def fit(self, X, y=None): '''Contrastive Divergence training procedure''' self._initialize_weights(X) self.training_errors = [] self.training_reconstructions = [] for _ in self.progressbar(range(self.n_iterations)): batch_errors = [] for batch in batch_iterator(X, batch_size=self.batch_size): # Positive phase positive_hidden = sigmoid( + self.h0) hidden_states = self._sample(positive_hidden) positive_associations = # Negative phase negative_visible = sigmoid( + self.v0) negative_visible = self._sample(negative_visible) negative_hidden = sigmoid( + self.h0) negative_associations = self.W += * (positive_associations - negative_associations) self.h0 += * (positive_hidden.sum(axis=0) - negative_hidden.sum(axis=0)) self.v0 += * (batch.sum(axis=0) - negative_visible.sum(axis=0)) batch_errors.append(np.mean((batch - negative_visible) ** 2)) self.training_errors.append(np.mean(batch_errors)) # Reconstruct a batch of images from the training set idx = np.random.choice(range(X.shape[0]), self.batch_size) self.training_reconstructions.append(self.reconstruct(X[idx]))
def fit(self, x_train: np.array, y_train: np.array, x_test: np.array, y_test: np.array, epochs:, batch_size=16, _print=False, history=False): train_history = [] test_history = [] loss_history = [] for i in range(epochs): if _print or history: acc_train = self.binary_accuracy(x_train, y_train) acc_test = self.binary_accuracy(x_test, y_test) train_loss = self.loss(x_train, y_train) if _print: print(f'Befor epoch {i + 1}:') print(f'Accuracy on train set: {round(acc_train * 100, 2)} %') print(f'Accuracy on test set: {round(acc_test * 100, 2)} %') print(f'Loss: {round(train_loss, 2)}') if history: train_history.append(acc_train) test_history.append(acc_test) loss_history.append(train_loss) for x_batch, y_batch in batch_iterator(x_train, y_train, batch_size, stochastic=True): self.layers = self.optimizer.optimize(self, x_batch, y_batch) return train_history, test_history, loss_history
def fit(self, X, y, n_epochs, batch_size): """ Trains the model for a fixed number of epochs """ for _ in self.progressbar(range(n_epochs)): batch_error = [] for X_batch, y_batch in batch_iterator(X, y, batch_size=batch_size): loss, _ = self.train_on_batch(X_batch, y_batch) batch_error.append(loss) self.errors["training"].append(np.mean(batch_error)) if self.val_set is not None: val_loss, _ = self.test_on_batch(self.val_set["X"], self.val_set["y"]) self.errors["validation"].append(val_loss) return self.errors["training"], self.errors["validation"]
def create_domains_corpus(self, file_in_name, file_out_name, batch_num_lines): """ Create domain corpus from protein domains tabular file Parameters ---------- file_in_name : str input file name file_out_name : str output file name batch_num_lines : int number of lines to be processed per batch Returns ------- None """ total_out_lines = 0 with open(os.path.join(self.data_path, file_in_name), 'r') as file_in, open( os.path.join(self.data_path, file_out_name), 'a') as file_out: for i, batch in enumerate(batch_iterator(file_in, batch_num_lines)): for line in batch: line_tabs = line.split("\t") assert len( line_tabs ) == 3, "AssertionError: line should have only three tabs." protein_domains = line_tabs[1] if protein_domains.strip() != "interpro_ids": file_out.write(protein_domains + "\n") total_out_lines = total_out_lines + 1 print("Successfully written {} proteins in domains representation.". format(total_out_lines))
def main(unused_args): assert len(unused_args) == 1, unused_args setup_experiment(logging, FLAGS, "critic_model") if FLAGS.validation: mnist_ds = mnist.read_data_sets(FLAGS.data_dir, dtype=tf.float32, reshape=False, validation_size=0) val_ds = mnist_ds.test else: mnist_ds = mnist.read_data_sets(FLAGS.data_dir, dtype=tf.float32, reshape=False, validation_size=FLAGS.validation_size) val_ds = mnist_ds.validation train_ds = mnist_ds.train val_ds = mnist_ds.validation test_ds = mnist_ds.test num_classes = FLAGS.num_classes img_shape = [None, 1, 28, 28] X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=img_shape, name='X') # placeholder to avoid recomputation of adversarial images for critic X_hat_h = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=img_shape, name='X_hat') y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name='y') y_onehot = tf.one_hot(y, num_classes) reduce_ind = list(range(1, X.get_shape().ndims)) # test/validation inputs X_v = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=img_shape, name='X_v') y_v = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name='y_v') y_v_onehot = tf.one_hot(y_v, num_classes) # classifier model model = create_model(FLAGS, name=FLAGS.model_name) def test_model(x, **kwargs): return model(x, train=False, **kwargs) # generator def generator(inputs, confidence, targets=None): return high_confidence_attack_unrolled( lambda x: model(x)['logits'], inputs, targets=targets, confidence=confidence, max_iter=FLAGS.attack_iter, over_shoot=FLAGS.attack_overshoot, attack_random=FLAGS.attack_random, attack_uniform=FLAGS.attack_uniform, attack_label_smoothing=FLAGS.attack_label_smoothing) def test_generator(inputs, confidence, targets=None): return high_confidence_attack(lambda x: test_model(x)['logits'], inputs, targets=targets, confidence=confidence, max_iter=FLAGS.df_iter, over_shoot=FLAGS.df_overshoot, random=FLAGS.attack_random, uniform=FLAGS.attack_uniform, clip_dist=FLAGS.df_clip) # discriminator critic = create_model(FLAGS, prefix='critic_', name='critic') # classifier outputs outs_x = model(X) outs_x_v = test_model(X_v) params = tf.trainable_variables() model_weights = [param for param in params if "weights" in] vars = tf.model_variables() target_conf_v = [None] if FLAGS.attack_confidence == "same": # set the target confidence to the confidence of the original prediction target_confidence = outs_x['conf'] target_conf_v[0] = target_confidence elif FLAGS.attack_confidence == "class_running_mean": # set the target confidence to the mean confidence of the specific target # use running mean estimate class_conf_mean = tf.Variable(np.ones(num_classes, dtype=np.float32)) batch_conf_mean = tf.unsorted_segment_mean(outs_x['conf'], outs_x['pred'], num_classes) # if batch does not contain predictions for the specific target # (zeroes), replace zeroes with stored class mean (previous batch) batch_conf_mean = tf.where(tf.not_equal(batch_conf_mean, 0), batch_conf_mean, class_conf_mean) # update class confidence mean class_conf_mean = assign_moving_average(class_conf_mean, batch_conf_mean, 0.5) # init class confidence during pre-training tf.add_to_collection("PREINIT_OPS", class_conf_mean) def target_confidence(targets_onehot): targets = tf.argmax(targets_onehot, axis=1) check_conf = tf.Assert( tf.reduce_all(tf.not_equal(class_conf_mean, 0)), [class_conf_mean]) with tf.control_dependencies([check_conf]): t = tf.gather(class_conf_mean, targets) target_conf_v[0] = t return tf.stop_gradient(t) else: target_confidence = float(FLAGS.attack_confidence) target_conf_v[0] = target_confidence X_hat = generator(X, target_confidence) outs_x_hat = model(X_hat) # select examples for which attack succeeded (changed the prediction) X_hat_filter = tf.not_equal(outs_x['pred'], outs_x_hat['pred']) X_hat_f = tf.boolean_mask(X_hat, X_hat_filter) X_f = tf.boolean_mask(X, X_hat_filter) outs_x_f = model(X_f) outs_x_hat_f = model(X_hat_f) X_hatd = tf.stop_gradient(X_hat) X_rec = generator(X_hatd, outs_x['conf'], outs_x['pred']) X_rec_f = tf.boolean_mask(X_rec, X_hat_filter) # validation/test adversarial examples X_v_hat = test_generator(X_v, FLAGS.val_attack_confidence) X_v_hatd = tf.stop_gradient(X_v_hat) X_v_rec = test_generator(X_v_hatd, outs_x_v['conf'], targets=outs_x_v['pred']) X_v_hat_df = deepfool(lambda x: test_model(x)['logits'], X_v, y_v, max_iter=FLAGS.df_iter, clip_dist=FLAGS.df_clip) X_v_hat_df_all = deepfool(lambda x: test_model(x)['logits'], X_v, max_iter=FLAGS.df_iter, clip_dist=FLAGS.df_clip) y_hat = outs_x['pred'] y_adv = outs_x_hat['pred'] y_adv_f = outs_x_hat_f['pred'] tf.summary.histogram('y_data', y, collections=["model_summaries"]) tf.summary.histogram('y_hat', y_hat, collections=["model_summaries"]) tf.summary.histogram('y_adv', y_adv, collections=["model_summaries"]) # critic outputs critic_outs_x = critic(X) critic_outs_x_hat = critic(X_hat_f) critic_params = list(set(tf.trainable_variables()) - set(params)) critic_vars = list(set(tf.trainable_variables()) - set(vars)) # binary logits for a specific target logits_data = critic_outs_x['logits'] logits_data_flt = tf.reshape(logits_data, (-1, )) z_data = tf.gather(logits_data_flt, tf.range(tf.shape(X)[0]) * num_classes + y) logits_adv = critic_outs_x_hat['logits'] logits_adv_flt = tf.reshape(logits_adv, (-1, )) z_adv = tf.gather(logits_adv_flt, tf.range(tf.shape(X_hat_f)[0]) * num_classes + y_adv_f) # classifier/generator losses nll = tf.reduce_mean( tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(y_onehot, outs_x['logits'])) nll_v = tf.reduce_mean( tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(y_v_onehot, outs_x_v['logits'])) # gan losses gan = tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy(tf.ones_like(z_adv), z_adv) rec_l1 = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(X_f - X_rec_f), axis=reduce_ind)) rec_l2 = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum((X_f - X_rec_f)**2, axis=reduce_ind)) weight_decay = slim.apply_regularization(slim.l2_regularizer(1.0), model_weights[:-1]) pretrain_loss = nll + 5e-6 * weight_decay loss = nll + FLAGS.lmbd * gan if FLAGS.lmbd_rec_l1 > 0: loss += FLAGS.lmbd_rec_l1 * rec_l1 if FLAGS.lmbd_rec_l2 > 0: loss += FLAGS.lmbd_rec_l2 * rec_l2 if FLAGS.weight_decay > 0: loss += FLAGS.weight_decay * weight_decay # critic loss critic_gan_data = tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy(tf.ones_like(z_data), z_data) # use placeholder for X_hat to avoid recomputation of adversarial noise y_adv_h = model(X_hat_h)['pred'] logits_adv_h = critic(X_hat_h)['logits'] logits_adv_flt_h = tf.reshape(logits_adv_h, (-1, )) z_adv_h = tf.gather(logits_adv_flt_h, tf.range(tf.shape(X_hat_h)[0]) * num_classes + y_adv_h) critic_gan_adv = tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy(tf.zeros_like(z_adv_h), z_adv_h) critic_gan = critic_gan_data + critic_gan_adv # Gulrajani discriminator regularizer (we do not interpolate) critic_grad_data = tf.gradients(z_data, X)[0] critic_grad_adv = tf.gradients(z_adv_h, X_hat_h)[0] critic_grad_penalty = norm_penalty(critic_grad_adv) + norm_penalty( critic_grad_data) critic_loss = critic_gan + FLAGS.lmbd_grad * critic_grad_penalty # classifier model_metrics err = 1 - slim.metrics.accuracy(outs_x['pred'], y) conf = tf.reduce_mean(outs_x['conf']) err_hat = 1 - slim.metrics.accuracy( test_model(X_hat)['pred'], outs_x['pred']) err_hat_f = 1 - slim.metrics.accuracy( test_model(X_hat_f)['pred'], outs_x_f['pred']) err_rec = 1 - slim.metrics.accuracy( test_model(X_rec)['pred'], outs_x['pred']) conf_hat = tf.reduce_mean(test_model(X_hat)['conf']) conf_hat_f = tf.reduce_mean(test_model(X_hat_f)['conf']) conf_rec = tf.reduce_mean(test_model(X_rec)['conf']) err_v = 1 - slim.metrics.accuracy(outs_x_v['pred'], y_v) conf_v_hat = tf.reduce_mean(test_model(X_v_hat)['conf']) l2_hat = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum((X_f - X_hat_f)**2, axis=reduce_ind)) tf.summary.histogram('l2_hat', l2_hat, collections=["model_summaries"]) # critic model_metrics critic_err_data = 1 - binary_accuracy( z_data, tf.ones(tf.shape(z_data), tf.bool), 0.0) critic_err_adv = 1 - binary_accuracy( z_adv, tf.zeros(tf.shape(z_adv), tf.bool), 0.0) # validation model_metrics err_df = 1 - slim.metrics.accuracy(test_model(X_v_hat_df)['pred'], y_v) err_df_all = 1 - slim.metrics.accuracy( test_model(X_v_hat_df_all)['pred'], outs_x_v['pred']) l2_v_hat = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum((X_v - X_v_hat)**2, axis=reduce_ind)) l2_v_rec = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum((X_v - X_v_rec)**2, axis=reduce_ind)) l1_v_rec = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(X_v - X_v_rec), axis=reduce_ind) l2_df = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum((X_v - X_v_hat_df)**2, axis=reduce_ind)) l2_df_norm = l2_df / tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(X_v**2, axis=reduce_ind)) l2_df_all = tf.sqrt( tf.reduce_sum((X_v - X_v_hat_df_all)**2, axis=reduce_ind)) l2_df_norm_all = l2_df_all / tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(X_v**2, axis=reduce_ind)) tf.summary.histogram('l2_df', l2_df, collections=["adv_summaries"]) tf.summary.histogram('l2_df_norm', l2_df_norm, collections=["adv_summaries"]) # model_metrics pretrain_model_metrics = OrderedDict([('nll', nll), ('weight_decay', weight_decay), ('err', err)]) model_metrics = OrderedDict([('loss', loss), ('nll', nll), ('l2_hat', tf.reduce_mean(l2_hat)), ('gan', gan), ('rec_l1', rec_l1), ('rec_l2', rec_l2), ('weight_decay', weight_decay), ('err', err), ('conf', conf), ('err_hat', err_hat), ('err_hat_f', err_hat_f), ('conf_t', tf.reduce_mean(target_conf_v[0])), ('conf_hat', conf_hat), ('conf_hat_f', conf_hat_f), ('err_rec', err_rec), ('conf_rec', conf_rec)]) critic_metrics = OrderedDict([('c_loss', critic_loss), ('c_gan', critic_gan), ('c_gan_data', critic_gan_data), ('c_gan_adv', critic_gan_adv), ('c_grad_norm', critic_grad_penalty), ('c_err_adv', critic_err_adv), ('c_err_data', critic_err_data)]) val_metrics = OrderedDict([('nll', nll_v), ('err', err_v)]) adv_metrics = OrderedDict([('l2_df', tf.reduce_mean(l2_df)), ('l2_df_norm', tf.reduce_mean(l2_df_norm)), ('l2_df_all', tf.reduce_mean(l2_df_all)), ('l2_df_all_norm', tf.reduce_mean(l2_df_norm_all)), ('l2_hat', tf.reduce_mean(l2_v_hat)), ('conf_hat', conf_v_hat), ('l1_rec', tf.reduce_mean(l1_v_rec)), ('l2_rec', tf.reduce_mean(l2_v_rec)), ('err_df', err_df), ('err_df_all', err_df_all)]) pretrain_metric_mean, pretrain_metric_upd = register_metrics( pretrain_model_metrics, collections="pretrain_model_summaries") metric_mean, metric_upd = register_metrics(model_metrics, collections="model_summaries") critic_metric_mean, critic_metric_upd = register_metrics( critic_metrics, collections="critic_summaries") val_metric_mean, val_metric_upd = register_metrics( val_metrics, prefix="val_", collections="val_summaries") adv_metric_mean, adv_metric_upd = register_metrics( adv_metrics, collections="adv_summaries") metrics_reset = tf.variables_initializer(tf.local_variables()) # training ops lr = tf.Variable(, trainable=False) critic_lr = tf.Variable(FLAGS.critic_lr, trainable=False) tf.summary.scalar('lr', lr, collections=["model_summaries"]) tf.summary.scalar('critic_lr', critic_lr, collections=["critic_summaries"]) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr, beta1=0.5) preinit_ops = tf.get_collection("PREINIT_OPS") with tf.control_dependencies(preinit_ops): pretrain_solver = optimizer.minimize(pretrain_loss, var_list=params) solver = optimizer.minimize(loss, var_list=params) critic_solver = (tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=critic_lr, beta1=0.5).minimize(critic_loss, var_list=critic_params)) # train summary_images, summary_labels = select_balanced_subset( train_ds.images, train_ds.labels, num_classes, num_classes) summary_images = summary_images.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)) save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.samples_dir, 'orig.png') save_images(summary_images, save_path) if FLAGS.gpu_memory < 1.0: gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions( per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=FLAGS.gpu_memory) config = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options) else: config = None with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: try: # summaries summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.train_dir, sess.graph) summaries = tf.summary.merge_all("model_summaries") critic_summaries = tf.summary.merge_all("critic_summaries") val_summaries = tf.summary.merge_all("val_summaries") adv_summaries = tf.summary.merge_all("adv_summaries") # initialization tf.local_variables_initializer().run() tf.global_variables_initializer().run() # pretrain model if FLAGS.pretrain_niter > 0:"Model pretraining") for epoch in range(1, FLAGS.pretrain_niter + 1): train_iterator = batch_iterator(train_ds.images, train_ds.labels, FLAGS.batch_size, shuffle=True) start_time = time.time() for ind, (images, labels) in enumerate(train_iterator):[pretrain_solver, pretrain_metric_upd], feed_dict={ X: images, y: labels }) str_bfr = six.StringIO() str_bfr.write("Pretrain epoch [{}, {:.2f}s]:".format( epoch, time.time() - start_time)) print_results_str(str_bfr, pretrain_model_metrics.keys(), print_results_str(str_bfr, critic_metrics.keys(),[:-1]) # training for epoch in range(1, FLAGS.niter + 1): train_iterator = batch_iterator(train_ds.images, train_ds.labels, FLAGS.batch_size, shuffle=True) start_time = time.time() for ind, (images, labels) in enumerate(train_iterator): batch_index = (epoch - 1) * (train_ds.images.shape[0] // FLAGS.batch_size) + ind # train critic for several steps X_hat_np =, feed_dict={X: images}) for _ in range(FLAGS.critic_steps - 1):[critic_solver], feed_dict={ X: images, y: labels, X_hat_h: X_hat_np }) else: summary =[ critic_solver, critic_metric_upd, critic_summaries ], feed_dict={ X: images, y: labels, X_hat_h: X_hat_np })[-1] summary_writer.add_summary(summary, batch_index) # train model summary =[solver, metric_upd, summaries], feed_dict={ X: images, y: labels })[-1] summary_writer.add_summary(summary, batch_index) str_bfr = six.StringIO() str_bfr.write("Train epoch [{}, {:.2f}s]:".format( epoch, time.time() - start_time)) print_results_str(str_bfr, model_metrics.keys(), print_results_str(str_bfr, critic_metrics.keys(),[:-1]) val_iterator = batch_iterator(val_ds.images, val_ds.labels, 100, shuffle=False) for images, labels in val_iterator: summary =[val_metric_upd, val_summaries], feed_dict={ X_v: images, y_v: labels })[-1] summary_writer.add_summary(summary, epoch) str_bfr = six.StringIO() str_bfr.write("Valid epoch [{}]:".format(epoch)) print_results_str(str_bfr, val_metrics.keys(),[:-1]) # learning rate decay update_lr = lr_decay(lr, epoch) if update_lr is not None: logging.debug( "learning rate was updated to: {:.10f}".format( lr.eval())) critic_update_lr = lr_decay(critic_lr, epoch, prefix='critic_') if critic_update_lr is not None: logging.debug( "critic learning rate was updated to: {:.10f}".format( critic_lr.eval())) if epoch % FLAGS.summary_frequency == 0: samples_hat, samples_rec, samples_df, summary = [ X_v_hat, X_v_rec, X_v_hat_df, adv_summaries, adv_metric_upd ], feed_dict={ X_v: summary_images, y_v: summary_labels })[:-1] summary_writer.add_summary(summary, epoch) save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.samples_dir, 'epoch_orig-%d.png' % epoch) save_images(summary_images, save_path) save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.samples_dir, 'epoch-%d.png' % epoch) save_images(samples_hat, save_path) save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.samples_dir, 'epoch_rec-%d.png' % epoch) save_images(samples_rec, save_path) save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.samples_dir, 'epoch_df-%d.png' % epoch) save_images(samples_df, save_path) str_bfr = six.StringIO() str_bfr.write("Summary epoch [{}]:".format(epoch)) print_results_str(str_bfr, adv_metrics.keys(),[:-1]) if FLAGS.checkpoint_frequency != -1 and epoch % FLAGS.checkpoint_frequency == 0: save_checkpoint(sess, vars, epoch=epoch) save_checkpoint(sess, critic_vars, name="critic_model", epoch=epoch) except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.debug("Keyboard interrupt. Stopping training...") except NanError as e: finally: save_checkpoint(sess, vars) save_checkpoint(sess, critic_vars, name="critic_model") # final accuracy test_iterator = batch_iterator(test_ds.images, test_ds.labels, 100, shuffle=False) for images, labels in test_iterator:[val_metric_upd], feed_dict={X_v: images, y_v: labels}) str_bfr = six.StringIO() str_bfr.write("Final epoch [{}]:".format(epoch)) for metric_name, metric_value in zip(val_metrics.keys(), str_bfr.write(" {}: {:.6f},".format(metric_name, metric_value))[:-1])
def save_embeddings_to_file(model_manager, encoding_batch_size=20): state = model_manager.load_current_state() utt_features = state['qdim_encoder'] dia_features = state['sdim'] encoder = model_manager.load_currently_selected_model() database = get_database(model_manager) dset = database[BINARIZED_SET_NAME] logging.debug('loading binarized dialogues into memory and storing index') binarized = [(d_idx, indices) for d_idx, indices in enumerate(dset)] logging.debug( '...creating and storing mapping from (dialogue id and utterance id) to (embedding storage location)' ) del_if_exists(database, EMBEDDINGS_COORDINATES_SET_NAME) coords_set = database.create_dataset(EMBEDDINGS_COORDINATES_SET_NAME, (len(binarized), 2), dtype='i4') enlargened_idx = 0 progress = 0 start_time = time() for d_idx, indices in binarized: progress += 1 conv_length = num_turns(indices, encoder.eos_sym) coords = (enlargened_idx, conv_length) coords_set[d_idx] = coords enlargened_idx += conv_length if progress % 100 == 0: print_progress_bar( progress, len(binarized), additional_text='coords for %i dialogues created' % progress, start_time=start_time) num_embeddings = enlargened_idx logging.debug('...sorting based on dialouge length for quicker encoding') dialouge_ids, binarized = zip( *sorted(binarized, key=lambda tuple: len(tuple[1]), reverse=True)) collect() logging.debug('creating files that hold embeddings') utt_file = FileArray(model_manager.folders['embeddings'] + 'utterance.embeddings.bin', shape=(num_embeddings, utt_features), dtype='f4') dia_file = FileArray(model_manager.folders['embeddings'] + 'dialogue.embeddings.bin', shape=(num_embeddings, dia_features), dtype='f4') progress = 0 batches_to_process = len(binarized) / encoding_batch_size start_time = time() total_embeddings_encoded = 0 for d_indices, batch in zip( batch_iterator(dialouge_ids, batch_size=encoding_batch_size), batch_iterator( binarized, batch_size=encoding_batch_size, apply_on_element=lambda indices: np.append( [encoder.eos_sym], np.append(indices, encoder.eos_sym)))): progress += 1 embeddings = encode_batch_to_embeddings(encoder, batch) coords = [coords_set[d_idx] for d_idx in d_indices] for embs, coord in zip(embeddings, coords): utt_embs = embs[0] dia_embs = embs[1] assert len(utt_embs) == coord[1] assert len(dia_embs) == coord[1] assert len(utt_embs[0]) == utt_features assert len(dia_embs[0]) == dia_features #for local_idx, global_idx in enumerate(xrange(coord[0], coord[0] + coord[1])): # utt_file.write(global_idx, utt_embs[local_idx]) # dia_file.write(global_idx, dia_embs[local_idx]) # total_embeddings_encoded += 1 utt_file.write_chunk(coord[0], utt_embs) dia_file.write_chunk(coord[0], dia_embs) total_embeddings_encoded += coord[1] if progress % 1000 == 0: collect() # print '%i of %i batches encoded (%.3f%%)'%(progress, batches_to_process, 100*(float(progress)/float(batches_to_process))) print_progress_bar( progress, batches_to_process, additional_text= '%i batches of dialogues processed (total of %i dialogues) (total of %i embeddings) (%i conv length)' % (progress, ((progress - 1) * encoding_batch_size) + len(batch), total_embeddings_encoded, len(batch[0])), start_time=start_time) utt_file.close() dia_file.close()
def fasta2csv(self, is_local_interpro): """ Convert fasta file to csv Parameters ---------- is_local_interpro : bool the input fasta file is created by running local Interproscan (True), otherwise (False) Returns ------- """ print("Creating row for each protein with domain, please wait..") dataset_name = "toxin_dataset.csv" num_all_proteins = 0 num_proteins_with_domains = 0 num_remain_proteins = 0 csv_already_exists = True if not isfile(join(self.output_path, dataset_name)): # if csv not exists then firstly write header csv_already_exists = False for fasta_file in listdir(self.fasta_dir_path): short_label = splitext(basename(fasta_file))[0].split(".")[0] with open(join(self.fasta_dir_path, fasta_file), 'r') as fasta_data, open(self.domains_path, 'r') as domains_data, open( join(self.output_path, dataset_name), 'a') as dataset_csv, open( join(self.output_path, "targetp_remaining_seq" + "_" + short_label + ".fasta"), 'a') as remain_seqs_file: proteins_dict = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(fasta_data, "fasta")) num_all_proteins += len(proteins_dict) uniprot2prot = self.extract_uniprot4protein_keys(proteins_dict) writer = csv.writer(dataset_csv, delimiter=',') if not csv_already_exists: # if csv not exists then firstly write header proteins_domains_header = ["uniprot_id", "toxin", "seq", "seq_len", "interpro_domains", "evidence_db_domains"] writer.writerow(proteins_domains_header) csv_already_exists = True batch_num_lines = 10000 for i, batch in enumerate(batch_iterator(domains_data, batch_num_lines)): for line in batch: line_split = line.strip().split("\t") assert len(line_split) == 3, "AssertionError: {} does not have 3 tabs.".format(line) uniprot_id = line_split[0] if uniprot_id == "uniprot_id": print("Skipping first line") continue if is_local_interpro: uniprot_id = uniprot_id.split("|")[1] if uniprot_id in uniprot2prot: interpro_ids = line_split[1] evidence_db_ids = line_split[2] label = self.get_labels(fasta_file) # make the row of the current protein protein_row = [uniprot_id, label, str(uniprot2prot[uniprot_id].seq), len(str(uniprot2prot[uniprot_id].seq)), interpro_ids, evidence_db_ids] writer.writerow(protein_row) num_proteins_with_domains += 1 # remove found protein from the dictionary, to keep track of the remaining proteins uniprot2prot.pop(uniprot_id) num_remain_proteins += len(uniprot2prot) # update num of remain proteins SeqIO.write(uniprot2prot.values(), remain_seqs_file, "fasta") # append remaining proteins to fasta print("num of remaining proteins for {} label: {} saved on remaining fasta".format( self.get_labels(fasta_file), len(uniprot2prot))) assert num_all_proteins == num_proteins_with_domains + num_remain_proteins, "AssertionError: total num of proteins should be equal to proteins with domains + proteins without domains." print("num of Toxin proteins: {}".format(num_all_proteins)) print("num of Toxin proteins with found domains: {}".format(num_proteins_with_domains)) print("num of remaining proteins with not found domains: {}".format(num_remain_proteins))
def fasta2csv(self, value2remove): """ Convert fasta file to csv Parameters ---------- self : object DeepLocExperiment object setup for this analysis value2remove: str if "U" remove proteins with unknown membrane label assignment Returns ------- str full path of the created csv """ print("Creating row for each protein with domains, please wait..") dataset_name = "deeploc_dataset_" + self.label_name + ".csv" with open(self.fasta_path, 'r') as fasta_data, open( self.domains_path, 'r') as domains_data, open( os.path.join(self.output_path, dataset_name), 'w') as dataset_csv, open( os.path.join(self.output_path, "deeploc_remaining_seq.fasta"), 'w') as remain_seqs_file: proteins_dict = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(fasta_data, "fasta")) num_all_proteins = len(proteins_dict) proteins_domains_header = [ "uniprot_id", "train_test", "cellular_location", "membrane_soluble", "seq", "seq_len", "interpro_domains", "evidence_db_domains" ] writer = csv.writer(dataset_csv, delimiter=',') writer.writerow(proteins_domains_header) batch_num_lines = 10000 num_proteins_with_domains = 0 for i, batch in enumerate( batch_iterator(domains_data, batch_num_lines)): for line in batch: line_split = line.strip().split("\t") assert len( line_split ) == 3, "AssertionError: {} does not have 3 tabs.".format( line) uniprot_id = line_split[0] if uniprot_id in proteins_dict: print("Writing row for {}".format(uniprot_id)) interpro_ids = line_split[1] evidence_db_ids = line_split[2] labels = self.get_labels( proteins_dict[uniprot_id].description) # make the row of current protein protein_row = [ uniprot_id, labels.train, labels.loc, labels.sol, str(proteins_dict[uniprot_id].seq), len(str(proteins_dict[uniprot_id].seq)), interpro_ids, evidence_db_ids ] if value2remove != "": if labels.sol == value2remove: print( "Skipping protein {} having membrane_soluble as {}" .format(uniprot_id, labels.sol)) else: writer.writerow(protein_row) else: writer.writerow(protein_row) num_proteins_with_domains = num_proteins_with_domains + 1 proteins_dict.pop( uniprot_id ) # remove found protein from the dictionary, to keep track of the remaining proteins SeqIO.write(proteins_dict.values(), remain_seqs_file, "fasta") print("num of DeepLoc proteins: {}".format(num_all_proteins)) print("num of DeepLoc proteins with found domains: {}".format( num_proteins_with_domains)) print("num of remaining proteins with not found domains: {}".format( len(proteins_dict))) return os.path.join(self.output_path, dataset_name)
def fasta2csv(self): """ Convert a directory of fasta files to data csv Parameters ---------- Returns ------- None """ print("Creating row for each protein with domain, please wait..") dataset_name = "targetp_dataset.csv" num_all_proteins = 0 num_proteins_with_domains = 0 num_remain_proteins = 0 csv_already_exists = True if not isfile(join( self.output_path, dataset_name)): # if csv not exists then firstly write header csv_already_exists = False for fasta_file in listdir(self.fasta_dir_path): short_label = splitext(basename(fasta_file))[0].split(".")[0] with open(join(self.fasta_dir_path, fasta_file), 'r') as fasta_data, open( self.domains_path, 'r') as domains_data, open( join(self.output_path, dataset_name), 'a') as dataset_csv, open( join( self.output_path, short_label + "." + "targetp_remaining_seq.fasta"), 'a') as remain_seqs_file: proteins_dict = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(fasta_data, "fasta")) num_all_proteins += len(proteins_dict) writer = csv.writer(dataset_csv, delimiter=',') if not csv_already_exists: #if csv not exists then firstly write header proteins_domains_header = [ "uniprot_id", "cellular_location", "seq", "seq_len", "interpro_domains", "evidence_db_domains" ] writer.writerow(proteins_domains_header) csv_already_exists = True batch_num_lines = 10000 for i, batch in enumerate( batch_iterator(domains_data, batch_num_lines)): for line in batch: line_split = line.strip().split("\t") assert len( line_split ) == 3, "AssertionError: {} does not have 3 tabs.".format( line) uniprot_id = line_split[0] if uniprot_id in proteins_dict: interpro_ids = line_split[1] evidence_db_ids = line_split[2] label = self.get_labels(fasta_file) # make the row of the current protein protein_row = [ uniprot_id, label, str(proteins_dict[uniprot_id].seq), len(str(proteins_dict[uniprot_id].seq)), interpro_ids, evidence_db_ids ] writer.writerow(protein_row) num_proteins_with_domains += 1 # remove found protein from the dictionary, to keep track of the remaining proteins proteins_dict.pop(uniprot_id) num_remain_proteins += len( proteins_dict) # update num of remain proteins SeqIO.write(proteins_dict.values(), remain_seqs_file, "fasta") # append remaining proteins to fasta print( "num of remaining proteins for {} label: {} saved on remaining fasta" .format(self.get_labels(fasta_file), len(proteins_dict))) ### processed proteins stats ### assert num_all_proteins == num_proteins_with_domains + num_remain_proteins, "AssertionError: total num of proteins should be equal to proteins with domains + proteins without domains." print("num of TargetP proteins: {}".format(num_all_proteins)) print("num of TargetP proteins with found domains: {}".format( num_proteins_with_domains)) print("num of remaining proteins with not found domains: {}".format( num_remain_proteins))
def main(unused_args): assert len(unused_args) == 1, unused_args setup_experiment() mnist_ds = mnist.read_data_sets(FLAGS.data_dir, dtype=tf.float32, reshape=False, validation_size=FLAGS.validation_size) test_ds = getattr(mnist_ds, FLAGS.dataset) test_images, test_labels = test_ds.images, test_ds.labels if FLAGS.sort_labels: ys_indices = np.argsort(test_labels) test_images = test_images[ys_indices] test_labels = test_labels[ys_indices] img_shape = [None, 1, 28, 28] X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=img_shape, name='X') y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None]) y_onehot = tf.one_hot(y, FLAGS.num_classes) # model model = create_model(FLAGS, name=FLAGS.model_name) def test_model(x, **kwargs): return model(x, train=False, **kwargs) out_x = test_model(X) attack_clip = FLAGS.attack_clip if FLAGS.attack_clip > 0 else None if FLAGS.attack_box_clip: boxmin, boxmax = 0.0, 1.0 else: boxmin, boxmax = None, None X_df = deepfool(lambda x: test_model(x)['logits'], X, labels=y, max_iter=FLAGS.attack_iter, clip_dist=attack_clip, over_shoot=FLAGS.attack_overshoot, boxmin=boxmin, boxmax=boxmax) X_df_all = deepfool(lambda x: test_model(x)['logits'], X, max_iter=FLAGS.attack_iter, clip_dist=attack_clip, over_shoot=FLAGS.attack_overshoot, boxmin=boxmin, boxmax=boxmax) if FLAGS.hc_confidence == 'same': confidence = out_x['conf'] else: confidence = float(FLAGS.hc_confidence) X_hc = high_confidence_attack(lambda x: test_model(x)['logits'], X, labels=y, random=FLAGS.hc_random, max_iter=FLAGS.attack_iter, clip_dist=attack_clip, confidence=confidence, boxmin=boxmin, boxmax=boxmax) X_hcd = tf.stop_gradient(X_hc) X_rec = high_confidence_attack(lambda x: model(x)['logits'], X_hcd, targets=out_x['pred'], attack_topk=None, max_iter=FLAGS.attack_iter, clip_dist=attack_clip, confidence=out_x['conf'], boxmin=boxmin, boxmax=boxmax) out_x_df = test_model(X_df) out_x_hc = test_model(X_hc) reduce_ind = (1, 2, 3) X_norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(X**2, axis=reduce_ind)) l2_df = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum((X_df - X)**2, axis=reduce_ind)) l2_df_norm = l2_df / X_norm smoothness_df = tf.reduce_mean(tf.image.total_variation(X_df)) l2_df_all = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum((X_df_all - X)**2, axis=reduce_ind)) l2_df_all_norm = l2_df_all / X_norm l2_hc = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum((X_hc - X)**2, axis=reduce_ind)) l2_hc_norm = l2_hc / X_norm smoothness_hc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.image.total_variation(X_hc)) l1_rec = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(X - X_rec), axis=reduce_ind) l2_rec = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum((X - X_rec)**2, axis=reduce_ind)) # image noise statistics psnr = tf.py_func(batch_compute_psnr, [X, X_df], tf.float32) ssim = tf.py_func(batch_compute_ssim, [X, X_df], tf.float32) nll = tf.reduce_mean( tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(y_onehot, out_x['logits'])) err = 1 - slim.metrics.accuracy(out_x['pred'], y) conf = tf.reduce_mean(out_x['conf']) err_df = 1 - slim.metrics.accuracy(out_x_df['pred'], y) conf_df = tf.reduce_mean(out_x_df['conf']) err_hc = 1 - slim.metrics.accuracy(out_x_hc['pred'], y) conf_hc = tf.reduce_mean(out_x_hc['conf']) metrics = OrderedDict([('nll', nll), ('err', err), ('conf', conf), ('err_df', err_df), ('err_hc', err_hc), ('l2_df', tf.reduce_mean(l2_df)), ('l2_df_norm', tf.reduce_mean(l2_df_norm)), ('l2_df_all', tf.reduce_mean(l2_df_all)), ('l2_df_all_norm', tf.reduce_mean(l2_df_all_norm)), ('conf_df', conf_df), ('smoothness_df', smoothness_df), ('l2_hc', tf.reduce_mean(l2_hc)), ('l2_hc_norm', tf.reduce_mean(l2_hc_norm)), ('conf_hc', conf_hc), ('smoothness_hc', smoothness_hc), ('l1_rec', tf.reduce_mean(l1_rec)), ('l2_rec', tf.reduce_mean(l2_rec)), ('psnr', tf.reduce_mean(psnr)), ('ssim', tf.reduce_mean(ssim))]) metrics_mean, metrics_upd = register_metrics(metrics) gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.45) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)) as sess: tf.local_variables_initializer().run() model_loader = tf.train.Saver(tf.model_variables()) model_filename = ('model' if FLAGS.restore_epoch_index is None else 'model-%d' % FLAGS.restore_epoch_index) model_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.load_dir, 'chks', model_filename) model_loader.restore(sess, model_path) summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.working_dir, sess.graph) summaries = tf.summary.merge_all() test_iterator = batch_iterator(test_images, test_labels, FLAGS.batch_size, shuffle=False) start_time = time.time() for batch_index, (images, labels) in enumerate(test_iterator, 1): if batch_index % FLAGS.summary_frequency == 0: hc_images, df_images, rec_images, summary = [X_hc, X_df, X_rec, summaries, metrics_upd], feed_dict={ X: images, y: labels })[:-1] save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.samples_dir, 'epoch_orig-%d.png' % batch_index) save_images(images, save_path) save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.samples_dir, 'epoch_hc-%d.png' % batch_index) save_images(hc_images, save_path) save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.samples_dir, 'epoch_df-%d.png' % batch_index) save_images(df_images, save_path) save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.samples_dir, 'epoch_rec-%d.png' % batch_index) save_images(rec_images, save_path) else: summary =[metrics_upd, summaries], feed_dict={ X: images, y: labels })[-1] summary_writer.add_summary(summary, batch_index) str_bfr = six.StringIO() str_bfr.write("Test results [{:.2f}s]:".format(time.time() - start_time)) print_results_str(str_bfr, metrics.keys(),, throw_on_nan=False)[:-1])
def parse_prot2in(self, file_in_name, batch_num_lines, batch_num_prot): """ Parse protein domain hits to create tabular formatted file relating each protein to its domains Parameters ---------- file_in_name : str input file name batch_num_lines : int number of lines to be parsed per batch batch_num_prot : int number of proteins to be processed per batch Returns ------- None """ file_out_name = self.create_file_out_name() total_out_prot = 0 if self.prot_len_file_name != "": prot_file = open( os.path.join(self.data_path, self.prot_len_file_name), 'r') else: prot_file = "" # check if output tabular file already exists, if yes then don't add header output_exists_already = False if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.data_path, file_out_name)): output_exists_already = True with, file_in_name), 'rt') as file_in, open( os.path.join(self.data_path, file_out_name), 'a') as file_out: if not output_exists_already: # write the header of the output file file_out.write("uniprot_id\tinterpro_ids\tevidence_db_ids\n") line_count = 0 for i, batch in enumerate(batch_iterator(file_in, batch_num_lines)): for hit_line in batch: hit_line = hit_line.strip() hit_tabs = hit_line.split("\t") if self.interpro_local_format: assert len( hit_tabs ) >= 11, "AssertionError: " + hit_line + "has less than 11 tabs." else: assert len( hit_tabs ) == 6, "AssertionError: " + hit_line + " has more than 6 tabs." if self.last_protein.uniprot_id == "": # initialize protein list protein = Protein(self.with_overlap, self.with_redundant, self.with_gap, hit_line, prot_file, self.interpro_local_format) self.last_protein = protein self.proteins.append(protein) else: if Protein.get_prot_id( hit_line) == self.last_protein.uniprot_id: # update last created protein self.last_protein.add_domain(hit_line) else: # write to file complete proteins if len(self.proteins) == batch_num_prot: self.update_output(file_out) total_out_prot = total_out_prot + len( self.proteins) self.update_no_intepro() del self.proteins[:] # create new protein and append it to proteins protein = Protein(self.with_overlap, self.with_redundant, self.with_gap, hit_line, prot_file, self.interpro_local_format) self.last_protein = protein self.proteins.append(protein) line_count = line_count + 1 # save last proteins self.update_output(file_out) total_out_prot = total_out_prot + len(self.proteins) self.update_no_intepro() del self.proteins[:] if self.prot_len_file_name != "": prot_file.close() print("Successfully parsed {} lines.".format(line_count)) print("Successfully created {} proteins.".format(total_out_prot)) print("Number of proteins without any interpro annotation: {}.".format( self.num_prot_with_no_interpro))
def fasta2csv(self, fasta_name): """ Convert fasta file to data csv Parameters ---------- fasta_name : str fasta file name Returns ------- None """ print("Creating row for each protein with domain, please wait..") dataset_name = "new_dataset.csv" num_all_proteins = 0 num_proteins_with_domains = 0 num_remain_proteins = 0 csv_already_exists = True if not isfile( join(self.output_path, dataset_name)): # if csv does not exist write header csv_already_exists = False with open(join(self.input_path, fasta_name), 'r') as fasta_data, open(self.domains_path, 'r') as domains_data, \ open(join(self.output_path, dataset_name), 'a') as dataset_csv, \ open(join(self.output_path, "new_remaining_seq.fasta"), 'w') as remaining_seq_file: proteins_dict = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(fasta_data, "fasta")) num_all_proteins = len(proteins_dict) writer = csv.writer(dataset_csv, delimiter=',') proteins_domains_header = [ "id", "ec", "seq", "seq_len", "interpro_domains", "evidence_db_domains" ] if not csv_already_exists: writer.writerow(proteins_domains_header) csv_already_exists = True batch_num_lines = 10000 for i, batch in enumerate( batch_iterator(domains_data, batch_num_lines)): for line in batch: line_split = line.strip().split("\t") assert len( line_split ) == 3, "AssertionError: {} does not have 3 tabs.".format( line) prot_id = line_split[0] if prot_id == "uniprot_id": print("Skipping first line") continue else: if prot_id in proteins_dict: # print("Writing row for prot id {}".format(prot_id)) interpro_ids = line_split[1] evidence_db_ids = line_split[2] label = self.get_label( proteins_dict[prot_id].description) # make the row of current protein protein_row = [ prot_id, label, str(proteins_dict[prot_id].seq), len(str(proteins_dict[prot_id].seq)), interpro_ids, evidence_db_ids ] writer.writerow(protein_row) num_proteins_with_domains += 1 proteins_dict.pop( prot_id ) # remove found protein from whole proteins dictionary num_remain_proteins = len(proteins_dict) assert num_all_proteins == num_proteins_with_domains + num_remain_proteins, "AssertionError: total num of proteins should be equal to proteins with domains + proteins without domains." SeqIO.write(proteins_dict.values(), remaining_seq_file, "fasta") print("num of NEW proteins: {}".format(num_all_proteins)) print("num of NEW proteins with found domains: {}".format( num_proteins_with_domains)) print( "num of remaining proteins with not found domains: {}".format( len(proteins_dict)))
def main(unused_args): assert len(unused_args) == 1, unused_args setup_experiment() mnist_ds = mnist.read_data_sets( FLAGS.data_dir, dtype=tf.float32, reshape=False) test_ds = getattr(mnist_ds, FLAGS.dataset) images = test_ds.images labels = test_ds.labels if FLAGS.sort_labels: ys_indices = np.argsort(labels) images = images[ys_indices] labels = labels[ys_indices] # loaded discriminator number of classes and dims img_shape = [None, 1, 28, 28] num_classes = FLAGS.num_classes X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=img_shape, name='X') y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name='y') y_onehot = tf.one_hot(y, num_classes) # model model = create_model(FLAGS, name=FLAGS.model_name) def test_model(x, **kwargs): return model(x, train=False, **kwargs) # wrap model for carlini method def carlini_predict(x): # carlini requires inputs in [-0.5, 0.5] but network trained on # [0, 1] inputs x = (2 * x + 1) / 2 x = tf.transpose(x, [0, 3, 1, 2]) return test_model(x)['logits'] carlini_model = AttributeDict({'num_channels': 1, 'image_size': 28, 'num_labels': num_classes, 'predict': carlini_predict}) gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.25) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)) as sess: # carlini l2 attack carlini_l2 = CarliniL2(sess, carlini_model, batch_size=FLAGS.carlini_batch_size, max_iterations=FLAGS.carlini_max_iter, confidence=FLAGS.carlini_confidence, binary_search_steps=FLAGS.carlini_binary_steps, targeted=False) def generate_carlini_l2(images, onehot_labels): return from_carlini_images( carlini_l2.attack( to_carlini_images(images), onehot_labels)) X_ca_l2 = tf.py_func(generate_carlini_l2, [X, y_onehot], tf.float32) X_ca_l2 = tf.reshape(X_ca_l2, tf.shape(X)) filter_index_l2 = tf.py_func(non_converged_indices, [X_ca_l2], tf.int32) filter_index_l2.set_shape([FLAGS.batch_size]) X_f_l2 = tf.gather(X, filter_index_l2) X_ca_f_l2 = tf.gather(X_ca_l2, filter_index_l2) # outputs outs_x = test_model(X) outs_x_ca_l2 = test_model(X_ca_l2) # l2 carlini results l2_ca = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum((X_ca_l2 - X)**2, axis=(1, 2, 3))) l2_ca_norm = l2_ca / tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(X**2, axis=(1, 2, 3))) conf_ca = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_max(outs_x_ca_l2['prob'], axis=1)) l2_ca_f = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum((X_ca_f_l2 - X_f_l2)**2, axis=(1, 2, 3))) l2_ca_f_norm = l2_ca_f / tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(X_f_l2**2, axis=(1, 2, 3))) smoothness_ca_f = tf.reduce_mean(tf.image.total_variation(X_ca_f_l2)) nll = tf.reduce_mean(tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(y_onehot, outs_x['logits'])) err = 1 - slim.metrics.accuracy(outs_x['pred'], y) err_ca_l2 = 1 - slim.metrics.accuracy(outs_x_ca_l2['pred'], y) total_processed_l2 = tf.shape(X_f_l2)[0] metrics = OrderedDict([('nll', nll), ('err', err), ('err_ca_l2', err_ca_l2), ('l2_ca', tf.reduce_mean(l2_ca)), ('l2_ca_norm', tf.reduce_mean(l2_ca_norm)), ('conf_ca', conf_ca), ('l2_ca_f', tf.reduce_mean(l2_ca_f)), ('l2_ca_f_norm', tf.reduce_mean(l2_ca_f_norm)), ('smoothness_ca', smoothness_ca_f), ('total_processed_l2', total_processed_l2)]) metrics_mean, metrics_upd = register_metrics(metrics) tf.summary.histogram('y_data', y) tf.summary.histogram('y_hat', outs_x['pred']) tf.summary.histogram('y_adv', outs_x_ca_l2['pred']) # start tf.local_variables_initializer().run() model_loader = tf.train.Saver(tf.model_variables()) model_filename = ('model' if FLAGS.restore_epoch_index is None else 'model-%d' % FLAGS.restore_epoch_index) model_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.load_dir, 'chks', model_filename) model_loader.restore(sess, model_path) summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.working_dir, sess.graph) summaries = tf.summary.merge_all() if FLAGS.generate_summary:"Generating samples...") summary_images, summary_labels = select_balanced_subset( images, labels, num_classes, num_classes) summary_images = summary_images.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)) err_l2, summary_ca_l2_imgs = ([err_ca_l2, X_ca_l2], {X: summary_images, y: summary_labels})) if not np.allclose(err_l2, 1): logging.warn("Generated samples are not all mistakes: %f", err_l2) save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.samples_dir, 'orig.png') save_images(summary_images, save_path) save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.samples_dir, 'carlini_l2.png') save_images(summary_ca_l2_imgs, save_path) else: logging.debug("Skipping summary...")"Starting...") # Carlini is slow. Sample random subset if FLAGS.num_examples > 0 and FLAGS.num_examples < images.shape[0]: indices = np.arange(images.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(indices) images = images[indices[:FLAGS.num_examples]] labels = labels[indices[:FLAGS.num_examples]] X_hat_np = [] test_iterator = batch_iterator(images, labels, FLAGS.batch_size, shuffle=False) start_time = time.time() for batch_index, (images, labels) in enumerate(test_iterator, 1): ca_l2_imgs, summary = [X_ca_l2, summaries, metrics_upd], {X: images, y: labels})[:2] X_hat_np.extend(ca_l2_imgs) summary_writer.add_summary(summary, batch_index) save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.samples_dir, 'b%d-ca_l2.png' % batch_index) save_images(ca_l2_imgs, save_path) save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.samples_dir, 'b%d-orig.png' % batch_index) save_images(images, save_path) if batch_index % FLAGS.print_frequency == 0: str_bfr = six.StringIO() str_bfr.write("Batch {} [{:.2f}s]:".format(batch_index, time.time() - start_time)) print_results_str(str_bfr, metrics.keys(),[:-1]) X_hat_np = np.asarray(X_hat_np) save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.adv_data_dir, 'mnist_%s.npz' % FLAGS.dataset) np.savez(save_path, X_hat_np)"Saved adv_data to %s", save_path) str_bfr = six.StringIO() str_bfr.write("Test results [{:.2f}s]:".format(time.time() - start_time)) print_results_str(str_bfr, metrics.keys(),[:-1])