def prealignedEdgePred(self, adj, relPred, relIndexes): if relPred is None: #assert(adj is None or len(adj)==0) this is a failure of the heuristic pairing if adj is not None and len(adj) > 0: recall = 0 ap = 0 else: recall = 1 ap = 1 prec = 1 return torch.tensor([]), torch.tensor([]), recall, prec, prec, ap rels = relIndexes #relPred._indices().cpu().t() predsAll = relPred sigPredsAll = torch.sigmoid(predsAll[:, -1]) #gt = torch.empty(len(rels))#rels.size(0)) predsPos = [] predsNeg = [] scores = [] truePred = falsePred = 0 for i, (n0, n1) in enumerate(rels): #n0 = rels[i,0] #n1 = rels[i,1] #gt[i] = int((n0,n1) in adj) #(adjM[ n0, n1 ]) if (n0, n1) in adj: predsPos.append(predsAll[i]) scores.append((sigPredsAll[i], True)) if sigPredsAll[i] > self.thresh_rel: truePred += 1 else: predsNeg.append(predsAll[i]) scores.append((sigPredsAll[i], False)) if sigPredsAll[i] > self.thresh_rel: falsePred += 1 #return, relPred._values().view(-1).view(-1) #return[1].device), relPred[1].view(-1) if len(predsPos) > 0: predsPos = torch.stack(predsPos).to(relPred.device) else: predsPos = None if len(predsNeg) > 0: predsNeg = torch.stack(predsNeg).to(relPred.device) else: predsNeg = None if len(adj) > 0: recall = truePred / len(adj) else: recall = 1 if falsePred > 0: prec = truePred / (truePred + falsePred) else: prec = 1 return predsPos, predsNeg, recall, prec, prec, computeAP(scores)
def FormsGraphPair_printer(config,instance, model, gpu, metrics, outDir=None, startIndex=None, lossFunc=None): def __eval_metrics(data,target): acc_metrics = np.zeros((output.shape[0],len(metrics))) for ind in range(output.shape[0]): for i, metric in enumerate(metrics): acc_metrics[ind,i] += metric(output[ind:ind+1], target[ind:ind+1]) return acc_metrics def __to_tensor(instance,gpu): image = instance['img'] bbs = instance['bb_gt'] adjaceny = instance['adj'] num_neighbors = instance['num_neighbors'] if gpu is not None: image = if bbs is not None: bbs = if num_neighbors is not None: num_neighbors = #adjacenyMatrix = return image, bbs, adjaceny, num_neighbors rel_thresholds = [config['THRESH']] if 'THRESH' in config else [0.5] if ('sweep_threshold' in config and config['sweep_threshold']) or ('sweep_thresholds' in config and config['sweep_thresholds']): rel_thresholds = np.arange(0.1,1.0,0.05) if ('sweep_threshold_big' in config and config['sweep_threshold_big']) or ('sweep_thresholds_big' in config and config['sweep_thresholds_big']): rel_thresholds = np.arange(0,20.0,1) if ('sweep_threshold_small' in config and config['sweep_threshold_small']) or ('sweep_thresholds_small' in config and config['sweep_thresholds_small']): rel_thresholds = np.arange(0,0.1,0.01) draw_rel_thresh = config['draw_thresh'] if 'draw_thresh' in config else rel_thresholds[0] #print(type(instance['pixel_gt'])) #if type(instance['pixel_gt']) == list: # print(instance) # print(startIndex) #data, targetBB, targetBBSizes = instance lossWeights = config['loss_weights'] if 'loss_weights' in config else {"box": 1, "rel":1} if lossFunc is None: yolo_loss = YoloLoss(model.numBBTypes,model.rotation,model.scale,model.anchors,**config['loss_params']['box']) else: yolo_loss = lossFunc data = instance['img'] batchSize = data.shape[0] assert(batchSize==1) targetBoxes = instance['bb_gt'] adjacency = instance['adj'] adjacency = list(adjacency) imageName = instance['imgName'] scale = instance['scale'] target_num_neighbors = instance['num_neighbors'] if not model.detector.predNumNeighbors: instance['num_neighbors']=None dataT, targetBoxesT, adjT, target_num_neighborsT = __to_tensor(instance,gpu) pretty = config['pretty'] if 'pretty' in config else False useDetections = config['useDetections'] if 'useDetections' in config else False if 'useDetect' in config: useDetections = config['useDetect'] confThresh = config['conf_thresh'] if 'conf_thresh' in config else None numClasses=2 #TODO no hard code resultsDirName='results' #if outDir is not None and resultsDirName is not None: #rPath = os.path.join(outDir,resultsDirName) #if not os.path.exists(rPath): # os.mkdir(rPath) #for name in targetBoxes: # nPath = os.path.join(rPath,name) # if not os.path.exists(nPath): # os.mkdir(nPath) #dataT = __to_tensor(data,gpu) #print('{}: {} x {}'.format(imageName,data.shape[2],data.shape[3])) if useDetections=='gt': outputBoxes, outputOffsets, relPred, relIndexes, bbPred = model(dataT,targetBoxesT,target_num_neighborsT,True, otherThresh=confThresh, otherThreshIntur=1 if confThresh is not None else None, hard_detect_limit=600),1),targetBoxes[0,:,0:5],targetBoxes[0,:,-numClasses:]),dim=1) #add score elif type(useDetections) is str: dataset=config['DATASET'] jsonPath = os.path.join(useDetections,imageName+'.json') with open(os.path.join(jsonPath)) as f: annotations = json.loads( fixAnnotations(dataset,annotations) savedBoxes = torch.FloatTensor(len(annotations['byId']),6+model.detector.predNumNeighbors+numClasses) for i,(id,bb) in enumerate(annotations['byId'].items()): qX, qY, qH, qW, qR, qIsText, qIsField, qIsBlank, qNN = getBBInfo(bb,dataset.rotate,useBlankClass=not dataset.no_blanks) savedBoxes[i,0]=1 #conf savedBoxes[i,1]=qX*scale #x-center, already scaled savedBoxes[i,2]=qY*scale #y-center savedBoxes[i,3]=qR #rotation savedBoxes[i,4]=qH*scale/2 savedBoxes[i,5]=qW*scale/2 if model.detector.predNumNeighbors: extra=1 savedBoxes[i,6]=qNN else: extra=0 savedBoxes[i,6+extra]=qIsText savedBoxes[i,7+extra]=qIsField if gpu is not None: outputBoxes, outputOffsets, relPred, relIndexes, bbPred = model(dataT,savedBoxes,None,"saved", otherThresh=confThresh, otherThreshIntur=1 if confThresh is not None else None, hard_detect_limit=600) outputBoxes=savedBoxes.cpu() elif useDetections: print('Unknown detection flag: '+useDetections) exit() else: outputBoxes, outputOffsets, relPred, relIndexes, bbPred = model(dataT, otherThresh=confThresh, otherThreshIntur=1 if confThresh is not None else None, hard_detect_limit=600) if model.predNN and bbPred is not None: predNN = bbPred[:,0] else: predNN=None if model.detector.predNumNeighbors and not useDetections:[:,0:6],outputBoxes[:,7:]),dim=1) #throw away NN pred extraPreds=1 if not model.predNN: predNN = outputBoxes[:,6] else: extraPreds=0 if not model.predNN: predNN = None #useOutputBBs=outputBoxes if targetBoxesT is not None: targetSize=targetBoxesT.size(1) else: targetSize=0 lossThis, position_loss, conf_loss, class_loss, nn_loss, recall, precision = yolo_loss(outputOffsets,targetBoxesT,[targetSize], target_num_neighborsT) if 'rule' in config: if config['rule']=='closest': dists = torch.FloatTensor(relPred.size()) differentClass = torch.FloatTensor(relPred.size()) predClasses = torch.argmax(outputBoxes[:,extraPreds+6:extraPreds+6+numClasses],dim=1) for i,(bb1,bb2) in enumerate(relIndexes): dists[i] = math.sqrt((outputBoxes[bb1,1]-outputBoxes[bb2,1])**2 + (outputBoxes[bb1,2]-outputBoxes[bb2,2])**2) differentClass[i] = predClasses[bb1]!=predClasses[bb2] maxDist = torch.max(dists) minDist = torch.min(dists) relPred = 1-(dists-minDist)/(maxDist-minDist) relPred *= differentClass elif config['rule']=='icdar': height = torch.FloatTensor(relPred.size()) dists = torch.FloatTensor(relPred.size()) right = torch.FloatTensor(relPred.size()) sameClass = torch.FloatTensor(relPred.size()) predClasses = torch.argmax(outputBoxes[:,extraPreds+6:extraPreds+6+numClasses],dim=1) for i,(bb1,bb2) in enumerate(relIndexes): sameClass[i] = predClasses[bb1]==predClasses[bb2] #g4 of the paper height[i] = max(outputBoxes[bb1,4],outputBoxes[bb2,4])/min(outputBoxes[bb1,4],outputBoxes[bb2,4]) #g5 of the paper if predClasses[bb1]==0: widthLabel = outputBoxes[bb1,5]*2 #we predict half width widthValue = outputBoxes[bb2,5]*2 dists[i] = math.sqrt(((outputBoxes[bb1,1]+widthLabel)-(outputBoxes[bb2,1]-widthValue))**2 + (outputBoxes[bb1,2]-outputBoxes[bb2,2])**2) else: widthLabel = outputBoxes[bb2,5]*2 #we predict half width widthValue = outputBoxes[bb1,5]*2 dists[i] = math.sqrt(((outputBoxes[bb1,1]-widthValue)-(outputBoxes[bb2,1]+widthLabel))**2 + (outputBoxes[bb1,2]-outputBoxes[bb2,2])**2) if dists[i]>2*widthLabel: dists[i]/=widthLabel else: #undefined dists[i] = min(1,dists[i]/widthLabel) #g6 of the paper if predClasses[bb1]==0: widthValue = outputBoxes[bb2,5]*2 hDist = outputBoxes[bb1,1]-outputBoxes[bb2,1] else: widthValue = outputBoxes[bb1,5]*2 hDist = outputBoxes[bb2,1]-outputBoxes[bb1,1] right[i] = hDist/widthValue relPred = 1-(height+dists+right + 10000*sameClass) else: print('ERROR, unknown rule {}'.format(config['rule'])) exit() elif relPred is not None: relPred = torch.sigmoid(relPred)[:,0] relCand = relIndexes if relCand is None: relCand=[] if model.rotation: bbAlignment, bbFullHit = getTargIndexForPreds_dist(targetBoxes[0],outputBoxes,0.9,numClasses,extraPreds,hard_thresh=False) else: bbAlignment, bbFullHit = getTargIndexForPreds_iou(targetBoxes[0],outputBoxes,0.5,numClasses,extraPreds,hard_thresh=False) if targetBoxes is not None: target_for_b = targetBoxes[0,:,:] else: target_for_b = torch.empty(0) if outputBoxes.size(0)>0: maxConf = outputBoxes[:,0].max().item() minConf = outputBoxes[:,0].min().item() if useDetections: minConf=0 #threshConf = max(maxConf*THRESH,0.5) #if model.rotation: # outputBoxes = non_max_sup_dist(outputBoxes.cpu(),threshConf,3) #else: # outputBoxes = non_max_sup_iou(outputBoxes.cpu(),threshConf,0.4) if model.rotation: ap_5, prec_5, recall_5 =AP_dist(target_for_b,outputBoxes,0.9,model.numBBTypes,beforeCls=extraPreds) else: ap_5, prec_5, recall_5 =AP_iou(target_for_b,outputBoxes,0.5,model.numBBTypes,beforeCls=extraPreds) #precisionHistory={} #precision=-1 #minStepSize=0.025 #targetPrecisions=[None] #for targetPrecision in targetPrecisions: # if len(precisionHistory)>0: # closestPrec=9999 # for prec in precisionHistory: # if abs(targetPrecision-prec)<abs(closestPrec-targetPrecision): # closestPrec=prec # precision=prec # stepSize=precisionHistory[prec][0] # else: # stepSize=0.1 # # while True: #abs(precision-targetPrecision)>0.001: toRet={} for rel_threshold in rel_thresholds: if 'optimize' in config and config['optimize']: if 'penalty' in config: penalty = config['penalty'] else: penalty = 0.25 print('optimizing with penalty {}'.format(penalty)) thresh=0.15 while thresh<0.45: keep = relPred>thresh newRelPred = relPred[keep] if newRelPred.size(0)<700: break if newRelPred.size(0)>0: #newRelCand = [ cand for i,cand in enumerate(relCand) if keep[i] ] usePredNN= predNN is not None and config['optimize']!='gt' idMap={} newId=0 newRelCand=[] numNeighbors=[] for index,(id1,id2) in enumerate(relCand): if keep[index]: if id1 not in idMap: idMap[id1]=newId if not usePredNN: numNeighbors.append(target_num_neighbors[0,bbAlignment[id1]]) else: numNeighbors.append(predNN[id1]) newId+=1 if id2 not in idMap: idMap[id2]=newId if not usePredNN: numNeighbors.append(target_num_neighbors[0,bbAlignment[id2]]) else: numNeighbors.append(predNN[id2]) newId+=1 newRelCand.append( [idMap[id1],idMap[id2]] ) #if not usePredNN: # decision = optimizeRelationships(newRelPred,newRelCand,numNeighbors,penalty) #else: decision= optimizeRelationshipsSoft(newRelPred,newRelCand,numNeighbors,penalty, rel_threshold) decision= torch.from_numpy( np.round_(decision).astype(int) ) relPred[keep] = torch.where(0==decision,relPred[keep]-1,relPred[keep]) relPred[1-keep] -=1 rel_threshold_use=0#-0.5 else: rel_threshold_use=rel_threshold else: rel_threshold_use=rel_threshold #threshed in model #if len(precisionHistory)==0: if len(toRet)==0: #align bb predictions (final) with GT if bbPred is not None and bbPred.size(0)>0: #create aligned GT #this was wrong... #first, remove unmatched predicitons that didn't overlap (weren't close) to any targets #toKeep = 1-((bbNoIntersections==1) * (bbAlignment==-1)) #remove predictions that overlapped with GT, but not enough if model.predNN: start=1 toKeep = 1-((bbFullHit==0) * (bbAlignment!=-1)) #toKeep = not (incomplete_overlap and did_overlap) if toKeep.any(): bbPredNN_use = bbPred[toKeep][:,0] bbAlignment_use = bbAlignment[toKeep] #becuase we used -1 to indicate no match (in bbAlignment), we add 0 as the last position in the GT, as unmatched if target_num_neighborsT is not None: target_num_neighbors_use =[0].float(),torch.zeros(1).to(target_num_neighborsT.device)),dim=0) else: target_num_neighbors_use = torch.zeros(1).to(bbPred.device) alignedNN_use = target_num_neighbors_use[bbAlignment_use] else: bbPredNN_use=None alignedNN_use=None else: start=0 if model.predClass: #We really don't care about the class of non-overlapping instances if targetBoxes is not None: toKeep = bbFullHit==1 if toKeep.any(): bbPredClass_use = bbPred[toKeep][:,start:start+model.numBBTypes] bbAlignment_use = bbAlignment[toKeep] alignedClass_use = targetBoxesT[0][bbAlignment_use][:,13:13+model.numBBTypes] #There should be no -1 indexes in hereS else: bbPredClass_use=None alignedClass_use=None else: alignedClass_use = None else: bbPredNN_use = None bbPredClass_use = None if model.predNN and bbPredNN_use is not None and bbPredNN_use.size(0)>0: nn_loss_final = F.mse_loss(bbPredNN_use,alignedNN_use) #nn_loss_final *= self.lossWeights['nn'] #loss += nn_loss_final nn_loss_final = nn_loss_final.item() else: nn_loss_final=0 if model.predNN and predNN is not None: predNN_p=bbPred[:,0] diffs=torch.abs(predNN_p-target_num_neighborsT[0][bbAlignment].float()) nn_acc = (diffs<0.5).sum().item() nn_acc /= predNN.size(0) elif model.predNN: nn_acc = 0 if model.detector.predNumNeighbors and not useDetections: predNN_d = outputBoxes[:,6] diffs=torch.abs(predNN_d-target_num_neighbors[0][bbAlignment].float()) nn_acc_d = (diffs<0.5).sum().item() nn_acc_d /= predNN.size(0) if model.predClass and bbPredClass_use is not None and bbPredClass_use.size(0)>0: class_loss_final = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(bbPredClass_use,alignedClass_use) #class_loss_final *= self.lossWeights['class'] #loss += class_loss_final class_loss_final = class_loss_final.item() else: class_loss_final = 0 #class_acc=0 useOutputBBs=None truePred=falsePred=badPred=0 scores=[] matches=0 i=0 numMissedByHeur=0 targGotHit=set() for i,(n0,n1) in enumerate(relCand): t0 = bbAlignment[n0].item() t1 = bbAlignment[n1].item() if t0>=0 and bbFullHit[n0]: targGotHit.add(t0) if t1>=0 and bbFullHit[n1]: targGotHit.add(t1) if t0>=0 and t1>=0 and bbFullHit[n0] and bbFullHit[n1]: if (min(t0,t1),max(t0,t1)) in adjacency: matches+=1 scores.append( (relPred[i],True) ) if relPred[i]>rel_threshold_use: truePred+=1 else: scores.append( (relPred[i],False) ) if relPred[i]>rel_threshold_use: falsePred+=1 else: scores.append( (relPred[i],False) ) if relPred[i]>rel_threshold_use: badPred+=1 for i in range(len(adjacency)-matches): numMissedByHeur+=1 scores.append( (float('nan'),True) ) rel_ap=computeAP(scores) numMissedByDetect=0 for t0,t1 in adjacency: if t0 not in targGotHit or t1 not in targGotHit: numMissedByHeur-=1 numMissedByDetect+=1 heurRecall = (len(adjacency)-numMissedByHeur)/len(adjacency) detectRecall = (len(adjacency)-numMissedByDetect)/len(adjacency) if len(adjacency)>0: relRecall = truePred/len(adjacency) else: relRecall = 1 #if falsePred>0: # relPrec = truePred/(truePred+falsePred) #else: # relPrec = 1 if falsePred+badPred>0: precision = truePred/(truePred+falsePred+badPred) else: precision = 1 toRet['prec@{}'.format(rel_threshold)]=precision toRet['recall@{}'.format(rel_threshold)]=relRecall if relRecall+precision>0: toRet['F-M@{}'.format(rel_threshold)]=2*relRecall*precision/(relRecall+precision) else: toRet['F-M@{}'.format(rel_threshold)]=0 toRet['rel_AP@{}'.format(rel_threshold)]=rel_ap #precisionHistory[precision]=(draw_rel_thresh,stepSize) #if targetPrecision is not None: # if abs(precision-targetPrecision)<0.001: # break # elif stepSize<minStepSize: # if precision<targetPrecision: # draw_rel_thresh += stepSize*2 # continue # else: # break # elif precision<targetPrecision: # draw_rel_thresh += stepSize # if not wasTooSmall: # reverse=True # wasTooSmall=True # else: # reverse=False # else: # draw_rel_thresh -= stepSize # if wasTooSmall: # reverse=True # wasTooSmall=False # else: # reverse=False # if reverse: # stepSize *= 0.5 #else: # break #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() #for b in range(len(outputBoxes)): dists=defaultdict(list) dists_x=defaultdict(list) dists_y=defaultdict(list) scaleDiffs=defaultdict(list) rotDiffs=defaultdict(list) b=0 #print('image {} has {} {}'.format(startIndex+b,targetBoxesSizes[name][b],name)) #bbImage = np.ones_like(image):w if outDir is not None: outputBoxes = data = data.numpy() image = (1-((1+np.transpose(data[b][:,:,:],(1,2,0)))/2.0)).copy() if image.shape[2]==1: image = cv2.cvtColor(image,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) #if name=='text_start_gt': #Draw GT bbs if not pretty: for j in range(targetSize): plotRect(image,(1,0.5,0),targetBoxes[0,j,0:5]) #x=int(targetBoxes[b,j,0]) #y=int(targetBoxes[b,j,1]+targetBoxes[b,j,3]) #cv2.putText(image,'{:.2f}'.format(target_num_neighbors[b,j]),(x,y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(0.6,0.3,0),2,cv2.LINE_AA) #if alignmentBBs[b] is not None: # aj=alignmentBBs[b][j] # xc_gt = targetBoxes[b,j,0] # yc_gt = targetBoxes[b,j,1] # xc=outputBoxes[b,aj,1] # yc=outputBoxes[b,aj,2] # cv2.line(image,(xc,yc),(xc_gt,yc_gt),(0,1,0),1) # shade = 0.0+(outputBoxes[b,aj,0]-threshConf)/(maxConf-threshConf) # shade = max(0,shade) # if outputBoxes[b,aj,6] > outputBoxes[b,aj,7]: # color=(0,shade,shade) #text # else: # color=(shade,shade,0) #field # plotRect(image,color,outputBoxes[b,aj,1:6]) #bbs=[] #pred_points=[] #maxConf = outputBoxes[b,:,0].max() #threshConf = 0.5 #threshConf = max(maxConf*0.9,0.5) #print("threshConf:{}".format(threshConf)) #for j in range(outputBoxes.shape[1]): # conf = outputBoxes[b,j,0] # if conf>threshConf: # bbs.append((conf,j)) # #pred_points.append( #bbs.sort(key=lambda a: a[0]) #so most confident bbs are draw last (on top) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #Draw pred bbs bbs = outputBoxes for j in range(bbs.shape[0]): #circle aligned predictions conf = bbs[j,0] if outDir is not None: shade = 0.0+(conf-minConf)/(maxConf-minConf) #print(shade) #if name=='text_start_gt' or name=='field_end_gt': #[:,:,1],p1,p2,shade,2) #if name=='text_end_gt': #[:,:,2],p1,p2,shade,2) #elif name=='field_end_gt' or name=='field_start_gt': #[:,:,0],p1,p2,shade,2) if bbs[j,6+extraPreds] > bbs[j,7+extraPreds]: color=(0,0,shade) #text else: color=(0,shade,shade) #field if pretty=='light': lineWidth=2 else: lineWidth=1 plotRect(image,color,bbs[j,1:6],lineWidth) if predNN is not None and not pretty: #model.detector.predNumNeighbors: x=int(bbs[j,1]) y=int(bbs[j,2])#-bbs[j,4]) targ_j = bbAlignment[j].item() if targ_j>=0: gtNN = target_num_neighbors[0,targ_j].item() else: gtNN = 0 pred_nn = predNN[j].item() color = min(abs(pred_nn-gtNN),1)#*0.5 cv2.putText(image,'{:.2}/{}'.format(pred_nn,gtNN),(x,y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(color,0,0),2,cv2.LINE_AA) #for j in alignmentBBsTarg[name][b]: # p1 = (targetBoxes[name][b,j,0], targetBoxes[name][b,j,1]) # p2 = (targetBoxes[name][b,j,0], targetBoxes[name][b,j,1]) # mid = ( int(round((p1[0]+p2[0])/2.0)), int(round((p1[1]+p2[1])/2.0)) ) # rad = round(math.sqrt((p1[0]-p2[0])**2 + (p1[1]-p2[1])**2)/2.0) # #print(mid) # #print(rad) #,mid,rad,(1,0,1),1) draw_rel_thresh = relPred.max() * draw_rel_thresh #Draw pred pairings numrelpred=0 hits = [False]*len(adjacency) for i in range(len(relCand)): #print('{},{} : {}'.format(relCand[i][0],relCand[i][1],relPred[i])) if pretty: if relPred[i]>0 or pretty=='light': score = relPred[i] pruned=False lineWidth=2 else: score = relPred[i]+1 pruned=True lineWidth=1 #else: # score = (relPred[i]+1)/2 # pruned=False # lineWidth=2 #if pretty=='light': # lineWidth=3 else: lineWidth=1 if relPred[i]>draw_rel_thresh or (pretty and score>draw_rel_thresh): ind1 = relCand[i][0] ind2 = relCand[i][1] x1 = round(bbs[ind1,1]) y1 = round(bbs[ind1,2]) x2 = round(bbs[ind2,1]) y2 = round(bbs[ind2,2]) if pretty: targ1 = bbAlignment[ind1].item() targ2 = bbAlignment[ind2].item() aId=None if bbFullHit[ind1] and bbFullHit[ind2]: if (targ1,targ2) in adjacency: aId = adjacency.index((targ1,targ2)) elif (targ2,targ1) in adjacency: aId = adjacency.index((targ2,targ1)) if aId is None: if pretty=='clean' and pruned: color=np.array([1,1,0]) else: color=np.array([1,0,0]) else: if pretty=='clean' and pruned: color=np.array([1,0,1]) else: color=np.array([0,1,0]) hits[aId]=True #if pruned: # color = color*0.7 cv2.line(image,(x1,y1),(x2,y2),color.tolist(),lineWidth) #color=color/3 #x = int((x1+x2)/2) #y = int((y1+y2)/2) #if pruned: # cv2.putText(image,'[{:.2}]'.format(score),(x,y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.6,color.tolist(),1) #else: # cv2.putText(image,'{:.2}'.format(score),(x,y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN,1.1,color.tolist(),1) else: shade = (relPred[i].item()-draw_rel_thresh)/(1-draw_rel_thresh) #print('draw {} {} {} {} '.format(x1,y1,x2,y2)) cv2.line(image,(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(0,shade,0),lineWidth) numrelpred+=1 if pretty and pretty!="light" and pretty!="clean": for i in range(len(relCand)): #print('{},{} : {}'.format(relCand[i][0],relCand[i][1],relPred[i])) if relPred[i]>-1: score = (relPred[i]+1)/2 pruned=False else: score = (relPred[i]+2+1)/2 pruned=True if relPred[i]>draw_rel_thresh or (pretty and score>draw_rel_thresh): ind1 = relCand[i][0] ind2 = relCand[i][1] x1 = round(bbs[ind1,1]) y1 = round(bbs[ind1,2]) x2 = round(bbs[ind2,1]) y2 = round(bbs[ind2,2]) targ1 = bbAlignment[ind1].item() targ2 = bbAlignment[ind2].item() aId=None if bbFullHit[ind1] and bbFullHit[ind2]: if (targ1,targ2) in adjacency: aId = adjacency.index((targ1,targ2)) elif (targ2,targ1) in adjacency: aId = adjacency.index((targ2,targ1)) if aId is None: color=np.array([1,0,0]) else: color=np.array([0,1,0]) color=color/2 x = int((x1+x2)/2) y = int((y1+y2)/2) if pruned: cv2.putText(image,'[{:.2}]'.format(score),(x,y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.6,color.tolist(),1) else: cv2.putText(image,'{:.2}'.format(score),(x,y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN,1.1,color.tolist(),1) #print('number of pred rels: {}'.format(numrelpred)) #Draw GT pairings if not pretty: gtcolor=(0.25,0,0.25) wth=3 else: #gtcolor=(1,0,0.6) gtcolor=(1,0.6,0) wth=2 for aId,(i,j) in enumerate(adjacency): if not pretty or not hits[aId]: x1 = round(targetBoxes[0,i,0].item()) y1 = round(targetBoxes[0,i,1].item()) x2 = round(targetBoxes[0,j,0].item()) y2 = round(targetBoxes[0,j,1].item()) cv2.line(image,(x1,y1),(x2,y2),gtcolor,wth) #Draw alginment between gt and pred bbs if not pretty: for predI in range(bbs.shape[0]): targI=bbAlignment[predI].item() x1 = int(round(bbs[predI,1])) y1 = int(round(bbs[predI,2])) if targI>0: x2 = round(targetBoxes[0,targI,0].item()) y2 = round(targetBoxes[0,targI,1].item()) cv2.line(image,(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(1,0,1),1) else: #draw 'x', indicating not match cv2.line(image,(x1-5,y1-5),(x1+5,y1+5),(.1,0,.1),1) cv2.line(image,(x1+5,y1-5),(x1-5,y1+5),(.1,0,.1),1) saveName = '{}_boxes_prec:{:.2f},{:.2f}_recall:{:.2f},{:.2f}_rels_AP:{:.3f}'.format(imageName,prec_5[0],prec_5[1],recall_5[0],recall_5[1],rel_ap) #for j in range(metricsOut.shape[1]): # saveName+='_m:{0:.3f}'.format(metricsOut[i,j]) saveName+='.png' io.imsave(os.path.join(outDir,saveName),image) #print('saved: '+os.path.join(outDir,saveName)) print('\n{} ap:{}\tnumMissedByDetect:{}\tmissedByHuer:{}'.format(imageName,rel_ap,numMissedByDetect,numMissedByHeur)) retData= { 'bb_ap':[ap_5], 'bb_recall':[recall_5], 'bb_prec':[prec_5], 'bb_Fm': -1,#(recall_5[0]+recall_5[1]+prec_5[0]+prec_5[1])/4, 'nn_loss': nn_loss, 'rel_recall':relRecall, 'rel_precision':precision, 'rel_Fm':2*relRecall*precision/(relRecall+precision) if relRecall+precision>0 else 0, 'relMissedByHeur':numMissedByHeur, 'relMissedByDetect':numMissedByDetect, 'heurRecall': heurRecall, 'detectRecall': detectRecall, **toRet } if rel_ap is not None: #none ap if no relationships retData['rel_AP']=rel_ap retData['no_targs']=0 else: retData['no_targs']=1 if model.predNN: retData['nn_loss_final']=nn_loss_final retData['nn_loss_diff']=nn_loss_final-nn_loss retData['nn_acc_final'] = nn_acc if model.detector.predNumNeighbors and not useDetections: retData['nn_acc_detector'] = nn_acc_d if model.predClass: retData['class_loss_final']=class_loss_final retData['class_loss_diff']=class_loss_final-class_loss return ( retData, (lossThis, position_loss, conf_loss, class_loss, recall, precision) )
def FormsFeaturePair_printer(config, instance, model, gpu, metrics, outDir=None, startIndex=None, lossFunc=None): THRESH = 0.3 #0.8 def plotRect(img, color, xyrhw): xc = xyrhw[0] yc = xyrhw[1] rot = xyrhw[2] h = xyrhw[3] w = xyrhw[4] h = min(30000, h) w = min(30000, w) if h == 0: h = 10 tr = (int(w * math.cos(rot) - h * math.sin(rot) + xc), int(-w * math.sin(rot) - h * math.cos(rot) + yc)) tl = (int(-w * math.cos(rot) - h * math.sin(rot) + xc), int(w * math.sin(rot) - h * math.cos(rot) + yc)) br = (int(w * math.cos(rot) + h * math.sin(rot) + xc), int(-w * math.sin(rot) + h * math.cos(rot) + yc)) bl = (int(-w * math.cos(rot) + h * math.sin(rot) + xc), int(w * math.sin(rot) + h * math.cos(rot) + yc)) cv2.line(img, tl, tr, color, 1) cv2.line(img, tr, br, color, 1) cv2.line(img, br, bl, color, 1) cv2.line(img, bl, tl, color, 1) def __eval_metrics(data, target): acc_metrics = np.zeros((output.shape[0], len(metrics))) for ind in range(output.shape[0]): for i, metric in enumerate(metrics): acc_metrics[ind, i] += metric(output[ind:ind + 1], target[ind:ind + 1]) return acc_metrics #totensor #print(type(instance['pixel_gt'])) #if type(instance['pixel_gt']) == list: # print(instance) # print(startIndex) #data, targetBB, targetBBSizes = instance imageName = instance['imgName'] imagePath = instance['imgPath'] data = instance['data'][0] if len(data.size()) < 1 or data.size(0) == 0: return ({ 'recall': [], 'prec': [], }, (1, 1)) qXY = instance['qXY'] iXY = instance['iXY'] label = instance['label'] relNodeIds = instance['nodeIds'] gtNumNeighbors = instance['numNeighbors'] + 1 missedRels = instance['missedRels'] useDataNN = ('optimize' in config and config['optimize'] == 'data') or ( 'nn_from_data' in config and config['nn_from_data']) penalty = config['penalty'] if 'penalty' in config else None if 'rule' in config: if config['rule'] == 'closest': dists = torch.sqrt(data[:, 8]**2 + data[:, 9]**2) maxDist = torch.max(dists) minDist = torch.min(dists) pred = 1 - (dists - minDist) / (maxDist - minDist) predNN = newPredNN = None else: print("Uknown rule " + config['rule']) exit() else: dataT = #__to_tensor(data,gpu) #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() predAll = model(dataT) pred = predAll[:, 0] if predAll.size(1) == 3: predNN = predAll[:, 1:] + 1 newPredNN = defaultdict(list) else: predNN = newPredNN = None if 'no_sig' not in config: pred = 2 * torch.sigmoid(pred) - 1.0 #merge, as we have mirrored relationships here newPred = torch.FloatTensor(pred.size(0) // 2).to(pred.device) newLabel = torch.FloatTensor(pred.size(0) // 2).to(pred.device) newData = torch.FloatTensor(pred.size(0) // 2, data.size(1)) newGtNumNeighbors = torch.FloatTensor(pred.size(0) // 2, 2) newNodeIds = [] newQXY = [] newIXY = [] newi = 0 for i in range(len(relNodeIds)): id1, id2 = relNodeIds[i] if id1 is not None: j = relNodeIds.index((id2, id1), i + 1) newPred[newi] = (pred[i] + pred[j]) / 2 #we average the two predictions #newNNPred[newi]=(nnPred[i]+nnPred[j])/2 newLabel[newi] = label[i] newNodeIds.append(relNodeIds[i]) #ensure order is the same newData[newi] = data[i] newQXY.append(qXY[i]) newIXY.append(iXY[i]) if predNN is not None: newPredNN[id1] += [predNN[i, 0].item(), predNN[j, 1].item() ] # (predNN[i,0]+predNN[j,1])/2 newPredNN[id2] += [predNN[i, 1].item(), predNN[j, 0].item()] newGtNumNeighbors[newi] = gtNumNeighbors[i] relNodeIds[j] = (None, None) newi += 1 pred = newPred #nnPred=newNNPred relNodeIds = newNodeIds label = newLabel data = newData qXY = newQXY iXY = newIXY if predNN is not None: predNN = {} for id, li in newPredNN.items(): predNN[id] = np.mean(li) gtNumNeighbors = newGtNumNeighbors if 'optimize' in config and config['optimize']: if penalty is None and outDir is None: penalties = [ 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 ] else: penalties = [penalty] else: penalties = [0] returnDict = {} for penalty in penalties: if 'optimize' in config and config['optimize']: #We first need to prune down as there are far too many possible pairings thresh = 0.3 while thresh < 0.9: keep = pred > thresh newPred = pred[keep] if newPred.size(0) < 700: break thresh += 0.01 newIds = [] newLabel = label[keep] if newPred.size(0) > 0: if config['optimize'] == 'blind': idNum = 0 numIds = [] idNumMap = {} for index, (id1, id2) in enumerate(relNodeIds): if keep[index]: if id1 not in idNumMap: idNumMap[id1] = idNum idNum += 1 if id2 not in idNumMap: idNumMap[id2] = idNum idNum += 1 numIds.append([idNumMap[id1], idNumMap[id2]]) #print('size being optimized: {}'.format(newPred.size(0))) pred[keep] *= torch.from_numpy( optimizeRelationshipsBlind(newPred, numIds, penalty)).float() elif (predNN is not None or useDataNN) and config['optimize'] != 'gt' and config[ 'optimize'] != 'gt_noisy': idMap = {} newId = 0 numIds = [] numNeighbors = [] for index, (id1, id2) in enumerate(newNodeIds): if keep[index]: if id1 not in idMap: idMap[id1] = newId if useDataNN: numNeighbors.append(data[index, -2]) else: numNeighbors.append(predNN[id1]) newId += 1 if id2 not in idMap: idMap[id2] = newId if useDataNN: numNeighbors.append(data[index, -1]) else: numNeighbors.append(predNN[id2]) newId += 1 numIds.append([idMap[id1], idMap[id2]]) assert ((newPred.size(0)) < 700) #print('size being optimized soft: {}'.format(newPred.size(0))) #pred[keep] *= torch.from_numpy( optimizeRelationshipsSoft(newPred,numIds,numNeighbors, penalty) ).float() decision = optimizeRelationshipsSoft( newPred, numIds, numNeighbors, penalty) decision = torch.from_numpy( np.round_(decision).astype(int)) pred[keep] = torch.where(0 == decision, pred[keep] - 2, pred[keep]) else: for i in range(keep.size(0)): if keep[i]: newIds.append(relNodeIds[i]) numNeighborsD = defaultdict(lambda: 0) i = 0 for id1, id2 in newIds: if newLabel[i]: numNeighborsD[id1] += 1 numNeighborsD[id2] += 1 else: numNeighborsD[id1] += 0 numNeighborsD[id2] += 0 i += 1 numNeighbors = [0] * len(numNeighborsD) idNum = 0 idNumMap = {} numIds = [] for id, count in numNeighborsD.items(): if config['optimize'] == 'gt_noisy': numNeighbors[idNum] = random.gauss(count, 0.5) else: numNeighbors[idNum] = count idNumMap[id] = idNum idNum += 1 numIds = [[idNumMap[id1], idNumMap[id2]] for id1, id2 in newIds] #print('size being optimized: {}'.format(newPred.size(0))) if config['optimize'] == 'gt_noisy': pred[keep] *= torch.from_numpy( optimizeRelationshipsSoft(newPred, numIds, numNeighbors, penalty)).float() else: pred[keep] *= torch.from_numpy( optimizeRelationships(newPred, numIds, numNeighbors, penalty)).float() #pred[1-keep] *= 0 pred[1 - keep] -= 2 #THRESH=0 THRESH = -1 if 'no_sig' in config: pred = 2 * torch.sigmoid(pred) - 1 #elif not ('optimize' in config and config['optimize']): # pred = (pred+1)/2 #ossThis, position_loss, conf_loss, class_loss, recall, precision = yolo_loss(outputOffsets,targetBBsT,targetBBsSizes) if outDir is not None: image = cv2.imread(imagePath, 1) #image[40:50,40:50,0]=255 #image[50:60,50:60,1]=255 assert (image.shape[2] == 3) batchSize = pred.size(0) #data.size(0) #draw GT for b in range(batchSize): if outDir is not None: x, y = qXY[b] r = data[b, 2].item() * math.pi h = data[b, 0].item() * 50 / 2 w = data[b, 1].item() * 400 / 2 plotRect(image, (0, 0, 255), (x, y, r, h, w)) x2, y2 = iXY[b] r = data[b, 7].item() * math.pi h = data[b, 5].item() * 50 / 2 w = data[b, 6].item() * 400 / 2 plotRect(image, (0, 0, 255), (x2, y2, r, h, w)) #r = data[b,2].item() #h = data[b,0].item() #w = data[b,1].item() #plotRect(image,(1,0,0),(x,y,r,h,w)) if label[b].item() > 0: cv2.line(image, (int(x), int(y)), (int(x2), int(y2)), (0, 255, 0), 1) totalPreds = 0 totalGTs = 0 truePs = 0 scores = [] wroteIds = set() for b in range(batchSize): id1, id2 = relNodeIds[b] x, y = qXY[b] x2, y2 = iXY[b] x = int(x) y = int(y) x2 = int(x2) y2 = int(y2) if (pred[b].item() > THRESH): totalPreds += 1 if label[b].item() > 0: truePs += 1 if outDir is not None: color = int(255 * (pred[b].item() - THRESH) / (1 - THRESH)) cv2.line(image, (x, y + 3), (x2, y2 - 3), (color, 0, 0), 1) if label[b].item() > 0: scores.append((pred[b], True)) totalGTs += 1 else: scores.append((pred[b], False)) if predNN is not None and outDir is not None: color = int( min(abs(predNN[id1] - gtNumNeighbors[b, 0]), 2) * 127) if id1 not in wroteIds: cv2.putText( image, '{:.2f}/{}'.format(predNN[id1], gtNumNeighbors[b, 0]), (x, y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (color, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) wroteIds.add(id1) color = int( min(abs(predNN[id2] - gtNumNeighbors[b, 1]), 2) * 127) if id2 not in wroteIds: cv2.putText( image, '{:.2f}/{}'.format(predNN[id2], gtNumNeighbors[b, 1]), (x2, y2), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (color, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) wroteIds.add(id2) totalGTs += missedRels if totalGTs > 0: #recallPart = truePs/float(totalGTs) recall = truePs / float(totalGTs) else: recall = 1 if totalPreds > 0: prec = truePs / float(totalPreds) else: prec = 1 #apPart=computeAP(scores) for i in range(missedRels): scores.append((float('nan'), True)) ap = computeAP(scores) if outDir is not None: if ap is None: wap = -1 else: wap = ap saveName = '{}_AP:{:.2f}_r:{:.2f}_p:{:.2f}_.png'.format( imageName, wap, recall, prec) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(outDir, saveName), image) #cv2.imshow('dfsdf',image) #cv2.waitKey() if 'optimize' in config and config['optimize']: returnDict['recall-{}'.format(penalty)] = recall returnDict['prec-{}'.format(penalty)] = prec returnDict['Fm-{}'.format(penalty)] = (recall + prec) / 2 if ap is not None: returnDict['AP-{}'.format(penalty)] = ap else: returnDict['recall'] = recall returnDict['prec'] = prec returnDict['Fm'] = (recall + prec) / 2 if ap is not None: returnDict['AP'] = ap, returnDict['no_targs'] = 0 else: returnDict['no_targs'] = 1 returnDict['missedRels'] = missedRels #return metricsOut print('\n{} ap:{}\tmissedRels:{}'.format(imageName, ap, missedRels)) return ( #{ 'ap_5':np.array(aps_5).sum(axis=0), # 'ap_3':np.array(aps_3).sum(axis=0), # 'ap_7':np.array(aps_7).sum(axis=0), # 'recall':np.array(recalls_5).sum(axis=0), # 'prec':np.array(precs_5).sum(axis=0), #}, returnDict, (recall, prec, ap))
def _valid_epoch(self): """ Validate after training an epoch :return: A log that contains information about validation Note: The validation metrics in log must have the key 'val_metrics'. """ self.model.eval() total_val_loss = 0 total_val_lossRel = 0 total_val_lossNN = 0 total_val_metrics = np.zeros(len(self.metrics)) tp_image = defaultdict(lambda: 0) fp_image = defaultdict(lambda: 0) tn_image = defaultdict(lambda: 0) fn_image = defaultdict(lambda: 0) images = set() scores = defaultdict(list) with torch.no_grad(): losses = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for batch_idx, instance in enumerate(self.valid_data_loader): if not self.logged: print('iter:{} valid batch: {}/{}'.format( self.iteration, batch_idx, len(self.valid_data_loader)), end='\r') data, label = self._to_tensor(instance['data'], instance['label']) output = self.model(data) outputRel = output[:, 0] if output.size(1) == 3: outputNN = output[:, 1:] gtNN = self._to_tensor(instance['numNeighbors']) lossNN = F.mse_loss(outputNN, gtNN[0]) else: lossNN = 0 lossRel = self.loss(outputRel, label) loss = lossRel + lossNN for b in range(len(output)): image = instance['imgName'][b] images.add(image) scores[image].append((outputRel[b], label[b])) if outputRel[b] < 0.5: if label[b] == 0: tn_image[image] += 1 else: fn_image[image] += 1 else: if label[b] == 0: fp_image[image] += 1 else: tp_image[image] += 1 total_val_loss += loss.item() total_val_lossRel += lossRel.item() if type(lossNN) is not int: lossNN = lossNN.item() total_val_lossNN += lossNN mRecall = 0 mPrecision = 0 mAP = 0 mAP_count = 0 for image in images: ap = computeAP(scores[image]) if ap is not None: mAP += ap mAP_count += 1 if tp_image[image] + fn_image[image] > 0: mRecall += tp_image[image] / (tp_image[image] + fn_image[image]) else: mRecall += 1 if tp_image[image] + fp_image[image] > 0: mPrecision += tp_image[image] / (tp_image[image] + fp_image[image]) else: mPrecision += 1 mRecall /= len(images) mPrecision /= len(images) if mAP_count > 0: mAP /= mAP_count return { 'val_loss': total_val_loss / len(self.valid_data_loader), 'val_lossRel': total_val_lossRel / len(self.valid_data_loader), 'val_lossNN': total_val_lossNN / len(self.valid_data_loader), 'val_metrics': (total_val_metrics / len(self.valid_data_loader)).tolist(), 'val_recall*': mRecall, 'val_precision*': mPrecision, 'val_mAP*': mAP }
def alignEdgePred(self, targetBoxes, adj, outputBoxes, relPred, relIndexes): if relPred is None or targetBoxes is None: if targetBoxes is None: if relPred is not None and (relPred > self.thresh_rel).any(): prec = 0 ap = 0 else: prec = 1 ap = 1 recall = 1 targIndex = -torch.ones(outputBoxes.size(0)).int() elif relPred is None: if targetBoxes is not None: recall = 0 ap = 0 else: recall = 1 ap = 1 prec = 1 targIndex = None return torch.tensor([]), torch.tensor( []), recall, prec, prec, ap, targIndex, torch.ones( outputBoxes.size(0)) targetBoxes = targetBoxes.cpu() #decide which predicted boxes belong to which target boxes #should this be the same as AP_? numClasses = 2 if self.model.rotation: targIndex, fullHit = getTargIndexForPreds_dist(targetBoxes[0], outputBoxes, 1.1, numClasses, hard_thresh=False) else: targIndex, fullHit = getTargIndexForPreds_iou( targetBoxes[0], outputBoxes, 0.4, numClasses, hard_thresh=False, fixed=self.fixedAlign) #else: # if self.model.rotation: # targIndex, predsWithNoIntersection = getTargIndexForPreds_dist(targetBoxes[0],outputBoxes,1.1,numClasses) # else: # targIndex, predsWithNoIntersection = getTargIndexForPreds_iou(targetBoxes[0],outputBoxes,0.4,numClasses) #Create gt vector to match relPred.values() rels = relIndexes #relPred._indices().cpu() predsAll = relPred #relPred._values() sigPredsAll = torch.sigmoid(predsAll[:, -1]) predsPos = [] predsNeg = [] scores = [] matches = 0 truePred = falsePred = badPred = 0 for i, (n0, n1) in enumerate(rels): t0 = targIndex[n0].item() t1 = targIndex[n1].item() if t0 >= 0 and t1 >= 0: if (min(t0, t1), max(t0, t1)) in adj: #if self.useBadBBPredForRelLoss!='fixed' or (fullHit[n0] and fullHit[n1]): if fullHit[n0] and fullHit[n1]: matches += 1 predsPos.append(predsAll[i]) scores.append((sigPredsAll[i], True)) if sigPredsAll[i] > self.thresh_rel: truePred += 1 else: scores.append( (sigPredsAll[i], False) ) #for the sake of scoring, this is a bad relationship else: predsNeg.append(predsAll[i]) scores.append((sigPredsAll[i], False)) if sigPredsAll[i] > self.thresh_rel: falsePred += 1 else: #if self.useBadBBPredForRelLoss=='fixed' or (self.useBadBBPredForRelLoss and (predsWithNoIntersection[n0] or predsWithNoIntersection[n1])): if self.useBadBBPredForRelLoss: if self.useBadBBPredForRelLoss == 'full' or np.random.rand( ) < self.useBadBBPredForRelLoss: predsNeg.append(predsAll[i]) scores.append((sigPredsAll[i], False)) if sigPredsAll[i] > self.thresh_rel: badPred += 1 #Add score 0 for instances we didn't predict for i in range(len(adj) - matches): scores.append((float('nan'), True)) if len(predsPos) > 0: predsPos = torch.stack(predsPos).to(relPred.device) else: predsPos = None if len(predsNeg) > 0: predsNeg = torch.stack(predsNeg).to(relPred.device) else: predsNeg = None if len(adj) > 0: recall = truePred / len(adj) else: recall = 1 if falsePred > 0: prec = truePred / (truePred + falsePred) else: prec = 1 if falsePred + badPred > 0: fullPrec = truePred / (truePred + falsePred + badPred) else: fullPrec = 1 return predsPos, predsNeg, recall, prec, fullPrec, computeAP( scores), targIndex, fullHit