def test_correlator2_retimed_opt2_synchronous_circuit(self): """ Check that the circuit retimed with *Algorithm OPT2* starting from correlator2 is actually a synchronous circuit. """ g = load_graph('../graphs/') gr = opt2(g) self.assertTrue(check_if_synchronous_circuit(gr))
def test_already_minimum_graph(self): """ Check that *Algorithms OPT1* and *OPT2* work on already minimum graphs. """ g = nx.MultiDiGraph() add_weighted_node(g, 'h', 0) add_weighted_node(g, 'u', 2) add_weighted_node(g, 'v', 3) g.add_weighted_edges_from([('h', 'u', 0), ('u', 'v', 1), ('v', 'h', 1)]) self.assertTrue(check_if_synchronous_circuit(g)) gr = opt1(g) self.assertEqual(cp(gr), cp(g)) gr = opt2(g) self.assertEqual(cp(gr), cp(g))
def gen_random_circuit(V=8, E=11, save=False): """ Generate a random synchronous circuit. :param V: The number of nodes. :param E: The number of edges. :param save: If different from ``None`` or ``False``, the path where to save the generated graph. :return: The generated graph. """ while True: g = nx.gnm_random_graph(V, E, directed=True) for v in g.nodes: g.nodes[v]['weight'] = np.random.randint(1, 10) g.nodes[0]['weight'] = 0 for e in g.edges: g.edges[e]['weight'] = np.random.randint(10) if check_if_synchronous_circuit(g): if save: save_graph(g, save) return g
def test_correlator2_synchronous_circuit(self): """ Check that correlator2 is actually a synchronous circuit. """ g = load_graph('../graphs/') self.assertTrue(check_if_synchronous_circuit(g))