, 0, 4]) return (outputs, output_states), \ (cells_higher[-1].get_hidden(outputs), cells_higher[-1].get_hidden(output_states)), \ contexts, attentions
def encoder(source, params): mask = dtype.tf_to_float(tf.cast(source, tf.bool)) hidden_size = params.hidden_size initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(0.0, hidden_size**-0.5) source, mask = util.remove_invalid_seq(source, mask) embed_name = "embedding" if params.shared_source_target_embedding \ else "src_embedding" src_emb = tf.get_variable(embed_name, [params.src_vocab.size(), params.embed_size], initializer=initializer) src_bias = tf.get_variable("bias", [params.embed_size]) inputs = tf.gather(src_emb, source) * (hidden_size**0.5) inputs = tf.nn.bias_add(inputs, src_bias) inputs = func.add_timing_signal(inputs) inputs = util.valid_apply_dropout(inputs, params.dropout) with tf.variable_scope("encoder"): x = inputs for layer in range(params.num_encoder_layer): if params.deep_transformer_init: layer_initializer = tf.variance_scaling_initializer( params.initializer_gain * (layer + 1)**-0.5, mode="fan_avg", distribution="uniform") else: layer_initializer = None with tf.variable_scope("layer_{}".format(layer), initializer=layer_initializer): with tf.variable_scope("self_attention"): y = func.dot_attention(x, None, func.attention_bias( mask, "masking"), hidden_size, num_heads=params.num_heads, dropout=params.attention_dropout) y = y['output'] x = func.residual_fn(x, y, dropout=params.residual_dropout) x = func.layer_norm(x) with tf.variable_scope("feed_forward"): y = func.ffn_layer( x, params.filter_size, hidden_size, dropout=params.relu_dropout, ) x = func.residual_fn(x, y, dropout=params.residual_dropout) x = func.layer_norm(x) source_encodes = x x_shp = util.shape_list(x) return { "encodes": source_encodes, "decoder_initializer": { "layer_{}".format(l): { # plan aan "aan": dtype.tf_to_float(tf.zeros([x_shp[0], 1, hidden_size])), } for l in range(params.num_decoder_layer) }, "mask": mask }
def decoder(target, state, params): mask = dtype.tf_to_float(tf.cast(target, tf.bool)) hidden_size = params.hidden_size initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(0.0, hidden_size**-0.5) is_training = ('decoder' not in state) if is_training: target, mask = util.remove_invalid_seq(target, mask) embed_name = "embedding" if params.shared_source_target_embedding \ else "tgt_embedding" tgt_emb = tf.get_variable(embed_name, [params.tgt_vocab.size(), params.embed_size], initializer=initializer) tgt_bias = tf.get_variable("bias", [params.embed_size]) inputs = tf.gather(tgt_emb, target) * (hidden_size**0.5) inputs = tf.nn.bias_add(inputs, tgt_bias) # shift if is_training: inputs = tf.pad(inputs, [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0]]) inputs = inputs[:, :-1, :] inputs = func.add_timing_signal(inputs) else: inputs = tf.cond( tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(target, params.tgt_vocab.pad())), lambda: tf.zeros_like(inputs), lambda: inputs) mask = tf.ones_like(mask) inputs = func.add_timing_signal(inputs, time=dtype.tf_to_float(state['time'])) inputs = util.valid_apply_dropout(inputs, params.dropout) with tf.variable_scope("decoder"): x = inputs for layer in range(params.num_decoder_layer): if params.deep_transformer_init: layer_initializer = tf.variance_scaling_initializer( params.initializer_gain * (layer + 1)**-0.5, mode="fan_avg", distribution="uniform") else: layer_initializer = None with tf.variable_scope("layer_{}".format(layer), initializer=layer_initializer): with tf.variable_scope("average_attention"): x_fwds = [] for strategy in params.strategies: with tf.variable_scope(strategy): x_fwd = average_attention_strategy( strategy, x, mask, state, layer, params) x_fwds.append(x_fwd) x_fwd = tf.add_n(x_fwds) / len(x_fwds) # FFN activation if params.use_ffn: y = func.ffn_layer( x_fwd, params.filter_size, hidden_size, dropout=params.relu_dropout, ) else: y = x_fwd # Gating layer z = func.linear(tf.concat([x, y], axis=-1), hidden_size * 2, scope="z_project") i, f = tf.split(z, 2, axis=-1) y = tf.sigmoid(i) * x + tf.sigmoid(f) * y x = func.residual_fn(x, y, dropout=params.residual_dropout) x = func.layer_norm(x) with tf.variable_scope("cross_attention"): y = func.dot_attention( x, state['encodes'], func.attention_bias(state['mask'], "masking"), hidden_size, num_heads=params.num_heads, dropout=params.attention_dropout, cache=None if is_training else state['decoder']['state']['layer_{}'.format(layer)]) if not is_training: # mk, mv state['decoder']['state']['layer_{}'.format(layer)]\ .update(y['cache']) y = y['output'] x = func.residual_fn(x, y, dropout=params.residual_dropout) x = func.layer_norm(x) with tf.variable_scope("feed_forward"): y = func.ffn_layer( x, params.filter_size, hidden_size, dropout=params.relu_dropout, ) x = func.residual_fn(x, y, dropout=params.residual_dropout) x = func.layer_norm(x) feature = x if 'dev_decode' in state: feature = x[:, -1, :] embed_name = "tgt_embedding" if params.shared_target_softmax_embedding \ else "softmax_embedding" embed_name = "embedding" if params.shared_source_target_embedding \ else embed_name softmax_emb = tf.get_variable(embed_name, [params.tgt_vocab.size(), params.embed_size], initializer=initializer) feature = tf.reshape(feature, [-1, params.embed_size]) logits = tf.matmul(feature, softmax_emb, False, True) logits = tf.cast(logits, tf.float32) soft_label, normalizer = util.label_smooth(target, util.shape_list(logits)[-1], factor=params.label_smooth) centropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits=logits, labels=soft_label) centropy -= normalizer centropy = tf.reshape(centropy, tf.shape(target)) mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.float32) per_sample_loss = tf.reduce_sum(centropy * mask, -1) / tf.reduce_sum( mask, -1) loss = tf.reduce_mean(per_sample_loss) # these mask tricks mainly used to deal with zero shapes, such as [0, 1] loss = tf.cond(tf.equal(tf.shape(target)[0], 0), lambda: tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32), lambda: loss) return loss, logits, state, per_sample_loss
def decoder(target, state, params): mask = dtype.tf_to_float(tf.cast(target, tf.bool)) hidden_size = params.hidden_size is_training = ('decoder' not in state) # handling target-side word embedding, including shift-padding for training embed_name = "embedding" if params.shared_source_target_embedding \ else "tgt_embedding" tgt_emb = tf.get_variable(embed_name, [params.tgt_vocab.size(), params.embed_size]) tgt_bias = tf.get_variable("bias", [params.embed_size]) inputs = tf.gather(tgt_emb, target) inputs = tf.nn.bias_add(inputs, tgt_bias) # shift if is_training: inputs = tf.pad(inputs, [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0]]) inputs = inputs[:, :-1, :] else: inputs = tf.cond( tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(target, params.tgt_vocab.pad())), lambda: tf.zeros_like(inputs), lambda: inputs) mask = tf.ones_like(mask) inputs = util.valid_apply_dropout(inputs, params.dropout) with tf.variable_scope("decoder"): x = inputs init_state = state["decoder_initializer"]["layer"] if not is_training: init_state = state["decoder"]["state"]["layer"] returns = deep_att_dec_rnn(params.cell, x, state["encodes"], hidden_size, init_state=init_state, mask=mask, num_heads=params.num_heads, mem_mask=state["mask"], ln=params.layer_norm, sm=params.swap_memory, depth=params.num_decoder_layer) (_, hidden_state), (outputs, _), contexts, attentions = returns if not is_training: state['decoder']['state']['layer'] = hidden_state x = outputs cshp = util.shape_list(contexts) c = tf.reshape(contexts, [cshp[0], cshp[1], cshp[2] * cshp[3]]) feature = func.linear(tf.concat([x, c, inputs], -1), params.embed_size, ln=params.layer_norm, scope="ff") feature = tf.nn.tanh(feature) feature = util.valid_apply_dropout(feature, params.dropout) if 'dev_decode' in state: feature = feature[:, -1, :] embed_name = "tgt_embedding" if params.shared_target_softmax_embedding \ else "softmax_embedding" embed_name = "embedding" if params.shared_source_target_embedding \ else embed_name softmax_emb = tf.get_variable(embed_name, [params.tgt_vocab.size(), params.embed_size]) feature = tf.reshape(feature, [-1, params.embed_size]) logits = tf.matmul(feature, softmax_emb, False, True) logits = tf.cast(logits, tf.float32) soft_label, normalizer = util.label_smooth(target, util.shape_list(logits)[-1], factor=params.label_smooth) centropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits=logits, labels=soft_label) centropy -= normalizer centropy = tf.reshape(centropy, tf.shape(target)) mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.float32) per_sample_loss = tf.reduce_sum(centropy * mask, -1) / tf.reduce_sum( mask, -1) loss = tf.reduce_mean(per_sample_loss) # these mask tricks mainly used to deal with zero shapes, such as [0, 1] loss = tf.cond(tf.equal(tf.shape(target)[0], 0), lambda: tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32), lambda: loss) return loss, logits, state, per_sample_loss
def dot_attention(query, memory, mem_mask, hidden_size, ln=False, num_heads=1, cache=None, dropout=None, use_relative_pos=True, max_relative_position=16, out_map=True, scope=None): """ dotted attention model :param query: [batch_size, qey_len, dim] :param memory: [batch_size, seq_len, mem_dim] or None :param mem_mask: [batch_size, seq_len] :param hidden_size: attention space dimension :param ln: whether use layer normalization :param num_heads: attention head number :param dropout: attention dropout, default disable :param out_map: output additional mapping :param cache: cache-based decoding :param max_relative_position: maximum position considered for relative embedding :param use_relative_pos: whether use relative position information :param scope: :return: a value matrix, [batch_size, qey_len, mem_dim] """ with tf.variable_scope(scope or "dot_attention"): if memory is None: # suppose self-attention from queries alone h = linear(query, hidden_size * 3, ln=ln, scope="qkv_map") q, k, v = tf.split(h, 3, -1) if cache is not None: k = tf.concat([cache['k'], k], axis=1) v = tf.concat([cache['v'], v], axis=1) cache = { 'k': k, 'v': v, } else: q = linear(query, hidden_size, ln=ln, scope="q_map") if cache is not None and ('mk' in cache and 'mv' in cache): k, v = cache['mk'], cache['mv'] else: h = linear(memory, hidden_size * 2, ln=ln, scope="kv_map") k, v = tf.split(h, 2, -1) if cache is not None: cache['mk'] = k cache['mv'] = v q = split_heads(q, num_heads) k = split_heads(k, num_heads) v = split_heads(v, num_heads) q *= (hidden_size // num_heads)**(-0.5) q_shp = util.shape_list(q) k_shp = util.shape_list(k) v_shp = util.shape_list(v) # q * k => attention weights if use_relative_pos: r = get_relative_positions_embeddings( q_shp[2], k_shp[2], k_shp[3], max_relative_position, name="relative_positions_keys") logits = relative_attention_inner(q, k, r, transpose=True) else: logits = tf.matmul(q, k, transpose_b=True) if mem_mask is not None: logits += mem_mask weights = tf.nn.softmax(logits) weights = util.valid_apply_dropout(weights, dropout) # weights * v => attention vectors if use_relative_pos: r = get_relative_positions_embeddings( q_shp[2], k_shp[2], v_shp[3], max_relative_position, name="relative_positions_values") o = relative_attention_inner(weights, v, r, transpose=False) else: o = tf.matmul(weights, v) o = combine_heads(o) if out_map: o = linear(o, hidden_size, ln=ln, scope="o_map") results = {'weights': weights, 'output': o, 'cache': cache} return results
def cond_rnn(cell_name, x, memory, d, init_state=None, mask=None, mem_mask=None, ln=False, sm=True, one2one=False): """Self implemented conditional-RNN procedure, supporting mask trick""" # cell_name: gru, lstm or atr # x: input sequence embedding matrix, [batch, seq_len, dim] # memory: the conditional part # d: hidden dimension for rnn # mask: mask matrix, [batch, seq_len] # mem_mask: memory mask matrix, [batch, mem_seq_len] # ln: whether use layer normalization # init_state: the initial hidden states, for cache purpose # sm: whether apply swap memory during rnn scan # one2one: whether the memory is one-to-one mapping for x in_shape = util.shape_list(x) batch_size, time_steps = in_shape[:2] mem_shape = util.shape_list(memory) cell_lower = get_cell(cell_name, d, ln=ln, scope="{}_lower".format(cell_name)) cell_higher = get_cell(cell_name, d, ln=ln, scope="{}_higher".format(cell_name)) if init_state is None: init_state = cell_lower.get_init_state(shape=[batch_size]) if mask is None: mask = tf.ones([batch_size, time_steps], tf.float32) if mem_mask is None: mem_mask = tf.ones([batch_size, mem_shape[1]], tf.float32) # prepare projected encodes and inputs cache_inputs = cell_lower.fetch_states(x) cache_inputs = [tf.transpose(v, [1, 0, 2]) for v in list(cache_inputs)] if not one2one: proj_memories = linear(memory, mem_shape[-1], bias=False, ln=ln, scope="context_att") else: cache_memories = cell_higher.fetch_states(memory) cache_memories = [ tf.transpose(v, [1, 0, 2]) for v in list(cache_memories) ] mask_ta = tf.transpose(tf.expand_dims(mask, -1), [1, 0, 2]) init_context = tf.zeros([batch_size, mem_shape[-1]], tf.float32) init_weight = tf.zeros([batch_size, mem_shape[1]], tf.float32) mask_pos = len(cache_inputs) def _step_fn(prev, x): t, h_, c_, a_ = prev if not one2one: m, v = x[mask_pos], x[:mask_pos] else: c, c_c, m, v = x[-1], x[mask_pos + 1:-1], x[mask_pos], x[:mask_pos] s = cell_lower(h_, v) s = m * s + (1. - m) * h_ if not one2one: a, c = additive_attention(cell_lower.get_hidden(s), memory, mem_mask, mem_shape[-1], ln=ln, proj_memory=proj_memories, scope="attention") c_c = cell_higher.fetch_states(c) else: a = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(time_steps), 0), [batch_size, 1]) a = tf.to_float(a == t) a = tf.reshape(a, tf.shape(init_weight)) h = cell_higher(s, c_c) h = m * h + (1. - m) * s return t + 1, h, c, a time = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32, name="time") step_states = (time, init_state, init_context, init_weight) step_vars = cache_inputs + [mask_ta] if one2one: step_vars += cache_memories + [memory] outputs = tf.scan(_step_fn, step_vars, initializer=step_states, parallel_iterations=32, swap_memory=sm) output_ta = outputs[1] context_ta = outputs[2] attention_ta = outputs[3] outputs = tf.transpose(output_ta, [1, 0, 2]) output_states = outputs[:, -1] contexts = tf.transpose(context_ta, [1, 0, 2]) attentions = tf.transpose(attention_ta, [1, 0, 2]) return (outputs, output_states), \ (cell_higher.get_hidden(outputs), cell_higher.get_hidden(output_states)), \ contexts, attentions
def decoder(target, state, params): mask = dtype.tf_to_float(tf.cast(target, tf.bool)) hidden_size = params.hidden_size initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(0.0, hidden_size**-0.5) is_training = ('decoder' not in state) if is_training: target, mask = util.remove_invalid_seq(target, mask) embed_name = "embedding" if params.shared_source_target_embedding \ else "tgt_embedding" tgt_emb = tf.get_variable(embed_name, [params.tgt_vocab.size(), params.embed_size], initializer=initializer) tgt_bias = tf.get_variable("bias", [params.embed_size]) inputs = tf.gather(tgt_emb, target) * (hidden_size**0.5) inputs = tf.nn.bias_add(inputs, tgt_bias) # shift if is_training: inputs = tf.pad(inputs, [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0]]) inputs = inputs[:, :-1, :] inputs = func.add_timing_signal(inputs) else: inputs = tf.cond( tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(target, params.tgt_vocab.pad())), lambda: tf.zeros_like(inputs), lambda: inputs) mask = tf.ones_like(mask) inputs = func.add_timing_signal(inputs, time=dtype.tf_to_float(state['time'])) inputs = util.valid_apply_dropout(inputs, params.dropout) # Applying L0Drop # -------- source_memory = state["encodes"] source_mask = state["mask"] # source_pruning: log alpha_i = x_i w^T source_pruning = func.linear(source_memory, 1, scope="source_pruning") if is_training: # training source_memory, l0_mask = l0norm.var_train( (source_memory, source_pruning)) l0_norm_loss = tf.squeeze(l0norm.l0_norm(source_pruning), -1) l0_norm_loss = tf.reduce_sum(l0_norm_loss * source_mask, -1) / tf.reduce_sum(source_mask, -1) l0_norm_loss = tf.reduce_mean(l0_norm_loss) l0_norm_loss = l0norm.l0_regularization_loss( l0_norm_loss, reg_scalar=params.l0_norm_reg_scalar, start_reg_ramp_up=params.l0_norm_start_reg_ramp_up, end_reg_ramp_up=params.l0_norm_end_reg_ramp_up, warm_up=params.l0_norm_warm_up, ) # force the model to only attend to unmasked position source_mask = dtype.tf_to_float( tf.cast(tf.squeeze(l0_mask, -1), tf.bool)) * source_mask else: # evaluation source_memory, l0_mask = l0norm.var_eval( (source_memory, source_pruning)) l0_norm_loss = 0.0 source_memory, source_mask, count_mask = extract_encodes( source_memory, source_mask, l0_mask) count_mask = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(count_mask, 1), 1) # -------- with tf.variable_scope("decoder"): x = inputs for layer in range(params.num_decoder_layer): if params.deep_transformer_init: layer_initializer = tf.variance_scaling_initializer( params.initializer_gain * (layer + 1)**-0.5, mode="fan_avg", distribution="uniform") else: layer_initializer = None with tf.variable_scope("layer_{}".format(layer), initializer=layer_initializer): with tf.variable_scope("self_attention"): y = func.dot_attention( x, None, func.attention_bias(tf.shape(mask)[1], "causal"), hidden_size, num_heads=params.num_heads, dropout=params.attention_dropout, cache=None if is_training else state['decoder']['state']['layer_{}'.format(layer)]) if not is_training: # k, v state['decoder']['state']['layer_{}'.format(layer)] \ .update(y['cache']) y = y['output'] x = func.residual_fn(x, y, dropout=params.residual_dropout) x = func.layer_norm(x) with tf.variable_scope("cross_attention"): if is_training: y = func.dot_attention( x, source_memory, func.attention_bias(source_mask, "masking"), hidden_size, num_heads=params.num_heads, dropout=params.attention_dropout, ) else: y = dot_attention(x, source_memory, func.attention_bias( source_mask, "masking"), hidden_size, count_mask=count_mask, num_heads=params.num_heads, dropout=params.attention_dropout, cache=state['decoder']['state'][ 'layer_{}'.format(layer)]) # mk, mv state['decoder']['state']['layer_{}'.format(layer)] \ .update(y['cache']) y = y['output'] x = func.residual_fn(x, y, dropout=params.residual_dropout) x = func.layer_norm(x) with tf.variable_scope("feed_forward"): y = func.ffn_layer( x, params.filter_size, hidden_size, dropout=params.relu_dropout, ) x = func.residual_fn(x, y, dropout=params.residual_dropout) x = func.layer_norm(x) feature = x if 'dev_decode' in state: feature = x[:, -1, :] embed_name = "tgt_embedding" if params.shared_target_softmax_embedding \ else "softmax_embedding" embed_name = "embedding" if params.shared_source_target_embedding \ else embed_name softmax_emb = tf.get_variable(embed_name, [params.tgt_vocab.size(), params.embed_size], initializer=initializer) feature = tf.reshape(feature, [-1, params.embed_size]) logits = tf.matmul(feature, softmax_emb, False, True) logits = tf.cast(logits, tf.float32) soft_label, normalizer = util.label_smooth(target, util.shape_list(logits)[-1], factor=params.label_smooth) centropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits=logits, labels=soft_label) centropy -= normalizer centropy = tf.reshape(centropy, tf.shape(target)) mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.float32) per_sample_loss = tf.reduce_sum(centropy * mask, -1) / tf.reduce_sum( mask, -1) loss = tf.reduce_mean(per_sample_loss) loss = loss + l0_norm_loss # these mask tricks mainly used to deal with zero shapes, such as [0, 1] loss = tf.cond(tf.equal(tf.shape(target)[0], 0), lambda: tf.constant(0, tf.float32), lambda: loss) return loss, logits, state, per_sample_loss