コード例 #1
def MTSALLoss(y_pred, y_true):
    assert isinstance(y_pred, torch.Tensor)
    assert isinstance(y_true, torch.Tensor)
    loss1 = torch.nn.MSELoss()(y_pred, y_true)
    y_pred1, y_true1 = cmap(fd, [y_pred, y_true])
    loss2 = torch.nn.MSELoss()(y_pred1, y_true1)
    y_pred2, y_true2 = cmap(fd, [y_pred1, y_true1])
    loss3 = torch.nn.MSELoss()(y_pred2, y_true2)
    return loss1 + 4.5 * loss2 + 10 * loss3
コード例 #2
ファイル: train.py プロジェクト: binsu996/SBF-MTSAL
 def __getitem__(self,idx):
     if idx>=self.len:
         raise StopIteration
     get_path=lambda x:join(self.home_dir,x,name)
     return torch.Tensor(mix).cuda(),torch.Tensor(aux).cuda(),torch.Tensor(s1*angle).cuda()
コード例 #3
ファイル: day-7.py プロジェクト: andres-ml/aoc-19
from utils import cmap, compose, invoker, unpack, at, reduceUntil
from functools import partial, reduce
from itertools import permutations, chain
from aoc.intcode import Runner

parse = compose(list, cmap(int), invoker('split', ','))

# runs Intcode several times by piping their input/output with [phase[index], previousOutput]
def runSequence(sequence, intcode, endCondition, startSignal=0):
    runners = [Runner(iter([phase])) for phase in sequence]
    runnerIterators = [runner.output_iterator(intcode) for runner in runners]

    # pipe last signal to current runner's input and add its next output signal to signals
    def step(signals, index):
        signal = next(runnerIterators[index], None)
        return signals + [signal], (index + 1) % len(runners)

    return reduceUntil(endCondition, unpack(step), ([startSignal], 0))[0]

oneLoop = unpack(lambda outputs, index: index == 0 and len(outputs) > 1)
noMoreValues = unpack(lambda outputs, index: outputs[-1] is None)
# -1 to get last in part A; -2 to get last in part B, since B stops on last = None (no more values)
one = compose(
    max, cmap(at(-1)), lambda intcode: [
        runSequence(sequence, intcode, oneLoop)
        for sequence in permutations(range(0, 5))
    ], parse)
two = compose(
コード例 #4
ファイル: day-16.py プロジェクト: andres-ml/aoc-19

# returns the positions at which the factor at pattern_index appears in the sequence
# that repeats each value in PATTERN repeat_size times
def positions(pattern_index, repeat_size):
    position = pattern_index * repeat_size
    position -= 1  # offset
    for i in count():
        base = len(PATTERN) * repeat_size * i
        yield from range(base + position, base + position + repeat_size)

digitize = lambda n: abs(n) % 10

# we can see the second half of the sequence is just accumulating up the second half of the digits, starting from the end
phase_second_half = compose(list, reversed, list, cmap(digitize), accumulate,

# calculate phase by doing the regular computation for the first half, and the "optimized" computation for the second
def phase_full(sequence):
    length = len(sequence)
    value_at = lambda index: sum(sequence[
        j] * factor for factor in [-1, 1] for j in takewhile(
            lambda j: j < length, positions(PATTERN.index(factor), index + 1)))
    first_half = [digitize(value_at(index)) for index in range(0, length // 2)]
    second_half = phase_second_half(sequence[length // 2:])
    return first_half + second_half

toSequence = compose(list, cmap(int), list, str)
コード例 #5
from utils import cmap, compose, operation, reduceUntil, unpack
from text import toLines
from functools import partial

parse = compose(cmap(int), toLines)

fuel = compose(operation('sub', 2), operation('floordiv', 3))
realFuel = lambda mass: reduceUntil(
    unpack(lambda carry, mass: fuel(mass) <= 0),
    unpack(lambda carry, mass: (carry + fuel(mass), fuel(mass))), (0, mass))[0]

one = compose(sum, cmap(fuel), parse)
two = compose(sum, cmap(realFuel), parse)
コード例 #6
ファイル: day-21.py プロジェクト: andres-ml/aoc-19
from utils import cmap, compose, invoker, flatten
from functools import partial
from space import Point
from aoc.intcode import Runner
from itertools import count

parse = compose(list, cmap(int), invoker('split', ','))

def run(code, intcode):
    runner = Runner(Runner.ASCII_input(code))
    return runner.output

def output(line):
    # print result (hull damage) if found, otherwise interpret the full output as a debug message
    return line[-1] if line[-1] > 1000 else ''.join(chr(c) for c in line)

    'OR D J',  # tell the droid to jump if his landing position is not a hole
    'OR A T',
    'AND B T',
    'AND C T',
    'NOT T T',
    'AND T J'  # tell the droid NOT to jump if ALL the positions prior to landing are ground

# same as part 1, but check that after a jump we're not stuck
コード例 #7
ファイル: day-8.py プロジェクト: andres-ml/aoc-19
from utils import cmap, compose, invoker, unpack, chunks
from functools import partial
import re

N = 25
M = 6
L = N * M

BLACK = '0'
WHITE = '1'

parse = partial(chunks, L)

isOpaque = lambda value: value != TRANSPARENT
showImage = lambda layer: '\n'.join(row for row in (''.join(layer[i:i + N])
                                                    for i in range(0, L, N)))

# sub 0s for whitespaces and add a space between columns for readability
makeReadable = compose(partial(re.sub, r'0', ' '),
                       partial(re.sub, r'(0|1)', r'\g<1> '))

one = compose(lambda layer: layer.count('1') * layer.count('2'),
              partial(min, key=invoker('count', '0')), parse)
two = compose(makeReadable, showImage, list,
              cmap(compose(next, partial(filter, isOpaque))), unpack(zip),
コード例 #8
from utils import cmap, compose, invoker, at, unpack, dictBuilder, switch, identity
from text import patternGroups, toLines
from functools import partial
from itertools import product, permutations
from space import Point
import re

CENTER = Point((0, 0))

# split input into lines, and each line (a wire) into a series of steps: [{'direction': 'U', 'length': 23}, {'direction' ....}]
formatStep = compose(dictBuilder({'direction': str, 'length': int}), partial(patternGroups, r'([URDL])(\d+)'))
formatWire = compose(cmap(formatStep), invoker('split', ','))
parseAll = compose(cmap(formatWire), toLines)

# transforms a wire (a list of steps) into a list of segments
def trace(wire):
    edges = [CENTER]
    for stretch in wire:
        edges.append(travel(stretch, edges[-1]))
    return list(zip(edges[:-1], edges[1:]))

# given a wire stretch (e.g. U41) and a starting Point, returns the destination point
def travel(stretch, origin):
    vector = switch(lambda direction, length: direction, {
        'U': lambda direction, length: Point((0, length)),
        'R': lambda direction, length: Point((length, 0)),
        'D': lambda direction, length: Point((0, -length)),
        'L': lambda direction, length: Point((-length, 0)),
    return Point(origin) + vector(**stretch)
コード例 #9
ファイル: day-6.py プロジェクト: andres-ml/aoc-19
from utils import cmap, compose, invoker, identity
from text import toLines
from functools import partial
from collections import defaultdict


parse = compose(list, cmap(invoker('split', ')')), toLines)

def buildOrbits(pairs):
    orbits = defaultdict(list)
    for static, orbiter in pairs:
    return orbits

def countOrbits(source, orbits):
    def count(source, level=0):
        return level + sum(
            [count(orbiter, level + 1) for orbiter in orbits[source]])

    return count(source)

def path(target, orbits):
    def trace(current):
        orbiters = orbits[current[-1]]
        if len(orbiters) == 0:
            return current if current[-1] == target else None
        paths = (trace(current + [orbiter]) for orbiter in orbiters)
コード例 #10
ファイル: day-10.py プロジェクト: andres-ml/aoc-19
from functools import partial
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import islice, cycle
from math import inf as infinity
from space import Point

class Asteroid:

     def __init__(self, coords):
         self.coords = coords
         self.traces = defaultdict(list)


buildAsteroids = lambda grid: [Asteroid((j, i)) for i, row in enumerate(grid) for j, column in enumerate(row) if row[j] == ASTEROID]
parse = compose(buildAsteroids, cmap(list), toLines)

# for each asteroid, trace lines to the rest. Such traces are grouped by line/direction; where the line is defined by its slope (k in y=k*x) and
# direction dictates the direction (<=> the other asteroid is to the right of the one we trace from)
def trace(asteroids):
    for i in range(len(asteroids)):
        asteroid = asteroids[i]
        for j in range(i + 1, len(asteroids)):
            other = asteroids[j]
            x, y = (a - b for a, b in zip(asteroid.coords, other.coords))
            slope = (y / x) if x != 0 else infinity
            positive = other.coords > asteroid.coords
            asteroid.traces[(slope, positive)].append(other)
            other.traces[(slope, not positive)].append(asteroid)

    # sort by distance
コード例 #11
ファイル: day-12.py プロジェクト: andres-ml/aoc-19
from utils import compose, cmap, attr, alter, isolate, iterate
from text import toLines
from space import Point
from functools import partial, reduce
from itertools import islice
import re
import math

class Body:
    def __init__(self, coords):
        self.position = Point(tuple(coords))
        self.velocity = Point(tuple([0] * self.position.dimension))

parseBody = compose(Body, cmap(int), partial(re.findall, r'-?\d+'))
parse = compose(list, cmap(parseBody), toLines)

sign = lambda n: n // max(1, abs(n))
gravitate = lambda body, towards, velocity: velocity + Point(
    tuple(sign(b - a) for a, b in zip(body.position, towards.position)))

adjust = lambda system: [
          compose(*[partial(gravitate, body, other) for other in rest]))(body)
    for body, rest in isolate(system)
move = lambda system: [
    alter('position', lambda position: position + body.velocity)(body)
    for body in system
コード例 #12
ファイル: day-22.py プロジェクト: andres-ml/aoc-19
from utils import cmap, compose
from text import toLines
from functools import partial, reduce

def parse_move(line):
    if line == 'deal into new stack':
        return {'move': 'reverse', 'args': []}
    if line[0:3] == 'cut':
        return {'move': 'cut', 'args': [int(line[4:])]}
    if line[0:19] == 'deal with increment':
        return {'move': 'offset', 'args': [int(line[20:])]}

parse = compose(list, cmap(parse_move), toLines)

offset = lambda value, index, deck_size: (index * value) % deck_size
cut = lambda value, index, deck_size: (index - value) % deck_size
reverse = lambda index, deck_size: deck_size - index - 1

# given an index i, 0 <= i < deck_size, returns the position of the index pointing to the same
# card of the deck after it has been shuffled
apply_move = lambda index, deck_size, move, args: globals()[move](*args, index,
shuffle_index = lambda index, deck_size, shuffle: reduce(
    lambda index, move: apply_move(index, deck_size, move['move'], move['args']
                                   ), shuffle, index)

# not my solution
def find(times, final_position, deck_size, moves):
コード例 #13
from utils import cmap, compose, invoker, flatten
from functools import partial
from space import Point
from aoc.intcode import Runner
from itertools import count

parse = compose(list, cmap(int), invoker('split', ','))

VOID = '.'

directions = {
    Point((0, 1)): 'v',
    Point((-1, 0)): '<',
    Point((0, -1)): '^',
    Point((1, 0)): '>',

def draw(intcode):
    runner = Runner()
    return runner.output

# drawing (string) to grid (dict)
drawing_to_dict = lambda drawing: {(i, j): char
                                   for j, line in enumerate(drawing.split(
                                       '\n')) for i, char in enumerate(line)}
walkable = lambda coords, grid: coords in grid and grid[coords] != VOID
find_intersections = lambda grid: (coords for coords in grid if walkable(