def request_schema(self, key, val): """ Converter for request schema. Args: . key - key name in the schema. . val - the key value. """ logging.debug(f'request schema key => {key} , val => {val}') res = "" if key in ["style", "process_query", "apm_stats_query"]: res += block(key, val, assignmentString) elif key in ["metadata", "conditional_formats"]: res += block_list(key, val, assignmentString) elif key in [ "log_query", "rum_query", "apm_query", "security_query", "network_query" ]: res += block(key, val, self.request_nested_schema) elif key in ["fill", "size"]: res += block(key, val, self.request_schema) elif key in ["profile_metrics_query"]: #unsupported keys pass else: res += assignmentString(key, val) return res
def widget_definition_schema(self, content): """ Converter for widget dfinition schema. Args: . content - the content dict of the widget definition. """ logging.debug(f'widget definition schema content => \n {content}') res = "" for key, val in content.items(): if key in [ "type", "legend_layout", "legend_columns", "global_time_target", "reflow_type" ]: pass elif key == "custom_links": res += block_list("custom_link", val, assignmentString) elif key == "requests": res += block_list("request", val, self.request_schema) if isinstance( val, list) else block( "request", val, self.request_schema) elif key == "widgets": res += block_list("widget", val, self.widget_schema) elif key == "events": res += block_list("event", val, assignmentString) elif key == "markers": res += block_list("marker", val, assignmentString) elif key == "sort": res += assignmentString("sort", val) if isinstance( content, str) else block_list("sort", val, assignmentString) elif key in [ "event", "right_yaxis", "widget_layout", "xaxis", "yaxis", "style" ]: res += block(key, val, assignmentString) elif key == "time": res += assignmentString("live_span", val["live_span"]) else: res += assignmentString(key, val) definition_type = "service_level_objective" if content[ "type"] == "slo" else content["type"] return f'\n {definition_type}_definition {{ {res} \n }}'
def request_nested_schema(self, key, val): """ Converter for request nested schema. Args: . key - key name in the schema. . val - the key value. """ logging.debug(f'request nested schema key => {key} , val => {val}') res = "" if key in ["search"]: res += assignmentString("search_query", val["query"]) elif key in ["compute"]: res += block("compute_query", val, assignmentString) elif key in ["compute_query"]: res += block("compute_query", val, assignmentString) elif key in ["multi_compute"]: pass elif key in ["group_by"]: res += block_list("group_by", val, self.group_by_schema) else: res += assignmentString(key, val) return res
def template_variable_preset_schema(self, key, val): """ Converter for template_variable_present schema. Args: . key - key name in the schema. . val - the key value. """ logging.debug( f'template variable preset schema key => {key} , val => {val}') res = "" if key == "name": res += assignmentString(key, val) elif key == "template_variables": res += block_list("template_variable", val, assignmentString) return res
def monitor_schema(self, monitorData): """ Create terrafom monitor schema. Args: . monitorData - datadog monitor dict. """ logging.debug(f'Monitor schema dashboard data => \n {monitorData}') res = "" for key, val in monitorData.items(): if key in ["id"]: pass elif key in ["options"]: res += self.options_schema(val) else: res += assignmentString(key, val) return res
def group_by_schema(self, key, val): """ Converter for group_by schema. Args: . key - key name in the schema. . val - the key value. """ logging.debug(f'group_by schema key => {key} , val => {val}') res = "" if key in ["sort"]: res += block("sort_query", val, assignmentString) elif key in ["sort_query"]: res += block("sort_query", val, assignmentString) else: res += assignmentString(key, val) return res
def options_schema(self, content): """ Converter of options block. Args: . content - options dict. """ logging.debug(f'Monitor options schema content => \n {content}') res = "" for key, val in content.items(): if key in ["thresholds"]: # res += self.block("monitor_thresholds", val, assignmentString) res += block("monitor_thresholds", val, assignmentString) elif key in ["silenced"]: # res += self.block(key, val, assignmentString) # res += block(key, val, assignmentString) pass # unsupported block tyep. else: res += assignmentString(key, val) return res
def dashboard_schema(self, dashboardData): """ Create terrafom dashboard schema. Args: . dashboardData - datadog dashboard dict. """ logging.debug(f'Dashboard schema dashboard data => \n {dashboardData}') res = "" for key, val in dashboardData.items(): if key in ["id", "reflow_type"]: pass elif key == "widgets": res += block_list("widget", val, self.widget_schema) elif key == "template_variables": res += block_list("template_variable", val, assignmentString) elif key == "template_variable_presets": res += block_list("template_variable_preset", val, self.template_variable_preset_schema) else: res += assignmentString(key, val) return res