コード例 #1
	def take_turn(self):
		""" |  Normal Turn Routine
			|  Mobs take turns if the player can hear it #TODO Change to Mob's FOH
			|  If they're close enough, they attack
		from render import message
		from utils import a_star_search, applyBonus, revertBonus

		mob = self.owner
		status = self.status
		delta = self.statusDelta

		speed = 1	# Base speed of 1 tick, to prevent infinite mob action loops

		if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(gvar.foh_map, mob.x, mob.y):

			# Normal Behaviour
			if not status:
				if mob.distance_to(gvar.game.player) >= 2:	# Move towards the player, if she's too far away
					destination = a_star_search(gvar.game.player.currentmap(), (mob.x, mob.y),(gvar.game.player.x, gvar.game.player.y)) # Perform A*-Search

					if destination == [(mob.x, mob.y), (mob.x, mob.y)]:	# idle for the next 3 turns, if no path to player is found
						self.status = 'idle'							#@TODO Should have prevented A*-Overload, doesn't seem to work
						self.statusDelta = 3
					speed = self.owner.fighter.movement_speed()

				elif sum(gvar.game.player.fighter.hl) > 0:				# Player is close enough, perform an attack
					speed = mob.fighter.attack(gvar.game.player.fighter)

			# Confusion - Moves to random directions, also -4 dodgeDV penalty
			elif status == 'confusion':
				applyBonus('dodgeDV', -4, self.owner.fighter)
				if delta > 0:
					self.owner.move(libtcod.random_get_int(0, -1, 1), libtcod.random_get_int(0, -1, 1))
					self.statusDelta -= 1
					revertBonus('dodgeDV', -4, self.owner.fighter)
					self.status = None
					message('The smoke around the ' + self.owner.name + ' disappears.', libtcod.violet)
				if self.owner.fighter is not None:
					speed = self.owner.fighter.movement_speed()

			# Idle - Don't do anything, Speed 3
			elif status == 'idle':
				if delta > 0:
					self.statusDelta -= 1
					self.status = None
				speed = 3

		return speed
コード例 #2
	def is_reachable(self, start, end, crossborder=False):
		""" |  perform an a-star search from start to end
			|  and return Boolean, if end was reached

			|  If the crossborder flag is set, it performs 15 searches from random spots on the map,
			|  which doesn't guarantee reachability, but the probability of non-reachability is sufficiently low

		from utils import a_star_search
		from render import render_all

		if not crossborder:
			path = a_star_search(self, start, end, ignore_types=['door'])
			if end not in path:
				return False
			return True
			for i in range(15):
				end = self.random_room().random_spot()
				path = a_star_search(self, start, end, ignore_types=['door'])
				if end not in path:
					return False
			return True
コード例 #3
	def restore_accessibility(self, room):
		""" |  Checks, if every exit of the given room is reachable from the other exits.
			|  If one exit is not reachable from the other, builds a bridge between the two.
		from utils import a_star_search

		for entrance in room.get_exits():
			for exit in room.get_exits():
				if entrance == exit:
					if not self.is_reachable(entrance, exit):
						bridge_path = a_star_search(self, entrance, exit, ignore_ai_blocks=True)
						for bridge_tile in bridge_path:
							self.set_floor(bridge_tile[0], bridge_tile[1])