def get_state(self, name): """ Returns the actual state of a module @:parameter name string (A module name) @:returns <string> (A module state) @:raise ModuleNotFoundError """ check_node(self._graph, name) return self._nodes[name]["state"]
def get_dependencies(self, name): """ Returns the dependency list of a module @:parameter name string (A module name) @:returns list<string> (A module names list) @:raise ModuleNotFoundError """ check_node(self._graph, name) subgraph = self._create_root_subgraph(self._graph, name) return [node for node in subgraph.nodes()]
def get_optimized_modules_dependencies(self, path=None): """ Returns the diff between actual dependencies and optimized ones :param path: restrict to a specific submodules :return: """ diff = {} module_items = self._nodes.items() # Doesn't keep uninstalled, uninstallable or to remove modules graph = self._sub_graph_from_states(self._graph, [ States.TO_UPGRADE, States.TO_INSTALL, States.INSTALLED, States.INSTALLABLE, ]) for module, values in module_items: if not check_node(graph, module, raise_exception=False): continue # Check path only if provided if path: has_submodule = "submodule" in values and values["submodule"] relpath = os.path.relpath(path, ".") common_path = False if has_submodule: relsubpath = os.path.relpath(values["submodule"], ".") common_path = relpath in relsubpath if not common_path: continue children = [m for m, v in module_items if module in v["children"]] predecessors = graph.predecessors(module) if set(predecessors) != set(children): diff[module] = sorted(predecessors) return dict(sorted(diff.items()))
def valid_joint(p1, p2, clearance): delta = np.linspace(0, math.sqrt((p2[1] - p1[1])**2 + (p2[0] - p1[0])**2), num=20) theta = math.atan2(p2[1] - p1[1], p2[0] - p1[0]) points = [] for i in delta: inter_point = (p1[0] + i * math.cos(theta), p1[1] + i * math.sin(theta)) points.append(inter_point) if not utils.check_node(inter_point, clearance): return False #print('Points', points) return True
def child_generator(self, node, cost): # List to store all valid children valid_children = [] # Generating the children n1 = self.move1(node, cost) n2 = self.move2(node, cost) n3 = self.move3(node, cost) n4 = self.move4(node, cost) n5 = self.move5(node, cost) n6 = self.move6(node, cost) n7 = self.move7(node, cost) n8 = self.move8(node, cost) # List to store all children childs = [n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8] # Dictionary with cost as key and child as value childs_cost = {n1[3]:n1,n2[3]:n2,n3[3]:n3,n4[3]:n4, n5[3]:n5, n6[3]:n6,n7[3]:n7, n8[3]:n8} # Check for valid children and append them to the list for cost in childs_cost.keys(): if utils.check_node(childs_cost[cost], self.clearance) == True and visited_nodes[int(round(childs_cost[cost][0],1)/0.2)][int(round(childs_cost[cost][1],1)/0.2)][int(round(childs_cost[cost][2],1)/10)] == 0: valid_children.append((cost, childs_cost[cost], childs_cost[cost][4], self.index(childs_cost[cost]),node)) valid_childs_dict[self.index(childs_cost[cost])] = [childs_cost[cost], node, self.index(node)] visited_nodes[int(round(childs_cost[cost][0],1)/0.2)][int(round(childs_cost[cost][1],1)/0.2)][int(round(childs_cost[cost][2],1)/10)] = 1 return valid_children
def main(): rospy.init_node('turtlebot3_vel_publisher', anonymous=True) velocity_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) vel_msg = Twist() def callback(msg): print(msg.pose.pose) # Taking inputs from the user time.sleep(2) print('') print( "************************* Let's move the turtlebot! *******************************" ) print('') clearance = eval( input( 'Please enter the clearance value of the robot from the obstacle:') ) print('The clearance value you entered is:', clearance) print('') start_point = eval( input( 'Please enter the start coordinates for the robot in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord, Theta]:' )) while not utils.check_node(start_point, clearance): start_point = eval( input( 'Please enter the start coordinates in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord, Theta]:' )) start_circle = plt.scatter(start_point[0], start_point[1], c='b') print('The start point you entered is:', start_point) print('') goal_point = eval( input( 'Please enter the goal coordinates of the robot in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord]:' )) while not utils.check_node(goal_point, clearance): goal_point = eval( input( 'Please enter the goal coordinates of the robot in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord]:' )) goal_circle = plt.scatter(goal_point[0], goal_point[1], c='y') print('The goal point you entered is:', goal_point) print('') goal_circle = plt.Circle((goal_point[0], goal_point[1]), radius=0.25, fill=False) plt.gca().add_patch(goal_circle) rpm = eval( input( 'Please enter the RPM for both the wheels in this format - [RPM1,RPM2]:' )) print("The wheel RPM's you entered for both the wheels are:", rpm) print('') robot_radius = 0.089 s1 = algo.Node(start_point, goal_point, [0, 0], robot_radius + clearance, rpm[0], rpm[1]) path, explored = s1.astar() plt.title('Path planning implemented for Turtlebot 3 using A* Algorithm', fontsize=10) # Plotting the explored nodes and final path points1x = [] points1y = [] points2x = [] points2y = [] points3x = [] points3y = [] points4x = [] points4y = [] for point in range(1, len(explored)): #print('Explored point:', explored[point]) points1x.append(explored[point][4][0]) points1y.append(explored[point][4][1]) points2x.append(explored[point][1][0] - (explored[point][4][0])) points2y.append(explored[point][1][1] - (explored[point][4][1])) #plt.quiver(explored[point][4][0], explored[point][4][1], explored[point][1][0]-(explored[point][4][0]), explored[point][1][1]-(explored[point][4][1]), units='xy' ,scale=1, label = 'Final Path', color = 'g', width =0.02, headwidth = 1,headlength=0) #if point%10 == 0: #plt.savefig('/home/nalindas9/Desktop/images/'+'img' + str(point) + '.png', dpi = 300) print('Path length:', len(path)) for point in range(1, len(path)): if point + 1 < len(path): #odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, callback) vel_msg.linear.x = (path[point][5][0]**2 + path[point][5][1]**2)**(1 / 2) vel_msg.linear.y = 0 vel_msg.linear.z = 0 vel_msg.angular.x = 0 vel_msg.angular.y = 0 vel_msg.angular.z = path[point][5][2] velocity_publisher.publish(vel_msg) print('Point:', point) now = rospy.get_rostime() print('ROS Time:', now.secs) time.sleep(1) points3x.append(path[point][0]) points3y.append((path[point][1])) points4x.append((path[point + 1][0]) - (path[point][0])) points4y.append((path[point + 1][1]) - (path[point][1])) #plt.quiver(path[point][0], (path[point][1]), (path[point+1][0])-(path[point][0]), (path[point+1][1])-(path[point][1]), units='xy' ,scale=1, label = 'Final Path', width =0.07, headwidth = 1,headlength=0) #plt.savefig('/home/nalindas9/Desktop/images/'+'img' + str(point+len(explored)) + '.png', dpi = 300) else: vel_msg.linear.x = (path[point][5][0]**2 + path[point][5][1]**2)**(1 / 2) vel_msg.linear.y = 0 vel_msg.linear.z = 0 vel_msg.angular.x = 0 vel_msg.angular.y = 0 vel_msg.angular.z = path[point][5][2] velocity_publisher.publish(vel_msg) points3x.append(path[point][0]) points3y.append((path[point][1])) points4x.append((path[-1][0]) - (path[point][0])) points4y.append((path[-1][1]) - (path[point][1])) #plt.quiver(path[point][0], (path[point][1]), (path[-1][0])-(path[point][0]), (path[-1][1])-(path[point][1]), units='xy' ,scale=1, label = 'Final Path', width =0.07, headwidth = 1,headlength=0) #plt.savefig('/home/nalindas9/Desktop/images/'+'img' + str(point+len(explored)) + '.png', dpi = 300) vel_msg.linear.x = 0 vel_msg.linear.y = 0 vel_msg.linear.z = 0 vel_msg.angular.x = 0 vel_msg.angular.y = 0 vel_msg.angular.z = 0 velocity_publisher.publish(vel_msg) plt.quiver(np.array(points1x), np.array(points1y), np.array(points2x), np.array(points2y), units='xy', scale=1, label='Final Path', color='g', width=0.02, headwidth=1, headlength=0) plt.quiver(np.array(points3x), np.array(points3y), np.array(points4x), np.array(points4y), units='xy', scale=1, label='Final Path', color='b', width=0.02, headwidth=1, headlength=0) plt.close()
def rrt(start, goal, clearance): cost2come1 = 0 nodes1 = [] start.append(cost2come1) start1 = tuple(start) explored_nodes1[start1] = start1 nodes1.append(start1) cost2come2 = 0 nodes2 = [] goal.append(cost2come2) start2 = tuple(goal) explored_nodes2[start2] = start2 nodes2.append(start2) # Running the algo for 'NUMNODES' number of iterations for i in range(NUMNODES): # Tree generation from start node rand1 = random.random() * (XDIM / 2) * random.choice( plusminus), random.random() * (YDIM / 2) * random.choice(plusminus) while not utils.check_node(rand1, clearance): rand1 = random.random() * ( XDIM / 2) * random.choice(plusminus), random.random() * ( YDIM / 2) * random.choice(plusminus) nearest_node1 = nodes1[0] for p1 in nodes1: if dist(p1, rand1) < dist(nearest_node1, rand1): nearest_node1 = p1 new_node1 = interpolate(nearest_node1, rand1, nearest_node1[3]) #print('New Node1:', new_node1) #print('New node:', new_node1) new_node1, nearest_node1 = choose_parent(nearest_node1, new_node1, nodes1) if utils.check_node(new_node1, clearance): explored_nodes1[new_node1] = nearest_node1 nodes1.append(new_node1) # Check if the new node from tree 1 can be joined to tree 2 nearest_node3 = nodes2[0] for p in nodes2: if dist(p, new_node1) < dist(nearest_node3, new_node1): nearest_node3 = p if valid_joint(new_node1, nearest_node3, clearance): print('Joint from tree 1 to tree 2 found!!') explored_nodes1[nearest_node3] = new_node1 final_path1 = back_track1(nearest_node3, start1) final_path2 = back_track2(nearest_node3, start2) return explored_nodes1, explored_nodes2, final_path1, final_path2 else: # Tree generation from goal node rand2 = random.random() * ( XDIM / 2) * random.choice(plusminus), random.random() * ( YDIM / 2) * random.choice(plusminus) while not utils.check_node(rand2, clearance): rand2 = random.random() * ( XDIM / 2) * random.choice(plusminus), random.random() * ( YDIM / 2) * random.choice(plusminus) nearest_node2 = nodes2[0] for p2 in nodes2: if dist(p2, rand2) < dist(nearest_node2, rand2): nearest_node2 = p2 new_node2 = interpolate(nearest_node2, rand2, nearest_node2[3]) #print('New Node2:', new_node2) new_node2, nearest_node2 = choose_parent(nearest_node2, new_node2, nodes2) if utils.check_node(new_node2, clearance): explored_nodes2[new_node2] = nearest_node2 nodes2.append(new_node2) # Again check if the new node from tree 1 can be joined to tree 2 nearest_node3 = nodes2[0] for p in nodes2: if dist(p, new_node1) < dist(nearest_node3, new_node1): nearest_node3 = p if valid_joint(new_node1, nearest_node3, clearance): print('Joint from tree 1 to tree 2 found!!') explored_nodes2[nearest_node3] = new_node1 final_path1 = back_track1(nearest_node3, start1) final_path2 = back_track2(nearest_node3, start2) return explored_nodes1, explored_nodes2, final_path1, final_path2 return explored_nodes1, explored_nodes2
def main(): # Taking inputs from the user clearance = eval(input('Please enter the clearance value of the robot from the obstacle:')) print('The clearance value you entered is:', clearance) print('') start_point = eval(input('Please enter the start coordinates for the robot in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord, Theta]:')) while not utils.check_node(start_point, clearance): start_point = eval(input('Please enter the start coordinates in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord, Theta]:')) start_circle = plt.scatter(start_point[0], start_point[1], c = 'b') print('The start point you entered is:', start_point) print('') goal_point = eval(input('Please enter the goal coordinates of the robot in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord]:')) while not utils.check_node(goal_point, clearance): goal_point = eval(input('Please enter the goal coordinates of the robot in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord]:')) goal_circle = plt.scatter(goal_point[0], goal_point[1], c = 'y') print('The goal point you entered is:', goal_point) print('') goal_circle = plt.Circle((goal_point[0], goal_point[1]), radius= 0.25,fill=False) plt.gca().add_patch(goal_circle) rpm = eval(input('Please enter the RPM for both the wheels in this format - [RPM1,RPM2]:')) print("The wheel RPM's you entered for both the wheels are:", rpm) print('') robot_radius = 0.089 s1 = algo.Node(start_point, goal_point, [0,0], robot_radius+clearance, rpm[0], rpm[1]) path, explored = s1.astar() plt.title('Path planning implemented for Turtlebot 3 using A* Algorithm',fontsize=10) # Plotting the explored nodes and final path points1x = [] points1y = [] points2x = [] points2y = [] points3x = [] points3y = [] points4x = [] points4y = [] for point in range(1,len(explored)): #print('Explored point:', explored[point]) points1x.append(explored[point][4][0]) points1y.append(explored[point][4][1]) points2x.append(explored[point][1][0]-(explored[point][4][0])) points2y.append(explored[point][1][1]-(explored[point][4][1])) #plt.quiver(explored[point][4][0], explored[point][4][1], explored[point][1][0]-(explored[point][4][0]), explored[point][1][1]-(explored[point][4][1]), units='xy' ,scale=1, label = 'Final Path', color = 'g', width =0.02, headwidth = 1,headlength=0) #if point%10 == 0: #plt.savefig('/home/nalindas9/Desktop/images/'+'img' + str(point) + '.png', dpi = 300) for point in range(len(path)): if point+1 < len(path): points3x.append(path[point][0]) points3y.append((path[point][1])) points4x.append((path[point+1][0])-(path[point][0])) points4y.append((path[point+1][1])-(path[point][1])) #plt.quiver(path[point][0], (path[point][1]), (path[point+1][0])-(path[point][0]), (path[point+1][1])-(path[point][1]), units='xy' ,scale=1, label = 'Final Path', width =0.07, headwidth = 1,headlength=0) #plt.savefig('/home/nalindas9/Desktop/images/'+'img' + str(point+len(explored)) + '.png', dpi = 300) else: points3x.append(path[point][0]) points3y.append((path[point][1])) points4x.append((path[-1][0])-(path[point][0])) points4y.append((path[-1][1])-(path[point][1])) #plt.quiver(path[point][0], (path[point][1]), (path[-1][0])-(path[point][0]), (path[-1][1])-(path[point][1]), units='xy' ,scale=1, label = 'Final Path', width =0.07, headwidth = 1,headlength=0) #plt.savefig('/home/nalindas9/Desktop/images/'+'img' + str(point+len(explored)) + '.png', dpi = 300) plt.quiver(np.array(points1x), np.array(points1y), np.array(points2x), np.array(points2y), units='xy' ,scale=1, label = 'Final Path', color = 'g', width =0.02, headwidth = 1,headlength=0) plt.quiver(np.array(points3x), np.array(points3y), np.array(points4x), np.array(points4y), units='xy' ,scale=1, label = 'Final Path', width =0.07, headwidth = 1,headlength=0) plt.close()
def main(): # Taking inputs from the user clearance = eval( input( 'Please enter the clearance value of the robot from the obstacle:') ) print('The clearance value you entered is:', clearance) print('') start_point = eval( input( 'Please enter the start coordinates for the robot in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord, Theta]:' )) while not utils.check_node(start_point, clearance): start_point = eval( input( 'Please enter the start coordinates in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord, Theta]:' )) start_circle = plt.scatter(start_point[0], start_point[1], c='b') print('The start point you entered is:', start_point) print('') goal_point = eval( input( 'Please enter the goal coordinates of the robot in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord, Theta]:' )) while not utils.check_node(goal_point, clearance): goal_point = eval( input( 'Please enter the goal coordinates of the robot in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord, Theta]:' )) goal_circle = plt.scatter(goal_point[0], goal_point[1], c='y') print('The goal point you entered is:', goal_point) print('') goal_circle = plt.Circle((goal_point[0], goal_point[1]), radius=0.25, fill=False) plt.gca().add_patch(goal_circle) rpm = eval( input( 'Please enter the RPM for both the wheels in this format - [RPM1,RPM2]:' )) print("The wheel RPM's you entered for both the wheels are:", rpm) print('') explored1, explored2, final_path1, final_path2 = algo.rrt( start_point, goal_point, clearance) final_path2.pop(-1) final_path2.reverse() final_path1_spline = copy.deepcopy(final_path1) final_path1_spline.pop(-1) spline_pts1 = utils.cubic_spline(final_path1_spline) spline_pts2 = utils.cubic_spline(final_path2) final_path = final_path1 + final_path2 final_spline_path = spline_pts1 + spline_pts2 print('The final path is:', final_spline_path) # Plotting the explored nodes and final path points1x = [] points1y = [] points2x = [] points2y = [] points3x = [] points3y = [] points4x = [] points4y = [] points5x = [] points5y = [] points6x = [] points6y = [] points7x = [] points7y = [] points8x = [] points8y = [] for point in explored1.keys(): points1x.append(point[0]) points1y.append(point[1]) points2x.append(explored1[point][0] - point[0]) points2y.append(explored1[point][1] - point[1]) for point in explored2.keys(): points3x.append(point[0]) points3y.append(point[1]) points4x.append(explored2[point][0] - point[0]) points4y.append(explored2[point][1] - point[1]) for point in range(len(final_path)): if point + 1 < len(final_path): points5x.append(final_path[point][0]) points5y.append((final_path[point][1])) points6x.append((final_path[point + 1][0]) - (final_path[point][0])) points6y.append((final_path[point + 1][1]) - (final_path[point][1])) else: points5x.append(final_path[point][0]) points5y.append((final_path[point][1])) points6x.append((final_path[-1][0]) - (final_path[point][0])) points6y.append((final_path[-1][1]) - (final_path[point][1])) """ for point in range(len(final_path2)): if point+1 < len(final_path2): points7x.append(final_path2[point][0]) points7y.append((final_path2[point][1])) points8x.append((final_path2[point+1][0])-(final_path2[point][0])) points8y.append((final_path2[point+1][1])-(final_path2[point][1])) else: points7x.append(final_path2[point][0]) points7y.append((final_path2[point][1])) points8x.append((final_path2[-1][0])-(final_path2[point][0])) points8y.append((final_path2[-1][1])-(final_path2[point][1])) """ plt.quiver(np.array(points1x), np.array(points1y), np.array(points2x), np.array(points2y), units='xy', scale=1, label='Explored nodes', color='g', width=0.02, headwidth=1, headlength=0) plt.quiver(np.array(points3x), np.array(points3y), np.array(points4x), np.array(points4y), units='xy', scale=1, label='Explored nodes', color='g', width=0.02, headwidth=1, headlength=0) plt.quiver(np.array(points5x), np.array(points5y), np.array(points6x), np.array(points6y), units='xy', scale=1, label='Final Path', width=0.07, headwidth=1, headlength=0) #plt.quiver(np.array(points7x), np.array(points7y), np.array(points8x), np.array(points8y), units='xy' ,scale=1, label = 'Final Path', width =0.07, headwidth = 1,headlength=0) plt.close()
def main(): rospy.init_node('Adrurlbot_vel_publisher', anonymous=True) r = rospy.Rate(4) def odom_callback(msg): global x global y global theta x = msg.pose.pose.position.x y = msg.pose.pose.position.y rot_q = msg.pose.pose.orientation #(roll, pitch, theta) = euler_from_quaternion([rot_q.x, rot_q.y, rot_q.z, rot_q.w]) (roll, pitch, theta) = utils.quaternion_to_euler(rot_q.w, rot_q.x, rot_q.y, rot_q.z) sub = rospy.Subscriber("/odom", Odometry, odom_callback) pub = rospy.Publisher("/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) vel_msg = Twist() # Taking inputs from the user time.sleep(2) print('') print( "************************* Let's move the turtlebot! *******************************" ) print('') clearance = eval( input( 'Please enter the clearance value of the robot from the obstacle:') ) print('The clearance value you entered is:', clearance) print('') start_point = eval( input( 'Please enter the start coordinates for the robot in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord, Theta]:' )) while not utils.check_node(start_point, clearance): start_point = eval( input( 'Please enter the start coordinates in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord, Theta]:' )) start_circle = plt.scatter(start_point[0], start_point[1], c='b') print('The start point you entered is:', start_point) print('') goal_point = eval( input( 'Please enter the goal coordinates of the robot in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord, Theta]:' )) while not utils.check_node(goal_point, clearance): goal_point = eval( input( 'Please enter the goal coordinates of the robot in this format - [X_coord, Y_coord, Theta]:' )) goal_circle = plt.scatter(goal_point[0], goal_point[1], c='y') print('The goal point you entered is:', goal_point) print('') goal_circle = plt.Circle((goal_point[0], goal_point[1]), radius=0.25, fill=False) plt.gca().add_patch(goal_circle) explored1, explored2, final_path1, final_path2 = algo.rrt( start_point, goal_point, clearance) final_path2.pop(-1) final_path2.reverse() final_path1_spline = copy.deepcopy(final_path1) final_path1_spline.pop(-1) spline_pts1 = utils.cubic_spline(final_path1_spline) spline_pts2 = utils.cubic_spline(final_path2) final_path = final_path1 + final_path2 final_spline_path = spline_pts1 + spline_pts2 print('The final path is:', final_path) goal = Point() for points in final_spline_path: goal.x = points[0] goal.y = points[1] print('Point:', (points[0], points[1])) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): inc_x = goal.x - x inc_y = goal.y - y angle_to_goal = atan2(inc_y, inc_x) print('Angle diff:', angle_to_goal - theta) if angle_to_goal - theta > 0: if abs(angle_to_goal - theta) > 0.05: vel_msg.linear.x = 0.0 vel_msg.angular.z = 0.1 else: vel_msg.linear.x = 0.2 vel_msg.angular.z = 0.0 else: if abs(angle_to_goal - theta) > 0.05: vel_msg.linear.x = 0.0 vel_msg.angular.z = -0.1 else: vel_msg.linear.x = 0.2 vel_msg.angular.z = 0.0 #print('Distance to next point:', math.sqrt((inc_x)**2 + (inc_y)**2)) if math.sqrt((inc_x)**2 + (inc_y)**2) < 0.03: break pub.publish(vel_msg) r.sleep() vel_msg.linear.x = 0.0 vel_msg.angular.z = 0.0 pub.publish(vel_msg) # Plotting the explored nodes and final path points1x = [] points1y = [] points2x = [] points2y = [] points3x = [] points3y = [] points4x = [] points4y = [] points5x = [] points5y = [] points6x = [] points6y = [] points7x = [] points7y = [] points8x = [] points8y = [] for point in explored1.keys(): points1x.append(point[0]) points1y.append(point[1]) points2x.append(explored1[point][0] - point[0]) points2y.append(explored1[point][1] - point[1]) for point in explored2.keys(): points3x.append(point[0]) points3y.append(point[1]) points4x.append(explored2[point][0] - point[0]) points4y.append(explored2[point][1] - point[1]) for point in range(len(final_path)): if point + 1 < len(final_path): points5x.append(final_path[point][0]) points5y.append((final_path[point][1])) points6x.append((final_path[point + 1][0]) - (final_path[point][0])) points6y.append((final_path[point + 1][1]) - (final_path[point][1])) else: points5x.append(final_path[point][0]) points5y.append((final_path[point][1])) points6x.append((final_path[-1][0]) - (final_path[point][0])) points6y.append((final_path[-1][1]) - (final_path[point][1])) """ for point in range(len(final_path2)): if point+1 < len(final_path2): points7x.append(final_path2[point][0]) points7y.append((final_path2[point][1])) points8x.append((final_path2[point+1][0])-(final_path2[point][0])) points8y.append((final_path2[point+1][1])-(final_path2[point][1])) else: points7x.append(final_path2[point][0]) points7y.append((final_path2[point][1])) points8x.append((final_path2[-1][0])-(final_path2[point][0])) points8y.append((final_path2[-1][1])-(final_path2[point][1])) """ plt.quiver(np.array(points1x), np.array(points1y), np.array(points2x), np.array(points2y), units='xy', scale=1, label='Explored nodes', color='g', width=0.02, headwidth=1, headlength=0) plt.quiver(np.array(points3x), np.array(points3y), np.array(points4x), np.array(points4y), units='xy', scale=1, label='Explored nodes', color='g', width=0.02, headwidth=1, headlength=0) plt.quiver(np.array(points5x), np.array(points5y), np.array(points6x), np.array(points6y), units='xy', scale=1, label='Final Path', width=0.07, headwidth=1, headlength=0) #plt.quiver(np.array(points7x), np.array(points7y), np.array(points8x), np.array(points8y), units='xy' ,scale=1, label = 'Final Path', width =0.07, headwidth = 1,headlength=0) plt.close()