コード例 #1
def Main(argv):
    args = ParseArgs(argv)
    revision = utils.GetGitRevision()
    if revision is not None:
        with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
            f.write('%s\n' % revision)
    return 0
コード例 #2
def Main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        "Return an error code if a prebuilt couldn't be fetched and extracted")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    fail_loudly = 1 if args.fail_loudly else 0

    prebuilt_enabled = os.environ.get(FLUTTER_PREBUILTS_ENV_VAR, 'false')
    if prebuilt_enabled == '0' or prebuilt_enabled.lower() == 'false':
        return 0

    os.makedirs(FLUTTER_PREBUILTS_DIR, exist_ok=True)

    # Read //third_party/dart/tools/VERSION to extract information about the
    # Dart SDK version.
    version = utils.ReadVersionFile()
    if version == None:
        return fail_loudly
    channel = version.channel

    # A short Dart SDK version string used in the download url.
    if channel == 'be':
        dart_git_rev = utils.GetGitRevision()
        semantic_version = 'hash/{}'.format(dart_git_rev)
    semantic_version = utils.GetSemanticSDKVersion()

    os_name = GuessOS()
    if os_name == None:
        return fail_loudly

    architectures = ArchitecturesForOS(os_name)
    if architectures == None:
        return fail_loudly

    # Download and extract variants in parallel
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
    tasks = [(channel, semantic_version, os_name, arch)
             for arch in architectures]
    async_results = [pool.apply_async(DownloadAndExtract, t) for t in tasks]
    success = True
    for async_result in async_results:
        result = async_result.get()
        success = success and (result == 0)

    return 0 if success else fail_loudly
コード例 #3
def Main(argv):
    args = ParseArgs(argv)
    # TODO(jcollins-g): switch to version numbers when github has its tags synced
    revision = utils.GetGitRevision()
    if revision is None:
        revision = 'master'
    output = '''dartdoc:
  categoryOrder: ["Core", "VM", "Web"]
    root: '.'
    uriTemplate: 'https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/%s/sdk/%%f%%#L%%l%%'
''' % revision
    with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
    return 0
コード例 #4
ファイル: create_tarball.py プロジェクト: zmtzawqlp/sdk
def CreateTarball(tarfilename):
    global ignoredPaths  # Used for adding the output directory.
    # Generate the name of the tarfile
    version = utils.GetVersion()
    global versiondir
    versiondir = 'dart-%s' % version
    debian_dir = 'tools/linux_dist_support/debian'
    # Don't include the build directory in the tarball (ignored paths
    # are relative to DART_DIR).
    builddir = utils.GetBuildDir(HOST_OS)

    print 'Creating tarball: %s' % tarfilename
    with tarfile.open(tarfilename, mode='w:gz') as tar:
        for f in listdir(DART_DIR):
            tar.add(join(DART_DIR, f), filter=Filter)
        for f in listdir(join(DART_DIR, debian_dir)):
            tar.add(join(DART_DIR, debian_dir, f),
                    arcname='%s/debian/%s' % (versiondir, f))

        with utils.TempDir() as temp_dir:
            # Generate and add debian/copyright
            copyright_file = join(temp_dir, 'copyright')
            tar.add(copyright_file, arcname='%s/debian/copyright' % versiondir)

            # Generate and add debian/changelog
            change_log = join(temp_dir, 'changelog')
            GenerateChangeLog(change_log, version)
            tar.add(change_log, arcname='%s/debian/changelog' % versiondir)

            # For generated version file build dependency, add fake git reflog.
            empty = join(temp_dir, 'empty')
            tar.add(empty, arcname='%s/dart/.git/logs/HEAD' % versiondir)

            # For bleeding_edge add the GIT_REVISION file.
            if utils.GetChannel() == 'be':
                git_revision = join(temp_dir, 'GIT_REVISION')
                GenerateGitRevision(git_revision, utils.GetGitRevision())
                        arcname='%s/dart/tools/GIT_REVISION' % versiondir)
コード例 #5
ファイル: create_tarball.py プロジェクト: wjmboss/sdk
def CreateTarball(tarfilename):
    global ignoredPaths  # Used for adding the output directory.
    # Generate the name of the tarfile
    version = utils.GetVersion()
    global versiondir
    versiondir = 'dartino-%s' % version
    debian_dir = 'tools/linux_dist_support/debian'
    # Don't include the build directory in the tarball (ignored paths
    # are relative to DARTINO_DIR).
    builddir = utils.GetBuildDir(HOST_OS)

    print 'Creating tarball: %s' % tarfilename
    with tarfile.open(tarfilename, mode='w:gz') as tar:
        for f in listdir(DARTINO_DIR):
            tar.add(join(DARTINO_DIR, f), filter=Filter)
        for f in listdir(join(DARTINO_DIR, debian_dir)):
            tar.add(join(DARTINO_DIR, debian_dir, f),
                    arcname='%s/debian/%s' % (versiondir, f))
                arcname='%s/debian/dartino-agent.init' % versiondir)
                arcname='%s/debian/dartino-agent.default' % versiondir)

        with utils.TempDir() as temp_dir:
            # Generate and add debian/copyright
            copyright_file = join(temp_dir, 'copyright')
            tar.add(copyright_file, arcname='%s/debian/copyright' % versiondir)

            # Generate and add debian/changelog
            change_log = join(temp_dir, 'changelog')
            GenerateChangeLog(change_log, version)
            tar.add(change_log, arcname='%s/debian/changelog' % versiondir)

            # Add the GIT_REVISION file.
            git_revision = join(temp_dir, 'GIT_REVISION')
            GenerateGitRevision(git_revision, utils.GetGitRevision())
                    arcname='%s/sdk/tools/GIT_REVISION' % versiondir)
コード例 #6
def Main(argv):
    args = ParseArgs(argv)
    # TODO(jcollins-g): switch to version numbers when github has its tags synced
    revision = utils.GetGitRevision()
    if revision is None:
        revision = 'master'
    output = '''dartdoc:
  categoryOrder: ["Core", "VM", "Web"]
    root: '.'
    uriTemplate: 'https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/%s/sdk/%%f%%#L%%l%%'
    # Default errors of dartdoc:
    - duplicate-file
    - invalid-parameter
    - no-defining-library-found
    - tool-error
    - unresolved-export
    # Warnings that are elevated to errors:
    - ambiguous-doc-reference
    - ambiguous-reexport
    - broken-link
    - category-order-gives-missing-package-name
    - deprecated
    - ignored-canonical-for
    - missing-from-search-index
    - no-canonical-found
    - no-documentable-libraries
    - no-library-level-docs
    - not-implemented
    - orphaned-file
    - reexported-private-api-across-packages
    # - unknown-directive  # Disabled due to https://github.com/dart-lang/dartdoc/issues/2353
    - unknown-file
    - unknown-macro
    - unresolved-doc-reference
''' % revision
    with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
    return 0
コード例 #7
ファイル: create_sdk.py プロジェクト: mohammadkhalili/sdk
def Main():
    # Pull in all of the gypi files which will be munged into the sdk.
    HOME = dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__)))

    (options, args) = GetOptions()

    SDK = options.sdk_output_dir
    SDK_tmp = '%s.tmp' % SDK

    SNAPSHOT = options.snapshot_location

    # TODO(dgrove) - deal with architectures that are not ia32.

    if exists(SDK):

    if exists(SDK_tmp):


    # Create and populate sdk/bin.
    BIN = join(SDK_tmp, 'bin')

    os.makedirs(join(BIN, 'snapshots'))

    # Copy the Dart VM binary and the Windows Dart VM link library
    # into sdk/bin.
    # TODO(dgrove) - deal with architectures that are not ia32.
    build_dir = os.path.dirname(SDK)
    dart_file_extension = ''
    if HOST_OS == 'win32':
        dart_file_extension = '.exe'
        dart_import_lib_src = join(HOME, build_dir, 'dart.lib')
        dart_import_lib_dest = join(BIN, 'dart.lib')
        copyfile(dart_import_lib_src, dart_import_lib_dest)
    dart_src_binary = join(HOME, build_dir, 'dart' + dart_file_extension)
    dart_dest_binary = join(BIN, 'dart' + dart_file_extension)
    copyfile(dart_src_binary, dart_dest_binary)
    copymode(dart_src_binary, dart_dest_binary)
    # Strip the binaries on platforms where that is supported.
    if HOST_OS == 'linux' and not options.disable_stripping:
        subprocess.call(['strip', dart_dest_binary])
    elif HOST_OS == 'macos' and not options.disable_stripping:
        subprocess.call(['strip', '-x', dart_dest_binary])

    # Create and populate sdk/include.
    INCLUDE = join(SDK_tmp, 'include')
    copyfile(join(HOME, 'runtime', 'include', 'dart_api.h'),
             join(INCLUDE, 'dart_api.h'))
    copyfile(join(HOME, 'runtime', 'include', 'dart_mirrors_api.h'),
             join(INCLUDE, 'dart_mirrors_api.h'))
    copyfile(join(HOME, 'runtime', 'include', 'dart_native_api.h'),
             join(INCLUDE, 'dart_native_api.h'))
    copyfile(join(HOME, 'runtime', 'include', 'dart_tools_api.h'),
             join(INCLUDE, 'dart_tools_api.h'))

    # Create and populate sdk/lib.

    LIB = join(SDK_tmp, 'lib')

    # Create and populate lib/{async, core, isolate, ...}.

    os.makedirs(join(LIB, 'html'))

    for library in [
            join('_blink', 'dartium'),
            join('_chrome', 'dart2js'),
            join('_chrome', 'dartium'),
            join('_internal', 'js_runtime'),
            join('_internal', 'sdk_library_metadata'), 'async', 'collection',
            'convert', 'core', 'developer', 'internal', 'io', 'isolate',
            join('html', 'dart2js'),
            join('html', 'dartium'),
            join('html', 'html_common'),
            join('indexed_db', 'dart2js'),
            join('indexed_db', 'dartium'), 'js', 'js_util', 'math', 'mirrors',
            'profiler', 'typed_data',
            join('svg', 'dart2js'),
            join('svg', 'dartium'),
            join('web_audio', 'dart2js'),
            join('web_audio', 'dartium'),
            join('web_gl', 'dart2js'),
            join('web_gl', 'dartium'),
            join('web_sql', 'dart2js'),
            join('web_sql', 'dartium')
        copytree(join(HOME, 'sdk', 'lib', library),
                 join(LIB, library),
                 ignore=ignore_patterns('*.svn', 'doc', '*.py', '*.gypi',
                                        '*.sh', '.gitignore'))

    # Copy the platform descriptors.
    for file_name in [
            "dart_client.platform", "dart_server.platform",
        copyfile(join(HOME, 'sdk', 'lib', file_name), join(LIB, file_name))

    # Copy libraries.dart to lib/_internal/libraries.dart for backwards
    # compatibility.
    # TODO(sigmund): stop copying libraries.dart. Old versions (<=0.25.1-alpha.4)
    # of the analyzer package do not support the new location of this file. We
    # should be able to remove the old file once we release a newer version of
    # analyzer and popular frameworks have migrated to use it.
        join(HOME, 'sdk', 'lib', '_internal', 'sdk_library_metadata', 'lib',
             'libraries.dart'), join(LIB, '_internal', 'libraries.dart'))

    # Create and copy tools.
    UTIL = join(SDK_tmp, 'util')

    RESOURCE = join(SDK_tmp, 'lib', '_internal', 'pub', 'asset')
    copytree(join(HOME, 'third_party', 'pkg', 'pub', 'lib', 'src', 'asset'),

    # Copy in 7zip for Windows.
    if HOST_OS == 'win32':
        copytree(join(HOME, 'third_party', '7zip'),
                 join(RESOURCE, '7zip'),

    # Copy dart2js/pub.
    CopyDartScripts(HOME, SDK_tmp)

    CopySnapshots(SNAPSHOT, SDK_tmp)
    CopyDartdocResources(HOME, SDK_tmp)
    CopyAnalyzerSources(HOME, LIB)
    CopyAnalysisSummaries(SNAPSHOT, LIB)
    CopyDevCompilerSdk(HOME, LIB)

    if options.copy_libs:
        CopyLibs(build_dir, BIN)

    # Write the 'version' file
    version = utils.GetVersion()
    versionFile = open(os.path.join(SDK_tmp, 'version'), 'w')
    versionFile.write(version + '\n')

    # Write the 'revision' file
    revision = utils.GetGitRevision()

    if revision is not None:
        with open(os.path.join(SDK_tmp, 'revision'), 'w') as f:
            f.write('%s\n' % revision)

    Copy(join(HOME, 'README.dart-sdk'), join(SDK_tmp, 'README'))
    Copy(join(HOME, 'LICENSE'), join(SDK_tmp, 'LICENSE'))
    Copy(join(HOME, 'sdk', 'api_readme.md'),
         join(SDK_tmp, 'lib', 'api_readme.md'))

    move(SDK_tmp, SDK)
コード例 #8
ファイル: download_dart_sdk.py プロジェクト: zhenshub/engine
def Main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        "Return an error code if a prebuilt couldn't be fetched and extracted")
                        default='LUCI_CONTEXT' in os.environ,
                        help='Emit verbose output')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    fail_loudly = 1 if args.fail_loudly else 0
    verbose = args.verbose

    prebuilt_enabled = os.environ.get(FLUTTER_PREBUILTS_ENV_VAR, 'true')
    if prebuilt_enabled == '0' or prebuilt_enabled.lower() == 'false':
        if verbose:
            print('Skipping prebuild Dart SDK download.')
        return 0

    os.makedirs(FLUTTER_PREBUILTS_DIR, exist_ok=True)

    # Read //third_party/dart/tools/VERSION to extract information about the
    # Dart SDK version.
    version = utils.ReadVersionFile()
    if version == None:
        eprint('Failed to read the Dart VERSION file.')
        return fail_loudly
    channel = version.channel
    if verbose:
        print('Dart SDK channel = "%s".' % channel)

    # A short Dart SDK version string used in the download url.
    if channel == 'be':
        dart_git_rev = utils.GetGitRevision()
        semantic_version = 'hash/{}'.format(dart_git_rev)
        semantic_version = utils.GetSemanticSDKVersion()
    if verbose:
        print('Semantic Dart SDK version = "%s".' % semantic_version)

    os_name = GuessOS()
    if os_name == None:
        return fail_loudly

    architectures = ArchitecturesForOS(os_name)
    if architectures == None:
        return fail_loudly

    # Work around a bug in Python.
    # The multiprocessing package relies on the win32 WaitForMultipleObjects()
    # call, which supports waiting on a maximum of MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS (defined
    # by Windows to be 64) handles, processes in this case. To avoid hitting
    # this, we limit ourselves to 60 handles (since there are a couple extra
    # processes launched for the queue reader and thread wakeup reader).
    # See: https://bugs.python.org/issue26903
    max_processes = os.cpu_count()
    if sys.platform.startswith(('cygwin', 'win')) and max_processes > 60:
        max_processes = 60

    # Download and extract variants in parallel
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=max_processes)
    tasks = [(channel, semantic_version, os_name, arch, verbose)
             for arch in architectures]
    async_results = [pool.apply_async(DownloadAndExtract, t) for t in tasks]
    success = True
    for async_result in async_results:
        result = async_result.get()
        success = success and (result == 0)

    return 0 if success else fail_loudly