def vis_point_cloud(file_num): # Get dataset information calib, objects, pc_upright_camera, img, pc_image_coord = load_data(dataset, file_num) gt_box3d_list, gt_box2d_list, gt_cls_list = [], [], [] for obj in objects: if obj.classname not in WHITE_LIST: continue box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = compute_box_3d(obj, calib) box3d_pts_3d = calib.project_upright_depth_to_upright_camera(box3d_pts_3d) gt_box3d_list.append(box3d_pts_3d) gt_box2d_list.append(obj.box2d) gt_cls_list.append(obj.classname) # Visualize point cloud vtk_actors = [] vtk_gt_boxes = [] vtk_pc = vis.VtkPointCloud(pc_upright_camera) vtk_actors.append(vtk_pc.vtk_actor) # Visualize GT 3D boxes for box3d in gt_box3d_list: vtk_box3D = vis.vtk_box_3D(box3d) vtk_gt_boxes.append(vtk_box3D) # Visualize GT 2D boxes img_filename = os.path.join(IMG_DIR, '%06d.jpg' % file_num) vis.display_image(img_filename, gt_box2Ds=gt_box2d_list, gt_col=vis.Color.LightGreen) print('\nTotal number of classes: %d' % len(objects)) print('Image Size : %s' % str(img.size)) print('Point Cloud Size : %d' % len(pc_upright_camera)) return vtk_actors, { 'g': vtk_gt_boxes }
def evaluate_predictions(predictions, dataset, classes, test_dataset, test_classes): ps_list, _, segp_list, center_list, heading_cls_list, heading_res_list, size_cls_list, size_res_list, \ rot_angle_list, score_list, cls_list, file_num_list, _, _ = predictions print('Number of PRED boxes: %d, Number of GT boxes: %d' % (len(segp_list), len(test_dataset))) # For detection evaluation pred_all = {} gt_all = {} ovthresh = 0.25 # A) Get GT boxes # print('Constructing GT boxes...') for i in range(len(test_dataset)): img_id = test_dataset.idx_l[i] if img_id in gt_all: continue # All ready counted.. gt_all[img_id] = [] objects = dataset.get_label_objects(img_id) calib = dataset.get_calibration(img_id) for obj in objects: if obj.classname not in test_classes: continue box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = compute_box_3d(obj, calib) box3d_pts_3d = calib.project_upright_depth_to_upright_camera(box3d_pts_3d) box3d_pts_3d_flipped = np.copy(box3d_pts_3d) box3d_pts_3d_flipped[0:4,:] = box3d_pts_3d[4:,:] box3d_pts_3d_flipped[4:,:] = box3d_pts_3d[0:4,:] gt_all[img_id].append((obj.classname, box3d_pts_3d_flipped)) # B) Get PRED boxes # print('Constructing PRED boxes...') for i in range(len(ps_list)): img_id = file_num_list[i] classname = classes[cls_list[i]] if classname not in test_classes: raise Exception('Not supposed to have class: %s' % classname) center = center_list[i].squeeze() rot_angle = rot_angle_list[i] # Get heading angle and size heading_angle = roi_seg_box3d_dataset.class2angle(heading_cls_list[i], heading_res_list[i], NUM_HEADING_BIN) box_size = roi_seg_box3d_dataset.class2size(size_cls_list[i], size_res_list[i]) corners_3d_pred = roi_seg_box3d_dataset.get_3d_box(box_size, heading_angle, center) corners_3d_pred = rotate_pc_along_y(corners_3d_pred, -rot_angle) if img_id not in pred_all: pred_all[img_id] = [] pred_all[img_id].append((classname, corners_3d_pred, score_list[i])) # Compute AP rec, prec, ap = eval_det(pred_all, gt_all, ovthresh) mean_ap = np.mean([ap[classname] for classname in ap]) return rec, prec, ap, mean_ap
def tf_main_points_in_hull(): import os import numpy as np import sys BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) print(BASE_DIR) sys.path.append(os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'../utils')) import utils def get_2048_points(depth): num_point = depth.shape[0] pc_in_box_fov = depth[:, :3] if num_point > 2048: choice = np.random.choice(depth.shape[0], 2048, replace=False) pc_in_box_fov = depth[choice, :3] return pc_in_box_fov pc_in_box_fov = get_2048_points(np.loadtxt('/Users/jiangyy/projects/VoteNet/utils/test_datas/000001.txt')) calib = utils.SUNRGBD_Calibration("/Users/jiangyy/projects/VoteNet/utils/test_datas/000001.txt.calib") objects = utils.read_sunrgbd_label("/Users/jiangyy/projects/VoteNet/utils/test_datas/000001.txt.label") box_list = [] for obj_idx in range(len(objects)): obj = objects[obj_idx] box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib) box_list.append(box3d_pts_3d) tf_points1 = tf.Variable(pc_in_box_fov, dtype=tf.float32) # print(box_list) e = np.array(box_list) tf_boxes1 = tf.Variable(np.array(box_list), dtype=tf.float32) tf_points2 = tf.expand_dims(tf_points1, axis=0) tf_boxes2 = tf.expand_dims(tf_boxes1, axis=0) tf_idx_in_hull = tf_points_in_hull(tf_points2, tf_boxes2) with tf.Session() as sess: tf_idx_in_hull_1 = print(tf_idx_in_hull_1.shape) tf_idx_in_hull_2 = tf_idx_in_hull_1.sum(axis=2) import mayavi.mlab as mlab fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0.4, 0.4, 0.4), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) mlab.points3d(pc_in_box_fov[:, 0], pc_in_box_fov[:, 1], pc_in_box_fov[:, 2], tf_idx_in_hull_2[0], mode='point', colormap='gnuplot', scale_factor=1, figure=fig) mlab.points3d(0, 0, 0, color=(1, 1, 1), mode='sphere', scale_factor=0.2, figure=fig) sys.path.append(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '../mayavi')) from viz_util import draw_gt_boxes3d draw_gt_boxes3d(box_list, fig, color=(1, 0, 0)) mlab.orientation_axes()
def dataset_viz(show_frustum=False): sunrgbd = sunrgbd_object(data_dir) idxs = np.array(range(1, len(sunrgbd) + 1)) np.random.shuffle(idxs) for idx in range(len(sunrgbd)): data_idx = idxs[idx] print('--------------------', data_idx) pc = sunrgbd.get_depth(data_idx) print(pc.shape) # Project points to image calib = sunrgbd.get_calibration(data_idx) uv, d = calib.project_upright_depth_to_image(pc[:, 0:3]) print(uv) print(d) raw_input() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cmap ='hsv', 256) cmap = np.array([cmap(i) for i in range(256)])[:, :3] * 255 img = sunrgbd.get_image(data_idx) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for i in range(uv.shape[0]): depth = d[i] color = cmap[int(120.0 / depth), :], (int(np.round(uv[i, 0])), int(np.round(uv[i, 1]))), 2, color=tuple(color), thickness=-1) Image.fromarray(img).show() raw_input() # Load box labels objects = sunrgbd.get_label_objects(data_idx) print(objects) raw_input() # Draw 2D boxes on image img = sunrgbd.get_image(data_idx) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for i, obj in enumerate(objects): cv2.rectangle(img, (int(obj.xmin), int(obj.ymin)), (int(obj.xmax), int(obj.ymax)), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.putText(img, '%d %s' % (i, obj.classname), (max(int(obj.xmin), 15), max(int(obj.ymin), 15)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (255, 0, 0), 2) Image.fromarray(img).show() raw_input() # Draw 3D boxes on depth points box3d = [] ori3d = [] for obj in objects: corners_3d_image, corners_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib) ori_3d_image, ori_3d = utils.compute_orientation_3d(obj, calib) print('Corners 3D: ', corners_3d) box3d.append(corners_3d) ori3d.append(ori_3d) raw_input() bgcolor = (0, 0, 0) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=bgcolor, fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1600, 1000)) mlab.points3d(pc[:, 0], pc[:, 1], pc[:, 2], pc[:, 2], mode='point', colormap='gnuplot', figure=fig) mlab.points3d(0, 0, 0, color=(1, 1, 1), mode='sphere', scale_factor=0.2) draw_gt_boxes3d(box3d, fig=fig) for i in range(len(ori3d)): ori_3d = ori3d[i] x1, y1, z1 = ori_3d[0, :] x2, y2, z2 = ori_3d[1, :] mlab.plot3d([x1, x2], [y1, y2], [z1, z2], color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), tube_radius=None, line_width=1, figure=fig) mlab.orientation_axes() for i, obj in enumerate(objects): print('Orientation: ', i, np.arctan2(obj.orientation[1], obj.orientation[0])) print('Dimension: ', i, obj.l, obj.w, obj.h) raw_input() if show_frustum: img = sunrgbd.get_image(data_idx) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for i, obj in enumerate(objects): box2d_fov_inds = (uv[:, 0] < obj.xmax) & ( uv[:, 0] >= obj.xmin) & (uv[:, 1] < obj.ymax) & (uv[:, 1] >= obj.ymin) box2d_fov_pc = pc[box2d_fov_inds, :] img2 = np.copy(img) cv2.rectangle(img2, (int(obj.xmin), int(obj.ymin)), (int(obj.xmax), int(obj.ymax)), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.putText(img2, '%d %s' % (i, obj.classname), (max(int(obj.xmin), 15), max(int(obj.ymin), 15)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (255, 0, 0), 2) Image.fromarray(img2).show() fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=bgcolor, fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 1000)) mlab.points3d(box2d_fov_pc[:, 0], box2d_fov_pc[:, 1], box2d_fov_pc[:, 2], box2d_fov_pc[:, 2], mode='point', colormap='gnuplot', figure=fig) raw_input()
def extract_roi_seg(idx_filename, split, output_filename, viz, perturb_box2d=False, augmentX=1, type_whitelist=[ 'bed', 'table', 'sofa', 'chair', 'toilet', 'desk', 'dresser', 'night_stand', 'bookshelf', 'bathtub' ]): dataset = sunrgbd_object( '/home/haianyt/frustum-pointnets/sunrgbd/sunrgbd_data/matlab/SUNRGBDtoolbox/mysunrgbd', split) data_idx_list = [int(line.rstrip()) for line in open(idx_filename)] id_list = [] # int number box2d_list = [] # [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax] box3d_list = [] # (8,3) array in upright depth coord input_list = [] # channel number = 6, xyz,rgb in upright depth coord label_list = [] # 1 for roi object, 0 for clutter type_list = [] # string e.g. bed heading_list = [ ] # face of object angle, radius of clockwise angle from positive x axis in upright camera coord box3d_size_list = [] # array of l,w,h frustum_angle_list = [ ] # angle of 2d box center from pos x-axis (clockwise) pos_cnt = 0 all_cnt = 0 #debuglimit = 10 for data_idx in data_idx_list: # debuglimit -=1 # if debuglimit <=0: # break print('------------- ', data_idx) calib = dataset.get_calibration(data_idx) objects = dataset.get_label_objects(data_idx) pc_upright_depth = dataset.get_depth(data_idx) pc_upright_camera = np.zeros_like(pc_upright_depth) pc_upright_camera[:, 0:3] = calib.project_upright_depth_to_upright_camera( pc_upright_depth[:, 0:3]) pc_upright_camera[:, 3:] = pc_upright_depth[:, 3:] if viz: mlab.points3d(pc_upright_camera[:, 0], pc_upright_camera[:, 1], pc_upright_camera[:, 2], pc_upright_camera[:, 1], mode='point') mlab.orientation_axes() raw_input() img = dataset.get_image(data_idx) img_height, img_width, img_channel = img.shape pc_image_coord, _ = calib.project_upright_depth_to_image( pc_upright_depth) #print('PC image coord: ', pc_image_coord) for obj_idx in range(len(objects)): obj = objects[obj_idx] if obj.classname not in type_whitelist: continue print("object pass the type_whitelist augmentX = ", augmentX) # 2D BOX: Get pts rect backprojected box2d = obj.box2d for _ in range(augmentX): # Augment data by box2d perturbation if perturb_box2d: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = random_shift_box2d(box2d) print(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) else: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = box2d box_fov_inds = (pc_image_coord[:, 0] < xmax) & (pc_image_coord[:, 0] >= xmin) & ( pc_image_coord[:, 1] < ymax) & (pc_image_coord[:, 1] >= ymin) pc_in_box_fov = pc_upright_camera[box_fov_inds, :] # Get frustum angle (according to center pixel in 2D BOX) box2d_center = np.array([(xmin + xmax) / 2.0, (ymin + ymax) / 2.0]) uvdepth = np.zeros((1, 3)) uvdepth[0, 0:2] = box2d_center uvdepth[0, 2] = 20 # some random depth box2d_center_upright_camera = calib.project_image_to_upright_camerea( uvdepth) print('UVdepth, center in upright camera: ', uvdepth, box2d_center_upright_camera) frustum_angle = -1 * np.arctan2( box2d_center_upright_camera[0, 2], box2d_center_upright_camera[0, 0] ) # angle as to positive x-axis as in the Zoox paper print('Frustum angle: ', frustum_angle) # 3D BOX: Get pts velo in 3d box box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib) box3d_pts_3d = calib.project_upright_depth_to_upright_camera( box3d_pts_3d) _, inds = extract_pc_in_box3d(pc_in_box_fov, box3d_pts_3d) print(len(inds)) label = np.zeros((pc_in_box_fov.shape[0])) label[inds] = 1 # Get 3D BOX heading print('Orientation: ', obj.orientation) print('Heading angle: ', obj.heading_angle) # Get 3D BOX size box3d_size = np.array([2 * obj.l, 2 * obj.w, 2 * obj.h]) print('Box3d size: ', box3d_size) print('Type: ', obj.classname) print('Num of point: ', pc_in_box_fov.shape[0]) # Subsample points.. num_point = pc_in_box_fov.shape[0] if num_point > 2048: choice = np.random.choice(pc_in_box_fov.shape[0], 2048, replace=False) pc_in_box_fov = pc_in_box_fov[choice, :] label = label[choice] # Reject object with too few points if np.sum(label) < 5: continue id_list.append(data_idx) box2d_list.append(np.array([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax])) box3d_list.append(box3d_pts_3d) input_list.append(pc_in_box_fov) label_list.append(label) type_list.append(obj.classname) heading_list.append(obj.heading_angle) box3d_size_list.append(box3d_size) frustum_angle_list.append(frustum_angle) # collect statistics pos_cnt += np.sum(label) all_cnt += pc_in_box_fov.shape[0] # VISUALIZATION if viz: img2 = np.copy(img) cv2.rectangle(img2, (int(obj.xmin), int(obj.ymin)), (int(obj.xmax), int(obj.ymax)), (0, 255, 0), 2) utils.draw_projected_box3d(img2, box3d_pts_2d) Image.fromarray(img2).show() p1 = input_list[-1] seg = label_list[-1] fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0.4, 0.4, 0.4), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(500, 500)) mlab.points3d(p1[:, 0], p1[:, 1], p1[:, 2], seg, mode='point', colormap='gnuplot', scale_factor=1, figure=fig) mlab.points3d(0, 0, 0, color=(1, 1, 1), mode='sphere', scale_factor=0.2) draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d], fig=fig) mlab.orientation_axes() raw_input() print('Average pos ratio: ', pos_cnt / float(all_cnt)) print('Average npoints: ', float(all_cnt) / len(id_list)) utils.save_zipped_pickle([ id_list, box2d_list, box3d_list, input_list, label_list, type_list, heading_list, box3d_size_list, frustum_angle_list ], output_filename)
def process_object(calib, obj, pc_upright_camera, img, pc_image_coord, perturb_box2d=False, num_points=2048): # Augment data by box2d perturbation box2d = obj.box2d if perturb_box2d: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = random_shift_box2d(box2d) # print(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) else: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = box2d box2d = np.array([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]) box_fov_inds = (pc_image_coord[:, 0] < xmax) & ( pc_image_coord[:, 0] >= xmin) & (pc_image_coord[:, 1] < ymax) & (pc_image_coord[:, 1] >= ymin) pc_in_box_fov = pc_upright_camera[box_fov_inds, :] # Get frustum angle (according to center pixel in 2D BOX) box2d_center = np.array([(xmin + xmax) / 2.0, (ymin + ymax) / 2.0]) uvdepth = np.zeros((1, 3)) uvdepth[0, 0:2] = box2d_center uvdepth[0, 2] = 20 # some random depth box2d_center_upright_camera = calib.project_image_to_upright_camerea( uvdepth) #print('UVdepth, center in upright camera: ', uvdepth, box2d_center_upright_camera) frustum_angle = -1 * np.arctan2( box2d_center_upright_camera[0, 2], box2d_center_upright_camera[ 0, 0]) # angle as to positive x-axis as in the Zoox paper #print('Frustum angle: ', frustum_angle) # 3D BOX: Get pts velo in 3d box box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib) box3d_pts_3d = calib.project_upright_depth_to_upright_camera(box3d_pts_3d) _, inds = extract_pc_in_box3d(pc_in_box_fov, box3d_pts_3d) # print(len(inds)) label = np.zeros((pc_in_box_fov.shape[0])) label[inds] = 1 # Get cropped image cropped_image = img[int(ymin):int(ymax), int(xmin):int(xmax), :] h, w, _ = img.shape img_dims = [h, w] # Get 3D BOX heading # print('Orientation: ', obj.orientation) # print('Heading angle: ', obj.heading_angle) # Get 3D BOX size box3d_size = np.array([2 * obj.l, 2 * obj.w, 2 * obj.h]) # print('Box3d size: ', box3d_size) # print('Type: ', obj.classname) # print('Num of point: ', pc_in_box_fov.shape[0]) # Subsample points.. num_point = pc_in_box_fov.shape[0] if num_point > num_points: choice = np.random.choice(pc_in_box_fov.shape[0], num_points, replace=False) pc_in_box_fov = pc_in_box_fov[choice, :] label = label[choice] return box2d, box3d_pts_3d, cropped_image, pc_in_box_fov, label, box3d_size, frustum_angle, img_dims
def dataset_viz(show_frustum=False): sunrgbd = sunrgbd_object(data_dir) idxs = np.array(range(1,len(sunrgbd)+1)) np.random.shuffle(idxs) for idx in range(len(sunrgbd)): data_idx = idxs[idx] print('--------------------', data_idx) pc = sunrgbd.get_depth(data_idx) print(pc.shape) # Project points to image calib = sunrgbd.get_calibration(data_idx) uv,d = calib.project_upright_depth_to_image(pc[:,0:3]) print(uv) print(d) raw_input() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cmap ='hsv', 256) cmap = np.array([cmap(i) for i in range(256)])[:,:3]*255 img = sunrgbd.get_image(data_idx) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for i in range(uv.shape[0]): depth = d[i] color = cmap[int(120.0/depth),:], (int(np.round(uv[i,0])), int(np.round(uv[i,1]))), 2, color=tuple(color), thickness=-1) Image.fromarray(img).show() raw_input() # Load box labels objects = sunrgbd.get_label_objects(data_idx) print(objects) raw_input() # Draw 2D boxes on image img = sunrgbd.get_image(data_idx) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for i,obj in enumerate(objects): cv2.rectangle(img, (int(obj.xmin),int(obj.ymin)), (int(obj.xmax),int(obj.ymax)), (0,255,0), 2) cv2.putText(img, '%d %s'%(i,obj.classname), (max(int(obj.xmin),15), max(int(obj.ymin),15)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (255,0,0), 2) Image.fromarray(img).show() raw_input() # Draw 3D boxes on depth points box3d = [] ori3d = [] for obj in objects: corners_3d_image, corners_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib) ori_3d_image, ori_3d = utils.compute_orientation_3d(obj, calib) print('Corners 3D: ', corners_3d) box3d.append(corners_3d) ori3d.append(ori_3d) raw_input() bgcolor=(0,0,0) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=bgcolor, fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1600, 1000)) mlab.points3d(pc[:,0], pc[:,1], pc[:,2], pc[:,2], mode='point', colormap='gnuplot', figure=fig) mlab.points3d(0, 0, 0, color=(1,1,1), mode='sphere', scale_factor=0.2) draw_gt_boxes3d(box3d, fig=fig) for i in range(len(ori3d)): ori_3d = ori3d[i] x1,y1,z1 = ori_3d[0,:] x2,y2,z2 = ori_3d[1,:] mlab.plot3d([x1, x2], [y1, y2], [z1,z2], color=(0.5,0.5,0.5), tube_radius=None, line_width=1, figure=fig) mlab.orientation_axes() for i,obj in enumerate(objects): print('Orientation: ', i, np.arctan2(obj.orientation[1], obj.orientation[0])) print('Dimension: ', i, obj.l, obj.w, obj.h) raw_input() if show_frustum: img = sunrgbd.get_image(data_idx) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for i,obj in enumerate(objects): box2d_fov_inds = (uv[:,0]<obj.xmax) & (uv[:,0]>=obj.xmin) & (uv[:,1]<obj.ymax) & (uv[:,1]>=obj.ymin) box2d_fov_pc = pc[box2d_fov_inds, :] img2 = np.copy(img) cv2.rectangle(img2, (int(obj.xmin),int(obj.ymin)), (int(obj.xmax),int(obj.ymax)), (0,255,0), 2) cv2.putText(img2, '%d %s'%(i,obj.classname), (max(int(obj.xmin),15), max(int(obj.ymin),15)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (255,0,0), 2) Image.fromarray(img2).show() fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=bgcolor, fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 1000)) mlab.points3d(box2d_fov_pc[:,0], box2d_fov_pc[:,1], box2d_fov_pc[:,2], box2d_fov_pc[:,2], mode='point', colormap='gnuplot', figure=fig) raw_input()
def extract_roi_seg(idx_filename, split, output_filename, viz, perturb_box2d=False, augmentX=1, type_whitelist=['bed','table','sofa','chair','toilet','desk','dresser','night_stand','bookshelf','bathtub']): dataset = sunrgbd_object('/home/rqi/Data/mysunrgbd', split) data_idx_list = [int(line.rstrip()) for line in open(idx_filename)] id_list = [] # int number box2d_list = [] # [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax] box3d_list = [] # (8,3) array in upright depth coord input_list = [] # channel number = 6, xyz,rgb in upright depth coord label_list = [] # 1 for roi object, 0 for clutter type_list = [] # string e.g. bed heading_list = [] # face of object angle, radius of clockwise angle from positive x axis in upright camera coord box3d_size_list = [] # array of l,w,h frustum_angle_list = [] # angle of 2d box center from pos x-axis (clockwise) pos_cnt = 0 all_cnt = 0 for data_idx in data_idx_list: print('------------- ', data_idx) calib = dataset.get_calibration(data_idx) objects = dataset.get_label_objects(data_idx) pc_upright_depth = dataset.get_depth(data_idx) pc_upright_camera = np.zeros_like(pc_upright_depth) pc_upright_camera[:,0:3] = calib.project_upright_depth_to_upright_camera(pc_upright_depth[:,0:3]) pc_upright_camera[:,3:] = pc_upright_depth[:,3:] if viz: mlab.points3d(pc_upright_camera[:,0], pc_upright_camera[:,1], pc_upright_camera[:,2], pc_upright_camera[:,1], mode='point') mlab.orientation_axes() raw_input() img = dataset.get_image(data_idx) img_height, img_width, img_channel = img.shape pc_image_coord,_ = calib.project_upright_depth_to_image(pc_upright_depth) #print('PC image coord: ', pc_image_coord) for obj_idx in range(len(objects)): obj = objects[obj_idx] if obj.classname not in type_whitelist: continue # 2D BOX: Get pts rect backprojected box2d = obj.box2d for _ in range(augmentX): try: # Augment data by box2d perturbation if perturb_box2d: xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax = random_shift_box2d(box2d) print(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) else: xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax = box2d box_fov_inds = (pc_image_coord[:,0]<xmax) & (pc_image_coord[:,0]>=xmin) & (pc_image_coord[:,1]<ymax) & (pc_image_coord[:,1]>=ymin) pc_in_box_fov = pc_upright_camera[box_fov_inds,:] # Get frustum angle (according to center pixel in 2D BOX) box2d_center = np.array([(xmin+xmax)/2.0, (ymin+ymax)/2.0]) uvdepth = np.zeros((1,3)) uvdepth[0,0:2] = box2d_center uvdepth[0,2] = 20 # some random depth box2d_center_upright_camera = calib.project_image_to_upright_camerea(uvdepth) print('UVdepth, center in upright camera: ', uvdepth, box2d_center_upright_camera) frustum_angle = -1 * np.arctan2(box2d_center_upright_camera[0,2], box2d_center_upright_camera[0,0]) # angle as to positive x-axis as in the Zoox paper print('Frustum angle: ', frustum_angle) # 3D BOX: Get pts velo in 3d box box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib) box3d_pts_3d = calib.project_upright_depth_to_upright_camera(box3d_pts_3d) _,inds = extract_pc_in_box3d(pc_in_box_fov, box3d_pts_3d) print(len(inds)) label = np.zeros((pc_in_box_fov.shape[0])) label[inds] = 1 # Get 3D BOX heading print('Orientation: ', obj.orientation) print('Heading angle: ', obj.heading_angle) # Get 3D BOX size box3d_size = np.array([2*obj.l,2*obj.w,2*obj.h]) print('Box3d size: ', box3d_size) print('Type: ', obj.classname) print('Num of point: ', pc_in_box_fov.shape[0]) # Subsample points.. num_point = pc_in_box_fov.shape[0] if num_point > 2048: choice = np.random.choice(pc_in_box_fov.shape[0], 2048, replace=False) pc_in_box_fov = pc_in_box_fov[choice,:] label = label[choice] # Reject object with too few points if np.sum(label) < 5: continue id_list.append(data_idx) box2d_list.append(np.array([xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax])) box3d_list.append(box3d_pts_3d) input_list.append(pc_in_box_fov) label_list.append(label) type_list.append(obj.classname) heading_list.append(obj.heading_angle) box3d_size_list.append(box3d_size) frustum_angle_list.append(frustum_angle) # collect statistics pos_cnt += np.sum(label) all_cnt += pc_in_box_fov.shape[0] # VISUALIZATION if viz: img2 = np.copy(img) cv2.rectangle(img2, (int(obj.xmin),int(obj.ymin)), (int(obj.xmax),int(obj.ymax)), (0,255,0), 2) utils.draw_projected_box3d(img2, box3d_pts_2d) Image.fromarray(img2).show() p1 = input_list[-1] seg = label_list[-1] fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0.4,0.4,0.4), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(500, 500)) mlab.points3d(p1[:,0], p1[:,1], p1[:,2], seg, mode='point', colormap='gnuplot', scale_factor=1, figure=fig) mlab.points3d(0, 0, 0, color=(1,1,1), mode='sphere', scale_factor=0.2) draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d], fig=fig) mlab.orientation_axes() raw_input() except: pass print('Average pos ratio: ', pos_cnt/float(all_cnt)) print('Average npoints: ', float(all_cnt)/len(id_list)) utils.save_zipped_pickle([id_list,box2d_list,box3d_list,input_list,label_list,type_list,heading_list,box3d_size_list,frustum_angle_list],output_filename)
def vis_predictions3D(pred_files, gt_file, number_to_show=10, filenums=None): from roi_seg_box3d_dataset import class2type idx = 0 COLS = number_to_show ap_infos = {} classes, file_nums, mean_box_ious, mean_seg_ious, box_ious, seg_ious = [], [], [], [], [], [] vtk_pcs_with_col, vtk_pcs_wo_col, vtk_imgs, vtk_gt_boxes, vtk_pred_boxes, vtk_texts = [], [], [], [], [], [] choices = [] test_dataset = ROISegBoxDataset(WHITE_LIST, npoints=2048, split='val', rotate_to_center=True, overwritten_data_path=gt_file, from_rgb_detection=False) for n, pred_file in enumerate(pred_files): # Lists of different items from predictions predictions = load_zipped_pickle(pred_file) ps_l, seg_gt_l, seg_pred_l, center_l, heading_cls_l, heading_res_l, size_cls_l, size_res_l, rot_angle_l, \ score_l, cls_type_l, file_num_l, box2d_l, box3d_l = predictions if n == 0: # Choosing equal number of objects per class to display cls_types = [] options = {} for i, cls_type in enumerate(cls_type_l): if not class2type[cls_type] in WHITE_LIST: continue if options.get(cls_type) is None: options[cls_type] = [i] cls_types.append(cls_type) else: options[cls_type].append(i) # Make use of array_split to divide into fairly equal groups arr = np.array_split([1] * number_to_show, len(options.keys())) random.shuffle(arr) for i, group in enumerate(arr): cls_type = cls_types[i] choice_list = np.random.choice(options[cls_type], len(group), replace=False) #replace=True) choices.extend(choice_list) print('Number of objects in whitelist: %d' % len(options)) # Compute overall statistics if not FLAGS.rgb_detection: print('==== Computing overall statistics for %s ====' % pred_file) from evaluate import evaluate_predictions, get_ap_info rec, prec, ap, mean_ap = evaluate_predictions(predictions, dataset, CLASSES, test_dataset, WHITE_LIST) ap['Mean AP'] = mean_ap for classname in ap.keys(): if ap_infos.get(classname) is None: ap_infos[classname] = [] ap_infos[classname].append('%11s: [%.1f]' % (classname, 100. * ap[classname])) box_iou_sum, seg_iou_sum = 0, 0 for i in range(len(ps_l)): seg_gt = seg_gt_l[i] box3d = box3d_l[i] seg_pred = seg_pred_l[i] center = center_l[i] heading_cls = heading_cls_l[i] heading_res = heading_res_l[i] size_cls = size_cls_l[i] size_res = size_res_l[i] rot_angle = rot_angle_l[i] gt_box3d = rotate_pc_along_y(np.copy(box3d), rot_angle) heading_angle = class2angle(heading_cls, heading_res, NUM_HEADING_BIN) box_size = class2size(size_cls, size_res) pred_box3d = get_3d_box(box_size, heading_angle, center) # Box IOU shift_arr = np.array([4,5,6,7,0,1,2,3]) box_iou3d, _ = box3d_iou(gt_box3d[shift_arr,:], pred_box3d) # Seg IOU seg_iou = get_seg_iou(seg_gt, seg_pred, 2) box_iou_sum += box_iou3d seg_iou_sum += seg_iou mean_box_iou = box_iou_sum / len(ps_l) mean_seg_iou = seg_iou_sum / len(ps_l) mean_box_ious.append(mean_box_iou) mean_seg_ious.append(mean_seg_iou) for i in choices: row, col = idx // COLS, idx % COLS idx += 1 ps = ps_l[i] seg_pred = seg_pred_l[i] center = center_l[i] heading_cls = heading_cls_l[i] heading_res = heading_res_l[i] size_cls = size_cls_l[i] size_res = size_res_l[i] rot_angle = rot_angle_l[i] score = score_l[i] cls_type = cls_type_l[i] file_num = file_num_l[i] seg_gt = seg_gt_l[i] if not FLAGS.rgb_detection else [] box2d = box2d_l[i] box3d = box3d_l[i] if not FLAGS.rgb_detection else [] # Visualize point cloud (with and without color) vtk_pc_wo_col = vis.VtkPointCloud(ps) vtk_pc = vis.VtkPointCloud(ps, gt_points=seg_gt, pred_points=seg_pred) vis.vtk_transform_actor(vtk_pc_wo_col.vtk_actor, translate=(SEP*col,SEP*row,0)) vis.vtk_transform_actor(vtk_pc.vtk_actor, translate=(SEP*col,SEP*row,0)) vtk_pcs_wo_col.append(vtk_pc_wo_col.vtk_actor) vtk_pcs_with_col.append(vtk_pc.vtk_actor) # Visualize GT 3D box if FLAGS.rgb_detection: objects = dataset.get_label_objects(file_num) calib = dataset.get_calibration(file_num) for obj in objects: if obj.classname not in WHITE_LIST: continue box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = compute_box_3d(obj, calib) box3d_pts_3d = calib.project_upright_depth_to_upright_camera(box3d_pts_3d) box3d_pts_3d = rotate_pc_along_y(np.copy(box3d_pts_3d), rot_angle) vtk_box3D = vis.vtk_box_3D(box3d_pts_3d, color=vis.Color.LightGreen) vis.vtk_transform_actor(vtk_box3D, translate=(SEP*col,SEP*row,0)) vtk_gt_boxes.append(vtk_box3D) else: gt_box3d = rotate_pc_along_y(np.copy(box3d), rot_angle) vtk_gt_box3D = vis.vtk_box_3D(gt_box3d, color=vis.Color.LightGreen) vis.vtk_transform_actor(vtk_gt_box3D, translate=(SEP*col,SEP*row,0)) vtk_gt_boxes.append(vtk_gt_box3D) # Visualize Pred 3D box heading_angle = class2angle(heading_cls, heading_res, NUM_HEADING_BIN) box_size = class2size(size_cls, size_res) pred_box3d = get_3d_box(box_size, heading_angle, center) vtk_pred_box3D = vis.vtk_box_3D(pred_box3d, color=vis.Color.White) vis.vtk_transform_actor(vtk_pred_box3D, translate=(SEP*col,SEP*row,0)) vtk_pred_boxes.append(vtk_pred_box3D) # Visualize Images box2d_col = vis.Color.LightGreen if not FLAGS.rgb_detection else vis.Color.Orange img_filename = os.path.join(IMG_DIR, '%06d.jpg' % file_num) vtk_img = vis.vtk_image(img_filename, box2Ds_list=[[box2d]], box2Ds_cols=[box2d_col]) vis.vtk_transform_actor(vtk_img, scale=(IMG_SCALE,IMG_SCALE,IMG_SCALE), rot=(0,180,180), translate=(-2+SEP*col,2+SEP*row,10)) vtk_imgs.append(vtk_img) # Other information classes.append(class2type[cls_type].capitalize()) file_nums.append(str(file_num)) if not FLAGS.rgb_detection: shift_arr = np.array([4,5,6,7,0,1,2,3]) box_iou3d, _ = box3d_iou(gt_box3d[shift_arr,:], pred_box3d) box_ious.append(box_iou3d) seg_iou = get_seg_iou(seg_gt, seg_pred, 2) seg_ious.append(seg_iou) # Visualize overall statistics vtk_texts.extend(vis.vtk_text([('Model: %s' % pred_file.split('/')[-1]) for pred_file in pred_files], arr_type='text', sep=SEP, cols=1, scale=TEXT_SCALE, rot=TEXT_ROT, translate=(-14.5,2.5,2))) vtk_texts.extend(vis.vtk_text(['Mean Box IOU:'] * len(pred_files), arr_type='text', sep=SEP, cols=1, scale=TEXT_SCALE, rot=TEXT_ROT, translate=(-14.5,3,2))) vtk_texts.extend(vis.vtk_text(mean_box_ious, arr_type='float', color=True, sep=SEP, cols=1, scale=TEXT_SCALE, rot=TEXT_ROT, translate=(-10,3,2))) vtk_texts.extend(vis.vtk_text(['Mean Seg IOU:'] * len(pred_files), arr_type='text', sep=SEP, cols=1, scale=TEXT_SCALE, rot=TEXT_ROT, translate=(-14.5,3.5,2))) vtk_texts.extend(vis.vtk_text(mean_seg_ious, arr_type='float', color=True, sep=SEP, cols=1, scale=TEXT_SCALE, rot=TEXT_ROT, translate=(-10,3.5,2))) for i, (cls_name, ap_info) in enumerate(ap_infos.items()): vtk_texts.extend(vis.vtk_text(ap_info, arr_type='text', color=True, sep=SEP, cols=1, scale=TEXT_SCALE, rot=TEXT_ROT, translate=(-14.5,4+i*0.5,2))) # Visualize text information vtk_texts.extend(vis.vtk_text(['Class:'] * len(classes), arr_type='text', sep=SEP, cols=COLS, scale=TEXT_SCALE, rot=TEXT_ROT, translate=(-1.5,3,2))) vtk_texts.extend(vis.vtk_text(classes, arr_type='text', sep=SEP, cols=COLS, scale=TEXT_SCALE, rot=TEXT_ROT, translate=(0.5,3,2))) vtk_texts.extend(vis.vtk_text(['File:'] * len(file_nums), arr_type='text', sep=SEP, cols=COLS, scale=TEXT_SCALE, rot=TEXT_ROT, translate=(-1.5,3.5,2))) vtk_texts.extend(vis.vtk_text(file_nums, arr_type='text', sep=SEP, cols=COLS, scale=TEXT_SCALE, rot=TEXT_ROT, translate=(0.25,3.5,2))) if not FLAGS.rgb_detection: vtk_texts.extend(vis.vtk_text(['Box:'] * len(box_ious), arr_type='text', sep=SEP, cols=COLS, scale=TEXT_SCALE, rot=TEXT_ROT, translate=(-1.5,4,2))) vtk_texts.extend(vis.vtk_text(box_ious, arr_type='float', color=True, sep=SEP, cols=COLS, scale=TEXT_SCALE, rot=TEXT_ROT, translate=(0,4,2))) vtk_texts.extend(vis.vtk_text(['Seg:'] * len(seg_ious), arr_type='text', sep=SEP, cols=COLS, scale=TEXT_SCALE, rot=TEXT_ROT, translate=(-1.5,4.5,2))) vtk_texts.extend(vis.vtk_text(seg_ious, arr_type='float', color=True, sep=SEP, cols=COLS, scale=TEXT_SCALE, rot=TEXT_ROT, translate=(0,4.5,2))) key_to_actors_to_hide = { 'g': vtk_gt_boxes, 'p': vtk_pred_boxes, 'i': vtk_imgs, 'c': vtk_pcs_wo_col, 't': vtk_texts } return vtk_pcs_with_col, key_to_actors_to_hide
type_map = {} for i in range(len(segp_list)): print " ---- %d/%d"%(i,len(segp_list)) if score_list[i]<0.5: continue img_id = TEST_DATASET.id_list[i] box2d = TEST_DATASET.box2d_list[i] objects = dataset.get_label_objects(img_id) calib = dataset.get_calibration(img_id) if img_id not in box3d_map: box3d_map[img_id] = [] box2d_map[img_id] = [] type_map[img_id] = [] for obj in objects: if obj.classname not in ['bed','table','sofa','chair','toilet','desk','dresser','night_stand','bookshelf','bathtub']: continue box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = compute_box_3d(obj, calib) box3d_pts_3d = calib.project_upright_depth_to_upright_camera(box3d_pts_3d) box3d_map[img_id].append(box3d_pts_3d) box2d_map[img_id].append(obj.box2d) type_map[img_id].append(obj.classname) ps = ps_list[i] segp = segp_list[i].squeeze() center = center_list[i].squeeze() ret = TEST_DATASET[i] if FLAGS.from_rgb_detection: rot_angle = ret[1] else: rot_angle = ret[7] # Get heading angle and size