def hungarian_evaluate(subhead_index, all_predictions, class_names=None, compute_purity=True, compute_confusion_matrix=True, confusion_matrix_file=None): # Evaluate model based on hungarian matching between predicted cluster assignment and gt classes. # This is computed only for the passed subhead index. # Hungarian matching head = all_predictions[subhead_index] targets = head['targets'].cuda() predictions = head['predictions'].cuda() probs = head['probabilities'].cuda() num_classes = torch.unique(targets).numel() num_elems = targets.size(0) match = _hungarian_match(predictions, targets, preds_k=num_classes, targets_k=num_classes) reordered_preds = torch.zeros(num_elems, dtype=predictions.dtype).cuda() for pred_i, target_i in match: reordered_preds[predictions == int(pred_i)] = int(target_i) # Gather performance metrics acc = int((reordered_preds == targets).sum()) / float(num_elems) nmi = metrics.normalized_mutual_info_score(targets.cpu().numpy(), predictions.cpu().numpy()) ari = metrics.adjusted_rand_score(targets.cpu().numpy(), predictions.cpu().numpy()) report = metrics.classification_report(targets.cpu().numpy(), reordered_preds.cpu().numpy(), target_names=class_names) print(report) _, preds_top5 = probs.topk(5, 1, largest=True) reordered_preds_top5 = torch.zeros_like(preds_top5) for pred_i, target_i in match: reordered_preds_top5[preds_top5 == int(pred_i)] = int(target_i) correct_top5_binary = reordered_preds_top5.eq( targets.view(-1, 1).expand_as(reordered_preds_top5)) top5 = float(correct_top5_binary.sum()) / float(num_elems) # Compute confusion matrix if compute_confusion_matrix: confusion_matrix(reordered_preds.cpu().numpy(), targets.cpu().numpy(), class_names, confusion_matrix_file) return { 'ACC': acc, 'ARI': ari, 'NMI': nmi, 'ACC Top-5': top5, 'hungarian_match': match }
def validate(model, cfg): torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True val_dataset = Seg_dataset(cfg) val_loader = data.DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=4, pin_memory=True) total_batch = int(len(val_dataset)) + 1 hist = np.zeros((cfg.class_num, cfg.class_num)) with torch.no_grad(): for i, (img, label) in enumerate(val_loader): image = img.cuda().detach() output = model(image) pred = torch.max(output, 1)[1].cpu().numpy().astype('int32') label = label.numpy().astype('int32') hist += confusion_matrix(pred.flatten(), label.flatten(), cfg.class_num) ious = per_class_iou(hist) * 100 miou = np.nanmean(ious) print(f'\rBatch: {i + 1}/{total_batch}, mIOU: {miou:.2f}', end='') print('\nPer class iou:') for i, iou in enumerate(ious): print(f'{i}: {iou:.2f}') return miou
def train_(train_iter, net, opt, loss_function, loss_type, ind_ignore, n_classes): net.train() train_loss = 0 total = 0 # Create the confusion matrix cm = np.zeros((n_classes, n_classes)) nTrain = train_iter.nbatches for batch_idx in range(nTrain): all_data = data = all_data[0] target = all_data[1] data, target = data.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)), target.transpose( (0, 3, 1, 2)) data, target = torch.from_numpy(data), torch.from_numpy(target) data, target = data.cuda(), target.cuda() data, target = Variable(data), Variable(target) opt.zero_grad() output = net(data) target = target.type(torch.FloatTensor).cuda() _, target_indices = torch.max(target, 1) _, output_indices = torch.max(output, 1) flattened_output = output_indices.view(-1) flattened_target = target_indices.view(-1) if loss_type == 'cce_soft': loss = cce_soft(output, target, ignore_label=ind_ignore) else: loss = loss_function(output, target_indices) cm = confusion_matrix(cm,,, n_classes) loss.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(net.parameters(), max_norm=4) opt.step() train_loss +=[0] _, predicted = torch.max(, 1) total += target.size(0) progress_bar(batch_idx, nTrain, 'Loss: %.3f' % (train_loss / (batch_idx + 1))) del (output) del (loss) del (flattened_output) del (output_indices) jaccard_per_class, jaccard, accuracy = compute_metrics(cm) metrics_string = print_metrics(train_loss, nTrain, n_classes, jaccard_per_class, jaccard, accuracy) print(metrics_string) return jaccard, jaccard_per_class, accuracy, train_loss / (nTrain)
def hungarian_evaluate2(subhead_index, all_predictions, class_names=None, compute_purity=True, compute_confusion_matrix=True, confusion_matrix_file=None): # Evaluate model based on hungarian matching between predicted cluster assignment and gt classes. # This is computed only for the passed subhead index. # Hungarian matching head = all_predictions[subhead_index] targets = head['targets'].cuda() predictions = head['predictions'].cuda() num_classes = torch.unique(targets).numel() num_elems = targets.size(0) match = _hungarian_match(predictions, targets, preds_k=num_classes, targets_k=num_classes) reordered_preds = torch.zeros(num_elems, dtype=predictions.dtype).cuda() for pred_i, target_i in match: reordered_preds[predictions == int(pred_i)] = int(target_i) # Gather performance metrics acc = int((reordered_preds == targets).sum()) / float(num_elems) nmi = metrics.normalized_mutual_info_score(targets.cpu().numpy(), predictions.cpu().numpy()) ari = metrics.adjusted_rand_score(targets.cpu().numpy(), predictions.cpu().numpy()) # Compute confusion matrix if compute_confusion_matrix: confusion_matrix(reordered_preds.cpu().numpy(), targets.cpu().numpy(), class_names, confusion_matrix_file) return {'ACC': acc, 'ARI': ari, 'NMI': nmi, 'hungarian_match': match}
def hungarian_evaluate(subhead_index, all_predictions, class_names=None, compute_purity=True, compute_confusion_matrix=True, confusion_matrix_file=None, tf_writer=None, epoch=0): # Evaluate model based on hungarian matching between predicted cluster assignment and gt classes. # This is computed only for the passed subhead index. # Hungarian matching head = all_predictions[subhead_index] targets = head['targets'].cuda() predictions = head['predictions'].cuda() probs = head['probabilities'].cuda() num_classes = torch.unique(targets).numel() num_elems = targets.size(0) match = _hungarian_match(predictions, targets, preds_k=num_classes, targets_k=num_classes) reordered_preds = torch.zeros(num_elems, dtype=predictions.dtype).cuda() for pred_i, target_i in match: reordered_preds[predictions == int(pred_i)] = int(target_i) # Gather performance metrics acc = int((reordered_preds == targets).sum()) / float(num_elems) nmi = metrics.normalized_mutual_info_score(targets.cpu().numpy(), predictions.cpu().numpy()) ari = metrics.adjusted_rand_score(targets.cpu().numpy(), predictions.cpu().numpy()) _, preds_top5 = probs.topk(min(5, num_classes), 1, largest=True) reordered_preds_top5 = torch.zeros_like(preds_top5) for pred_i, target_i in match: reordered_preds_top5[preds_top5 == int(pred_i)] = int(target_i) correct_top5_binary = reordered_preds_top5.eq( targets.view(-1, 1).expand_as(reordered_preds_top5)) top5 = float(correct_top5_binary.sum()) / float(num_elems) reordered_preds = reordered_preds.cpu().numpy() targets = targets.cpu().numpy() if tf_writer is not None: from sklearn.metrics import precision_score, recall_score, f1_score precision = precision_score(targets, reordered_preds, average=None, zero_division=0) recall = recall_score(targets, reordered_preds, average=None, zero_division=0) f1 = f1_score(targets, reordered_preds, average=None, zero_division=0) tf_writer.add_scalar('Evaluate/ACC', acc, epoch) tf_writer.add_scalar('Evaluate/NMI', nmi, epoch) tf_writer.add_scalar('Evaluate/ARI', ari, epoch) for i in range(len(f1)): tf_writer.add_scalar(f'Evaluate/f1_{i}', f1[i], epoch) tf_writer.add_scalar(f'Evaluate/precision_{i}', precision[i], epoch) tf_writer.add_scalar(f'Evaluate/recall_{i}', recall[i], epoch) # if epoch % cfg.embedding_freq == 0: # tf_writer.add_embedding(intermediates, labels, images, epoch, cfg.session) # Visualize confusion matrix with matplotlib if compute_confusion_matrix: confusion_matrix(reordered_preds, targets, class_names, confusion_matrix_file) return { 'ACC': acc, 'ARI': ari, 'NMI': nmi, 'ACC Top-5': top5, 'hungarian_match': match }
def test_(test_iter, net, experiment_dir_final, loss_function, loss_type, void_labels, save_test_images, n_classes): ckt_names = ['best_jaccard.t7'] for ckt_name in ckt_names: print('Testing checkpoint ' + ckt_name) checkpoint = torch.load( os.path.join(experiment_dir_final, 'checkpoint', ckt_name)) print('Checkpoint loaded for testing...') net.load_state_dict(checkpoint['net']) net.eval() test_loss = 0 total = 0 # Create the confusion matrix cm = np.zeros((n_classes, n_classes)) nTest = test_iter.nbatches for batch_idx in range(nTest): all_data = data_ = all_data[0] target_ = all_data[1] data, target = data_.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)), target_.transpose( (0, 3, 1, 2)) data, target = torch.from_numpy(data), torch.from_numpy(target) data, target = data.cuda(), target.cuda() data, target = Variable(data), Variable(target) output = net(data) target = target.type(torch.LongTensor).cuda() _, target_indices = torch.max(target, 1) _, output_indices = torch.max(output, 1) flattened_output = output_indices.view(-1) flattened_target = target_indices.view(-1) loss = loss_function(output, target_indices) cm = confusion_matrix(cm,,, n_classes) test_loss +=[0] _, predicted = torch.max(, 1) total += target.size(0) progress_bar(batch_idx, test_iter.nbatches, 'Test loss: %.3f' % (test_loss / (batch_idx + 1))) if save_test_images: save_images(data_, target_, output, experiment_dir_final, batch_idx, void_labels) del (output) del (loss) del (flattened_output) del (output_indices) jaccard_per_class, jaccard, accuracy = compute_metrics(cm) metrics_string = print_metrics(test_loss, nTest, n_classes, jaccard_per_class, jaccard, accuracy) print(metrics_string)
def val_(val_iter, net, opt, loss_function, loss_type, epoch, es_step, ind_ignore, experiment_dir, max_patience, best_jacc, n_classes): code = 0 net.eval() test_loss = 0 total = 0 # Create the confusion matrix cm = np.zeros((n_classes, n_classes)) nVal = val_iter.nbatches for batch_idx in range(nVal): all_data = data = all_data[0] target = all_data[1] data, target = data.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)), target.transpose( (0, 3, 1, 2)) data, target = torch.from_numpy(data), torch.from_numpy(target) data, target = data.cuda(), target.cuda() data, target = Variable(data), Variable(target) output = net(data) target = target.type(torch.FloatTensor).cuda() _, target_indices = torch.max(target, 1) _, output_indices = torch.max(output, 1) flattened_output = output_indices.view(-1) flattened_target = target_indices.view(-1) if loss_type == 'cce_soft': loss = cce_soft(output, target, ignore_label=ind_ignore) else: loss = loss_function(output, target_indices) cm = confusion_matrix(cm,,, n_classes) test_loss +=[0] _, predicted = torch.max(, 1) total += target.size(0) progress_bar(batch_idx, val_iter.nbatches, 'Val loss: %.3f' % (test_loss / (batch_idx + 1))) del (output) del (loss) del (flattened_output) del (output_indices) jaccard_per_class, jaccard, accuracy = compute_metrics(cm) metrics_string = print_metrics(test_loss, nVal, n_classes, jaccard_per_class, jaccard, accuracy) print(metrics_string) es_step, best_jacc = save_checkpoints(jaccard, net, epoch, opt, experiment_dir, best_jacc, es_step) # Early stopping if es_step >= max_patience: print('Early stopping! Max mean jaccard: ' + str(best_jacc)) code = 1 return es_step, best_jacc, code, jaccard, jaccard_per_class, accuracy, \ test_loss / (nVal)