async def discordstatus(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext): """Gets the current status of Discord.""" async with "") as response: data = await response.json() try: current = data["months"][0]["incidents"][0] except IndexError: embed = Embed.warning( description= "There are no incidents reported this month as of yet.") return await ctx.send(embed=embed) components = data["components"] timestamp = re.sub( r"<var data-var='date'>|</var>|<var data-var='time'>", "", current["timestamp"]) embeds = [] if len(timestamp) < 17: main_embed = ctx, title="Current Status for Discord.", description=("```\n" + f"Code: {current['code']}\n" + f"Name: {current['name']}\n" + f"Message: {current['message']}\n" + f"Impact: {current['impact']}\n" + f"Timestamp: {timestamp}\n" + "```")) main_embed.url = "" embeds.append(main_embed) # Thank you to Cyrus#8315 for this. def format_comp(mapping): msg = "```py\n" longest = None for key in mapping: length = len(key["name"]) if longest is None or length > longest: longest = length for key in mapping: msg += key["name"].rjust(longest, " ") + \ " → " + key["status"].title() + "\n" msg += "```" return msg components_embed = ctx, title="Components", description=format_comp(components)) embeds.append(components_embed) source = utils.EmbedMenu(embeds) menu = utils.KalPages(source) await menu.start(ctx)
async def moderations(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext): """Gets all of the current active mutes.""" mutes = await "SELECT * FROM guild_mutes WHERE guild_id = $1", fmt = [] for mute in mutes: user = ctx.guild.get_member(mute["member_id"]) dt_obj = dt.fromtimestamp(mute["end_time"]) humanized = humanize.precisedelta(dt_obj, format="%0.0f") fmt.append(f"{user} | {humanized}") menu = utils.KalPages(ModerationsMenu(fmt), clear_reactions_after=True) await menu.start(ctx)
async def lyrics(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, *, song_name: str): """Get the lyrics to any given song, if the song is found.""" ksoft = ksoftapi.Client(["keys"]["ksoft_api"]) try: results = await except ksoftapi.NoResults: return await ctx.send(f"No lyrics found for {song_name}.") await ksoft.close() first = results[0] lyrics = first.lyrics.splitlines() source = LyricsPaginator(lyrics) menu = utils.KalPages(source) await menu.start(ctx)
async def rawmsg(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, message: discord.Message): """Gets the raw JSON data of a message, if you don't know what that is, this command probably isn't for you.""" async with f"{}/messages/{}", headers={"Authorization": f"Bot {}"}) as r: if r.status != 200: return await ctx.send( "Something went wrong... I can't really tell you why because I don't know BUT\n" f"What I do know is that the status code is {r.status} so maybe that'd help." ) r = await r.json() formatted = json.dumps(r, indent=4) lines = [line for line in formatted.splitlines()] source = RawMessagePaginator(lines) menu = utils.KalPages(source) await menu.start(ctx)
async def emoji(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, *emojis: utils.EmojiConverter): """Get's the full image of an emoji and adds some more info.""" ret = [] for emoji in emojis: embed = embed.title = f"Showing for {}" embed.url = emoji.url embed.description = or "This is a unicode emoji, therefore no ID." embed.set_image(url=emoji.url) embed.add_field(name="Animated", value=emoji.animated) ret.append(embed) source = utils.EmbedMenu(ret) menu = utils.KalPages(source) await menu.start(ctx)
async def warns(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, *, user: discord.Member): """Get the current warns of a given user.""" sql = "SELECT * FROM warns WHERE offender_id = $1;" records = await, ret = [] for index, record in enumerate(records, start=1): warner =["moderator_id"]) warned_at = record["time_warned"] warned_date = utils.format_time(warned_at)["date"] ret.append( f"`{index}` - Warned by: {warner} - Warned at: {warned_date} | {record['reason']}" ) if not ret: raise commands.BadArgument("That user has no warns to display.") source = WarnsPageSource(ret) page = utils.KalPages(source) await page.start(ctx)
async def todo_list(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, flag: str = None): """Gives a list of all of your currently set tasks. You can also sort them with these flags: `--alphabetical` - Sorts all tasks in alphabetical order. `--size` - Sorts all tasks by size. Note: If you try to delete a task that is in one of these orders you may delete another task by accident!""" sql = "SELECT * FROM todos WHERE user_id = $1" if flag: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--alphabetical", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--size", action="store_true") try: args = parser.parse_args([flag]) except SystemExit: raise commands.BadArgument( "The only available flags are `--alphabetical` and `--size`." ) if args.alphabetical: sql += " ORDER BY task ASC" if args.size: sql += " ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(task) ASC" results = await, if not results: raise utils.NoTodoItems("You have no to-do items I can show you.") todo_list = [] for item in results: todo_list.append(item["task"]) source = utils.GeneralPageSource(todo_list, per_page=10) paginator = utils.KalPages(source) await paginator.start(ctx)
async def tag_list(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, *, user: t.Optional[discord.Member]): """Gets the list of tags of a current user, or yourself. Example: `{prefix}tag list @kal#1806`""" user: discord.Member = user or all_user_tags = await 'SELECT title FROM tags WHERE author = $1 AND guild = $2',, if not all_user_tags: fmt: str = f'`{}` has no tags to display.' return await ctx.send(fmt) all_tags = [] for i, tag in enumerate(all_user_tags): all_tags.append(f'`{i + 1}`. {tag["title"]}') source = TagsListPageSource(, all_tags) menu = utils.KalPages(source) await menu.start(ctx)
async def dev_sql(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, *, query: codeblock_converter): """Executes an SQL statement for the bot.""" async with ctx.timeit: """Start timing how long it takes to process the query.""" query = query.content strategy = ctx.db.fetch if query.lower().startswith( "select") else ctx.db.execute results = await strategy( query.format(, guild=ctx.guild)) data = [] if isinstance(results, list): for result in results: data.append(repr(result)) else: data.append(repr(results)) menu = utils.KalPages(SQLListPageSource(data)) await menu.start(ctx)
class Moderation(commands.Cog, name="moderation"): """Moderation Commands""" def __init__(self, bot): utils.MyBot = bot self.show_name = "\N{CROSSED SWORDS} Moderation" self.logger = utils.create_logger(self.__class__.__name__, logging.INFO) async def get_warn_by_id(self, user_id: int, index: int): sql = "SELECT * FROM warns WHERE offender_id = $1;" records = await, user_id) try: item = records[index - 1] except IndexError: raise commands.BadArgument( "That user does not have a warn with that ID.") return item["id"] @commands.Cog.listener("on_member_join") async def persistent_mutes(self, member: discord.Member): is_user_muted = await "SELECT * FROM guild_mutes WHERE member_id = $1 AND guild_id = $2",, if not is_user_muted: return mute_role_id =[]["guild_prefix"] mute_role = member.guild.get_role(role_id=mute_role_id) await member.add_roles(mute_role, reason="Mute Role Persist") @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) async def warn(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, user: discord.Member, *, reason: str = "No Reason Provided."): """Warns a given user for a given reason. You can do `{prefix}warns someone#1234` to view their current warns.""" if len(reason) > 255: raise commands.BadArgument( "The warn reason must not be greater than 255 characters.") sql = "INSERT INTO warns VALUES(default, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5);" values = (,,, reason, dt.utcnow()) await, *values) await ctx.send( f"Successfully warned `{user}` for: {reason}. " f"Do `{ctx.prefix}warns {user}` to view their current warns.") @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) async def warns(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, *, user: discord.Member): """Get the current warns of a given user.""" sql = "SELECT * FROM warns WHERE offender_id = $1;" records = await, ret = [] for index, record in enumerate(records, start=1): warner =["moderator_id"]) warned_at = record["time_warned"] warned_date = utils.format_time(warned_at)["date"] ret.append( f"`{index}` - Warned by: {warner} - Warned at: {warned_date} | {record['reason']}" ) if not ret: raise commands.BadArgument("That user has no warns to display.") source = WarnsPageSource(ret) page = utils.KalPages(source) await page.start(ctx) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) async def delwarn(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, user: discord.Member, warn_id: int): """Deletes a warn off a given user.""" warn_id = await self.get_warn_by_id(, warn_id) sql = "DELETE FROM warns WHERE id = $1;" await, warn_id) await ctx.send(f"Successfully cleared that warn for `{user}`") @commands.command(aliases=["tban"], disabled=True, hidden=True) @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(ban_members=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(ban_members=True) async def tempban(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, user: NotStaffMember, how_long: utils.TimeConverter, *, reason: str): """Tempbans a user for a certain amount of time. e.g. `{prefix}tempban @kal#1806 5d Doing bad things excessively.`""" format_time = humanize.naturaldelta(how_long) await user.send( f"You were temporarily banned by {} for the reason: {reason}. This ban expires in {format_time}" ) sql = "INSERT INTO temp_bans VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);" values = (str(uuid.uuid4()),,,, reason, how_long) await, *values) await user.ban(reason=reason) fmt = f"{user} was banned by {} for {format_time} for the reason: {reason}" await ctx.send(fmt) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def mute(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, user: NotStaffMember, _time: TimeConverter, *, reason: str): """Mutes a given user for an amount of time (e.g. 5s/5m/5h/5d)""" if _time < 5: return await ctx.send( "You must provide a time that is 5 seconds or higher") try: mute_role_id =[]["mute_role_id"] mute_role = ctx.guild.get_role(mute_role_id) except KeyError: def predicate(r): return == "muted" mute_role = discord.utils.find(predicate=predicate, seq=ctx.guild.roles)[]["mute_role_id"] = await "UPDATE guild_settings SET mute_role_id = $1 WHERE guild_id = $2",, if mute_role is None: mute_role = await ctx.guild.create_role(name="Muted") await, send_messages=False) await "UPDATE guild_settings SET mute_role_id = $1 WHERE guild_id = $2",,[]["mute_role_id"] = await user.add_roles(mute_role, reason=f"Muted by: {}") await utils.set_mute(,,, _time=_time) end_time = int(t() + _time) await "INSERT INTO guild_mutes VALUES($1, $2, $3)",,, end_time) timestamp = t() + _time dt_obj = dt.fromtimestamp(timestamp) humanized = humanize.precisedelta(dt_obj, format="%0.0f") embed = embed.description = ( f"{} ({}) has muted {user.mention} ({user}) for {humanized} for the reason: " f"{reason}") await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def unmute(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, user: discord.Member): """Unmutes a given user if they have the guilds set muted role.""" try: mute_role_id =[]["mute_role_id"] mute_role = ctx.guild.get_role(mute_role_id) except KeyError: def predicate(r): return == "muted" mute_role = discord.utils.find(predicate=predicate, seq=ctx.guild.roles)[]["mute_role_id"] = await "UPDATE guild_settings SET mute_role_id = $1 WHERE guild_id = $2",, if mute_role not in user.roles: return await ctx.send( "That user does not have the guilds set muted role.") await user.remove_roles(mute_role, reason=f"Unmuted by: {}") embed = embed.description = f"{} ({}) unmuted {user.mention} ({user})" await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command() @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(send_messages=True) async def moderations(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext): """Gets all of the current active mutes.""" mutes = await "SELECT * FROM guild_mutes WHERE guild_id = $1", fmt = [] for mute in mutes: user = ctx.guild.get_member(mute["member_id"]) dt_obj = dt.fromtimestamp(mute["end_time"]) humanized = humanize.precisedelta(dt_obj, format="%0.0f") fmt.append(f"{user} | {humanized}") menu = utils.KalPages(ModerationsMenu(fmt), clear_reactions_after=True) await menu.start(ctx) @commands.command(aliases=["unbanall"]) @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(manage_guild=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(ban_members=True) async def massunban(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext): """Gives a prompt to unban everyone. Permissions needed: `Manage Server`""" def check(m): return == and == await ctx.send( "Are you sure you would like to unban everyone? (10 Seconds)") try: user_input = await"message", timeout=10.0, check=check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: return await ctx.send( f"{} you did not reply in time.") else: user_reply = user_input.content.lower() if user_reply != "yes": return await ctx.send("Ok, backing out.") if user_reply == "yes": await ctx.send("Ok, this may take a bit.") bans = await ctx.guild.bans() for ban in bans: user = ban.user await ctx.guild.unban( user, reason=f"Mass Unban | Responsible User: {}") await ctx.send( f"Successfully unbanned {sum(1 for ban in bans)} people") @commands.command(aliases=["barn", "banish"]) @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(ban_members=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(ban_members=True) async def ban(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, user: MemberOrID, *, reason: str = "No reason provided."): """Bans someone for a given reason. Permissions needed: `Ban Members`""" await ctx.guild.ban( user, reason=f"{reason} | Responsible User: {}") await ctx.thumbsup() @commands.command(aliases=["unbarn", "unbanish"]) @commands.has_permissions(ban_members=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(ban_members=True) async def unban(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, user: BannedUser): """Unbans a given user. Permissions needed: `Ban Members`""" await ctx.guild.unban( user, reason=f"Responsible User: {}", ) await ctx.thumbsup() @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(kick_members=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(kick_members=True) async def kick(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, user: NotStaffMember, *, reason: str = "No reason provided."): """Kicks a user for a given reason. Permissions needed: `Kick Members`""" await user.kick(reason=f"{reason} | Responsible User: {}") await ctx.thumbsup() @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(manage_nicknames=True) async def setnick(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, user: discord.Member, *, new_name: str = None): """Sets a new nickname for a given user. Permissions needed: `Manage Messages`""" try: if len(new_name) > 32: new_name = new_name[:len(new_name) - (len(new_name) - 32)] await user.edit(nick=new_name, reason=f"Responsible User: {}") except discord.Forbidden: return await ctx.send( "I was unable to change the nickname for that user.") await ctx.thumbsup() @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(send_messages=True) async def members(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, *, role: Role): """Check the list of members in a certain role. Permissions needed: `Manage Messages`""" in_role = [] [ in_role.append(f"{member.mention} ({member})") for member in role.members ] columns = [in_role, ["\u200b"]] if len(in_role) > 1: columns[0], columns[1] = utils.split_list(in_role) columns.sort(reverse=True) if len("\n".join(columns[0])) > 1024: columns[0] = columns[0][:20] if len("\n".join(columns[1])) > 1024: columns[1] = columns[1][:20] embed = ctx, title=f"Members in {} [{sum(1 for m in role.members)}]") [ embed.add_field(name="\u200b", value="\n".join(column) if column else "\u200b") for column in columns ] await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(manage_messages=True) async def clean(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext): """Cleans all 100 previous bot messages. Permissions needed: `Manage Messages`""" await ctx.message.delete() def check(m): return await, check=check, bulk=True) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(manage_messages=True) async def purge(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, amount: int): """Purges a given amount of messages Permissions needed: `Manage Messages`""" await ctx.message.delete() await @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(manage_roles=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def role(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, user: discord.Member, *roles: Role): """ Give someone a role. Permissions needed: `Manage Roles` To give multiple roles, this is the syntax: `{prefix}role @kal#1806 "role one" role2 role` """ mr_ids = [ 622258457785008150, 668232158862639134, 622267750232096808, 703780954602471445, 735699294174183454, ] modifiers = [] current_roles = user.roles for role in roles: if in mr_ids: continue if role in user.roles: modifiers.append(f"-{role.mention}") current_roles.remove(role) else: modifiers.append(f"+{role.mention}") current_roles.append(role) await user.edit(roles=current_roles) await ctx.thumbsup() embed = ctx, title="Updated Member Roles", description=f"{user.mention} | {' '.join(modifiers)}", ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @role.command(name="add") @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(manage_roles=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def role_add(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, *, role: str): """Adds a new role with a given name.""" await ctx.guild.create_role(name=role, reason=f"Responsible User: {}") await ctx.thumbsup() @role.command(name="del") @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(manage_roles=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def role_del(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, *, role: Role): """Deletes a given role.""" await role.delete(reason=f"Responsible User: {}") await ctx.thumbsup() @role.command(name="colour", aliases=["color"]) @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(manage_roles=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def role_colour(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, role: Role, colour: str): """Sets the colour of a given role.""" hex_regex = r"^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$" if not re.match(hex_regex, colour): return await ctx.send( "The colour must be a properly formed **hex** colour.") hex_to_rgb = utils.hex_to_rgb(colour[1:]) colour = discord.Colour.from_rgb(hex_to_rgb[0], hex_to_rgb[1], hex_to_rgb[2]) await role.edit(colour=colour) await ctx.thumbsup() @role.command(name="info") @commands.guild_only() @commands.has_permissions(manage_roles=True) @commands.bot_has_permissions(send_messages=True) async def role_info(self, ctx: utils.CustomContext, *roles: Role): """Get information on a given role.""" embed_list = [] for role in roles: role_perms = [] permissions_dict = { "kick_members": "Kick Members", "ban_members": "Ban Members", "administrator": "Administrator", "manage_channels": "Manage Channels", "manage_guild": "Manage Server", "manage_messages": "Manage Messages", "mention_everyone": "Mention Everyone", "mute_members": "Mute Members (VC)", "deafen_members": "Deafen Members (VC)", "move_members": "Move Members (VC)", "manage_nicknames": "Manage Nicknames", "manage_roles": "Manage Roles" } permissions = dict(role.permissions) for permission, true_false in permissions.items(): if true_false is True: if (perm := permissions_dict.get(str(permission))) is not None: role_perms.append(f"✅ {perm}") repr_permissions = '\n'.join(role_perms) created_at_str = f"{}/{role.created_at.month}/{role.created_at.year} {role.created_at.hour}:{role.created_at.minute}:{role.created_at.second}" role_colour = (role.colour.r, role.colour.g, role.colour.b) fields = [ ["Name",, True], ["Mention", f"`{role.mention}`", True], ["Created At", created_at_str, True], ["Role Position", role.position, True], ["Hoisted", role.hoist, True], ["Mentionable", role.mentionable, True], ["Colour", utils.rgb_to_hex(role_colour), True], ["Members", sum(1 for member in role.members), True], [ "Permissions", f"```\n{repr_permissions or 'Nothing special.'}```", False ], ] embed =, colour=discord.Color.from_rgb(*role_colour)) [embed.add_field(name=n, value=v, inline=i) for n, v, i in fields] embed_list.append(embed) if len(embed_list) > 1: source = utils.EmbedMenu(embed_list) paginator = utils.KalPages(source) await paginator.start(ctx) else: await ctx.send(embed=embed_list[0])