def _generate_trending_traces(in_data, job_name, build_info, show_trend_line=True, name="", color=""): """Generate the trending traces: - samples, - outliers, regress, progress - average of normal samples (trending line) :param in_data: Full data set. :param job_name: The name of job which generated the data. :param build_info: Information about the builds. :param show_trend_line: Show moving median (trending plot). :param name: Name of the plot :param color: Name of the color for the plot. :type in_data: OrderedDict :type job_name: str :type build_info: dict :type show_trend_line: bool :type name: str :type color: str :returns: Generated traces (list) and the evaluated result. :rtype: tuple(traces, result) """ data_x = list(in_data.keys()) data_y = list(in_data.values()) hover_text = list() xaxis = list() for idx in data_x: if "dpdk" in job_name: hover_text.append("dpdk-ref: {0}<br>csit-ref: mrr-weekly-build-{1}". format(build_info[job_name][str(idx)][1]. rsplit('~', 1)[0], idx)) elif "vpp" in job_name: hover_text.append("vpp-ref: {0}<br>csit-ref: mrr-daily-build-{1}". format(build_info[job_name][str(idx)][1]. rsplit('~', 1)[0], idx)) date = build_info[job_name][str(idx)][0] xaxis.append(datetime(int(date[0:4]), int(date[4:6]), int(date[6:8]), int(date[9:11]), int(date[12:]))) data_pd = pd.Series(data_y, index=xaxis) anomaly_classification, avgs = classify_anomalies(data_pd) anomalies = pd.Series() anomalies_colors = list() anomalies_avgs = list() anomaly_color = { "outlier": 0.0, "regression": 0.33, "normal": 0.66, "progression": 1.0 } if anomaly_classification: for idx, item in enumerate(data_pd.items()): if anomaly_classification[idx] in \ ("outlier", "regression", "progression"): anomalies = anomalies.append(pd.Series([item[1], ], index=[item[0], ])) anomalies_colors.append( anomaly_color[anomaly_classification[idx]]) anomalies_avgs.append(avgs[idx]) anomalies_colors.extend([0.0, 0.33, 0.66, 1.0]) # Create traces trace_samples = plgo.Scatter( x=xaxis, y=data_y, mode='markers', line={ "width": 1 }, legendgroup=name, name="{name}-thput".format(name=name), marker={ "size": 5, "color": color, "symbol": "circle", }, text=hover_text, hoverinfo="x+y+text+name" ) traces = [trace_samples, ] if show_trend_line: trace_trend = plgo.Scatter( x=xaxis, y=avgs, mode='lines', line={ "shape": "linear", "width": 1, "color": color, }, legendgroup=name, name='{name}-trend'.format(name=name) ) traces.append(trace_trend) trace_anomalies = plgo.Scatter( x=anomalies.keys(), y=anomalies_avgs, mode='markers', hoverinfo="none", showlegend=True, legendgroup=name, name="{name}-anomalies".format(name=name), marker={ "size": 15, "symbol": "circle-open", "color": anomalies_colors, "colorscale": [[0.00, "grey"], [0.25, "grey"], [0.25, "red"], [0.50, "red"], [0.50, "white"], [0.75, "white"], [0.75, "green"], [1.00, "green"]], "showscale": True, "line": { "width": 2 }, "colorbar": { "y": 0.5, "len": 0.8, "title": "Circles Marking Data Classification", "titleside": 'right', "titlefont": { "size": 14 }, "tickmode": 'array', "tickvals": [0.125, 0.375, 0.625, 0.875], "ticktext": ["Outlier", "Regression", "Normal", "Progression"], "ticks": "", "ticklen": 0, "tickangle": -90, "thickness": 10 } } ) traces.append(trace_anomalies) if anomaly_classification: return traces, anomaly_classification[-1] else: return traces, None
def table_performance_trending_dashboard(table, input_data): """Generate the table(s) with algorithm: table_performance_trending_dashboard specified in the specification file. :param table: Table to generate. :param input_data: Data to process. :type table: pandas.Series :type input_data: InputData """" Generating the table {0} ...".format(table.get( "title", ""))) # Transform the data" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".format( table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", ""))) data = input_data.filter_data(table, continue_on_error=True) # Prepare the header of the tables header = [ "Test Case", "Trend [Mpps]", "Short-Term Change [%]", "Long-Term Change [%]", "Regressions [#]", "Progressions [#]" ] header_str = ",".join(header) + "\n" # Prepare data to the table: tbl_dict = dict() for job, builds in table["data"].items(): for build in builds: for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].iteritems(): if tst_name.lower() in table["ignore-list"]: continue if tbl_dict.get(tst_name, None) is None: groups =, tst_data["parent"]) if not groups: continue nic = tbl_dict[tst_name] = { "name": "{0}-{1}".format(nic, tst_data["name"]), "data": OrderedDict() } try: tbl_dict[tst_name]["data"][str(build)] = \ tst_data["result"]["receive-rate"] except (TypeError, KeyError): pass # No data in output.xml for this test tbl_lst = list() for tst_name in tbl_dict.keys(): data_t = tbl_dict[tst_name]["data"] if len(data_t) < 2: continue classification_lst, avgs = classify_anomalies(data_t) win_size = min(len(data_t), table["window"]) long_win_size = min(len(data_t), table["long-trend-window"]) try: max_long_avg = max( [x for x in avgs[-long_win_size:-win_size] if not isnan(x)]) except ValueError: max_long_avg = nan last_avg = avgs[-1] avg_week_ago = avgs[max(-win_size, -len(avgs))] if isnan(last_avg) or isnan(avg_week_ago) or avg_week_ago == 0.0: rel_change_last = nan else: rel_change_last = round( ((last_avg - avg_week_ago) / avg_week_ago) * 100, 2) if isnan(max_long_avg) or isnan(last_avg) or max_long_avg == 0.0: rel_change_long = nan else: rel_change_long = round( ((last_avg - max_long_avg) / max_long_avg) * 100, 2) if classification_lst: if isnan(rel_change_last) and isnan(rel_change_long): continue if (isnan(last_avg) or isnan(rel_change_last) or isnan(rel_change_long)): continue tbl_lst.append([ tbl_dict[tst_name]["name"], round(last_avg / 1000000, 2), rel_change_last, rel_change_long, classification_lst[-win_size:].count("regression"), classification_lst[-win_size:].count("progression") ]) tbl_lst.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[0]) tbl_sorted = list() for nrr in range(table["window"], -1, -1): tbl_reg = [item for item in tbl_lst if item[4] == nrr] for nrp in range(table["window"], -1, -1): tbl_out = [item for item in tbl_reg if item[5] == nrp] tbl_out.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[2]) tbl_sorted.extend(tbl_out) file_name = "{0}{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"])" Writing file: '{0}'".format(file_name)) with open(file_name, "w") as file_handler: file_handler.write(header_str) for test in tbl_sorted: file_handler.write(",".join([str(item) for item in test]) + '\n') txt_file_name = "{0}.txt".format(table["output-file"])" Writing file: '{0}'".format(txt_file_name)) convert_csv_to_pretty_txt(file_name, txt_file_name)
def _generate_trending_traces(in_data, job_name, build_info, show_trend_line=True, name="", color=""): """Generate the trending traces: - samples, - outliers, regress, progress - average of normal samples (trending line) :param in_data: Full data set. :param job_name: The name of job which generated the data. :param build_info: Information about the builds. :param show_trend_line: Show moving median (trending plot). :param name: Name of the plot :param color: Name of the color for the plot. :type in_data: OrderedDict :type job_name: str :type build_info: dict :type show_trend_line: bool :type name: str :type color: str :returns: Generated traces (list) and the evaluated result. :rtype: tuple(traces, result) """ data_x = list(in_data.keys()) data_y = list(in_data.values()) hover_text = list() xaxis = list() for idx in data_x: date = build_info[job_name][str(idx)][0] hover_str = ("date: {date}<br>" "value: {value:,}<br>" "{sut}-ref: {build}<br>" "csit-ref: mrr-{period}-build-{build_nr}<br>" "testbed: {testbed}") if "dpdk" in job_name: hover_text.append( hover_str.format( date=date, value=int(in_data[idx].avg), sut="dpdk", build=build_info[job_name][str(idx)][1].rsplit('~', 1)[0], period="weekly", build_nr=idx, testbed=build_info[job_name][str(idx)][2])) elif "vpp" in job_name: hover_text.append( hover_str.format( date=date, value=int(in_data[idx].avg), sut="vpp", build=build_info[job_name][str(idx)][1].rsplit('~', 1)[0], period="daily", build_nr=idx, testbed=build_info[job_name][str(idx)][2])) xaxis.append( datetime(int(date[0:4]), int(date[4:6]), int(date[6:8]), int(date[9:11]), int(date[12:]))) data_pd = OrderedDict() for key, value in zip(xaxis, data_y): data_pd[key] = value anomaly_classification, avgs = classify_anomalies(data_pd) anomalies = OrderedDict() anomalies_colors = list() anomalies_avgs = list() anomaly_color = {"regression": 0.0, "normal": 0.5, "progression": 1.0} if anomaly_classification: for idx, (key, value) in enumerate(data_pd.iteritems()): if anomaly_classification[idx] in \ ("outlier", "regression", "progression"): anomalies[key] = value anomalies_colors.append( anomaly_color[anomaly_classification[idx]]) anomalies_avgs.append(avgs[idx]) anomalies_colors.extend([0.0, 0.5, 1.0]) # Create traces trace_samples = plgo.Scatter(x=xaxis, y=[y.avg for y in data_y], mode='markers', line={"width": 1}, showlegend=True, legendgroup=name, name="{name}".format(name=name), marker={ "size": 5, "color": color, "symbol": "circle", }, text=hover_text, hoverinfo="text") traces = [ trace_samples, ] if show_trend_line: trace_trend = plgo.Scatter( x=xaxis, y=avgs, mode='lines', line={ "shape": "linear", "width": 1, "color": color, }, showlegend=False, legendgroup=name, name='{name}'.format(name=name), text=["trend: {0:,}".format(int(avg)) for avg in avgs], hoverinfo="text+name") traces.append(trace_trend) trace_anomalies = plgo.Scatter( x=anomalies.keys(), y=anomalies_avgs, mode='markers', hoverinfo="none", showlegend=False, legendgroup=name, name="{name}-anomalies".format(name=name), marker={ "size": 15, "symbol": "circle-open", "color": anomalies_colors, "colorscale": [[0.00, "red"], [0.33, "red"], [0.33, "white"], [0.66, "white"], [0.66, "green"], [1.00, "green"]], "showscale": True, "line": { "width": 2 }, "colorbar": { "y": 0.5, "len": 0.8, "title": "Circles Marking Data Classification", "titleside": 'right', "titlefont": { "size": 14 }, "tickmode": 'array', "tickvals": [0.167, 0.500, 0.833], "ticktext": ["Regression", "Normal", "Progression"], "ticks": "", "ticklen": 0, "tickangle": -90, "thickness": 10 } }) traces.append(trace_anomalies) if anomaly_classification: return traces, anomaly_classification[-1] else: return traces, None
def table_performance_trending_dashboard(table, input_data): """Generate the table(s) with algorithm: table_performance_comparison specified in the specification file. :param table: Table to generate. :param input_data: Data to process. :type table: pandas.Series :type input_data: InputData """" Generating the table {0} ...".format(table.get( "title", ""))) # Transform the data" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".format( table.get("type", ""), table.get("title", ""))) data = input_data.filter_data(table, continue_on_error=True) # Prepare the header of the tables header = [ "Test Case", "Trend [Mpps]", "Short-Term Change [%]", "Long-Term Change [%]", "Regressions [#]", "Progressions [#]", "Outliers [#]" ] header_str = ",".join(header) + "\n" # Prepare data to the table: tbl_dict = dict() for job, builds in table["data"].items(): for build in builds: for tst_name, tst_data in data[job][str(build)].iteritems(): if tst_name.lower() in table["ignore-list"]: continue if tbl_dict.get(tst_name, None) is None: name = "{0}-{1}".format( tst_data["parent"].split("-")[0], "-".join(tst_data["name"].split("-")[1:])) tbl_dict[tst_name] = {"name": name, "data": OrderedDict()} try: tbl_dict[tst_name]["data"][str(build)] = \ tst_data["result"]["throughput"] except (TypeError, KeyError): pass # No data in output.xml for this test tbl_lst = list() for tst_name in tbl_dict.keys(): if len(tbl_dict[tst_name]["data"]) < 3: continue pd_data = pd.Series(tbl_dict[tst_name]["data"]) data_t, _ = split_outliers(pd_data, outlier_const=1.5, window=table["window"]) last_key = data_t.keys()[-1] win_size = min(data_t.size, table["window"]) win_first_idx = data_t.size - win_size key_14 = data_t.keys()[win_first_idx] long_win_size = min(data_t.size, table["long-trend-window"]) median_t = data_t.rolling(window=win_size, min_periods=2).median() median_first_idx = median_t.size - long_win_size try: max_median = max([ x for x in median_t.values[median_first_idx:-win_size] if not isnan(x) ]) except ValueError: max_median = nan try: last_median_t = median_t[last_key] except KeyError: last_median_t = nan try: median_t_14 = median_t[key_14] except KeyError: median_t_14 = nan if isnan(last_median_t) or isnan(median_t_14) or median_t_14 == 0.0: rel_change_last = nan else: rel_change_last = round( ((last_median_t - median_t_14) / median_t_14) * 100, 2) if isnan(max_median) or isnan(last_median_t) or max_median == 0.0: rel_change_long = nan else: rel_change_long = round( ((last_median_t - max_median) / max_median) * 100, 2) # Classification list: classification_lst = classify_anomalies(data_t, window=14) if classification_lst: if isnan(rel_change_last) and isnan(rel_change_long): continue tbl_lst.append([ tbl_dict[tst_name]["name"], '-' if isnan(last_median_t) else round(last_median_t / 1000000, 2), '-' if isnan(rel_change_last) else rel_change_last, '-' if isnan(rel_change_long) else rel_change_long, classification_lst[win_first_idx:].count("regression"), classification_lst[win_first_idx:].count("progression"), classification_lst[win_first_idx:].count("outlier") ]) tbl_lst.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[0]) tbl_sorted = list() for nrr in range(table["window"], -1, -1): tbl_reg = [item for item in tbl_lst if item[4] == nrr] for nrp in range(table["window"], -1, -1): tbl_pro = [item for item in tbl_reg if item[5] == nrp] for nro in range(table["window"], -1, -1): tbl_out = [item for item in tbl_pro if item[6] == nro] tbl_out.sort(key=lambda rel: rel[2]) tbl_sorted.extend(tbl_out) file_name = "{0}{1}".format(table["output-file"], table["output-file-ext"])" Writing file: '{0}'".format(file_name)) with open(file_name, "w") as file_handler: file_handler.write(header_str) for test in tbl_sorted: file_handler.write(",".join([str(item) for item in test]) + '\n') txt_file_name = "{0}.txt".format(table["output-file"]) txt_table = None" Writing file: '{0}'".format(txt_file_name)) with open(file_name, 'rb') as csv_file: csv_content = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') for row in csv_content: if txt_table is None: txt_table = prettytable.PrettyTable(row) else: txt_table.add_row(row) txt_table.align["Test case"] = "l" with open(txt_file_name, "w") as txt_file: txt_file.write(str(txt_table))