def test_reset_a_users_password(accounts_base_url, selenium): """Reset a user's password.""" # SETUP: name = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail(f'{name[1]}.{name[2]}.{Utility.random_hex(6)}'.lower()) email.empty() address = email.address password = Utility.random_hex(length=14, lower=True) reset_password = Utility.random_hex(length=12, lower=True) # GIVEN: a registered user viewing the Accounts Home page home = Home(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() profile = home.student_signup(first_name=name[1], last_name=name[2], password=password, email=email) home = profile.content.log_out() email.empty() # WHEN: they click the "Forgot your password?" link # AND: enter their email address # AND: click the "Reset my password" button reset = home.content.forgot_your_password().content = address link_sent = reset.reset_my_password() # THEN: a "Password reset email sent" message is displayed assert('Password reset email sent' in link_sent.page_source), \ f'Password reset message not seen ({link_sent.location})' # WHEN: open the "Reset your OpenStax password" e-mail # AND: click the "Click here to reset your OpenStax password." link # AND: a new password is entered in both input boxes # AND: click the "RESET PASSWORD" button # AND: click the "CONTINUE" button email.wait_for_mail() print(email.inbox[0].html) url = email.inbox[0].reset_link selenium.get(url) reset_form = ChangePassword(selenium, accounts_base_url).content reset_form.password = reset_password profile = reset_form.log_in() # THEN: the user's profile is displayed assert('profile' in profile.location), 'User is not logged in' # WHEN: the user logs out # AND: logs in using the new password home = profile.content.log_out() profile = home.log_in(address, reset_password) # THEN: the user's profile is displayed assert('profile' in profile.location), 'User is not logged in'
def test_unverified_users_sent_to_faculty_verification_for_locked_resources( accounts_base_url, web_base_url, selenium, admin): """Test non-verified users must fill out faculty verification form.""" # SETUP: name = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail('{first}.{last}.{tag}'.format( first=name[1], last=name[2], tag=Utility.random_hex(4)).lower()) email.empty() address = email.address password = Utility.random_hex(20) # GIVEN: a user viewing the instructor resources on a book details page # AND: have a non-verified, non-pending account # AND: are logged into the site accounts = AccountsHome(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() profile = ( accounts.content .view_sign_up().content .sign_up_as_an_educator() .account_sign_up( email=address, password=password, _type=Accounts.INSTRUCTOR, provider=Accounts.RESTMAIL, name=name, school='Automation', news=False, phone=Utility.random_phone(), webpage=web_base_url, subjects=subject_list(2), students=10, use=Accounts.RECOMMENDED)) profile.log_out() profile = accounts.log_in(*admin) search = Search(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() user = search.find(terms={'email': address}).users[0] details = user.edit() details.faculty_status = Accounts.REJECTED details.close_tab() profile = Profile(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() profile.log_out() accounts.log_in(address, password) home = WebHome(selenium, web_base_url).open() subjects = home.web_nav.subjects.view_all() book = subjects.select_random_book(_from=Library.HAS_I_LOCK) book.select_tab(Web.INSTRUCTOR_RESOURCES) locked_resources = book.instructor.resources_by_option(Web.LOCKED) random_resource = Utility.random(0, len(locked_resources) - 1) resource = locked_resources[random_resource] # WHEN: they click on "Click here to unlock" link verification = # THEN: the Accounts faculty verification form is loaded in a new tab assert(verification.is_displayed()), 'Verification form not displayed' assert('Apply for instructor access' in selenium.page_source), \ 'Instructor access text not found in the page source'
def test_get_and_set_a_username(accounts_base_url, selenium, student): """Test the username field.""" # SETUP: new_username = Utility.random_hex(18, True) # GIVEN: a user with a username viewing their profile home = AccountsHome(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() profile = home.log_in(*student) old_username = profile.content.username.username # WHEN: they click their username # AND: enter a new username in the input field # AND: click the checkmark button profile.content.username.change_username() profile.content.username.username = new_username profile.content.username.accept() # THEN: the username field shows the change assert (profile.content.username.username != old_username), \ 'username change failed' # WHEN: they click their username # AND: enter the original username in the input field # AND: click the checkmark button profile.content.username.change_username() profile.content.username.username = old_username profile.content.username.accept() # THEN: the original username is shown assert (profile.content.username.username == old_username), \ 'username reset failed'
def test_adoption_form_requires_at_least_one_book_selection( web_base_url, selenium): """Test that the adoption form requires at least one book selection.""" # SETUP: user_type = Web.USERS[Utility.random(1, len(Web.USERS) - 1)] _, first_name, last_name, _ = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail('{first}.{last}.{rand}'.format( first=first_name, last=last_name, rand=Utility.random_hex(5)).lower()) phone = Utility.random_phone(713, False) school = 'Automation' # GIVEN: a user viewing the adoption page adoption = Adoption(selenium, web_base_url).open() # WHEN: they select a non-Student role from the drop down menu # AND: fill out the contact form fields # AND: click on the "Next" button # AND: click on the "Next" button with pytest.raises(WebException) as error: adoption.submit_adoption(user_type=user_type, first=first_name, last=last_name, email=email.address, phone=phone, school=school, books={}) # THEN: the textbook selection list is still displayed # AND: an error message "Please select at least one book" is displayed assert ('Please select at least one book' in Utility.get_error_information(error)), ( 'The book error was not displayed')
def test_non_student_users_submit_the_adoption_form(web_base_url, selenium): """Test that a non-student user is able to submit the adoption form. Salesforce verification of the form is not tested. """ # SETUP: user_type = Web.USERS[Utility.random(1, len(Web.USERS) - 1)] _, first_name, last_name, _ = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail('{first}.{last}.{rand}'.format( first=first_name, last=last_name, rand=Utility.random_hex(3)).lower()) phone = Utility.random_phone(713, False) school = 'Automation' book_list = Library().random_book() books = {} for book in book_list: books[book] = { 'status': Web.USING_STATUS[Utility.random(0, len(Web.USING_STATUS) - 1)], 'students': Utility.random(Web.STUDENT_MIN, Web.STUDENT_MAX) } tech_providers = TechProviders.get_tech(Utility.random(0, 3)) if TechProviders.OTHER in tech_providers: other = 'Another product provider' else: other = None # GIVEN: a user viewing the adoption page home = WebHome(selenium, web_base_url).open() subjects = home.web_nav.subjects.view_all() initial_book = choice(list(books.keys())) book = subjects.select_book(initial_book) adoption = book.is_using() # WHEN: they select a non-Student role from the drop down menu # AND: fill out the contact form fields # AND: click on the "Next" button # AND: select a book subject # AND: select a radio option from "How are you using <book>?" # AND: enter a number of students # AND: click on the "Next" button # AND: select a technology provider # AND: click on the "Submit" button book = adoption.submit_adoption(user_type=user_type, first=first_name, last=last_name, email=email.address, phone=phone, school=school, books=books, tech_providers=tech_providers, other_provider=other) # THEN: the book's instructor resources page is displayed assert (book.is_displayed()) assert ('books' in book.location)
def test_sign_up_as_an_instructor(accounts_base_url, selenium): """Test non-student user signup.""" # SETUP: from pages.accounts.profile import Profile as profile name = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail((f'{name[Accounts.FIRST]}.{name[Accounts.LAST]}.' f'{Utility.random_hex(4)}').lower()) email.empty() address = email.address password = Utility.random_hex(20) # GIVEN: a user with a valid email address viewing the home page home = Home(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() # WHEN: they click the "Sign up" tab # AND: click the "Educator" box # AND: selects "Instructor" from the drop down menu # AND: enters the email address # AND: clicks the "NEXT" button (a second click may be required if the # email does not end in ".edu") # AND: enters the supplied PIN # AND: clicks the "CONFIRM" button # AND: enters the password in both input boxes # AND: clicks "SUBMIT" # AND: enters data in the various user and course profile boxes # AND: clicks the checkbox next to "I agree to the Terms of Use and the # Privacy Policy." # AND: clicks the "CREATE ACCOUNT" button # AND: clicks the "OK" button sign_up = home.content.view_sign_up() educator = sign_up.content.sign_up_as_an_educator() profile = educator.sign_up( first=name[1], last=name[2], email=email, password=password, phone=Utility.random_phone(), school='Automation', page=profile, base_url=accounts_base_url) # THEN: their new account profile is displayed full_name = addresses = [ for entry in profile.content.emails.emails] assert('profile' in profile.location), \ 'account profile not displayed' assert(name[Accounts.FIRST] in full_name), \ 'first name does not match sign up' assert(name[Accounts.LAST] in full_name), \ 'last name does not match sign up' assert(address in addresses), \ 'sign up email not found'
def test_pending_instructors_see_access_pending_for_locked_resources( accounts_base_url, web_base_url, selenium): """Test pending instructors see 'Access pending' for locked resources.""" # GIVEN: a user viewing the book details page # AND: have an unverified instructor account # AND: the book has locked instructor resources name = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail( '{first}.{last}.{tag}' .format(first=name[1], last=name[2], tag=Utility.random_hex(3)) .lower() ) email.empty() address = email.address password = Utility.random_hex(17) subjects = subject_list(2) accounts = AccountsHome(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() (accounts.content .view_sign_up().content .sign_up_as_an_educator() .account_sign_up( email=address, password=password, _type=Accounts.INSTRUCTOR, provider=Accounts.RESTMAIL, name=name, school='Automation', news=False, phone=Utility.random_phone(), webpage='', subjects=subjects, students=10, use=Accounts.ADOPTED)) home = WebHome(selenium, web_base_url).open() subjects = home.web_nav.subjects.view_all() book = subjects.select_random_book(_from=Library.HAS_I_LOCK) # WHEN: they click on the "Instructor resources" tab book.select_tab(Web.INSTRUCTOR_RESOURCES) # THEN: locked resources show "Access pending" for option in book.instructor.resources: assert(option.status_message in Web.ACCESS_OK), ( '{resource} ("{status}") not pending authorization or available' .format(resource=option.title, status=option.status_message))
def test_sign_up_as_a_student_user(accounts_base_url, selenium): """Test student user signup.""" # SETUP: name = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail((f'{name[Accounts.FIRST]}.{name[Accounts.LAST]}.' f'{Utility.random_hex(3)}').lower()) email.empty() address = email.address password = Utility.random_hex(20) # GIVEN: a user with a valid email address viewing the home page home = Home(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() # WHEN: they click the "Sign up" tab # AND: click the "Student" box # AND: enter their first name, last name, email address and password, # click the "I agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy", # checkbox, click the "Continue" button # AND: enter the confirmation PIN number and click the "Confirm my # account" button # AND: click the "Finish" button sign_up = home.content.view_sign_up() student_sign_up = sign_up.content.sign_up_as_a_student().content student_sign_up.first_name = name[Accounts.FIRST] student_sign_up.last_name = name[Accounts.LAST] = address student_sign_up.password = password student_sign_up.i_agree() confirm_email = student_sign_up._continue().content pin = email.wait_for_mail()[-1].pin = pin complete_sign_up = confirm_email.confirm_my_account().content profile = complete_sign_up.finish() # THEN: their new account profile is displayed full_name = addresses = [ for entry in profile.content.emails.emails] assert('profile' in profile.location), \ 'account profile not displayed' assert(name[Accounts.FIRST] in full_name), \ 'first name does not match sign up' assert(name[Accounts.LAST] in full_name), \ 'last name does not match sign up' assert(address in addresses), \ 'sign up email not found'
def test_verify_an_email(accounts_base_url, selenium, student): """Test the email verification process.""" # SETUP: name = Utility.random_hex(19, True) email = RestMail(name) email.empty() address = email.address # GIVEN: a student viewing their profile home = AccountsHome(selenium, accounts_base_url).open() profile = home.log_in(*student) # WHEN: they add an email without verifying it # AND: click the email address # AND: click the "Resend confirmation email" link # AND: open the second verification email # AND: click the confirmation link # AND: close the new tab showing "Thank you for confirming your email # address." # AND: reload the profile page profile.content.emails.add_email_address() = address profile.content.emails.new_email.accept() email.wait_for_mail() email.empty() for entry in profile.content.emails.emails: if == address: entry.toggle() entry.resend_confirmation_email() email.wait_for_mail()[-1].confirm_email() profile.reload() # THEN: the new email does not have "unconfirmed" to the right of it for entry in profile.content.emails.emails: if == address: assert(entry.is_confirmed), 'email is not confirmed' break # WHEN: they delete the new email for entry in profile.content.emails.emails: if == address: popup = entry.delete() profile = popup.ok() break # THEN: the email list is restored for entry in profile.content.emails.emails: assert( != address), 'email was not been removed'
def test_a_book_is_preselected_when_a_book_details_interest_link_is_used( web_base_url, selenium): """Test the book is already selected when passed in the URL.""" # SETUP: user_type = Web.USERS[Utility.random(1, len(Web.USERS) - 1)] _, first_name, last_name, _ = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail('{first}.{last}.{rand}'.format( first=first_name, last=last_name, rand=Utility.random_hex(4)).lower()) phone = Utility.random_phone(713, False) school = 'Automation' book, short, full, detail_append = Library().get_name_set() books = [short] students = '' # GIVEN: a user viewing a book page book_details = Book(selenium, web_base_url, book_name=detail_append).open() # WHEN: they click on the "Sign up to learn more" link # AND: select a non-Student role from the drop down menu # AND: fill out the contact form fields # AND: click on the "Next" button interest = book_details.is_interested() if interest.survey.is_displayed(): interest.survey.close() if interest.privacy_notice.is_displayed(): interest.privacy_notice.got_it() with pytest.raises(WebException) as error: interest.submit_interest(user_type=user_type, first=first_name, last=last_name, email=email.address, phone=phone, school=school, books=books, students=students, additional_resources=Web.resources(), heard_on=Web.heard_by()) # THEN: the book is selected selection = interest.form.selection assert(short in selection), \ f'{short} not in the current selection ({selection})' assert('Using error' in Utility.get_error_information(error)), \ 'No book is preselected'
def test_a_book_is_preselected_when_a_book_details_adoption_link_is_used( web_base_url, selenium): """Test using a book details page adoption link prefills the book.""" # SETUP: user_type = Web.USERS[Utility.random(1, len(Web.USERS) - 1)] _, first_name, last_name, _ = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail('{first}.{last}.{rand}'.format( first=first_name, last=last_name, rand=Utility.random_hex(4)).lower()) phone = Utility.random_phone(713, False) school = 'Automation' book, short, full, detail_append = Library().get_name_set() books = { short: { 'status': '', 'students': '', } } # GIVEN: a user viewing a book page home = WebHome(selenium, web_base_url).open() subjects = home.web_nav.subjects.view_all() book = subjects.select_random_book(_from=Library.AVAILABLE) adoption = book.is_using() # WHEN: they click on the "Using this book? Let us know." link # AND: select a non-Student role from the drop down menu # AND: fill out the contact form fields # AND: click on the "Next" button with pytest.raises(WebException) as error: adoption.submit_adoption(user_type=user_type, first=first_name, last=last_name, email=email.address, phone=phone, school=school, books=books) # THEN: the book is selected # AND: the using questions for the book are displayed assert(short in Utility.get_error_information(error)), \ '{book} ({short}) not preselected'.format(book=full, short=short)
def test_a_user_may_submit_a_message(web_base_url, selenium): """A user may use the contact form to message OpenStax.""" # GIVEN: a user viewing the contact form page topic = Web.TOPICS[Utility.random(end=len(Web.TOPICS) - 1)] _, first, last, _ = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail('{first}.{last}.{id}'.format( first=first, last=last, id=Utility.random_hex(5)).lower()) email.empty() message = chomsky(Utility.random(1, 3)) home = WebHome(selenium, web_base_url).open() contact = # WHEN: they select a question topic from the drop down # menu # AND: enter a name # AND: enter an e-mail address # AND: enter a message # AND: click on the "Send" button contact.form.topic = topic = '{0} {1}'.format(first, last) = email.address contact.form.message = message confirmation = contact.form.send() # THEN: the contact confirmation page is displayed # AND: a "Thank you for contacting OpenStax!" email is # received assert (confirmation.is_displayed()) assert ('confirmation' in confirmation.location) ''' auto-emails are disabled in the TutorQA sandbox email.wait_for_mail(60) assert('Thank you for contacting OpenStax!' in email.get_mail[-1].subject)''' # WHEN: they click on the "Check out our subjects" # button subjects = confirmation.view_subjects() # THEN: the subjects page is displayed assert (subjects.is_displayed()) assert ('subjects' in subjects.location)
def test_students_sign_up_to_access_locked_student_content( accounts_base_url, web_base_url, selenium): """Users are directed to sign up to access locked student content.""" # SETUP: name = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail(f'{name[1]}.{name[2]}.{Utility.random_hex(4)}'.lower()) email.empty() password = Utility.random_hex(20) # GIVEN: a user viewing the student resources on a book details page # AND: is not logged into the site # AND: there is a locked student resource home = WebHome(selenium, web_base_url).open() subjects = home.web_nav.subjects.view_all() book = subjects.select_random_book(_from=Library.HAS_S_LOCK) book.select_tab(Web.STUDENT_RESOURCES) # WHEN: they click on "Click here to unlock" link options = book.student.resources_by_option(Web.LOCKED) assert(options), f'No locked student resources found for {book.title}' option = options[Utility.random(0, len(options) - 1)] option_title = option.title accounts = AccountsHome(selenium, accounts_base_url) # THEN: the Accounts sign up page is displayed assert(accounts.is_displayed()), 'Accounts login page not displayed' assert('accounts' in accounts.location), \ f'Not on an Accounts instance ({accounts.location})' # WHEN: they sign up book = accounts.student_signup(name[1], name[2], password, email, Book, web_base_url) # THEN: the student resources on the book details page is displayed # AND: the resource is available for download assert(book.student.is_displayed()), \ f'Student resources not displayed ({book.location})' option = book.student.resource_by_name(option_title) assert(not option.is_locked), f'{option.title} is still locked'
def test_interest_form_requires_at_least_one_book_selection( web_base_url, selenium): """Test at least one book must be selected before submitting the form.""" # SETUP: user_type = Web.USERS[Utility.random(1, len(Web.USERS) - 1)] _, first_name, last_name, _ = Utility.random_name() email = RestMail('{first}.{last}.{rand}'.format( first=first_name, last=last_name, rand=Utility.random_hex(5)).lower()) phone = Utility.random_phone(713, False) school = 'Automation' # GIVEN: a user viewing the interest page interest = Interest(selenium, web_base_url).open() if interest.survey.is_displayed(): interest.survey.close() if interest.privacy_notice.is_displayed(): interest.privacy_notice.got_it() # WHEN: they select a non-Student role from the drop down menu # AND: fill out the contact form fields # AND: click on the "Next" button # AND: click on the "Next" button with pytest.raises(WebException) as error: interest.submit_interest(user_type=user_type, first=first_name, last=last_name, email=email.address, phone=phone, school=school, books=[], students='', additional_resources=None, heard_on=None) # THEN: the textbook selection list is still displayed # AND: an error message "Please select at least one book" is displayed assert ('Please select at least one book' in Utility.get_error_information(error)), ( 'The book error was not displayed')