コード例 #1
 def get_vault_tf_secrets(self, init_spec):
     account = init_spec['account']
     data = init_spec['data']
     type = init_spec['type']
     secrets_path = data['secrets_path']
     secret = vault_client.read_all(secrets_path + '/' + type)
     return (account, type, secret)
コード例 #2
def fetch_provider_vault_secret(path, version, name, labels, annotations, type,
                                integration, integration_version):
    # get the fields from vault
    raw_data = vault_client.read_all({'path': path, 'version': version})

    # construct oc resource
    body = {
        "apiVersion": "v1",
        "kind": "Secret",
        "type": type,
        "metadata": {
            "name": name,
            "annotations": annotations
    if labels:
        body['metadata']['labels'] = labels
    if raw_data.items():
        body['data'] = {}

    # populate data
    for k, v in raw_data.items():
        if v == "":
            v = None
        if k.lower().endswith(QONTRACT_BASE64_SUFFIX):
            k = k[:-len(QONTRACT_BASE64_SUFFIX)]
        elif v is not None:
            v = base64.b64encode(v.encode()).decode('utf-8')
        body['data'][k] = v

        return OR(body, integration, integration_version, error_details=path)
    except ConstructResourceError as e:
        raise FetchResourceError(str(e))
コード例 #3
def read_all(secret, settings=None):
    """Returns a dictionary of keys and values
    from Vault secret or configuration file.

    The input secret is a dictionary which contains the following fields:
    * path - path to the secret in Vault or config
    * version (optional) - Vault secret version to read
      * Note: if this is Vault secret and a v2 KV engine

    The input settings is an optional app-interface-settings object
    queried from app-interface. It is a dictionary containing `value: true`
    if Vault is to be used as the secret backend.

    Default vault setting is false, to allow using a config file
    without creating app-interface-settings.

    if settings and settings.get('vault'):
            data = vault_client.read_all(secret)
        except hvac.exceptions.Forbidden:
            raise VaultForbidden(f'permission denied reading vault secret at '
        return data
        return config.read_all(secret)
コード例 #4
def config_from_vault(vault_path):
    config = {}

    required_keys = ('password', 'port', 'require_tls', 'server', 'username')

        data = vault_client.read_all(vault_path)
    except vault_client.SecretNotFound as e:
        raise Exception(
            "Could not retrieve SMTP config from vault: {}".format(e))

        for k in required_keys:
            config[k] = data[k]
    except KeyError as e:
        raise Exception(
            "Missing expected SMTP config key in vault secret: {}".format(e))

    return config
コード例 #5
def fetch_provider_route(path, tls_path, tls_version):
    global _log_lock

    openshift_resource = fetch_provider_resource(path)

    if tls_path is None or tls_version is None:
        return openshift_resource

    # override existing tls fields from vault secret
    openshift_resource.body['spec'].setdefault('tls', {})
    tls = openshift_resource.body['spec']['tls']
    # get tls fields from vault
    raw_data = \
        vault_client.read_all({'path': tls_path, 'version': tls_version})
    valid_keys = [
        'termination', 'insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy', 'certificate', 'key',
        'caCertificate', 'destinationCACertificate'
    for k, v in raw_data.items():
        if k in valid_keys:
            tls[k] = v

        msg = "Route secret '{}' key '{}' not in valid keys {}".format(
            tls_path, k, valid_keys)

    host = openshift_resource.body['spec'].get('host')
    certificate = openshift_resource.body['spec']['tls'].get('certificate')
    if host and certificate:
        match = openssl.certificate_matches_host(certificate, host)
        if not match:
            e_msg = "Route host does not match CN (common name): {}"
            raise FetchRouteError(e_msg.format(path))

    return openshift_resource
コード例 #6
 def get_vault_tf_secrets(self, init_spec):
     account = init_spec['account']
     data = init_spec['data']
     secrets_path = data['secrets_path']
     secret = vault_client.read_all(secrets_path + '/config')
     return (account, secret)