コード例 #1
ファイル: hits.py プロジェクト: abhijo89/fSphinx
 def __str__(self):
     """A string representation of these hits showing the number of results,
     time taken and the hits retrieved.
     s = 'matches: (%(total)i/%(total_found)i documents in %(time)s sec.)\n' % self
     for i, match in enumerate(self['matches']):
         s += '%s. ' % (i + 1)
         s += 'document=%(id)s, weight=%(weight)s\n' % match
         s += ', '.join('%s=%s' % (k, utils._unicode(v))
             for k, v in match['attrs'].items()) + '\n'
         for k, v in match['@hit'].items():
             if isinstance(v, list):
                 v = ', '.join(v)
             s += '\t%s=%s\n' % (k, utils._unicode(v))
     s += '\nwords:\n'
     for i, word in enumerate(self['words']):
         s += '%s. ' % (i + 1)
         s += '"%(word)s": %(docs)s documents, %(hits)s hits\n' % word
     return s.encode('utf-8')
コード例 #2
 def __str__(self):
     """A string representation of these hits showing the number of results,
     time taken and the hits retrieved.
     s = 'matches: (%(total)i/%(total_found)i documents in %(time)s sec.)\n' % self
     for i, match in enumerate(self['matches']):
         s += '%s. ' % (i + 1)
         s += 'document=%(id)s, weight=%(weight)s\n' % match
         s += ', '.join('%s=%s' % (k, utils._unicode(v))
                        for k, v in match['attrs'].items()) + '\n'
         for k, v in match['@hit'].items():
             if isinstance(v, list):
                 v = ', '.join(v)
             s += '\t%s=%s\n' % (k, utils._unicode(v))
     s += '\nwords:\n'
     for i, word in enumerate(self['words']):
         s += '%s. ' % (i + 1)
         s += '"%(word)s": %(docs)s documents, %(hits)s hits\n' % word
     return s.encode('utf-8')
コード例 #3
ファイル: indexer.py プロジェクト: alexksikes/SimSearch
 def __iter__(self):
     for sql in self.sql_features:
         c = self.db.cursor()
         logger.info('SQL: %s', sql)
         for id, feat in c:
             if isinstance(feat, int) or isinstance(feat, long):
                 feat = utils._unicode(feat)
             yield id, feat
コード例 #4
 def __iter__(self):
     for sql in self.sql_features:
         c = self.db.cursor()
         logger.info('SQL: %s', sql)
         for id, feat in c:
             if isinstance(feat, int) or isinstance(feat, long):
                 feat = utils._unicode(feat)
             yield id, feat
コード例 #5
ファイル: hits.py プロジェクト: abhijo89/fSphinx
    def __call__(self, hits):
        words = getattr(self._cl.query, 'sphinx', self._cl.query)

        docs = []
        for match in hits.matches:
            docs.extend([utils._unicode(match['@hit'][f]) for f in self._on_fields])

        all_excerpts = self._cl.BuildExcerpts(docs, self._index, words, self._opts)
        print all_excerpts
        for match, excerpts in zip(hits.matches, utils.group(all_excerpts, len(self._on_fields))):
            for f, excerpt in zip(self._on_fields, excerpts):
                match['@hit'][f + self._suffix] = excerpt or match['@hit'][f]
コード例 #6
    def __call__(self, hits):
        words = getattr(self._cl.query, 'sphinx', self._cl.query)

        docs = []
        for match in hits.matches:
                [utils._unicode(match['@hit'][f]) for f in self._on_fields])

        all_excerpts = self._cl.BuildExcerpts(docs, self._index, words,
        print all_excerpts
        for match, excerpts in zip(
                hits.matches, utils.group(all_excerpts, len(self._on_fields))):
            for f, excerpt in zip(self._on_fields, excerpts):
                match['@hit'][f + self._suffix] = excerpt or match['@hit'][f]
コード例 #7
ファイル: indexer.py プロジェクト: alexksikes/SimSearch
 def add(self, id, feat):
     """ Adds the given (id, feature) to the index.
     The id must an int and the feature must be a unique string representation
     of the feature. The feature is expected to be unicode or utf8 encoded.
     This method does not check whether (id, feature) has already been inserted
     to the index.
     if not self._check_input(id, feat):
     feat = utils._unicode(feat)
     if id not in self.ids:
         x = len(self.ids)
         self.ids[id] = x
         self.fids.write('%s\n' % id)
     if feat not in self.fts:
         y = len(self.fts)
         self.fts[feat] = y
         self.ffts.write('%s\n' % feat)
     (x, y) = (self.ids[id], self.fts[feat])
     if not self._in_coo(x, y):
         self.fxco.write('%s\n' % x)
         self.fyco.write('%s\n' % y)
コード例 #8
 def add(self, id, feat):
     """ Adds the given (id, feature) to the index.
     The id must an int and the feature must be a unique string representation
     of the feature. The feature is expected to be unicode or utf8 encoded.
     This method does not check whether (id, feature) has already been inserted
     to the index.
     if not self._check_input(id, feat):
     feat = utils._unicode(feat)
     if id not in self.ids:
         x = len(self.ids)
         self.ids[id] = x
         self.fids.write('%s\n' % id)
     if feat not in self.fts:
         y = len(self.fts)
         self.fts[feat] = y
         self.ffts.write('%s\n' % feat)
     (x, y) = (self.ids[id], self.fts[feat])
     if not self._in_coo(x, y):
         self.fxco.write('%s\n' % x)
         self.fyco.write('%s\n' % y)